J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets
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Kennedy family and, 487-90
labor racketeering, 334
Las Vegas skimming, 494-95, 531-32
Nixon’s concerns about, 646
racing-wire business takeover, 330-32, 333
Oshinsky, David M., 437n
Osten, Ulrich von der, 271
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 541-47, 554, 555
Oswald, Marina, 544
Oumansky, Constantine, 206
Oursler, Fulton, 387, 388
Paine, Ruth, 543-44, 546
Paley, William S., 384
Palmer, A. Mitchell, 62, 103, 249
background, 76-77
presidential hopes, 102
Red raids of 1919-20, 75-79, 80, 82, 83, 92, 94n, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102
Palmer, Archibald, 369, 371
Palmisano, Vincent James, 535
Papich, Sam, 418n, 646
Parade magazine, 533
Park, Col. Richard, Jr., 313-14
Parker, William H., 415, 417
Parsons, Louella, 384
Partin, Edward Grady, 495
Patrick, Lenny, 331n, 333n, 552
Patterson, Eleanor “Cissy,” 309, 311
Patterson, John, 485
Patterson, Joseph Medill, 309
Pauling, Linus, 403, 410
Paul VI, Pope, 570-71
Peale, Norman Vincent, 384
Pearl, Minnie, 683
Pearl Harbor, 269-73, 277-78, 296
Pearson, Drew, 178, 185n, 222, 227, 231, 278, 330, 331-32, 357n, 364, 365, 370, 377, 378n, 412, 430, 432-33, 436n, 450, 536, 592, 615, 625
break with Hoover, 380-82
Pederson, Richard P., 637n
Pegler, Westbrook, 214, 222, 304, 329
Pelley, William Dudley, 206
Pentagon Papers case, 684-86, 692-93, 748
Pepper, Claude, 216
Perkins, Frances, 187, 205
Perlo, Victor, 342
Perón, Juan D., 295-96
Persons in Hiding (Hoover), 176
Peterkin, Robert J., 153
Peterson, Henry, 531
Peterson, Howard C., 350n
Phelan, James, 152
Philby, Kim, 375
Pico, Reinaldo, 47
Pierce, Samuel R., Jr., 568
Pierpont, Harry, 167
Pilat, Oliver, 227
Pitchess, Peter, 38, 415
Plant, Francis X., 366
police departments, local, 146, 413-17, 419
Pope, Fortune, 670
Popov, Dusko, 269-73, 296n
Post, Louis F., 89, 96-98, 99, 104
Pound, Roscoe, 98
Powers, Dave, 480, 481
Powers, Richard Gid, 177, 405, 581n
Pratt, Trude, 303, 304-5
presidential elections:
1948, 356-59
1952, 402-3
1956, 445
1960, 471-72
1968, 608-9
press, FBI surveillance of, 388
press coverage of Hoover, 22, 462-63, 615
appointment as director, 143-44
criticisms, 158-59
death of Hoover, 28-29, 33-34, 58
interviews, 660-64, 712-13
investigative reporting, 669-70
retirement issue, 623-24, 673, 681, 688
Pressman, Lee, 345
Profaci, Joseph, 453
Profaci, Sal, 535
Profumo sex scandal, 508
Prohibition, 70, 131
Propaganda League, 137
“public enemies,” 172n
Pursley, Robert E., 637n
Purvis, Melvin, 168n, 170-71, 172, 173-77, 253
The Puzzle Palace (Bamford), 281-82
Quirin, Robert, 291
Radosh, Ronald, 421n
Ragan, John, 639
Ragen, James M., 330-31, 552
Ralston, Jackson H., 99n
Rankin, J. Lee, 554, 555, 556
Rankin, John, 353, 407
Rather, Dan, 667
Ray, James Earl, 606-7
Rayburn, Sam, 317, 430
Raymond, Alex, 180n
Reader’s Digest, 388
Reagan, Ronald, 354, 595n, 625, 756, 757
Rebozo, Charles G. “Bebe,” 625, 639n, 649
Red raids of 1919-20, 62
bombings and, 75-76, 104-5
congressional hearings on, 100-101, 102
deportations, 78, 85-88
ending of, 103
files on radicals, 79
funding for, 77
Hoover’s defense of, 95-96, 97, 101-2
investigations of radicals, 80
Justice-Labor arrangement, 82
leadership for, 76-77
legal justification, 81
opposition to, 89-90, 97-100
propaganda for, 78-79, 80, 94-95
prosecutions, 84
releases of detainees, 101
roundups, 82, 83-84, 90-94
Rule 22 issue, 84, 92, 102
warrents, 89-90, 96-97
Reeves, Albert, 369
Reeves, Col. James H., 208-9
Reid, Ed, 497
Reilly, Terry, 216
Rentzel, Lance, 718
Reston, James, 403, 430, 596n
Reuss, Henry, 675
Reuss, Jacqueline, 675
Revill, Jack, 545, 549n
Revolutionary Action Movement, 620
Reynolds, Quentin, 65
Ricca, Paul, 334, 456, 535
Richardson, Sid, 323, 383
Richetti, Adam, 168n
Richey, Lawrence, 110, 125, 147, 152-53, 159-60, 228-29
Rivers, L. Mendel, 407
Roach, Ralph, 370
Robb, Lynda Bird, 30
Robeson, Paul, 409
Robinson, Edward G., 410
Robinson, Joseph, 183
Rochement, Louis de, 449n
Rochet, Jean, 639
Rochon, Donald, 758
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 383
Rockefeller, Nelson, 571
Roemer, William F., Jr., 456, 459, 487n
Rogers, Ginger, 384
Rogers, Will, 172
Rogers, William, 405-6, 407, 473, 584, 627, 638, 710
Rogge, Richard, 747
Rooney, John J., 34, 58, 285, 407-8, 533n, 603, 666, 676, 710-11, 714
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 181, 242, 316-17, 348, 404, 517, 697
Hoover and, 299-306, 390-91
obscene drawings of, 385
Welles and, 309, 310
Roosevelt, Elliott, 223
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 65, 75, 160, 181, 221, 265, 268, 301, 303, 305, 344, 469, 520
background checks on critics, 225-29, 237-38
death, 316-18
domestic intelligence by FBI, authorization of, 206-7, 210-11
election as president, 153
Fascist threat and, 204, 205, 206-7
Hoover and, 223-24, 263-64
Hoover’s retention as director (1933), 156-58
HUAC and, 240-41
inauguration (1933), 155
investigations of subordinates, 306, 307, 308-9, 310-11
OSS and, 266, 312, 314, 316
papers, FBI alteration of, 390
taping of conversations, 227
wiretapping, approval of, 231-32
World War II, 278, 279, 287, 288, 290-91, 292, 294
Roosevelt, Kermit, 229n
Roosevelt, Theodore, 112, 113, 280
Roppolo, Carl, 496
Rose, Billy, 332
Roselli, Johnny, 486, 487
Rosen, Alex, 23, 38, 49, 336n, 391, 506, 551, 695
Rosen, Morris, 333n
Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius, 234-35, 257, 341n, 419-28
Rosenman, Dorothy, 308
Rosenstiel, Lewis S., 365n, 397, 432, 451
Rosselli, Johnny, 492n
Roth, Andrew, 339
Rovere, Richard, 437
Rowan, Carl, 670
Rowan, Dan, 486, 487n
Rowe, Gary Thomas, 484, 585
br /> Rowland, Herbert, 266
Rowley, James, 673
Ruark, Robert, 333
Ruby, Jack, 331n, 333n, 543, 547, 551-52, 557
Ruch, George F., 81, 140
Ruch, John Edgar, 730
Ruckelshaus, William, 668, 748
Runyon, Damon, 332
Runyon, Mark, 755n
Rusk, Dean, 409, 474
Russell, Bertrand, 235, 403
Russell, Francis, 114, 118
Russell, Richard B., 548n, 553, 554, 556
Russo, Anthony, 748
Rustin, Bayard, 502, 509-10, 575, 603n
Rutland, Marshall, 459
Ryan, Sylvester, 371, 372
Sacco, Nicola, 104-5
Safire, William, 637n
Sage, Anna, 172-73, 176
St. Louis Post Dispatch, 624
Salisbury, Harrison E., 236, 373
Salsedo, Andrea, 104
Sargent, John Garibaldi, 145
Sarnoff, David, 227, 384
Saturday Evening Post, 533
Saypol, Irving, 426
Scalisi, John, 453
Scheidt, Edward, 426
Schenck, Joseph M., 334
Schiff, Dorothy, 462
Schine, G. David, 379, 432n, 435
Schine, Myer, 397
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 76, 155
Schorr, Isaac, 84
Schuirmann, Adm. Roscoe, 293
Schwartz, Abba, 409
Schwartz, F. A. O., Jr., 754
Schwarzkopf, Col. H. Norman, 150, 160, 161, 162
Scotland Yard, 132n
Scott, Hugh, 358
Scott, Winston MacKinlay, 392
Scranton, Paul, 496
Sears, John P., 637n
Seberg, Jean, 647-48
Sebold, William, 272n
Secret Service, 181-82, 625
Sedway, Moe, 333n
Seigenthaler, John, 473, 478-79, 485
Selective Service Act of 1917, 71
Service, John Stewart, 339, 409
Sessions, William S., 757, 758, 759, 760
Shaheen, John, 325
Shanahan, Edwin, 146-47
Shanklin, Gordon L., 541, 542, 543, 545, 546n
Shaw, John, 660, 670, 683
Sheen, Fulton J., 347
Shelton, Robert, 565
Sheridan, Walter, 375, 495, 557n
Sherley, J. Swagar, 112-13
Shipley, Ruth B., 267, 409
Shivers, Robert, 277
Shor, Toots, 217
Sidey, Hugh, 58
Siegel, Benjamin “Bugsy,” 330, 333
Silvermaster, Nathan G., 342, 346
Simon, Simone, 270
Sinatra, Frank, 332, 333-34, 472, 479, 486, 488n, 489-91, 493
Sirhan, Sirhan, 606
Sisk, Thomas, 149, 150, 161
Skeffington, Henry J., 82
Skillman, Dorothy C., 39, 43, 737, 738, 740
slacker roundup (1918), 71-72, 73
Sloane, William, 386
Small, Robert T., 144
Smith, Alfred E., 146, 147
Smith, Gerald L. K., 206
Smith, H. Allen, 35
Smith, Harold, 325, 326
Smith, Hedrick, 637n
Smith, Howard W., 245n
Smith, Raymond, 729
Smith, Walter Bedell, 392, 404
Smith, William French, 756
Smith, Worthington, 280
Smith, Young B., 126
Sneider, Richard L., 637n
Sobell, Morton, 420n, 424, 425, 426
Socialist Worker’s party, 442n
Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, 711-12, 750
Sokolsky, George, 386
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 637n
Souers, Sidney W., 322, 391
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 500, 501, 528
Sparkman, John, 402
Special Agents Mutual Benefit Association (SAMBA), 743, 751
Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 347, 436, 570
Spencer, Thomas, 366
Spolansky, Jacob, 81, 93, 103
Stabile, Joseph, 644, 645n
Staihar, Janet, 684
Stanley, William, 253
Stassen, Harold, 357
State Department, U.S., 377-80, 408-10
Steelman, John, 370
steel price-fixing incident, 491
Stefan, Karl, 408
Stefano, Anthony de, 535
Stennis, John, 407
Stephenson, William, 264-67, 268-69, 341
Stern, Carl, 676, 713-14
Stern, Sol, 421n
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 257, 316, 342, 366
Stevenson, Adlai E., 348, 402-3, 445, 517, 571
Stevenson, Ellen Borden, 402-3
Stevenson, William, 271n
Stewart, James, 261, 384-85, 446, 447
Stewart, Potter, 411, 631n
Stewart, Valerie, 693n
Stimson, Henry, 313
Stokes, Louis, 568n
Stone, Harlan F., 100, 132n, 157, 249, 410
as attorney general, 122, 123, 124-29, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 145, 146
Hoover’s affection for, 143
on Hoover’s character, 243
as Supreme Court justice, 142, 146, 242
Stone, I. F., 234, 719
Strider, Jesse, 280, 658
Strong, Gen. George Veazey, 313
Stroud, Robert, 217
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 578
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 604-5
A Study of Communism (Hoover), 448
Sturgis, Frank, 47
“Sugar Lobby” investigation, 482n
Sullivan, Ed, 446
Sullivan, Tom, 736
Sullivan, William C., 27, 38, 157n, 265n, 281, 283n, 301, 321, 328n, 336, 347, 357, 358, 359, 373, 376, 378, 379, 383, 387, 392, 395, 404, 412, 414, 418, 448, 451n, 454, 455, 462, 469, 473, 477, 493, 501, 506, 510, 519, 528, 531, 546n, 549, 550, 561, 564n, 579, 594, 605, 616, 620, 624, 625, 626, 627, 631, 642n, 643, 646, 659, 671-72, 678, 679, 681, 685, 693, 726n, 728-29, 730n, 734n, 739, 750, 756
assistant director, promotion to, 652
Catholic radicals case, 665, 667
Communist party, revelations on, 659-60