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Pregnancy Plan

Page 12

by Tina Gayle

  The old man paused a moment before he held out his hand. “Mr. Harris. Is what Jillian here says, true? Are you really her husband?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Well, where the hell have you been? Why did you leave my Jillian here while you were out gallivanting around the world? You got a lot of explaining to do, boy.”

  “I was called back to work right after our wedding. Believe me, I didn’t want to leave her, sir. But I had a duty to the company I worked for.” Derek remained calm. “That’s no longer a problem. I’ve resigned so I can stay here and take care of her.”

  Mr. Jenkins looked Derek up and down, passed judgment, and then nodded. “Good.” Apparently satisfied with his assessment, the old man continued. “Where were you at, boy?”

  “Middle East doing a security assignment.”

  "Ex-military?” Mr. Jenkins headed back to the front of the store. Derek followed along beside him.

  Jillian stood in the middle of the aisle wondering what had just happened. First Mr. Jenkins had been ready to kill her for getting pregnant, and now he was chatting away with the man that had gotten her that way. Men. There was no way to understand them. With a shrug, she turned and strolled back to her office to handle some paperwork.


  Tired after the steady stream of customers, Jillian was more than ready to head home. The gossip mill must have been spinning because it seemed like everyone in town arrived at the store at one time or another during the day.

  “Why don’t you let me drive?” Derek locked the store.

  “Okay.” She headed around the car to the passenger side with him following her. He unlocked her door and helped her in.

  “What would you like for dinner? I set out some chicken this morning before we left. Or we can have the roast leftover from yesterday.”

  “The roast is fine.” He rounded the back of the car, opened his door and slid into the driver’s seat. Backing out of the parking space, he drove down the street for home.

  “What did you think of all the good people of Gladewater? I think everyone in town was in the store today to meet you.” Jillian studied his face to read his reaction to question.

  All day, he had given everyone the same look, and answered only the questions he wanted. “Nice people.”

  “I heard you talking to Mr. Henderson about a project he is working on. I didn’t know you liked to work with wood.”

  “My father had a shop. He taught me how to use some of the tools.” He turned onto the main street.

  “Really? I thought he liked to work on cars.”

  “He did, but he also liked to make things out of wood.”

  “How about you? Do you enjoy woodworking?’

  “If I have the right equipment,” he said without the condescending tone most people would have used in their reply.

  “Well then, I think I might have a surprise for you.” She smiled. Maybe Derek would enjoy spending sometime in her father’s woodshop.

  “What?” He glanced at her with his normal blank look.

  “I’ll show you after dinner,” she said as they pulled into the driveway.

  After entering the back door, she turned to him and suggested over her shoulder, “If you’ll set the table, I’ll warm up dinner after I go change.”

  “Okay.” He stepped to the kitchen cabinet while she escaped upstairs.

  She found a dress in her closet that didn’t have a waistline. The baby didn’t seem to like waistbands or belts. Matter of fact, she didn’t have a waistline anymore.

  Good thing Derek had come home. The baby growing, she would have had a hard time hiding her pregnancy, even if, the whole town didn’t already know about it.

  Mr. Jenkins, kind soul that he was, would never have forgiven her for getting pregnant without a husband. He didn’t even like the fact that she was married without telling him. Guilt pressed on her chest. If Derek hadn’t shown up, what would she have done?

  Stepping back into the kitchen, she noticed the set table, the roast and potatoes steaming in their containers. Derek, standing by the microwave, lifted the dish holding the green beans from the night before.

  “I said I’d heat up the leftovers if you'd set the table. You didn’t have to do both.”

  “You’re tired. No big deal.”

  He’d been brushing past her all day, following her every step. Within reach, yet miles away. She cornered him against the counter and stole a kiss. “Thank you.”

  His glared intently at her for a moment then he shrugged.

  Jillian placed her hand on his cheeks. “I love you, Derek.”

  A brick crumbled from the wall. He tugged her into his arms. Hot, urgent lips raced across hers.

  Surprise melted into desire as her lips met his every command. Shifting, turning, bending, she offered him full access to her mouth, body, soul. Caught off guard, she sagged against him when he suddenly released her. She rocked on her feet.

  He steadied her, and then he led her to her seat. “You must be hungry.”

  After transferring the beans from the counter to the table, he settled into his seat.

  Jillian tried to gather her thoughts. “Yes, I am, and you were just beginning to satisfy my hunger when you stopped.” She shoved back her confusion and studied his face. A frown formed between his brows. “Why did you stop?”

  “We need to take our time.” He lifted the potatoes and plopped a large spoonful onto his plate. “Here, why don’t you have some potatoes?”

  She recognized his closed stare, he didn’t want to talk about it, but she couldn’t let it go. “I don’t want any potatoes. I want to know why you stopped.”

  “I promised you we would take it slow.” He clutched his fork tighter and his knuckles turned white.

  “I’m confused, Derek. When did you promise me to take it slow?”

  “The morning you woke up in my bed, when I asked you to marry me. You said no because you thought we didn’t know each other well enough. I promised you that if you would marry me right then, we wouldn’t have sex again until we got to know each other better.”

  She leaned back and stared off into space, remembering that morning. They had spent the night making love, both knowing, it would be a while before they were together again, they’d feasted on each others’ bodies with delight.

  He had wakened her demanding she marry him. Tired and cranky, she resented his rough manner and uncompromising attitude. Stubborn switch flipped, she’d rebelled, fighting every plan he’d devised. Even after she agreed, the deal to not have sex until they were better acquainted hadn’t even entered the realm of possibilities. They couldn’t have stuck to it.

  Then he’d gotten another call, they had fought, and she’d left. End of story.

  Jillian returned to the present. Derek, quietly eating, appeared as if he planned to follow through with his crazy plan. She fought to come up with an argument that would change his mind. The truth about them not being married wouldn’t help. It would only confuse him and cause more problems.

  For goodness sakes! She was pregnant with his child. Why shouldn’t they make love? But, he wouldn’t listen. Once the man set his mind on something, he wouldn't change it. But…it didn’t mean she couldn’t try. A wick smile bloomed on her lips. Let’s see how much willpower the man has.

  “After dinner, there’s something I want to show you.”

  He nodded and continued eating.

  Later after they finished cleaning the kitchen, Jillian slid her hand into his and let him out the back door through the garage to a door in the back.

  “I hope you like this.” She opened the door, and hit the light switch. “This is my father’s workshop.” She walked into the room, running her hand along the edge of the cabinets and scanning each piece of her father’s equipment. This shop had meant so much him. She only hoped Derek would enjoy it half as much. “I thought you might enjoy working in here. No one has been in here but me since my dad died.”

  She studied the w
orkbench. “Michael wanted to sell everything, but I wouldn’t let him. I told him we would discuss it later. Seeing as he doesn’t need any money at the moment, he hasn’t argued.”

  She pictured the room as Derek saw it. Cabinet along one wall, with a workbench in the middle of the room, sawdust still scattered across the floor, it looked like every other workshop she’d ever seen.

  “We can move things around if you want.” She charted his path around the room.

  He stopped next to the workbench and examined the saw attached to it. “This is the same kind of saw my father had.” He examined each piece of equipment on his trek around the room.

  Not sure whether he was pleased or not, she waited for a reaction. “If you don’t like something, we can always get rid of it, or get you some new equipment.”

  His gaze unblinking, he paused in front of her. “No, it looks like your father took very good care of his tools. It'd be an honor to be able to use his shop.”

  Jillian hugged him. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Why would I not like it?” His brow drew together into a frown.

  “One never knows.” She walked to the door. “Now if you will excuse me, I’m heading upstairs to take a shower. I want to cool off. It’s really hot tonight.”

  In the shower, she wondered again if he thought she'd wait to make love. If so, he really was crazy! All she had to do was tempt him to the point where he couldn’t wait any longer.

  But how could she go about doing that?

  She’d never seduced a man before, except for the other night at the condo and look how that had turned out. What did it take to tempt them?

  Drying off, she reviewed her assets in the mirror. Her breasts were fuller, her body curvy with a stomach sticking out more than she wanted it too. But over all, it wasn’t bad.

  She eyed her clothes, and smiled. Did she really need a nightgown? After all, it was a hot night. Naked, she might tempt Derek to lose control. If that didn’t work, she just shop for some sexy underwear. “Something has to turn the man on.”

  With the bedside lamp on, Jillian laid in the middle of the bed. Setting the perfect scene, she turned the lights low while the fan created a gentle breeze overhead. The stereo played romantic music in the background. Closing her eyes, she daydreamed about how to please Derek when he came to bed.


  “What time did you come to bed last night?” Jillian growled, irritated that she’d missed him coming to bed. Today she felt fat, crabby, and ugly. No wonder he wanted nothing to do with her.

  “It must have been around midnight. I didn’t wake you. Did I?” Derek opened the truck’s passenger door for her.


  “Would you mind if I ran by the lumberyard today? I want to get some wood for a project.” He climbed behind the wheel of the truck.

  “No. Why don’t you drop me off, and then go over and get it now, before it gets crowded?”

  “No, I don’t want to leave the wood in the back of the truck all day. Maybe we can do it after work.”

  “Just do it this morning, and then drop it off at house before you come back to the store.”

  “Are you sure you’ll be all right at the store alone?”

  The concern in his voice ruffled her already flared feathers. She was tired of being coddled. “I’ll be fine.”

  “If you’re sure.” He drove around the back of the building and dropped her off. “I won’t be long.”

  After a quick kiss, she walked to the back door. “Have fun.”


  It is a good thing I’m getting away from her for a while. After seeing her waiting for him naked on the bed last night, the temptation to make love to her was driving him insane.

  Last night a cold shower had helped but just being around her this morning turned him rock hard. How much longer did he have to wait? Maybe a special evening would help. Take her out to dinner, a movie, then come home and make love to her.

  She must know how much he wanted her. Why else would she keep trying to tempt him? Did she want to make love? Or was she tempting him so he'd break his promise? Then she’d have a way out of their marriage.

  Pushing the problem aside, Derek reviewed the design of cradle he wanted to build for the baby. Last night, he’d spent hours drawing up the plans. It needed to be small enough to fit beside the bed in the master bedroom and big enough for the baby. He wanted their child to be in the same room with them.

  Maybe he should surprise her with his plans for the crib on their date Friday. But that was four days away.

  Well, maybe he should make it Thursday. Oh hell, maybe tonight. Who was he kidding? He wanted her now. Pulling up in front of the lumberyard, he killed the engine and yanked open the door. Jillian deserved patience.


  “Karen Ann, I just don’t get it. I know Derek wants me. He follows me around everywhere I go. I can’t get out of his sight for more than a few seconds. Then he kisses me. It’s as if his life depended on me, but the next minute, he turns it off. I just don’t understand.”

  “Have you asked him about it?” Karen Ann sat on the sofa in Jillian’s office.

  “Yes. He said he promised me that he would give us time to get to know each other. But I don’t want anymore time.”

  “Have you told him that?”

  “No, but...” Not wanting to tell her friend about last night, Jillian stopped and fiddled with her pen, drawing circles on a scratch piece of paper.

  “Have you tried seducing him?”


  “What happened?”

  “I fell asleep.” Jillian threw down her pen.

  Karen Ann struggled not to laugh, but Jillian could see the grin. “How could you fall asleep?”

  “I was waiting for him to come to bed. The only problem was he got involved in my father’s workshop and I feel asleep.”

  “Great, so what now?” Karen Ann uncrossed her legs and leaned forward.

  Jillian frowned. “I don’t know. Maybe I should wait until he’s ready. I don’t think he can wait much longer and I don’t want to rush him.”

  “Sure you do. Tell Derek you’re going out shopping with me tonight, and we’ll go get you something sexy to wear.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Karen Ann looked at her watch. “Well, think about it. If you decide you want to go shopping, call me. Gotta go.”

  Unhappy, Jillian turned her attention to the orders she’d placed last week. They still hadn’t come in. With John Paul watching the front, she logged onto her computer to check their status.


  Derek found her there, several hours later. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes. Did you get what you wanted from the lumberyard?” Jillian, still hurt from last night’s neglect, refused to turn around.



  He caressed his hands over her shoulder and swiveled her chair around so she faced him. “What have you been doing?”

  “I was working.”

  “I need to ask you something.” He knelt in front on her.

  “Okay?” Jillian studied his face, but he gave nothing away as his hands took hers.

  “How would you like to go out with me Friday night?”

  “What do you mean?” Her gaze fell into the steel gray depths of his eyes. “Like a date?”

  “Yes, we could go out to dinner and to the movies.”

  Was this how he planned to get to know her better? Unsure what to say, she hesitated before responding. “I—uh—guess. If you want to.”

  He nodded, kissed each of her hands, then stood up, and released her. “Good. Friday it is.”

  Left alone, Jillian stared at the close door.

  She didn’t know what he had planned. But he’d better be prepared, because Friday, one way or another, she intended to have her man.

  Now if she could just wait that long.


  John Paul entered the store behind Mr
. Jenkins.

  Jillian greeted her customer from behind the register. “Good Morning, Mr. Jenkins. How are you today?”

  “Fine, thank you.” Mr. Jenkins leaned against his cane. “I thought I would check in to see if you folks had any damage out your way from the storm last night?”

  “No, just some small limbs blown down.” She glanced up. Her expression must have alerted Mr. Jenkins because he turned to John Paul.

  “Nice shiner you have there, young fella. How’d ya get it?” Mr. Jenkins commented.

  “Oh, the usual way, at the wrong end of the fist.” John Paul shifted as if unwilling to share the details of how he got his black eye.

  “Been on the wrong end myself, a time or two. All part of growing up.” The old man smiled.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, Ms. Jillian. I’ll find Mr. Harris and get to work.” John Paul headed down the aisle before she could question him farther.

  Busy most of the day, she didn’t talk again to John Paul, much less question him about his eye, until almost closing time. With it Thursday, and payday, she knew he'd come looking for her. His check tucked in her pocket, she stood and closed out the register for the day.

  “Ms. Jillian, can I get my check?”

  “Sure, John Paul.” She pulled out his check. “Mind telling me how you got that black eye?”

  Derek, who was a few steps behind John Paul, answered for him. “It really isn’t any of our business, Jillian. The boy has a right to his privacy.”

  “I know but...” She hesitated. “You know if you’re in any kind of trouble, you can come to us. We’d do everything in our power to help you.” She could tell the teenager was burdened by whatever had happened.

  John Paul shifted on his feet as if weighing his options, and then he let out a sigh. “I got in a fight with my sister’s boyfriend. Or should I say her ex-boyfriend?” He paused, and then slowly continued with his story. “Anyway, my sister went to the prom with him in May and just found out she’s pregnant. When she told him, he refused to marry her.”

  He slammed his fist against the counter. “He wants her to have an abortion!”

  Confused by this bit of news, she reviewed the recent problems she had with morning sickness, and the negative comments from her neighbors. She hated the idea of Susan going through her pregnancy alone. “What is she going to do?”


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