Book Read Free

For The Love Of My Sisters

Page 12

by Shameek Speight

  “Mi tells yuh everything, now kill mi mon.”

  “Who said we’re going to kill you, not yet anyway,” Muscles said with a smile while he and Homicide pick up Dwayne and place him on a table.

  “This is so those crabs on the floor can’t get to you,” Muscles said then pulls out a needle full of morphine that he took from Nina.

  Nina once told him morphine can stop pain and keep a person alive longer, even if the person is about to die. It numbs the body so the doctors can work on them. Muscles stuck the needle in Dwayne’s neck.

  “Ahhhh!” Dwayne lets out a weak scream.

  “This will keep your ass alive long enough to see if you’re setting us up.”

  As the morphine starts taking effect something came to Dwayne’s mind, “Pon each side of di apartment wid di money, ah filled wid Jamaican gunmen dat will be ready to kill anything dat looks funny or any fuckery dat gwan pon.”

  Dwayne didn’t know why he told them that just now he hadn’t planned too, but the effect of the drug made him mellow and talk even more. Muscles and Homicide left the room and locked it then took the steps up out the basement.

  “Yo, do you think he was lying?” Homicide asked.

  “We’re going to find out, get on the phone and tell everybody were having a meeting, but first call your brother, I have a special job for him.”

  The meeting took place the next day with the Homicide Crew, Luscious and her girls, Essence, Velvet, Peaches, Bones and his cousin Cory. They made plans to rush the apartments in the Lefrak City Complex and the Warehouse in Queensbridge where the weed was at. Muscles got the guns and other things they would need for the job. MP5 sub machine guns were handed out to the team. They hold sixty five rounds of nine millimeter bullets and can shoot them all in ten minutes, emptying the clip. Exploding tear gas grenades was also added to the things they will use with the gas masks to block out the smoke. Just like the last jux they had to hit everything at once. A team to hit the apartments and a team to hit the warehouse full of weed. Muscles didn’t tell anyone about the tractor trailer full of purple haze, just Lil Homicide, Tommy Gunz and Killer. Their job was to grab the tractor trailer and unload the weed at the house in Uniondale where Muscles will move the weed later on.

  Shells, a member of the homicide crew will lead the jux at the warehouse with 8 men and six vans with two men in each. Muscles, Homicide, Luscious Essence, Velvet, Peaches, Bones, his cousin Cory and four of Bones’ workers will be one team. The plan was made, now they will sit back and wait.

  After everyone left the safe house, Muscles went back down to the basement with a blunt in his left hand and a glass of Hennessy in his right hand. He took a deep pull inhaling the orange kush and lets the smoke out though his nose, then takes a sip of Hennessy. Flashbacks of his father holding him as a child raced through his head. Then flashes of his father laying sick on a bed covered in bedsores over his whole body. Muscles went in the back room, opened the door and looked at Dwayne lying on the table still wrapped in chains and stares at him with a deranged look.

  “You killed my father motherfucker and you’re the reason my sister got Aids!” Muscles yelled with a furious look in his eyes.

  “Mon mi doan know wah yuh talking about, mi neva hurt yuh fadda,” Dwayne said trying to plea to Muscles who looked like a mad man to him.

  “You fucking liar!” Muscles yelled while dropping the blunt and half a glass full of Hennessy and runs over to the table. He was there before the glass hit the ground and shatters. He picks Dwayne up in his arms as if he weighed nothing.

  Dwayne quickly realized what he was about to do and starts pleading for his life, “No! No! Please mon nah that, nah that! Shoot mi mon, kill mi, but nah that!”

  ‘Splash’, the water jumps up as Muscles throws him in the water and watch as Dwayne sinks, leaving only his head above the water. The crabs wasted no time to attack and began to pick and eat his flesh.

  “Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!” Dwayne yelled as they rip him to pieces devouring him.

  They went crazy because they already had the taste of his meat in their systems, but he was pulled out leaving them craving for more, now they will end there craving. Crabs jump over each other to get to Dwayne, there was so many of them Muscles could see the water bubbling and splashing as they ate away at Dwayne and others fought for a piece.

  “Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!”

  Muscles picked back up his blunt from the floor and seen a crab run away into a corner as he lit it up. He then sat on the table smoking and watching.

  “Ahhhh! Ahhhh!” Dwayne yelled in pain.

  The crabs that couldn’t get to his body began to climb on top of each other and was now picking at his face. Dwayne tries to close his eyes but a crab pinched the flesh off his eye lids, then one pulled out his eyeball and began to eat it.

  “Ahhhhhh!” Dwayne pray for death but it didn’t come. Unknown to him and Muscles, the shot of morphine that Muscles gave him yesterday was just now wearing off and was the reason he was still alive. It was enough in his system to keep him alive, but not enough to stop him from feeling pain. He will live to the last crab pick his bones dry of meat. Muscles just sat there and watched.

  The next day was the big summer barbecue at the Redfern Projects and everyone was out there enjoying the day and food. Muscles brought enough crabs to feed all most the whole projects, there were stone crabs, blue crabs and snow crabs. Everyone at the barbecue thanked him. As they bust the crabs down Muscles watch some of the members from the Homicide Crew eat. Homicide walked and stood next to Muscles with a plate in his hand. He was about to bite into a crab leg.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Muscles stated.

  Homicide looks up at his friend with a funny look and see the smile on Muscles face, “Oh yea and why not?”

  Muscles just gave him a well-known look. Homicide looks at him and it took a minute but he caught on. “Oh shit, these are the crabs that ate a few chunks and pieces off that fool,” Homicide said looking Muscles in the eyes.

  “Yea and they ate more than a few pieces Muscles replied.”

  Homicide looks at his friend and automatically knew what he did. Homicide quickly drops the plate to the ground and looks around at everyone else eating the crabs. From hustlers to women, kids and even dope head Jimmy.

  “Muscles I thought I was sick, but you are one sick ass motherfucker”.

  “I had to get rid of them someway and this was the best way,” Muscles said while smiling.

  “Well I’m going to grab me a piece of chicken. You didn’t do anything to the chicken I hope?”

  “Naw you straight,” Muscles said while laughing, then starts looking around for his sister Sasha.

  She was supposed to be there, but he couldn’t find her. He didn’t know what he was going to do with her. She was always running off somewhere.

  Sasha’s head went up and down sucking on the tip of the head, then deep throating it.

  “Do you like that daddy?” She moaned.

  “Yea,” ‘P’ moaned while holding onto the back of her head.

  “Mmmm you taste so good,” she moaned while licking and sucking his balls.

  “Mi love it,” ‘P’ groaned.

  Sasha quickly came up and starts jerking his dick off while keeping her mouth on the tip of it. She used the spit on his dick to jerk it even faster.

  “Ahhh, mmmm,” ‘P’ groans and bust his nut and Sasha catches it all and swallows it.

  Sasha licks around the tip and ‘P’s’ body shakes from the sensation.

  ‘Damn, mi neva letting dis young pum pum go,’ he thought to himself as he enters her and fucks her the whole night until she lays knocked out sleeping in his bed.

  Chapter 16

  The night of the big jux everything and everyone was in place. The first team to see their victim was Lil Homicide and Killer. They rode in a blue Crown Victoria with Tommy Gunz following behind them in a stolen black Nissan Pathfinder. He tails behind them lightly touchin
g the old Tommy gun in his lap. He knew he couldn’t ride in the same car as Lil Homicide and Killer, because what they were about to pull off he just didn’t look the part. With four tear drop tattoos on his face and a tattoo on his neck that read, ‘Ready to Die’, they all had that tattoo on their necks. It was his tear drops that would give him away.

  Lil Homicide follows the tractor trailer on to North Conduit and read the license plate to make sure it was the right truck. Once he was sure, he hit the switch turning on the lights and sirens in the car

  ‘Whoop!’ ‘Whoop’! ‘Whoop!’ the Crown Victoria flashed the bright lights.

  A day before the jux, Muscles had the car done up like a police car down to the ‘T’. From the lights, sirens, tinted windows and even a police radio to hear when the cops were coming. It even had a loud speaker in it.

  “Oh bloodclot mon, di batty bwoy police is behine us,” the driver of the tractor truck said to his partner in the passenger seat next to him.

  “Pull ovah mon, our papas are right. We’ll just show dem an they will let us go,” his partner replied. The driver broke down the gears to the big truck and pulls it over to the side of the highway.

  Lil Homicide parked the Crown Victoria right in front of the truck. He pressed a button turning on the loud speaker, “Get out of the truck with your hands up, along with your license and registration.”

  “Damn mon wi haffi get out, come pon did is bullshit,” the driver said as he and his partner hop out the big truck with their hands up.

  “This shit is going down,” Lil Homicide said out loud as he and Killer hop out the Crown Victoria with their fake gold cop badges hanging from there neck, swinging like a chain on a rope.

  Lil Homicide and Killer never noticed the truck parked across the street that pulled over the same time as them. Lil Homicide and Killer quickly ran up to the two men with their guns drawn.

  “Get down now! Get down, hands on your head!” Killer yelled in his best cop voice really sounding like one. The two men get down to the ground, forced by Lil Homicide and Killer.

  A warning went off in the driver’s head, something was wrong. ‘Dem too young to be batty bwoy police,’ he thought to himself. His partner lay next to him thinking the same thing as he felt the barrel of the .45 handgun on the back of his head.

  “This shit is like taking candy from a baby,” Killer said looking up at Homicide who pulls out a pair of handcuffs.

  The men across the street in the truck watch and came to the same thought as the men lying on the ground. “Dem not batty bwoy police,” one of them yell as all four of them hop out the truck cocking their guns.

  Lil Homicide and Killer were so preoccupied handcuffing the men that they didn’t notice the four Jamaican gunmen with Uzi’s in their hands trying to run across the highway.


  A driver hits the brakes of his car hard as he was about to hit one of the men running across the highway.

  Killer looks up towards the noise and saw another car crash into the car that made the sudden stop, but that’s not what got his attention. “Yo Lil Homicide look out!” Killer yelled while pushing Lil Homicide to the ground.

  One of the gunmen stood in the middle of the street and took aim and squeezed the trigger of his Uzi.


  A spray of bullets went flying over Lil Homicide’s head as Killer pushed him to the ground.

  The gunmen aimed at the ground where they were at. Bullets ripped through the bodies of the driver and his partner.

  “Ahhhh!” They scream as bullets fill them and they lay there shaking uncontrollably.

  Lil Homicide took out his next gun, with his twin Glock 19’s he aims and squeezes the triggers simultaneously. The hollow point bullets shred and pierce the gunman’s chest and stomach.

  “Ahhhh!” he yells and bends over in pain, but refuses to drop dead.

  Lil Homicide looks at him with amazement knowing he had hit him at least six times. The gunman raised the Uzi again and yells, “Go suck your madda!” as he and Lil Homicide begin to pull the triggers too their guns at the same time.


  Just then a Ford Expedition crashes into the gunman, dragging him a half mile down the highway killing him instantly. The three other gunmen were now hopping over crashed cars and dodging moving cars at the same time to get across the four lane highway.

  Killer could now hear them shouting and screaming.

  “Yuh kill mi bredda, now mi will kill yuh, shit!”

  Lil Homicide and Killer quickly get up off the ground and run behind the Crown Victoria for cover as shots rang out following their every move.

  ‘BOOM!’ ‘BOOM!’ ‘BOOM!’

  Killer lets off three quick shots from his .45 handgun, using the trunk of the car as cover. Rapid fire from the Uzi’s made him duck down. Bullets rip through the Crown Victoria making it look like Swiss cheese.

  “Shit we’re outnumbered!” Killer yelled looking at Lil Homicide.

  “Yo I got a plan,” Lil Homicide replied, “But we have to kill one of them and that would leave just two of them. If we can get them to split up we can take them out, on three we go in.”

  “One, two, three!” they yelled together as they raise their heads from behind the car and fire.

  ‘BOOM!’ ‘BOOM!’ ‘BOOM!’

  ‘BOC!’ ‘BOC!’ ‘BOC!’

  The Jamaican gunmen were now using the crashed cars on the highway for cover. Glass shatters as bullets went through one of the cars, killing a lady that was trying to duck from the bullets. One of the gunmen stands up and squeezes the trigger of the Uzi. The gun spits wildly at Lil Homicide and Killer. Killer held his breath and fires two quick shots, both hitting its mark. The .45 bullets split the gunman’s head leaving him dead. Lil Homicide sees the gunman go down and made his move. He ran towards the tractor trailer while firing shots from both of his guns at the last two gunmen. Bullets from the Uzi are still on his tail as he ducks down under the eighteen wheeler truck, using it for cover. The two gunmen ran after him. Killer sees them chasing his man and blasts three shots at them. Bullets whistled pass their heads, he squeezes the trigger again.

  ‘Click!’ ‘Click!’ ‘Click!’

  “Shit, I’m out of bullets!” he yelled as he watched the two gunmen close in on Lil Homicide.

  The two gunmen stood on both sides of the big truck so Lil Homicide had no way of escaping when he crawls from up under the trailer truck.

  “Yuh batty bwoy mi a guh kill yuh,” one of the gunmen said as he bent down to see where Lil Homicide was.

  He didn’t see him and wondered where he went, “Deh is nuh wey he could ave passed mi, I see him guh unda di truck,” the gunman said out loud.

  Lil Homicide held on to a pipe under the tractor trailer that lifted him off the ground. He let go of the pipe and fell to the ground after seeing one of the Jamaican gunmen look up under the truck then stand back up.

  The Jamaican gunman stood with a confused look on his face then bends back down to take another look. His eyes open as wide as a plate as he sees the two guns aimed at him. He now knew his life was over.

  Lil Homicide lay there on his back looking up at him with the pair of Glock 19’s pointed at his face. He had no time to react as Lil Homicide pulls the triggers on the guns.

  ‘BOC!’ ‘BOC!’ ‘BOC!’ ‘BOC!’

  The bullets slammed into his face shredding his skull and sending him flying backwards. Just then the next gunman bent down and looked at Lil Homicide. He pulled the trigger of his Uzi and sent bullets flying at him. Lil Homicide drops both his guns and grabs the pipe under the truck, lifting himself up, before the bullets hit him.

  “Ahhhh!” he yelled as a few grazed his back.


  Lil Homicide turned his head to see what looked like the Jamaican gunman kneeling down dancing. Tommy Gunz lets loose with his old tommy gun on the gunman. Bullets riddled his body making it look like a raw p
iece of bloody meat. He walks up on him and continued to empty the clip in the gunman’s body. His body jerked up and down on the ground even after all was said and done. Tommy Gunz put more than a hundred bullets in him.

  Lil Homicide crawls from up under the truck, “Damn what took your ass so long? Them fools were about to kill my ass.”

  “Yo I had to get this shit to unjam,” Tommy Gunz replied while pointing at his gun.

  “I told your ass about bringing that old ass Tommy gun anyway!” Lil Homicide yelled.

  “Yea, but this old ass gun just saved your ass.”

  Killer came running toward them, “Yo we can do this later lets break the fuck out of here,” he said while jiggling the keys he took out the dead drivers hand.

  Tommy Gunz ran back to the Pathfinder, while Killer and Lil Homicide jump in the tractor trailer.

  “Yo you know how to drive this shit!” Lil Homicide asked with a concerned look on his face.

  “It can’t be too hard, I drive stick shifts, it’s pretty much the same shit,” he said while starting up the big truck, that’s when he noticed the Crown Victoria. He threw the truck in gear and ran over it. He looked at Lil Homicide and gives a smirk, “Leave no evidence,” he said as the car goes up in flames and he switched gears on the truck crashing and running over some of the crashed cars that were in the way and a few others that weren’t.

  They exit the highway at Springfield Blvd. This part of Queens has a lot of dead blocks. Very few people live here. They drove the eighteen wheeler truck to 220th Avenue on a dead end block with run down houses. The only thing parked on the block was two ground UPS trucks. They were placed there earlier in the day.

  “Quickly, we only have less than an hour before the police find this big ass truck!” Lil Homicide yelled as he hops out the truck following Killer and run to the back of the locked trailer.

  Tommy Gunz parked the Pathfinder across the street and came running over to help. Lil Homicide used the back of his gun to break the lock on the trailer and lifts up the door. They all stood shocked as they look at the clear giant bags of compressed weed. The bags were the size of a box that came up to your thigh. One look at the bags and you can tell there was 50 pounds of compressed weed in one brick. They move fast to unload the trailer and pull the weed in the UPS truck.


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