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Pregnancy Plan

Page 11

by Tina Gayle

  He’d convinced her to married him. And now, thank goodness, they had plenty of time to grow closer and build a life together. He only needed to be patient.

  “It’s not far now. Right down there is our hardware store.” She pointed down a street to the right. A number of stores lined each side of the street. Derek couldn’t tell which one was hers.

  He stopped at the red light several streets later. The small town of Gladewater lay before him.

  “Turn left here on Highway 80 and it’ll be several roads to your right. I’ll tell you when you need to turn.”

  He followed her directions, and glanced around at the surrounding neighborhood. They passed large oak trees in front of old brick houses. Some of the houses appeared to have been built around the turn of the century. All looked well taken care of with neat yards and fresh paint, a nice family neighborhood. A great place to raise a child.

  Down Oak Street, Jillian pointed out a white early American home with a large covered front porch that ran the full length of the house. The garage set back some from the house had a concrete driveway that connected the two.

  She retrieved the garage door opener from her purse and pressed the button. Derek drove in and parked next to the car in the garage. He helped her out and stood watching as she headed for the back door.

  His hand ran along the railing of the truck, his mind flashed back to the past. His father stood across from him, leaning on the side of the truck.

  “She’s a beauty, isn’t she?”


  “We spent a lot of hours working on her together. I spent time tuning, fixing, polishing, and stroking her. But it’s paid off. She runs like a dream.”

  They’d worked days together getting the truck looking and running in top condition. “She gave us a few problems.”

  “Nothing the two of us couldn’t handle. But it looks like you have a new area of interest.”


  The old man gestured toward the house.

  “Oh, you mean Jillian.”

  “Yes, she’s a beauty as well. You know I always treated your mom much like I treated this truck. Pampering, stroking, and tuning her until she was everything I ever wanted.

  “Granted, it took a lot of time. But she always could get this old heart pumping. God, I loved that girl.” Tears formed in the old man’s eyes. “You just have to remember the little things. They’re the things that can break up a marriage.”

  “What if I can’t do it, Dad?” Derek hated the anguish bleeding through in his voice.

  “Nonsense, son. I can’t remember you ever failing at something you truly wanted. Just take your time and let your heart lead you. Now, you go on and carry your bride over the threshold. Tell her how beautiful she is and give her a kiss. Everything will work out fine. You’ll see.”

  Derek stared at the old man across from him and felt as if he was looking in the mirror of the future with his face aged and worn. The light in the old man’s eyes expressed the pride and love he had for his son.

  “Derek? Are you okay?” Jillian walked around the corner of the garage.

  He glanced her way, but when his eyes return to his father, the old man no longer stood there. Knowing the image wouldn’t return. Closing his eyes, he cherished the moment. “I’m fine, just catching my breath.”

  Jillian grabbed his hand and led him to the back porch. She opened the door, and he tugged her to a stop. “Don’t you want to come in?”

  His face, he knew didn’t give away the sense of welcome he was feeling. He pulled her close, then scooped her up into his arms and carried her through the door.

  He held her in his arms and looked around the room. The breakfast area was connected to the kitchen, which stood directly in front of him. Through a doorway, he could see the dining room off to his right. Flowers stood on the wooden table. The red bricks crisscrossed over the stove served as a back splash. Butcher-block counters held odds and ends, and pictures of red apples were painted on several items around the room. He felt as if he’d stepped back in time to his grandmother’s kitchen.

  Slowly, he set Jillian on her feet. His hands ran up her body, and he cupped her face. He couldn’t express his feeling with words, but he could show her. Her eyes watched him as his lips claimed hers.

  Parched, he worshipped her mouth drinking in her unique flavor. Sipping the sweet nectar, he tasted and teased her. He enjoyed every nuance, until his body was weak with desire.

  Inch by painful inch, Derek released her lips. Unable to let her go, he hugged her close to his heart. Breathing hard, he fought to control his emotions.

  He didn’t want to rush her. She needed to get to know him, understand the depth of his love. He’d almost lost her before their marriage by forcing a commitment. This time he’d be more careful.

  Derek fought to relieve some of the tension in his body by scanning his surroundings. He stepped away from her and walked through the doorway into the living room.

  A plush couch sat facing him with a coffee table positioned in front as if protecting the plush surface from unwanted guests. The stone fireplace with a wood mantel held a sea of pictures of her family. Two brown leather recliners stood across from the earth-tone couch. A large window flooded the room with light, thick curtains stood guard on each side. Would her parents mind him living here with her?

  From behind him, she asked. “Would you like me to show you the rest of the house?”

  Derek turned and caught the sparks in her eyes. He could see the desire written in their depths, challenging him. “Sure.”


  “Come in,” Jillian called from the kitchen sink as she continued washing the potatoes for dinner. She had heard the footsteps on the porch and quickly brushed away her tears. If Karen Ann noticed, there would be an endless number of questions.

  “How’s it going?”

  “Okay, how about you?” Jillian cut the potatoes into the pot.

  “Just thought I’d drop by and check out that new husband of yours.” Karen Ann’s baby-blue shirt stated Available across her chest.

  “Sorry, but he’s asleep right now. Poor guy has been moving boxes all day. First out of his condo in Dallas, then into the house here. He wouldn’t let me help because of the baby.”

  “That must mean he’s feeling better after his ordeal in the Middle East.” Karen Ann pulled a chair out from the table and sank into it.

  “I’m not so sure. Derek doesn’t seem to be the type to complain.”

  “Well, how does he look?”

  “Gorgeous,” Jillian said, frowning.

  “Then what’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. He appears lost. When you see him, you’ll wonder if anyone’s home. He just stares off into space. No smile, or frown, no emotions at all.”

  “You knew it'd take a while for him to recover. He's still suffering from the effects of a concussion and the aftershock of the explosion.”

  “I know. It’s just hard seeing him this way. When we were together before, he was always smiling or laughing.” Jillian stared down at her hands. “I miss it.”

  Karen Ann strolled around the counter and slid her arm around Jillian. “Hey, kiddo, it’ll be okay. Just give him some time. You love him don’t you?”


  “Then you’ll find a way to reach him,” Karen Ann said. “Even if we have to hit him over the head with a baseball bat.”

  With tears in her eyes, Jillian smiled. “Thanks for being a friend.”

  “No problem. I have several bats at home. Just say the word, and I’ll get them out.”

  “I’m not that desperate yet. Let’s give it a few more days.” She turned and finished cutting up the potatoes for dinner.

  “So when do you expect Sleeping Beauty to wake up?”

  “I’m not sure. He has only been asleep for about an hour.”

  “Well, I guess, I’ll just have to stay for dinner. What can I do to help?”

  “Great. How about was
hing the dishes?”

  Karen Ann scanned the empty sink. “You know I hate that.”

  “That’s why I thought you’d want to do it now instead of later.”

  “You’re a true friend.” Karen Ann giggled and hugged Jillian.


  Derek paused in the kitchen doorway. Jillian stood a few feet away at the counter mixing something in a bowl. Across from her stood a short, beautiful blonde. Laughing, she tried to poke her fingers into the bowl. Both had smiles on their faces, enjoying each other’s company with teasing remarks.

  A great chasm of space and emotion separated him from them. He fought to break the barrier and share in their light-hearted banter. “What are you making?”

  “Well look who has decided to wake up. I’m trying to make a cake if someone will kindly keep their fingers out of it!” Jillian shifted the bowl away from the other woman.

  “I only want a taste.” The blonde turned. “Well, you weren’t joking, Jillian. He is gorgeous, but I should have known seeing as he’s related to Jason.” She walked over and held out a small delicate hand. “But you two don’t look much alike.”

  “You must be Karen Ann.” Derek remembered Jillian’s description of her best friend—beautiful, fun-loving, and unafraid to tell you exactly what she’s thinking.

  “That’s me. And you must be Jillian’s husband.”

  “Derek.” He cupped his hand around hers. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Not sure I can say the same, seeing as you have stolen my friend’s heart.” Concern laced her voice.

  “Now Karen Ann, he didn’t steal my heart. I gave it freely.” Jillian strolled around the counter and slid her arms around his waist.

  Derek stared into her face. Love radiated from her eyes. Unable to keep from touching her, he wrapped his arms around her and drew her closer. The seductive warmth of her body narrowed his focus to her and only her. No one else existed in his mind

  After a few moments, she wiggled against him and broke the hold he had on her. “Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Are you hungry, Derek?”


  “Well then why don’t you two go ahead and set the table while I get this cake into the oven.” She stepped back to the counter.

  “Sure thing.” Karen Ann walked to the cabinet beside the sink and lifted down the plates.

  Together they had everything on the table in short order. Seated around the table, he enjoyed listening to their casual conversation. With no desire to comment, he sat back and relaxed.

  “What do you plan on doing tomorrow while Jillian is at the store?” Karen Ann turned and addressed him.

  “I’m going with her. From what she’s told me, she can always use an extra pair of hands.”

  “That true.” Jillian’s smile lit up the room.

  “Won’t you get bored with being a clerk after your work in international security?”

  “No.” As long as he had his wife by his side, he didn’t care what he had to do.

  “I’m glad Derek will be working with me.” She slid her hand across the table and squeezed his fingers. “It’ll give us more time together. Sometimes the store can get very lonely.”

  “Oh, come on, Jillian, most of the time, you are so busy, you don’t have time to think,” Karen Ann shook her head before scoping up another bite.

  “Well, maybe with Derek there, I’ll have more free time. Anyway, how was your date the other night with Michael?” Jillian changed the topic.

  “It wasn’t exactly a date. You were supposed to go with us. After all, Michael was only here to drive you back to Dallas, not to see me.”

  “So why didn’t he get home before midnight? You two only had a date for dinner.”

  “Not that it’s any of your business but we decided to take in a movie. Anything else you want to know?”

  “Sure. Did he kiss you goodnight?”

  A wicked grin spread over Karen Ann’s face. “Yes, and I must say it was wonderful.”

  “Are you sure you were out with my brother?”

  “Yes, he spent the whole evening talking about you, and how worried he was about you. Believe me. It was your brother.”

  “Sorry about that. Are you planning to see him again?” Jillian released his hand and shifted her plate forward as if done with her meal.

  “I don’t know. You know Michael. He doesn’t make long-term plans and we’re taking it slow.” Karen Ann pushed back her chair. “I hate to eat and run but I’ve several things I need to get done. So if you don’t mind, I’ll say my good-byes now.” She stood, gathered up her dishes and placed them on the counter.

  “You just don’t want to have to do the dishes. I know your motives.”

  “Make sure you introduce everyone to your new husband,” Karen Ann walked to the back door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Bye.” Jillian stacked the remaining dishes on the table.

  “That was quick.” He stood to help with the clean up.

  “That’s Karen Ann, when she’s ready to go, she’s off.”

  Did she like him? With the quick marriage and the baby on the way, all their friends and family had a lot to digest at one time. But Derek couldn’t understand why everyone couldn’t just be happy for them, instead of acting as if they’d made a grave mistake.

  “Are you tired?” Jillian interrupted his thoughts.

  He peered into her drowsy eyes, and answered truthfully. “Yes.”

  “Then why don’t we call it a night?” She walked to living room doorway.

  “I’ll check the back door and be right up.”


  Jillian watched him a moment, wondering if every night would be like this. Derek had hardly spoken all evening. Lost in his thoughts, they hadn’t shared their time together but had only coexisted in the same house. Hopefully, things would change in the coming weeks after he had a chance to rest and settle into his new surroundings.

  A little patience would go a long way in dealing with him. She just had to remind herself that he loved her.

  Otherwise, why would he have remembered her at all? It would have been the perfect chance to forget about their weekend together. He could have gone back to his old way of life with no ties to her or the baby.

  She entered the master bedroom. The new curtains and bedspread brightened the room, and she smiled at the four-poster bed that invited her to rest on its smooth surface. The oak headboard gleamed with promise.

  Her parents had shared this bed since the day they’d been married. She hoped it would bring her the same type of happiness. Yet, the strangeness of sleeping in a different room made her undress slowly.

  Would her parents approve of what she was doing? Would they understand why she decided to live a lie?

  Jillian slid into bed. Derek walked in, turned his back to her, and started to undress. The muscles in his back and arms bunched with each movement.

  Would he hate her when he found out the truth?

  He stepped out of his pants. The round curve of his butt and the lean design of his legs drew her attention. The world believed he was her husband. He’d claimed her as his bride. And even if he wasn’t the best at communicating, and things weren’t perfect, she wanted him, needed him, and would do everything in her power to make their marriage work.

  “Could you turn out the light?”

  He hit the switch. She waited silently for him to join her. The movement of the covers alerted her to his present. He settled, but didn’t touch her.

  She lay quietly waiting, waiting. No hand breached the distance between them.

  Jillian briefly considered giving him some space but she couldn’t. In a strange bed, with the weight of her parents’ disapproval on her shoulders, she didn’t want to be alone. She turned onto her side. Her hand found his chest. “Derek, will you please hold me?”

  He lifted his arm, circled her shoulders and pulled her closer.

  “Any time.”

  Jillian relaxed against his body. His
warmth dulled the chill around her heart, giving her promise to their life together. In the future, she’d have to remember to make her needs known. Otherwise, they would go unnoticed, maybe not because he didn’t want her, but because he didn’t know how to show her what he wanted.

  Satisfied with this solution, she drifted to sleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Jillian Wilson, what were you thinking? You said you wanted to go off to Dallas and have a little fun, but that’s no excuse for getting yourself pregnant.” Mr. Jenkins marched down the store aisle, his cane clicking on the floor with each step.

  “Wait a second, I’ll explain.”

  “You darn well better explain. Everyone in town is talking about you.” Head full of steam, Mr. Jenkins continued with his tirade. “No woman in her right mind acts that way. I know you’re missing your pa, but this is no way to bring him back. Why your poor mother, bless her soul, is probably turning over in her grave.”

  “Mr. Jenkins, I got married.” She forced herself to stay calm.

  Shock passed over Mr. Jenkins’s face. “What? Now, you’re trying to tell me you went off and got yourself married and didn’t even bother to tell anyone?” He pointed his cane at her. “No. Don’t start lying to me to cover your crimes.”

  “I’m not lying. Derek had to go overseas right after the wedding so we decided to keep our marriage quiet until he came home.” The doubt in Mr. Jenkins’ gaze played on her nerves and she raised her voice. “Honestly.”

  “Now, don’t shout at me. You’re the one who has gone and gotten herself into trouble.” He patted her shoulder. “But don’t you worry none, we’ll work something out.”

  Frustrated and unable to fight any more, Jillian noticed Derek behind Mr. Jenkins. She indicated with a wave him forward. “Derek Harris, this is Mr. Jenkins. He runs the antique store right next to ours. Mr. Jenkins, meet Derek, my husband and the father of my baby.”

  Derek extended his hand. “Glad to meet you, Mr. Jenkins.”


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