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Chronicles of Eden - Act VI

Page 33

by Alexander Gordon

  “What’s doing this?” Rulo asked as Sasha started to feel as though she knew what it was.

  Slowly and surely the swarm were killed one by one as they converged onto their target, bodies of the monsters flying off into bloody and smoking tumbles and collapsing all over the area while the sounds of their clicking and hissing began to die down. As another corpse of a swarm rolled across the ground and came to a stop against their blanket of rubble Sasha watched with wonder as she saw a blurry silhouette of a swordsman slashing a few more of the monsters with a blade that glowed softly in the haze.

  “Master,” she breathed out.

  “Master?” Rulo repeated as they watched the silhouette of the swordsman strike down a swarm that leapt at him before turning around and grabbing another by its face. He threw the monster over and down into the ground with a loud slam before he swung his hand back and grabbed the face of another swarm. With a fierce yank he ripped off the head, with Sasha and Rulo gasping as they saw the silhouette of the swarm’s body drop while the swordsman threw the head away.

  “W-What the hell?” Rulo shakily said. “Did he just… did he just…”

  Slowly the dust began to settle, revealing Daemon standing amidst a sea of dead swarm and rubble from the stone ruins that he had leveled during the fight. His cold blue eyes gazed around at the fallen monsters before seeing one of them slowly crawling away atop its slaughtered sisters. Sasha and Rulo watched as the wounded swarm weakly hissed while its wings tried to flutter, seeming to be unable to fly as it shakily continued to crawl over the bodies of its dead kin.

  “Seriously?” Tabitha scoffed. “He fought and killed an entire swarm all by himself? You really expect us to believe that?”

  “How could a single human do that?” Scay asked while hiding in her tail still.

  “I told you, he’s no mere human,” Sasha reasoned.

  “And that wasn’t the part that shocked us the most anyway,” Rulo mentioned.

  “Are you kidding?” Tabitha retorted. “What could more unbelievable than him fighting an entire swarm all by himself and winning?”

  Daemon walked behind the swarm with his sword in hand, watching the monster as it weakly tried to crawl away. It made it closer towards Sasha and Rulo before Daemon reached down and grabbed its leg. The monster looked back to him with a hiss and kept trying to scramble away from him before he pulled it back and turned it over. The swarm feebly kicked and clawed at him before he struck his sword into the ground through the body of another swarm then slowly got down over the wounded monster.

  “What is he doing?” Rulo quietly asked. “Is he going to rape it or something?”

  Sasha watched with wonder as Daemon held the swarm’s hands down over her head with one hand, the monster hoarsely screeching at him while her smile had become a look of terror as she appeared to want to get as far away from this male as possible rather than try to rape him.

  “Master?” Sasha softly said.

  Daemon watched the swarm trembling under him with his cold eyes, seeing the monster shaking with fear while Sasha and Rulo watched him with unblinking eyes. The two girls then gasped in horror as the swordsman viciously mauled the swarm, chewing apart its neck and ripping the flesh off as the monster screeched in agony. Blood splattered onto the ground around it as the swarm was then held tightly by the cambion that feasted upon it with a chilling look behind his eyes.

  “He’s… eating it,” Rulo squeaked out as she turned pale.

  Sasha stared with complete shock as she watched her master devouring the swarm. It didn’t take him long to strip the flesh and meat from her chest and torso, the bones he had broken off during his meal being piled up next to him while blood dripped from his mouth and chin.

  “He truly is a monster,” Sasha quietly spoke while not knowing if she was more afraid or attracted to the swordsman.

  “He WHAT?” Tabitha yelled out.

  “He ate it, right in front of us,” Sasha recalled. “All I could do was watch while frozen in place, barely able to draw a breath as I saw him devouring that monster.”

  “He ate a monster?” Scay gasped.

  “Would a human do that?” Rulo sharply questioned Tabitha. “Would a human not only fight off a swarm but also eat one alive?”

  “He did not do such a thing, that’s simply unbelievable!” Tabitha argued.

  “Seeing is believing,” Sasha retorted. “And I saw it clear as day.”

  After he finished feasting on the swarm Daemon ripped off a clump of the monster’s hair, using it to wipe the blood off his mouth and chin before he casually cleaned his fingers with his mouth. Sasha and Rulo watched him with wide eyes as the swordsman then stood up and pulled his blade out from the corpse it had been struck through. He gazed around the area and saw no other swarm moving or making a sound before he sheathed his blade and turned towards the two girls. Walking towards them the two monsters gulped while seeing the cold look behind his eyes, both shaking under the rubble as the swordsman’s steps across the dirt and blood was the only sound being heard. Daemon stood before the girls and watched as they stared up at him while rendered speechless, with Sasha’s lip quivering and Rulo’s eye twitching slightly.

  “Having some trouble?” he plainly asked.

  “M-M-Master,” Sasha shakily breathed out while trembling. “I… you… um… we…”


  Sasha opened her mouth to correct herself before fainting along with Rulo, the two girls passing out under the rubble while Daemon eyed them with a raised eyebrow. He then sighed quietly and watched as the sun set behind the horizon, a glimmer of light flickering from it for a moment before night befell the land.

  “I wonder if they fainted because of me, or that foul stench in the air.”

  Chapter 11

  The Monster Within

  In the world of Eden there exist stories and myths of half-human half-demon hybrids known as cambions. These unique monsters weren’t born into the world as others were, but rather were created by turning a human into a creature of the darkness. Although it was known that some monsters may mutate or alter their prey in order to breed, those humans were always only female and became lustful monsters afterwards just as those before them. For cambions it was different as they were not complete conversions from human to monster, and were not exclusive to being women only.

  They may have become monsters, but were under the control of no one but themselves.


  “Specca? You alright?” Falla asked as she walked under the starry night sky next to Daniel and Squeak. In the ant girl’s arms Specca was wearily looking up at the stars as she rested her head against Squeak’s shoulder, a faint blush still on her cheeks while she only murmured something in response to Falla’s question.

  “She’ll be alright,” Daniel said looking to Luna who was being carried in his arms while she slept, the girl having remained unconscious during the majority of her ‘punishment’ that night alongside Specca after she passed out from the intense strain forced upon her, or rather into her.

  “Alyssa, honestly now,” Kroanette sighed as she walked behind them, hooves lightly trotting on the grass while riding on her back Alyssa was just looking up at the stars with a calm expression. “You were far too rough with them. Again.”

  “Maybe that’ll teach them to be more careful in the future,” Alyssa reasoned with a shrug. “What they went through was nothing compared to what they made Triska endure today.”

  “I don’t know, she doesn’t look too good,” Falla said shaking her head as she saw Specca drooling slightly while her hand and tail twitched in her lap. She then turned her eyes to her sister who had a few tears leaking out from her eyes in her sleep. “And poor Luna, too. She hates stuff going into her ass, Alyssa. You know what that witch did to her in Eston, remember?”

  “I remember,” Alyssa answered with a single nod, eyes still gazing at the stars above. “I was gentle with putting hers in. This won’t be a traumatic experie
nce for her or anything, don’t worry.”

  “You were gentle?” Falla questioned with disbelief at her. “I saw the size of the thing you pulled out of her butt, that was way too big for her and you know it.”

  “She handled it well, she should be proud.”

  Falla sighed with annoyance then looked to Daniel with worried eyes as she smiled a bit and shook his head at her.

  “She’ll be alright, Falla,” he gently reassured her. “Alyssa may have been a little hard on her, but she’ll be okay when she wakes up.”

  “Daniel, I know it may not be happening for a while, but…” Falla hesitantly said before looking down. “When… if… you decide to… have us…”

  The other girls looked to her curiously, except for Specca who appeared to be out of her senses still while on the edge of losing consciousness altogether. Falla fidgeted then glanced to Daniel timidly while holding a hand over her chest.

  “If you ever decide to… make love to us too, please be gentle. Luna can’t take too much, at least not right away. And I don’t think I would do much better either.” Everyone stopped and watched as Falla turned her eyes away from Daniel while smiling nervously. “I mean we heard all of you in Eston when… you know… you did them all together. It sounded really intense… kind of scary. I just don’t know if…”

  “Falla?” Daniel asked with an amused smirk. “Are you saying you’re afraid for when I do take you and your sister in bed?”

  The butterfly girl slowly looked to him and nodded while the others turned their eyes to Daniel as he chuckled and shook his head.

  “Falla, the last thing I would ever want is to make you feel afraid or uncomfortable. I do love you and your sister, you know that, right?”

  “I know, it’s just-”

  “You have nothing to worry about,” Daniel assured her as he looked to Luna with a caring smile. “You and your sister are very precious to me, to all of us, you have to see that. I know in Eston my mates and I got a little wild, we sort of jumped straight into what we were doing not only to prove to Charlotte that we meant what we preached but also because it felt so right for all of us. It doesn’t have to be that way with you two and Kroanette though.”

  “Me?” Kroanette spoke with a jump.

  “Did you think I forgot about you in the slightest with you sleeping outside during the night?” Daniel playfully asked with a knowing smile at her. “Kroanette, if I could have you sleeping with us inside on the bed as well I would. As fast as you are you haven’t escaped my thoughts or my feelings.”

  “Daniel, you’re making me blush,” Kroanette softly said looking away with a bashful smile. She blinked then looked to him with surprise while holding her hands to her cheeks. “Wait a moment, are you saying… that you also intend to… make love to me as well?”

  “Of course I do. I have to take care of all my mates after all.” The girls watched as Kroanette turned a deep shade of red while her four legs wobbled below her. “Just as with Luna and Falla, I promised to take care of you, and I meant it. I’m only being fair and allowing those I gave my heart out to first the final say of when that can happen. Right, Alyssa?”

  All eyes turned to Alyssa as she glanced to Daniel then looked at Kroanette with a blank expression and a raised eyebrow.

  “You haven’t gotten on my bad side yet, so you’re doing great so far.”

  “Does that mean I can… with him?” Kroanette asked hopefully.

  “We’re not doing anything of the sort tonight,” Alyssa said shaking her head. “Triska’s not feeling well and it wouldn’t be fair to leave her out, with or without you joining us. She needs to give her okay with allowing you the honor of making love with Daniel.”

  “Of course, I understand that,” Kroanette eagerly agreed. “I was merely asking if… if you-”

  “Besides we need to figure out a better sleeping arrangement for you,” Alyssa interrupted as she turned her sights towards their caravan up ahead.

  “A better sleeping arrangement?” Kroanette questioned.

  “We’re not all sleeping outside on the ground, Kroanette. So we need to figure out how we can get you inside the cabin with all of us.” She then smirked at the centaur with a shrug. “That is where you belong after all, right? With all of us?”

  “Alyssa,” Kroanette breathed out with a smile forming.

  “I haven’t given you my blessing to let Daniel ride you how I know you want him to,” Alyssa quickly stated with a raised finger at her, then giggled and hugged the centaur around her waist while Kroanette smiled from the gesture. “But when I have I still want to be able to play with him too, so you need to be patient until I can figure out how to make that happen.”

  “Alyssa, thank you,” Kroanette gratefully said holding the witch’s arm. “Of course, I wouldn’t want to keep Daniel from all of his mates, quite the opposite actually.”

  Falla smiled at them then at Daniel as he nodded with a wink at her. He started walking towards the caravan again with Luna, in doing so Falla then saw Squeak smiling at Kroanette and Alyssa before turning her eyes to the butterfly girl. Squeak jumped with a blush then quickly looked down before glancing to Falla again with a timid smile. Falla watched her curiously as Kroanette quickly trotted past them after Daniel then smiled slyly and walked over towards the ant girl, causing her to tremble a bit and avert her eyes from the butterfly.

  “Would it be alright with you if my sister and I joined you girls with Daniel?” Falla asked as she gently rested her hand on Squeak’s shoulder. “I know it wouldn’t be right if you didn’t feel comfortable with that, the choice is up to you as well. What do you say?”

  Squeak looked away for a while before nodding once with a squeak.

  “Even though we got off on the wrong foot when we first met?” Falla worriedly asked. “You’re really okay with me getting close to him now?”

  Squeak turned to her and nodded again with a small smile.

  “And even though my sister and I eat bugs? That doesn’t bother you, does it?”

  Squeak shook her head and squeaked at her with a warm smile.

  Falla nodded slowly then quickly leaned in close to Squeak’s ear with a seductive glance at the ant girl.

  “Good, I always wanted to try eating an ant.”

  She then walked away after the others while swaying her hips slightly and fluttering her wings, not seeing Squeak staring at her with wide eyes and an open mouth. The ant girl blushed brightly then gulped before slowly following the butterfly while holding Specca close to her.

  Daniel and the girls boarded the caravan while Kroanette leaned her upper body in through the entryway curtain as she always did, watching as the group took Specca and Luna towards the bed where Triska was already lying under the covers. Pip was sitting down on Triska’s bare chest and watching as the teen slept quietly and naked under the sheets, the tiny fairy then turning her eye to Luna then to Specca as the two were laid down next to Triska on either side of her.

  “How’s she doing?” Daniel asked as he and Squeak sat up on the bed next to the girls.

  “She’s sleeping peacefully,” Pip answered with a smile. “She’s the complete opposite of you when you sleep.”

  Daniel chuckled with a weak smile to that then walked over towards Kroanette while the other girls started to get undressed for the night. Alyssa hung her shirt and shoulder covers up and set her hat on her staff next to their wardrobe then noticed Squeak and Falla watching each other out of the corners of their eyes while they slowly got undressed next to one another.

  “You two are going to make out again tonight, aren’t you?” Alyssa dryly asked.

  Squeak jumped with a squeak and turned to her while frantically waving her hands around in front of her, tunic left pulled up over her breasts while she squeaked quickly at the witch and shook her head with a blush on her face. She then jumped even higher with a sharp screech before freezing in place, eyes wide and her face taking on a deeper shade of crimson while she trembled a bit.
Slowly she looked back to see Falla smirking at her with a twitch of her eyebrow, the butterfly having one hand held close to Squeak’s abdomen with one finger resting on the end after she had scratched the ant girl with her nail.

  “Sorry, finger slipped,” Falla said with a shrug before she resumed taking off her floral outfit and hanging it up. She then casually crawled onto the bed and started to undress her sister for the night, keeping her rear perked up behind her at the other girls where Squeak stared at her with a stunned expression and Alyssa merely raised an eyebrow at the butterfly girl.

  “Squeak,” Alyssa said glancing to the ant girl. “Just to be clear, you don’t need our permission if you and Falla want to fool around together. She’s just not allowed to do so with Daniel yet without all of our blessing.”

  Squeak turned to her with a flustered squeak and shook her head while pulling on her hair, squeaking again and again at the witch while Falla looked back to her with a curious smile as she took Luna’s clothes off and pulled the covers up over her sister’s stomach. Alyssa finished putting away her clothing for the night then walked away to get into bed on the other side while glancing to Squeak as the ant girl continued to try to speak to her.

  “Uh huh, whatever you say,” Alyssa dryly replied before hopping onto the bed and starting to undress Specca. As she did Squeak kept desperately squeaking at her with a blush on her face, with Daniel watching them in amusement before sitting down against the doorframe next to Kroanette.

  “I think they’re warming up to each other,” Kroanette giggled, with Daniel nodding in agreement.


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