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Chronicles of Eden - Act VI

Page 32

by Alexander Gordon

  “Your own sisters tried to eat you?” Rulo asked curiously.

  “They were going to, before my master saved me. I remembered what it was like to scream for my life, to be afraid of dying. That’s why I didn’t kill you while you were begging for yours.” She then turned her head to the orc with a stern expression. “If we best somebody in a fight we let them live with the shame of defeat, that’s the reptile girl way. My sisters may have fell and damned their pride to hell, but I didn’t. And now I’m trapped here with the filthy orc that I just had to be merciful to, a fitting reward for my damned pride.”

  “My name is Rulo,” Rulo scoffed. “If you’re going to insult me then at least call me by my name.”

  “Fine, I’m stuck with a filthy bitch named Rulo,” Sasha hissed.

  “Thanks,” Rulo flatly said before looking up at the sky again. After a while she glanced back to Sasha with a raised eyebrow. “So who’s this master of yours? You have a mate or something?”

  “Of course I do!” Sasha snapped before looking down with a blush. “I mean… I would have… if only…”

  “If only what?”

  “If only you never came along,” Sasha hissed at her. “I was supposed to be training to be his faithful servant, I was going to get stronger and be worthy of him. Instead I’m in pain and stuck under a pile of rubble with you!”

  “You want to be a human’s bitch?” Rulo asked with a smirk. Sasha growled loudly at her before the orc nodded and looked up at the sky with a calm smile. “I can relate to that. I’ve always wondered what it would be like for a man to be rougher than me. Maybe someone who is good with chains and whips, that’s always been my favorite fantasy.”

  “What are you talking about? That’s not what I want with my master at all!”

  “Why do you call him master then if you don’t want to be his toy?” Rulo asked her.

  “I’m not his toy, I’m his faithful servant and one day shall be his wife!” Sasha yelled out. “I desire a mate who would be strong and courageous, someone who would give me daughters that would be just as noble as he is! My master saved my life, took me away from the hell that used to be my home, gave me a purpose to live again. That is why I wish to be worthy of him, so that I may stay by his side now and for all time.”

  “A human really came to save you?” Rulo said as Sasha grunted and turned her head away again. “Even though you’re a monster he did all that for you?”

  “My master is no mere human,” Sasha retorted. “He deemed me worth saving, protecting, giving me hope again. He’s my entire world.”

  A long while of silence passed as Sasha grew more worried that her master would be returning soon to find her in this pitiful predicament. She held in her tears and cries of frustration while knowing her world would be ending very soon.

  “You’re lucky,” Rulo softly said, earning a curious glance from the reptile girl. “Nobody ever came to save me.”

  “Why would you need saving? You were the one that said you’ve always been alone and that you don’t need anyone.”

  “Not by choice.” Sasha slowly turned to see the orc staring up at the sky with a saddened gaze, her pig ears drooping down low as she sighed softly. “Your sisters tried to eat you, at least they wanted you for something. Mine just left me alone to die.”

  “They left you?”

  “Seeing as how we’re going to die here I might as well tell you the truth,” Rulo said before looking to her with a frown. “This may come as a surprise to you, but I was the runt of my horde. The smallest and… weakest. So they abandoned me. One day I woke up and they were all gone. I would rather they had eaten me during the night instead, at least then they would have found some sort of appreciation for me. But instead they just left me behind, like I wasn’t worth even killing.”

  “So it’s not because of your horrendous smell that you’re alone,” Sasha dryly summed up.

  “Screw you,” Rulo weakly retorted as she turned her head away and closed her eyes.

  Sasha watched the orc sulking in sorrow then looked to her free hand, gently moving her fingers along the dirt as she heard Rulo quietly whimpering to herself.

  “I guess we share that in common,” she distantly said. Rulo slowly looked back to her as the reptile closed her eyes and sighed. “We’re both the lowest of the low of our races. We’re both alone.”

  “You’re not alone. You have a master, don’t you?”

  “I won’t anymore,” Sasha replied shaking her head. “As I am now he’s sure to leave me behind. I’m so weak compared to him. I’m going to be alone for certain for failing to prove myself worthy.”

  Rulo saw the girl trying to hold her tears in, eyes watering up slightly before she shut them and looked away while struggling to keep her composure in front of the orc.

  “Hey, you’re not alone though,” Rulo mentioned, not getting a reply or fleeting glance from the reptile girl. “I’m here with you. We’ll at least die here together. So… it could be worse, right?”

  Sasha sniffled then looked to the orc with a dull expression. Rulo smiled weakly at her then looked up again with worried eyes as they both fell silent. After a while Sasha looked around at what could be their grave then glanced to the orc with a raised eyebrow.

  “How’s your face?” she asked as she saw the lumps and bruises on the girl’s head.

  “It’s fine, not the first time I’ve taken a beating. How does it look?” Rulo asked turning to her.

  “You look like shit, but that’s probably how you’ve always looked,” Sasha quipped with a small smirk.

  “You’re such a bitch,” Rulo replied with the same gesture.

  “So I’ve been told,” Sasha said before letting out a strained grunt. She tried to move her shoulder which was buried under the rocks before resting her head down on the ground with small groan.

  “How’s your shoulder and arm?” Rulo asked.

  “My shoulder is quite sore, and I can’t feel my hand or arm. I’m not even certain they’re still there.”

  “It is.”

  “How do you know?” Sasha asked her.

  “I’m holding your hand right now,” Rulo answered with a slight shrug. Sasha merely raised an eyebrow at her before the orc looked away with a flustered oink. “You’re all I’ve got and I don’t want to die alone, alright?”

  Sasha looked at the orc for a moment then smiled slightly before resting her head on the ground and closing her eyes.

  “What’s your name?” Rulo asked. “So that I know who I died with.”


  “Stupid name.”

  “I hate you so much.”

  “Hate you more.”

  The two girls exchanged glances for a moment then chuckled lightly before resting again, each closing their eyes and listening to the gentle breeze that came through the ruins.

  “Sasha,” Rulo spoke while keeping her eyes closed. “You’re holding my hand now too, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Can’t feel my hand at all.”


  The sky above began to darken as the day turned to dusk. All had been quiet around the stone ruins where the two monster girls were trapped under the fallen archway, however they hadn’t been silent for the past hour as given little other choice to pass the time they had been talking with one another. Although to be more precise Sasha had been talking while Rulo listened with eyes of wonder from hearing a very strange tale from the reptile girl.

  “Are you serious?” the orc questioned with awe. “The guy you’re talking about, he’s not human? He’s actually a monster?”

  “I didn’t believe it at first either, I tried to think of any other explanation,” Sasha admitted before she sighed with a loving smile. “But it’s true. I saw it myself. First how he carried not only myself but my heavy broadsword, which he held in one hand mind you. Then how he brought me all the way out here without so much as a moment to rest. And his hand, his arm… I saw for myself
that he’s not human. My master is a monster.”

  “And you just believed her like that?” Tabitha dryly asked. “Without any proof or even having known this girl at all you just took her word that her master was a half-human half-demon monster?”

  “I was skeptical at first,” Rulo scoffed.

  “That’s amazing!” Rulo squealed with excitement. “I always thought all monsters in Eden were women, not men. You actually found a man who’s a monster like us? And he’s your mate too? You’re so lucky!”

  “Well,” Sasha smugly replied with a proud grin. “I was certainly blessed to have him come for me as he did. It all happened by chance, though perhaps it was fate that brought him to me.”

  “Is his penis human looking or is it all big and throbbing like a minotaur’s arm?” Rulo eagerly asked with a lustful smile. “What does it look like? How big is it? Oh, does he have more than one? That would be so awesome if he had two, then he could fuck his mate in both holes at the same time! Or skull fuck her in the mouth and in one of her eye sockets!”

  Sasha just stared at her with a bewildered expression, words failing to form in her mouth as Rulo purred and oinked excitedly while watching her with a perverted gleam in her eye.

  “So does he have more than one penis?” Scay asked curiously.

  “That’s not what the story’s about,” Sasha snapped at her.

  “Aww, I wanna know,” the naga whined with a pout.

  “Would you forget about that and just pay attention to-”

  “Does he?” Tabitha asked with a raised eyebrow. “Because if he did I’d believe he was a monster. And also I would pay to see that.”

  “No, he does not! He only has one!”

  “So… you’ve looked then?” Scay asked tilting her head.

  “Would you shut up and let me speak?” the reptile girl shouted at her.

  “You’ve watched him when he was naked before, haven’t you?” Tabitha accused with a sly smile.

  “One more word out of either of you and it shall be your last!” Sasha roared, with the two girls falling silent with nervous smiles and quick nods at her.

  “Um… I’m not quite… sure,” Sasha finally managed to say before looking down in wonder as she thought about Daemon having non-human genitals. She then showed concern and slowly shook her head. “Though it doesn’t matter now, I wasn’t able to become strong enough to follow him. I failed, he’s sure to reject me completely now. He may even leave me here to die.”

  “He saved you before; you don’t think he’ll save you again?” Rulo asked with a worried smile. “Besides, if you want you can blame me for what happened.”

  “I do blame you for what happened,” Sasha flatly replied with a dull glance to her.

  “Then it’s only fair that I take your punishment in your place. Don’t worry, I’ll gladly accept anything he wants to give out as your sentence, I can handle it.” Sasha looked at her with confusion as the orc giggled and looked up at the sky with a timid smile. “He sounds really strong, I bet he can make me squeal like a pig, if not more so. Maybe he’ll step on my ears or pull on my tail. Do you think I should scream out ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘Fuck you’ when he’s whipping me? Which do you think would make him happier?”

  “What the hell?” Sasha questioned. “You will be doing nothing of the sort with my master. Anything he wishes to do to me for my failure I’ll accept, you don’t deserve to feel his touch at all. Especially if you’re getting off on it.”

  “I’m just trying to help you,” Rulo innocently said looking away.

  Sasha groaned and lowered her head, the two girls falling silent while the sun was beginning to set over the horizon. Feeling as though they had talked enough Sasha looked around for anything else to see other than the same stone walls and view of a grassy hill further ahead. Suddenly her ear twitched at hearing something, a faint buzzing sound that quickly disappeared as the breeze picked up around them.

  “Hey, Sasha?” Rulo asked looking up at the clouds. “What’s his name? Your master, I mean.”

  “Daemon Warrick,” Sasha said while carefully searching for the sound that she could almost hear over the wind.

  “Daemon Warrick. How come humans use two names? Isn’t one enough?” Rulo questioned with a puzzled smile. “I mean is it just to sound fancy or something? How come-”

  “Shh,” Sasha quickly shushed her as the buzzing sound started to pick up behind the wind.

  “Oh come on, I’m just trying to make conversation here. I’m bored.”

  “Be quiet. Listen,” Sasha snapped, with Rulo then perking her ears up as the girls heard the breeze rolling by before the buzzing noise began to grow louder.

  “What is that?” Rulo carefully asked.

  Sasha looked around at the sky carefully before freezing with a sharp gasp, eyes widening as she saw what appeared to be a dark cloud passing by over the trees before it started descending towards them. As it did Rulo jumped with a squeal as they witnessed not a cloud flying down at the ruins but rather a swarm.

  A swarm of swarm.

  “No,” Rulo breathed out before she opened her mouth to scream, only for Sasha to quickly hold her hand over it and silence her with a stern hush as they saw the locust monsters buzzing and flying down towards the area. The two girls froze while trying to hold in their voices, watching as the swarm landed around and in the stone ruins. One of the ravenous monsters jumped down in front of the girls, facing away from them while its wings buzzed and rapidly fluttered before folding back along its body. Sasha held Rulo’s mouth tightly while hugging close to her, the two shutting their eyes and praying to go unnoticed by the swarm.

  “Swarm?” Scay nervously squeaked before quickly wrapping her tail around herself again. She dropped to the ground in her defensive state with a shaky whine while Tabitha shuddered from hearing that name.

  “I hate those things,” the neko cursed.

  “You know of them as well?” Sasha questioned.

  “Had a rather close encounter with them on my last job. Actually they cost me my last job. I was lucky to get out of there with my life.”

  “You’re fortunate to survive an encounter with them,” Sasha admitted. “In great numbers they rival the danger of a Darker One by far. At least you were able to flee, we were not.”

  “Did you manage to hide from them?” Tabitha asked curiously.

  “We tried, but…”

  Sasha opened her eye a peek and saw the swarm right in front of them clicking its teeth while slowly looking around the fallen stone hall. A few of the swarm crawled along on the walls and hissed at each other, some were heard walking around through the empty ruins near them, and more were flying around in the air overhead while buzzing and clicking loudly. The reptile girl tucked her tail back as much as she could while she and Rulo held their legs close together and prayed they weren’t visible to any of the swarm.

  “Don’t make a sound,” Sasha quietly whispered to the orc.

  As if on cue Rulo farted loudly, the sound echoing slightly on the other side of the rubble while all the swarm nearby froze and fell quiet. Slowly they turned towards the girls with their wide smiles and hungry eyes, seeing Sasha cringing before glaring at Rulo with fury as the orc whimpered with fright.

  “Why?” Sasha demanded through gritted teeth.

  “Sorry. I got really scared,” Rulo whined before going wide eyed as she saw the swarm moving closer to them. Sasha looked to them drawing near as they bared their teeth before holding Rulo close and ducking her head down with the orc.

  “I’m sorry for everything, Sasha!” Rulo cried out with eyes shut tight.

  “You’d better be! I still blame you for this!”

  The swarm hissed loudly then raced towards the girls before the ruins shook with a loud explosion erupting nearby. A mere moment later a sharp bang sounded off followed by the girls feeling a heavy gust of wind and dust blowing by their feet while stone walls and pillars collapsed nearby. The swarm around the area start
ed hissing even louder, with the ones before Sasha and Rulo snapping to attention at something off to the east before quickly rushing towards the source. A loud explosion echoed out then another, the walls nearby shaking while loose stones and dirt rolled down and dropped onto the ground near the two cowering monsters. The sounds of swarm screeching and hissing started to grow louder as Sasha slowly looked around and saw they were still alive. All the swarm in the air and those that ran by them raced towards something without even giving Sasha and Rulo a second glance, which they took notice of as Rulo opened one eye to see the monsters ignoring them now.

  “What’s going on?” Sasha asked before another explosion erupted, a bright flash of white light flaring up nearby as one of the stone walls ahead of them collapsed onto a passing swarm. Although the monster was crushed with a loud screech all the others raced by and over it in haste and paid the fallen one no mind at all.

  “Oh great, now what’s going to kill us?” Rulo whined before a swarm dropped on top of their rubble pile and rolled down it onto the ground in front of the girls, the monster having a stunned expression frozen on its face while its body had been slashed all the way through its chest. Sasha and Rulo stared with surprise at the monster whose wings were singed and withered while its hair was blackened with blood dripping from its head before another dead swarm crashed through the remaining stone wall in front of them. It collapsed onto the ground with debris falling on top of it, the body having been sliced and burned while it was missing half of its head.

  “What in Eden?” Sasha said as a dust cloud started to build up around the area. The two girls watched as swarm quickly darted through the haze and flew towards something off to the side before several of them were thrown back into smoking tumbles while flashes of bright light and loud thunderous booms erupted where they were repelled from.

  “Sasha, what’s happening?” Rulo nervously asked.

  A swarm tumbled over onto the ground in front of them, hissing loudly with blood dripping from its mouth and shoulder where it was missing its arm. The monster screeched then scrambled towards them with a crazed look in her eye. Sasha and Rulo screamed before a sharp wave of bright light sliced through the haze and cleaved the swarm in two. The girls stared with wide eyes as the swarm dropped dead before them then looked over towards where the shadows of dozens of swarm were flying around close together within the haze were seen. The sounds of screeching, bones breaking, flesh ripping, magical blasts erupting, and booms of bright light came from the swirling dust and flying monsters as Sasha and Rulo watched with surprise.


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