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For The Love Of My Sisters

Page 13

by Shameek Speight

  An hour later sirens could be heard coming in their direction, “Let’s go,” Lil Homicide said.

  “Yo, but there’s mad weed left,” Killer replied.

  “Fuck that shit, we got enough!” Lil Homicide yelled as all three of them change their clothes, putting on brown UPS uniforms.

  Lil Homicide hops in the UPS truck with Tommy Gunz sitting next to him with a clenching hold of his old tommy gun.

  “You’re never going to get rid of that are you?” Lil Homicide said while starting up the truck and throwing it into gear.

  “Nope dog,” Tommy Gunz replied.

  “Killer pulls up alongside them in a UPS truck, “Let’s go!” he yelled as he took off with Lil Homicide tailing behind him.

  Six blue and white police cars pass them as they turn the corner. One of the police cars slows down and looks at the two UPS trucks driving by then the car continues on its way heading towards the tractor trailer.

  Lil Homicide noticed the highway was blocked off by the cops, so they took the main roads until they were able to jump on the highway and drive on the Southern State Parkway. They exit at Uniondale in Long Island where they drove ten blocks and parked in front of the house Muscles told them to. They begin unloading the weed inside the house.

  “Shit this will take all night,” Killer said as he felt weaker and weaker with every trip to the trucks, then the house.

  “Well fool after we put all this shit in the house we still have to pack them in boxes and duct tape them up,” Lil Homicide said to Killer while carrying another two bags in the house.

  “Shit!” Killer yelled.

  “Stop bitching and let’s finish this shit,” Tommy Gunz said as they continue to work.

  Across town at the very same time Muscles pulls up to Lefrak City Complex with three stolen green Chevrolet Tahoe’s. There were three buildings that would be hit, with a team for each building. Muscles, Luscious, Homicide and one of Bones’ worker’s named R.J., was hitting the first building. R.J was replacing Essence. They repeatedly called her phone, but she never answered or met up with them, so they had to go through it without her.

  Bones, Velvet and two of his workers from the block will hit the next building, and Bones’ cousin Cory, Peaches and two more of Bones’ worker will hit the last building. They had to do this all at once making perfect timing, so the victims will not have time to warn the other spots.

  They all hop out the Tahoe’s and head for their assigned buildings. Everyone dressed in all black with one member from each team holding a black duffle bag. MP5 guns were poking out from underneath their clothes. Only a few people looked in their direction then quickly looking away as they make their way inside the building.

  Muscles, Homicide, Luscious and R.J. rode the elevator to the tenth floor in silence, they knew the plan there was no need for words. Luscious walks to apartment 10F, Muscles and R.J lean on the side of the wall next to the door. Homicide stood a few feet back waiting for things to get popping and he’ll take it from there.

  Luscious knocks on the door, “Who?” A voice said in a strong Jamaican accent.

  “It’s Candy, I’m a gift to you from Pistol,” the Jamaican man looked through the peephole and looks Luscious up and down and licks his lips.

  ‘I shud call Pistol before mi open dis door,’ he thought to himself, ‘Pistol sent gyal dem fah mi and di crew before,’ so thinking with his dick he opens the door and it would be the last mistake of his life.

  Once the door opens the lanky framed Jamaican man stood there with his hand on his crotch. Muscles push off the wall and raise his MP5 and squeezed the trigger. Ten bullets pierced the man’s skull at the speed of lightning, killing him instantly.

  “Weh di bloodclot?” could be heard from inside the apartment and from the apartment across from them.

  Muscles quickly passed Luscious her gas mask as he and RJ pull theirs down on their face. He took out two tear gas grenades and tossed them inside the apartment.


  A small explosion could be heard as smoke and gas fill the apartment.

  “Let’s go!” Luscious and Muscles made their way inside the apartment making sure to stay low.


  Shots from an AK-47 ring out in the apartment flying over their heads. At the same time the door from the apartment across the hall flew open and two gunmen came out with Uzi’s.

  R.J was leaning on the wall facing them and let bullets fly from his MP5 making lead fill the men up, killing them. He ran towards the door frame, where the bodies lay.

  “Wait! Wait!” Homicide yelled, but his words were muffle through the gas mask.

  RJ was moving too fast, he entered the other apartment ready to kill anything in his sight. He was feeling himself because he just dropped the two men at the door with no sweat.

  ‘BOOM!’ ‘BOOM!’

  The sound of a shotgun could be heard roaring as Homicide looks at RJ’s body get blown to pieces. Homicide tossed the tear gas grenade and it explodes in the air.

  “Mi eyes! Mi eyes! Mi eyes!”

  Homicide could hear the man screaming as he steps over RJ’s lifeless body and squeezes the trigger of his MP5. Burst of automatic fire was let off sending bullets in the man’s lungs and heart, tearing through his body and coming out his back. He falls over dead on his face. Homicide quickly tossed another tear gas grenade and watched it go off. He wonders why RJ didn’t wait for him to throw the grenade in the apartment, now he was dead, but there was no time to waste worrying over the dead.

  “Agaahhh! Agaahhh!”

  Coughing could be heard in the back room as he made his way to the door. He kicks in the door and gets low as shots from a 9mm went passed his head.


  The MP5 rips through the gunman’s body as another gunman jumps out the closet with a gun in his hand and a shirt tie around his mouth and nose. That didn’t stop the burning of his eyes as bullets crashed into his neck, causing him to drop his gun and grab the wound trying to stop the blood from gushing out. It was no use; blood escaped through his fingers as he drops to his knees then falls on his back and dies. It looked as if he was stretching. Homicide searched the apartment for more gunmen.

  Meanwhile, across the hall Luscious and Muscles kept their heads low to dodge the bullets of the AK-47 that were flying passed their heads. Muscles felt the gunman’s feet and then pull the trigger of the MP5.


  Bullets shot into the meat and bones of the gunman’s feet and legs then his stomach as Muscles raise the sub-machine gun. He didn’t stop shooting until bullets were now going through the gunman’s head. The gunman’s body split in half as it hits the floor leaving him dead. Muscles and Luscious couldn’t believe their eyes as they watched the body split in half.

  “Mi will kill yuh, mi will kill yuh batty!” A man yelled as he coughs from the tear gas smoke. He runs toward them firing off his 357 magnum.

  “Shit!” Luscious screamed as she watched the man running toward them firing the cannon. She screams and jumps up and fires.

  “Ahhhh!” The first few bullets whistled passed the gunman’s head and body, the next one’s crash into his chest. It felt like he was shot a million times as he shakes violently and his body parts fly everywhere. He drops and dies.

  ‘BOC!’ ‘BOC!’ ‘BOC!’

  Shots from a snub nosed 38 went off and a bullet slams into Luscious’ thigh. “Ahhhh!” She screamed as she raised her gun and aims it at the shooter. She squeezes the trigger, firing fourteen shots in rapid succession, dropping the shooter.

  “Yo, are you alright?” Muscles yelled while scanning the apartment for any other shooters.

  “Yea, I’m straight, the bullet hit me in the thigh and that shit is burning like hell.”

  Just then Homicide walks into the apartment. Muscles and Luscious turn towards him with their guns aiming in his direction.

  “Shit fool don’t you be creeping up on us like that!” Mus
cles yelled as Luscious calms down and limps over to the man that shot her. When she looks down, her eyes filled with tears. Muscles and Homicide sensed that something was wrong and walks over to her and looks down.

  “Oh shit!” Muscles yelled as his stomach bubbles up and tightens up.

  All three of them look down at the twelve year old girl with a snub nosed 38 in her hand and her bullet rippled and shredded face and body. She was shot up so bad all they knew was she will have a closed coffin at her funeral. Muscles looked at the young dead girl and all he could think of was his sisters. ‘What if this was my sister?’

  “Yo, where’s the money?” Homicide asked breaking Muscles and Luscious out their trance.

  They all walked to the bedroom and just like Dwayne said there were four metal barrels. Muscles pops the lid off of one of the barrels then removes the can goods from it to get to the money wrapped up in clear plastic. He knew he had no time to try to take the money out the barrels so he grabs two of the long barrels as Homicide drags the next two.

  Luscious gave cover with the MP5 keeping it raised high while she limps to the elevator making sure no one jumps out on them.

  At the same time in the next building, Bones and Velvet were doing the fourteenth floor. Velvet knocks on the apartment door, and a Jamaican man looks through the peephole of the door at Velvet and had a funny feeling.

  He knew some of their spots had been robbed two months ago and Pistol would have their heads if his money comes up missing.

  “Who sent yuh?” The Jamaican asks behind the door.

  “Pistol sent me baby, I’m a present for you,” Velvet replied in a sexy tone.

  The man knew something was wrong, because Pistol would have called first to let him know he was sending pum pum over for him and the crew. No way in hell he was going to open the door for her.

  Velvet felt his vibe, “Fuck it!” she yelled as she raised her MP5 and let it do the talking.

  Bullets ring out and ate through the metal door, hitting the Jamaican man killing him. Bones kicks in the door and tossed in the tear gas grenade.


  Smoke fills the room as he and Velvet pull down their gas mask. Bones gives a sign to his workers letting them know to be ready for the gunmen in the apartment across from them. As he and Velvet made their way inside the apartment shooting any and everything moving and coughing. Just like Bones warned his two workers, the apartment across the hall door flew open and two gunmen were ready to shoot and run into the next apartment, but were met with rapid fire, killing them both.

  Bone’s workers tossed a tear gas grenade inside the apartment and went to work, killing everyone inside the apartment. Then he goes back over to the next apartment and helps Bones and Velvet carry out the four large barrels, leaving dead bodies behind.

  In the third building Cory, Peaches and two of Bones workers weren’t so lucky. The gunman opens the door and licks his lips as he looks at Peaches and was about to let her in when he peeped Cory on the side of the wall and lets off two quick shots at Cory that missed, but it made enough noise to warn everyone in the apartment. The gunmen in the apartment across from Peaches shot the man in the head at point blank range and watched his body drop. When she looks up she was met with bullets from an AK-47.


  Her body shook and danced as she squeezed the trigger of her MP5 and exchanged fire, hitting the gunman in the chest killing him before she dies.

  Cory stood there in shock, but then tossed the tear gas grenade inside the apartment and ran inside there like he was Rambo, killing everyone. The door from the apartment across the hall flew open and shots were fired into the next apartment. They were met with a shotgun blast that sends one of the gunmen flying backwards and making the other run back in the apartment for cover.

  Cory had killed everyone in the first apartment, pumped up with adrenaline he runs out the apartment when he heard the shots across the hall. His men were leaning on the wall returning fire then ducking for cover.

  ‘These pussy’s’, Cory thought to himself as he grabs a tear gas grenade. He pulls the pin, runs in the apartment and pulls his hand back behind his head to toss the gas grenade deep inside the place when…


  The tear gas grenade exploded, blowing up his hand.

  “Ahhhh!” Cory screamed in pain and agony as he looks at where his hand used to be. He removes his gas mask and starts coughing from the tear gas smoke while he screams.

  Two of the gunmen in the apartment noticed Cory bent over screaming and crying, they wipe their eyes to see and waste no time to squeeze shots off from the AK-47.


  Bullets rip through Cory’s body as he coughs up blood and dies. Bones’ two workers toss another tear gas grenade into the apartment and wait until they heard coughing, then they rush in running and shooting at the same time.


  Bullets filled the coughing blind victim, killing him instantly then they ran back across the hall to the next apartment making sure to stay on point for any gunmen as they ran to the back bedroom where they found four barrels. They could only drag one each while keeping their guns raised high to make sure no one jumps out on them. They knew they had to leave the other two barrels as they made their way to the elevator, ride down and exit the building.


  “Everybody pull off!” Muscles ordered as they all made it too their Tahoe’s at the same time and take off.

  ‘Everything to the ‘T’, Muscles thought to himself as he drove down the street, not knowing of all the soldiers he lost. They all rode back in silence toward the safe house.

  ‘Ring, ring, ring,’

  “Hello, Yo Nina I need you again,” Muscles said while taking his eyes off the road to look back at Luscious in the back seat ripping a shirt to tie around her thigh to slow down the bleeding.

  Nina took a deep breath and blows out, “Just give me twenty minutes and I’ll call you back,” Nina replied. She was in the middle of a test in school and didn’t want to blow it. She prayed in her head that no one would die when she tries to help them this time around, then hung up her phone and went back to her test.

  Chapter 17

  At the same time across town, the Homicide Crew pulls up in front of a warehouse in Queensbridge. Two men each rode vans ready for their jux. Agent Frank stood in a van made to look like a FedEx van with a tactical assault team. He has been there for two months now off and on and still hadn’t seen anything to build a case on the Junkyard Crew. He knew for sure the drugs were in the warehouse, but didn’t know how to prove it without any information or evidence. He couldn’t get a warrant to rush the place, and that meant he wouldn’t move up in rank like he so badly wanted.

  “We have action fellas, we have action,” Frank said into a mic on the collar of his shirt, giving his men that were in another van down the block the heads up.

  Agent Frank watched the four long vans pull up right in front of the warehouse then drive to the side to the raised gate.

  “Shit, are you recording this?” He yelled to one of his men, making sure he was getting everything on tape. He looked at the 20 inch TV screen built in the van and looks at the eight men jumping out the vans dressed in all black with four of them holding black duffle bags.

  “Yes,” the technical engineer replied.

  “Maybe we have a drug buy fellas. Make sure you zoom in and get a good shot of their faces,” Frank said, as he looks at the technical engineer who was working on it.

  Frank’s body began to sweat from the excitement of getting a possible bust and becoming a special agent. He watched one of the eight men in black bend down and it looked like he put a key in the side door.

  Shells used his tools to pick the lock. He couldn’t believe how easy it was to unlock the door. ‘These damn Shottas think they’re so untouchable that they don’t even put good locks on the doors,’ Shells thought to himself as he and the rest of the Homicid
e Crew crept inside without making a sound.

  They open their duffle bags and pass out the MP5’s and gas masks and took out the tear gas grenades. As they creep in more, they couldn’t believe their eyes, there were fourteen naked women doing different jobs, some were wrapping the weed in plastic after weighing it. There was a part of the warehouse full of bright lights and tall weed plants where six women were watering plants and picking the weed buds off the plants. They had nothing on but a thong and a big bag to put the buds in.

  Shells looked around at all the pounds and pounds of weed then noticed the six men with long dreads, walking around the place with AK-47’s in their hands. They were too busy lusting over the women’s bodies and making sure they didn’t steal anything that they didn’t even notice Shells and the other seven men crotched down low by the side door. The crew was moving behind machines in the warehouse that looked as if they hadn’t been used in years.

  “Let’s do this,” Shells said as they all began to toss tear gas grenades.

  One of the Jamaican gunmen looked down at the can that made noise when it hit the concrete.

  ‘BOOM!’ ‘BOOM!’ ‘BOOM!’ Small explosions went off.

  “Did you hear that?” Agent Frank said to one of his agents.

  “It didn’t sound like gunshots,” the agent replied.

  “You’re right, we will just sit and watch,” Agent Frank replied.

  ‘Ekhhm!’ ‘Ekhhm!’

  Everyone in the warehouse begins to cough hysterically while rubbing their eyes from the blinding and burning sensation they felt. The Homicide Crew moves like men in the military and swiftly went straight for the six gunmen with the AK-47’s in their hands. They throw the gunmen down in headlocks or punched them then disarm them of their weapons. They grab their duffle bags, pull out handcuffs and handcuffed the men, then move onto the women handcuffing their hands and feet just like the men.


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