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Fighting for Desire

Page 20

by Sarah Bale

  “Marco thought I was nuts to leave you in here alone but I told him you wouldn’t mind, since you were only in here an hour…or so.”

  Her eyes narrowed but she still didn’t speak. How far could he push her before she gave in and said something?

  “I thought about staying away longer.”

  She made a huffing sound in her throat and he laughed.

  “Okay, Shan, I’ll stop fucking with you. Climb to the middle of the bed. I’m going to chain you up now. Make sure you prop your head with the pillow. You’re going to need all the support you can get.”

  Without saying a word she scooted to the middle of the bed. The chain around her ankle barely reached and was probably biting into her skin. The metal wouldn’t be painful but enough of a reminder that she knew the cuff was there.

  “Lie down on your back with your arms and legs spread.”

  The chains would have spread her limbs but there was something more personal in having her do it herself. That way she knew what she was getting into. Smiling, he watched as she positioned herself.

  He walked to the head of the bed and grabbed her wrist. “Over your head, Shannon. When I am fucking you I want your tits to bounce.”

  Her face flamed red but she obediently lifted her arms higher. He picked up the chain at the top of the bed and locked it around her wrist. He walked to the other side and did the same. Held firmly in place, her arms formed a t-shape.

  “Now your legs.”

  He moved to the foot of the bed and clasped the shackle around her ankle. Then he reached to the metal loop connected to the bed and tightened the chain. Her leg moved across the sheet right where he wanted.

  He went to her other leg and stopped. She lay staring up at the canopy, her chest moving in controlled breaths.

  “Doing okay?”

  Her gaze darted to him and the desire that stared back at him took his breath away.

  “I want to hear you say how you are doing, Shan.”

  “I’m good. The metal is kind of hurting though.”

  “Bad or just a little?”

  She flexed her wrist. “A little I guess.”

  He nodded. That was to be expected.

  “If it gets to be too much, let me know.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  He touched her leg. “I am going leave this chain on and add the last one. It might make your leg feel heavy but that’s normal.”

  He could see a question burning in her eyes. “Go ahead and ask but that is the only time you may speak until I say otherwise.”

  She rolled her eyes. “If you’ve never done this before, then how do you know it’s normal to feel heavy?”

  He chuckled as he locked the last shackle and tightened the chain until both her legs were spread wide apart.

  “I said I’ve never used the chains on this bed. I didn’t say I’ve never done something like this before. In fact I’m an expert when it comes to bondage with chains.”

  The curse word she thought about danced across her face and he patted her leg.

  “Don’t worry, babe. I would never do anything to hurt you. Much.”

  With that final statement he went to the door. “I’ll be back in a while.”

  Shannon stared at the door in disbelief. She couldn’t believe that asshole left her chained up again! Only this time she couldn’t get up. What if there was a fire? What if she had to pee? She groaned and tried to move but the shackles cut into her skin.

  Okay this was going to take some maneuvering. She could only move a little before the metal stung. Another wiggle made her realize just how helpless she was. Well not exactly helpless. She could always say her safe word if she wanted this to end. But did she? That was the big question.

  The door opened and Dev strolled in. What the fuck? Marco was right behind him, grinning. She wanted to know what was going on but stopped herself from asking when she saw the look on Dev’s face.

  “This isn’t what you think, Shan. You are mine and I won’t share you with anyone. I just wanted Marco to see the bed being used as it was meant to be.”

  Her face flamed. She was butt-ass naked and Marco could see her in all her glory. She glanced at him but he wasn’t even looking at her. He seemed focused on the chains. He pulled one and her leg moved a little. She gasped in pain.

  “Easy. I have her pulled pretty tight.”

  Marco walked to the head of the bed. “You know a spreader bar would have had the same effect. Plus it would have given you more options.”

  A spreader bar?

  “I know, man, but you have to admit there’s something fucking sexy about the chains and shackles.”

  Marco met her eyes with curiosity. “How do they feel?”

  She glared at Dev, waiting for him to give her permission to speak.

  “Go ahead.”

  “They’re heavy but only hurt when I move. At first they were cold but now it’s okay.”

  Marco nodded and wrapped his hand around her wrist. He pulled it down until the chain caught and then let her go. She became fascinated watching him observe her.

  “You should have chained her arms and legs together. Then she could ride you and you could use the chains to control her movements.”

  An image of Dev using the chains as if they were puppet strings danced through her mind. Her body flushed as desire swept through her.

  “I think she likes that idea,” Marco commented as his gaze landed on her breasts.

  Her nipples were hard and god was she wet.

  “Do you mind?” Marco asked.

  Dev looked at his friend and then nodded. She watched as Marco reached out and flicked her nipple. The sensation shocked her and turned her on at the same time. The air in her lungs left her body in a whoosh.

  Marco moved over and she expected him to shower her other nipple with the same attention. He reached out and tweaked the budded mound instead. She gasped and her hips bucked. The chains pulled her back into place and her gasp turned into a moan as the metal cuffs bit into her skin.

  Her body became overloaded with sensations. The more she felt pain the hotter she grew. Marco continued teasing her nipples, keeping her guessing what he was going to do.

  Sometimes he would flick and sometimes he would pinch. She moaned as her orgasm built. If he touched her one more time, she was going to come.

  Dev chuckled deep in his throat. “Oh, Shan, you know I’m not going to let you come so soon. Come on, Marco. Our girl needs some time to cool down.”

  Marco winked. “Sorry, Shannon.”

  He brushed a kiss across her forehead and walked to the door. Dev started to follow and then stopped.

  “Oh I almost forgot.”

  He strolled to her and pulled something from his pocket.

  “I think this game will be so much more fun if you are blindfolded, don’t you?”

  Her mouth fell open as he put the blindfold around her eyes. Holy crap, she couldn’t see a thing. Not even when she lifted her head and looked down toward her nose.

  Dev kissed her on the lips—or at least she was pretty sure it was Dev. She heard footsteps make their way across the floor. The door shut with a thud and she shuddered. Holy crap.

  She moved her head, trying to dislodge the blindfold. The freaking thing didn’t move an inch. She let out a huff of irritation. Thinking about getting the blindfold off was a stupid idea. If Dev came back and the cloth was gone…

  She shivered. What kind of kinky freak was she turning into? Part of her wanted to get the blindfold off just so Dev could punish her when he got back. She grinned at herself. She would be a good girl and wait for his return though.

  Time seemed to drag. Minutes felt like hours until she wasn’t sure how long Dev had been gone. Her senses became hypersensitive, especially her hearing. The room was so quiet she could hear a TV in the distance. Every once in a while she would hear Dev’s laugh or Marco’s chuckle. And somewhere in the large house, Alice yapped at something.

one walked by the bedroom door and paused. She held her breath, waiting to see if they entered. The thought of Dev and Marco coming back excited her. She thought back to Dev’s words. He told her he wouldn’t share her with anyone and yet he let Marco touch her.

  She didn’t mind Marco’s hands on her body but she wondered how Dev felt about Marco pleasuring her. The door opened and her mind went blank while she listened. Who had entered? Did she hear one set of footsteps or two?

  Someone stopped at the foot of the bed and then there was silence. Only the soft breathing she heard while holding her own breath let her know someone else was there. Suddenly the chains around her feet moved, pulling until she felt as if she was doing a split. The metal stung and she let out a whimper.

  At the same time her arms pulled. Her entire body stretched and her stomach burned from the tension.

  “Oh,” she moaned.

  The chains relaxed and she took in a deep breath of relief. Her heart was pounding. While the pain hadn’t been unbearable she wouldn’t like to do it again.

  “Again.” Dev’s voice sounded from somewhere to her right.

  The chains pulled again and hot breath caressed her nipple right before a mouth latched on. She cried out as the chains and mouth seemed to work in harmony. When the chains relaxed, the mouth brushed kisses against her skin.

  Her body was shaking and sweat rolled down her back. God, she was in heaven and hell at the same time. Her pussy clenched and her orgasm began to build. If only she could hold her legs together to create enough friction to send her over the edge.

  “Oh no you don’t, babe,” Dev said. “Not yet.”

  The chains went lax and she heard footsteps go to the door. A whimper of frustration left her lips. Seriously? Again?

  Chapter Thirty

  “You sure about this?” Marco asked as he took a shot of tequila.

  Marco had moved from drinking beer to something stronger but he wasn’t going to drink anymore. He wanted to have a clear head while playing with Shannon.

  Dev braced his hands on the kitchen counter and nodded. “Yeah. I think she’s ready.”

  Marco shrugged. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  Dev chuckled and grabbed the bottle of alcohol as he followed his friend from the kitchen. He was impressed with Shannon and how well she followed his rules. Maybe she would be willing to be submissive to him more often in the future. The future? Yeah, their time together would go longer than a month.

  They reached the door and Marco walked in first. Dev purposely followed closely so Shannon would have difficulty telling how many people entered the room. She turned her head toward the door and he grinned.

  Sweat covered her body and he could smell her arousal in the air. God he loved that scent. Marco walked to the head of the bed and brushed her damp hair from her face. He then kissed the base of her neck. She moaned and tilted her head to give him more access.

  Dev had meant what he said. He wasn’t going to let Marco sleep with Shannon. Playing with her was another thing entirely. He didn’t mind that at all. In fact he liked knowing his friend was helping bring her such pleasure.

  While Marco brushed light kisses, Dev unscrewed the bottle of tequila. He held the bottle over her stomach and poured some into her navel. She jerked and the alcohol ran down her sides.

  “Easy,” he said.

  He poured again and she lay still. He leaned over and sucked the tequila into his mouth.

  “That’s the best shot I’ve taken. Marco, care for a shot?”

  “Fuck yes, I want a shot.”

  Shannon’s entire body clenched as he poured again. Marco dipped his head and licked it from her skin. A moan left Shannon’s lips and her wrists flexed in the cuffs. Dev couldn’t resist and he tapped Marco on the shoulder, nodded toward her breasts and grinned.

  “Hell yeah.”

  They both pulled away from her, giving her a moment to collect herself. Dev held up three fingers and counted down. As one, they both leaned in and latched on to a nipple at the same time. Shannon screamed and jerked. The chains caught her, pulling her back, and she cried out.

  Neither relented and Marco lavished her nipple with the same enthusiasm that Dev showed the other. He swirled his tongue around the hard bud and then sucked. To keep her guessing, he nipped her occasionally. God she tasted so good.

  Shannon screamed again as her body trembled beneath them. Her breaking point was near and she couldn’t take much more. He stopped sucking her nipple and nudged Marco’s shoulder.

  Marco pulled away too and winked. With a wave of his hand he left the room without making a sound. Dev stood and began undressing. Shannon still whimpered. Would she be wet when he entered her?

  He took off the blindfold. Her eyes were shut but tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “Fuck! Shan, are you okay?”

  Her eyes fluttered opened and she blinked, looking stunned.

  “Fuck!” he said again.

  Panic spread in his chest like wildfire and he jumped off the bed. He reached on the side of the bed for the handle that released all the chains, allowing them to fall loose. Shannon’s body sagged with relief but she didn’t move.


  His mind raced and he fought the panic that threatened to spill out. Why had he pushed her so hard? She hadn’t been ready. He scooped her into his arms and ran to the bathroom. The chains dragged on the floor but he barely noticed.

  “Marco!” he yelled.

  “Dev,” she moaned, “Put me down.”

  “Shh, baby,” he soothed.

  Marco pushed past him but Dev barely noticed.

  “Get her in the tub,” Marco ordered as he turned on the water.

  Dev climbed into the tub and sat in the water, sinking down until most of Shannon’s body was submerged too. Her head fell back against his chest and he supported her.

  “Shannon, I’m so fucking sorry,” he whispered against her hair.

  “What happened?” Marco asked at the same time.

  He glanced up. Marco’s forehead creased as he looked down at them. Fuck!

  “No, baby, don’t try to move. Let the water soothe your body.” He took in a ragged breath. “I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard. I should have fucking known better!”

  Tears began to fall down his cheeks into her blonde tresses. He inhaled her scent and tried to forget the blank look that had haunted her eyes moments ago. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her tightly against his chest. He needed to hold her, to know she was okay.

  “Dev,” she murmured. “Water is spilling onto the floor.”

  He opened his eyes and chuckled softly. The faucet was still on and water cascaded over the rim of the tub onto the tiled floor. He reached over and turned off the faucet.

  Marco learned forward. “Shannon, are you okay? We need to know if you’ve been hurt.”

  Thank God for Marco. His friend’s calm demeanor did wonders to ease Dev’s stress.

  Shannon took in a long, deep breath. “I’m okay. I promise I am.”

  He shook his head even though she couldn’t see it. “No you’re not. When I took the blindfold off and saw your tears…” His voice trailed off and he couldn’t go on.

  Shannon’s chest tightened as Dev’s voice broke. He thought he’d made her cry in pain. Well she supposed the pain had been some of the reason she cried but not what caused the tears. Marco sat close, waiting for her to speak.

  She turned at the waist. “Dev, look at me.”

  His eyes met hers and she went on.

  “It’s not what you’re thinking. I was crying because it felt so good.”

  His eyes gave everything away. He didn’t believe her.

  “When Marco’s mouth and your mouth were on my breasts I couldn’t take it anymore. I have never experienced something like that.”

  Her entire body had been on fire. Heat from the chains. Flames from their mouths. And then she went blank. She felt as if she were floating and then feeling everything at
the same time. Pain. Heat. Desire. Longing.

  “And the only thing I wanted in that moment was for you to make love to me. I didn’t even care if Marco was in the room when we had sex. I just needed you.” She smiled at Marco. “No offense, Marco.”

  Marco chuckled. “None taken.” To Dev he said, “It makes sense, man. Katie did that one time. She was bawling during a scene. When I stopped to see if she was okay she got pissed at me. Her reaction was the damnedest thing.”

  Dev asked, “What did you do?”

  “Do? There was nothing to do. I held her for a while to make sure she was really okay and then we ended up finishing the scene. Best orgasm I ever had too.”

  Shannon could imagine how a scene could lead to an amazing orgasm. Her entire body was still worked up.

  Dev took a deep breath. “I just feel like shit about her tears, you know?”

  “Did she use her safe word?”


  “Then I wouldn’t worry, man. It’s easy to get torn up over your woman when you think she’s hurt.”

  Dev was silent and she sighed. They were not going to get anywhere sitting in the bathtub. She stood, relieved to find her legs weren’t shaking. Proving her point would have been hard if they had.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, standing too.

  “I’m getting out and drying off. Then I’m going to bed.”

  She stepped out of the tub onto the most luscious floor mat she had ever stepped on in her life. Damn he had good taste. Marco held out his hand to help her but she brushed him away.

  “Where are the towels?”

  Dev growled and stalked across the tiled floor to a walk-in closet. He came back with a towel wrapped around his now-naked waist and another in his hand. She reached for it but he wrapped it around her and began rubbing vigorously. He needed to dry her. He needed to make sure she was really okay…she got that.

  When he had finished she walked across the room with a new plan in mind. The chains dragged behind her and she realized they would have to come off soon for her plan to work. She stopped in front of the “his and hers” sinks and watched in the mirror as he followed. Marco stayed near the tub.


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