J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets
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Laird, Melvin, 638
Lake, Tony, 637n
Lambert, William, 629
Lamensdorf, Rolland, 739-40
Lamour, Dorothy, 259, 384, 659
Lamphere, Robert, 367, 368, 369, 370, 378n, 418n, 424, 427, 428
Lane, Myles, 420-21, 422
Lansky, Meyer, 286n, 331, 493, 495n, 530, 531, 628n
Lanza, James, 453
Lardner, Ring, Jr., 353n, 410
Larsen, Emmanuel, 339
Lash, Joseph, 303-6, 390
“The Last Days of J. Edgar Hoover” (Pearson and Anderson), 615
Latham, Earl, 340n
Lattimore, Owen, 409
Lautner, John, 379
Laval, Pierre, 228-29
Lawes, Lewis E., 179n
Lawford, Peter, 472, 479, 490, 494
Leach, Matt, 176n
Leahy, Adm. William, 312
Leddy, Raymond, 392
Lee, Canada, 370
Lee, Duncan, 343
Lee, Ivan D., 550n
Lenon, H. J., 141
Lerner, David, 759
Lerner, Max, 234
LeRoy, Mervyn, 384, 446-47, 708
Leters, Scott, 261
Levi, Edward H., 728, 729, 740, 741, 756
Levine, Isaac Don, 344, 355n
Levinson, Stanley, 502-4, 507, 508-9
Lewis, Fulton, Jr., 386
Lewis, John L., 237-38
Lewis, Kathryn, 237-38
Liakakis, Georgia, 736
Library Awareness Program, 759-60
Licavoli, Peter “Horseface,” 607
Liddy, G. Gordon, 36, 47, 301n, 374, 686, 692-93, 699-701
Liebowitz, Joe, 330, 331
Life magazine, 588, 589-90, 623-24, 628, 681
Lindbergh, Charles A., 150, 163, 226, 227
Lindbergh kidnapping, 149-51, 160-63
Lippitt, T. Perry, 632
Lipset, Hal, 586n
Little, Frank, 72
Liuzzo, Viola, 585-86
Loeb, William, 597
Loesch, Frank J., 172n
Logue, Joseph, 380
Long, Edward, 458, 586-88, 589, 597
Long, Huey, 206, 225
Long, Russell, 584
Look magazine, 389
Lord, Phillip H., 184
Lord, Winston, 637n
Los Angeles Times, 648, 652, 663, 670, 682, 746
Louis, Joe, 718
Lovell, Stanley, 135, 267n, 418
Lowenstein, Allard, 711, 714n
Lowenthal, Max, 386-87, 396
Lucchese, Thomas, 453
Luce, Clare Boothe, 418
Luce, Henry, 418, 624
Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 332, 333
Ludlum, Robert, 727n
Lukas, J. Anthony, 684
Luke, James L., 35, 727
Lully, Julius, 659
Lydon, Chris, 28-29
Lyons, Charles, 381
Maas, Peter, 533
McAdoo, William, 74
McAlister, Elizabeth, 665, 667n
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 202, 401
McCarran, Pat, 396, 407, 408
McCarthy, Joseph R., 352, 366, 394, 513
Army-McCarthy hearings, 436-37
“Communists in State Department” charge, 377-80
downfall, 437
Hoover and, 378-80, 430-32, 435-36
presidential election of 1952, 402, 403
sexuality, rumors about, 432-34
McClellan, John, 407
McCloy, John J., 350n, 549n, 553, 554
McCone, John, 557n
McCormack, John W., 407, 623
McCormick, Col. Robert R., 309
McCoy, Ronald, 468n, 470
McDade, Tom, 133, 174n, 175n, 195
McDermott, John J., 754
McElligott, John J., 197
McGovern, George S., 35, 671-72, 679
McGranery, James P., 396
McGrath, J. Howard, 392-94, 395, 396, 397, 420, 433, 520
MacGuire, Gerald C., 201-3, 204
McGuire, Phyllis, 459, 486
McInerney, James, 323, 338-39, 422, 426
McIntyre, Marvin, 290-91
McKee, Sam, 175n, 468
McKellar, Kenneth D., 182-87, 193, 194, 268
McKelway, St. Clair, 246, 263
McKim, E. D., 322
McKinley, William, 87
McLane, James, 637n
McLaren, Richard, 649
Maclean, Donald, 375
McLean, Evalyn Walsh, 151-52
MacLeod, Donald Campbell, 64
McLeod, R. W. “Scotty,” 408-9
McMichael, G. Speights, 738, 742
McSwain, J. J., 157n
Mafia, see organized crime
Magaddino, Peter, 535
Magaddino, Stefano, 453, 535
Magruder, Jeb, 36, 638
Maheu, Robert, 392, 486, 487, 492
Malone, John “Stonehead,” 347n, 478, 728
Mann, James Robert, 114
Manson, Charlie, 195
Marcantonio, Vito, 213, 216, 221, 222
Marcello, Carlos, 496-97, 530, 551
March, Frederic, 370
Marcy, Pat, 535
Mardian, Robert, 679, 685, 689, 690, 691, 692, 696, 716, 717
Marks, Herbert, 350n
Marshall, Burke, 507, 508, 509, 529
Marshall, Gen. George, 305, 313, 403
Marshall, Thurgood, 593, 598n
Marx, Louis, 685
Masiello, John, 534
Mason, Alpheus Thomas, 125, 126
Massing, Hede, 365
Masterman, J. C., 269-70, 296n
Masters of Deceit (Hoover), 447-48, 666
Matsunaga, Spark M., 35
Matusow, Harvey, 449n
May, Allan Nunn, 341
May, Helen, 544
Mead, Thomas A., 39n, 731-32
Means, Gaston B., 117-18, 120, 122-23, 128, 151-52, 249, 713
Media (Pa.) documents incident, 674-76, 713
Meehagen, Allen, 46
Meese, Edwin, III, 757
Meier, John, 625
Melvin, Langdon, Jr., 469-70
Men of the Far Right (Dudman), 624n
Mercer, Lucy, 302
Metcalf, Erma D., 50, 691
Metcalf, James, 173
Meyer, Mary, 734
microdots, 269, 270-71, 272
Miles, Gen. Sherman, 266, 313
Military Intelligence Division (War Dept.), 110, 208, 209, 294
Miller, Bill, 260
Miller, Carl, 97
Miller, Edward S., 594, 695, 696n
Miller, Earl, 302n, 391n
Miller, Gary, 758
Miller, Jack, 531
Miller, Justin V., 394
Miller, Matthew, 759n
Miller, Merle, 323, 398n
Miller, Richard, 755
Miller, Royal D., 513
Miller, Verne, 167, 168n
Milton, Joyce, 421n
Minor, Robert, 306
Mississippi Freedom Democratic party, 578
Mitchell, John, 27, 36, 607-8, 616, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 637, 640, 641, 648-49, 650, 657, 658, 661, 662, 665, 668, 670, 674, 678, 683, 684, 685, 690, 696, 701, 712, 714, 715
Mitchell, Kate, 339
Mitchell, Martha, 616, 683, 684, 713
Mitchell, Parren J., 675
Mitchell, William D., 148, 151, 230
Mohr, John P., 23, 24-25, 26, 27, 30, 37-38, 42, 43, 49, 281, 459, 461, 546n, 550n, 574, 659, 664, 671, 672, 674, 704, 726, 747, 748n, 751
corruption at FBI, 741-43, 744
files of J. Edgar Hoover, 31, 37, 41, 54-56, 729, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735
Tolson’s will, 737-40
Mohr, Paul J., 682
Moley, Raymond, 157-58, 181
Mollenhoff, Clark, 673
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 311
Mondale, Walter, 567
Monroe, Marilyn, 259, 493-94, 562
Montague, Lt. Cmdr. Ewen, 266-67
Montgomery, Ed, 620
Moore, Donald W., Jr., 755
Moore, George C., 442-43
Moore, Jamie, 484n
Moore, Roy, 501, 674
Moose, Richard M., 637n
Moran, W. H., 205
Morelli, Butsey, 105n
Morgan, Charles, Jr., 499n, 754
Morgan, Ted, 287n, 302, 308, 310n
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 181, 182, 205, 231, 293, 300
diary of, 182, 389-90
Morris, Newbold, 395-97
Morrow, Dwight, 149-50
Morrow, Lance, 558n
Morse, Wayne, 234, 605n
Mosley, Leonard, 267n, 418
Moton, Tom, 20, 718, 720
Motto, Patricia, 758
Moyers, Bill, 547, 558, 560, 561, 571, 574
Mundt, Karl E., 355, 362n
Muni, Paul, 370
Murchison, Clint, 323, 383, 397, 432, 447-48, 670, 708
Murphy, Charles, 394
Murphy, Frank, 209-10, 211, 214-15, 219, 221, 237n, 244, 392
Murphy, Grayson M.-P., 202, 203
Murphy, Michael, 415
Murphy, Patrick V., 415, 416, 417, 749
Murphy, Raymond, 345
Murret, Charles F. “Dutz,” 551
Muskie, Edmund S., 35, 638, 661n, 679
Myers, Frederick “Blackie,” 302
Namath, Joe, 718
Nash, Frank “Jelly,” 168
Nathan, Harold “Pop,” 73, 132, 149, 170, 183, 190, 280, 335-36
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 39, 280, 403, 441n
National Association of Manufacturers, 78, 115
National Civil Liberties Bureau, 84, 137-38
see also American Civil Liberties Union
National Lawyers Guild, 371
National Observer, 681
National Popular Government League, 98
National Security Agency (NSA), 602, 645, 652, 654
Navasky, Victor, 335n, 375
Nazi movement in America, 205
Needleman, Isadore Gibby, 368, 372n
Neier, Aryeh, 236
Nelson, Baby Face, 171, 175
Nelson, Jack, 651-52, 670, 684, 713, 748
Nelson, Steve, 312
Newby, R. E. “Bob,” 250
Newsweek, 158, 292-93, 574, 648, 681, 754
Newton, Huey, 618-20
New York City police, 195-97, 210, 618
New York Daily News, 216, 314
New Yorker, 263
New York Post, 462-63
New York Times, 28-29, 33, 76, 81, 83, 85, 93, 94, 95, 179, 193, 220, 278, 291, 370, 632, 684, 698, 707, 754
Nguyen Van Thieu, 608
Nichols, Bill, 448n
Nichols, John Edgar, 730
Nichols, Louis B., 38, 46, 179-80, 181, 222-23, 239, 257, 263, 291, 292, 301, 318, 347n, 353, 362, 365n, 370, 376, 379, 381-82, 404, 427, 437, 438, 439, 440, 448, 449, 453-54, 519, 573, 608, 624, 693-94, 711
books on FBI, 386, 387, 388, 446
departure from FBI, 450-52
Dewey campaign (1948), 356, 357, 358-59
Ernst and, 234, 235, 236-37
Nixon and, 44-45
Niles, Alfred S., 99n
Nitti, Frank “The Enforcer,” 334
Nixon, Donald, 625
Nixon, Richard M., 36, 56, 65, 352, 378, 458, 521, 522, 595n, 613, 687, 717
Catholic radicals case, 665, 667
détente policy, 704
enemies list, 641
FBI directors, selection of, 38, 41, 42, 747-48
FBI file on, 46, 463
firing of Hoover, plans for, 691, 699-703
Hiss espionage case, 361-63, 365
Hoover and, 613, 616-18, 640-41, 683, 710
Hoover retirement issue, 624, 673
Hoover’s death, 28, 32-33, 39-40
Hoover’s funeral, 38, 49, 721-23
HUAC and, 358
Hughes “contribution” to, 648-50
inauguration (1969), 615-16
Kennedy, John, assassination, 542
Nichols and, 44-45
organized crime concerns, 646
Pentagon Papers case, 684-85, 686
personnel, relations with, 617
presidential election of 1952, 402
presidential election of 1968, 608
red-baiting, 401-2
Supreme Court and, 627, 629
taping of conversations, 614-16, 673
as vice president, 401, 404, 436, 450
wiretapping of aides, 638, 639, 690
Nixon administration:
“homosexualists” incident, 624-26
Huston Plan, 652-58
ITT memo incident, 27, 715-17
Plumbers unit, 658, 685-86
wiretaps, 632-40, 672-73, 689-90, 695-97
Noisette, W. Samuel, 280, 462, 730
Norris, George, 213-14, 222
Nye, Gerald, 222, 226
O’Brian, John Lord, 69, 70, 74, 77, 99, 124, 134, 266
O’Brien, Lawrence, 592
O’Dell, Jack, 502, 504, 505, 507, 508
O’Donnell, F. X., 70-71
O’Donnell, Kenny, 474-75, 480, 481, 488, 503
O’Farrell, Val, 228n
Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), 209, 293-94, 469
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 266-68, 294-95
abolition of, 324-26
NKVD and, 311-12
super-agency plan, 312-16
Okamoto, Yoichi, 713
Older, Andrew, 377, 382
O’Leary, Jeremiah, 28, 563n, 705
Ollestad, Norman, 280, 286n
O’Mahoney, Joseph, 185, 450
O’Neal, William, 620, 621
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 403, 410
The Orangeburg Massacre (Nelson and Bass), 651
organized crime:
Apalachin incident, 452-55
Castro assassination plot, 486-87, 489, 492
Clark, Tom, and, 334-35, 457
COINTELPROs against, 595n, 607-8
congressional investigation of, 397
FBI, penetration of, 644-45
FBI investigations of, 328, 330-32, 455-60, 529-34
Hoover’s attitude toward, 327-30, 453-55, 529-30
Kennedy, John, assassination, 494-97, 534-35, 551-52