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Sheikh's Destiny

Page 2

by Leah Leonard

  “You’re drinking it too fast,” a waifish blonde said. “You’ve gotta sip it.”

  “Oh, okay.” Stephanie tried again, slowly taking the liquid into the back of her throat. “Not bad.”

  The others turned toward her and another girl with dark hair said, “Haven’t you had champagne before?”

  “No. I live on a farm.”

  The other girls made faces and acted like this was the most far out thing Stephanie could have possibly ever reported to them.

  Her parents never were much for drinking, although they enjoyed the occasional glass of wine or beer, but only on holidays. There was far too much work to do on the farm to indulge in alcohol.

  A girl with long blonde curly hair laughed.

  To Stephanie’s surprise, the chunky girl came to her defense. “What are you laughing at?”

  Sinking down in the seats, the curly haired girl said, “Nothin’. It just seems a little strange, that’s all.”

  “Well not all of us are made of money,” the chunky girl said, gesturing to the Gucci handbag the curly haired girl clutched.

  “It’s not a big deal,” Stephanie chimed in, half afraid these two were about to get into a brawl. “I’ve had a pretty sheltered life. I’ve never been out of the United States before, I’ve never ridden in a limo, and I’ve never had champagne. A lot of firsts.”

  “Me neither,” said the chunky girl. “On the travel part, that is. I’ve had plenty of champagne over the years.”

  “What’s your name?” Stephanie asked her.

  “Meg. You?”

  “Stephanie. Where are you from?”

  “New York,” Meg reported, and Stephanie immediately recognized the gruff accent.

  “Neat. I’d like to go there too, someday.”

  “It’s not all that great,” Meg sulked.

  “Here’s to new beginnings,” the curly haired girl raked her long blonde hair back with her bright pink fingernails. “My name’s Melody.”

  “I’ll drink to that. Where are you from, Melody?” asked the dark haired girl.

  “Cali.” When nobody seemed to know what she was talking about, Melody added, “California. You?”

  “Pittsburgh. My name’s Jenny,” she lifted her glass and Melody toasted her.

  “I’m Cindy. I live in Canton,” said the thin blonde. “Ohio…”

  Melody tipped back her glass, draining every drop, grabbed the bottle and poured herself another. “Look, I didn’t mean anything by laughing. Who am I to say anything? I was supposed to be on my honeymoon right now, but here I am. I ditched my ex at the altar. Thank God. Here’s to not ruining my life.”

  Everyone laughed, which broke the ice.

  Stephanie was certainly glad she’d decided to come along. This was turning out to be a very interesting experience. “Does anybody know where we’re going?”

  “No,” Meg said.

  “Some tour,” Jenny added.

  “I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” Stephanie said. In the meantime, she would sit back and enjoy the ride.


  Uri’s limo wound through the city streets in the port of Kusadasi, then climbed up a cliff, and into the largest and most spectacular resort in the area. Gorgeous white buildings stood like pyramids towering over the sea, a private beach, and golf course.

  The family typically held functions in one of their estates, and normally in Istanbul for the convenience of their investors. Although Uri was familiar with this resort, he hadn’t attended any events here in years, and hadn’t even golfed here since he was a boy. Despite the fact he wanted to give the Sultan the benefit of the doubt, he was now beyond suspicious. “What is this, Father? Are we having a business meeting? Here?”

  “You could certainly say that,” the Sultan smiled.

  “Then I must insist you prepare me. Who have we invited, and for what purpose?”

  “We are going to meet some foreign ambassadors, enjoy a light meal, then travel to the ruins for a tour.”

  Uri checked his watch. “I had plans to speak with some potential investors this afternoon. I hadn’t expected this to take all day. Shall I cancel?”

  “I would think so, yes,” the Sultan avoided his gaze and added, “Definitely.”

  His father was up to something. But what? “I don’t appreciate you keeping me in the dark. I believe it is best for all concerned if you tell me right now what this is all about.”

  “Patience, my son.”

  “You know I don’t like surprises.”

  “Trust your father,” he smiled.

  Never in his life could he recall feeling more frustrated with the old man. He wanted to keep going and force him into talking, but what was the point? Uri climbed out of the limo and stood on the patio near a fountain overlooking the Aegean Sea and called his colleagues to let them know he could not be on the conference call this afternoon. He hoped whatever this was would be worth it. His father was demanding, so no matter what kind of business Uri wished to pursue today, he knew it would have to wait. Sure, he could resist and force his own agenda, but he was curious about what was going on here and decided to go along. What would another day hurt?

  Once each of his investors was notified of the change of plans, Uri went into the lobby and found his father speaking to the hotel director, an old family friend. “Prince Uri, so good to see you,” he bowed.

  Uri cinched his tie and bowed. “Likewise. What good things do you have in store for us today?”

  The hotel director glanced at the Sultan and the two men shared a secretive smile. “All good things that Your Highness will enjoy. I assure you.”

  Clapping his hands, Uri glanced around the lobby, which seemed surprisingly empty, considering such an important event was about to take place. “Fine, then let’s get to it, shall we?”


  Once Stephanie and the other girls finished off their first glass of champagne, the limo left the dock and wound around the coast and up a hill to a stunning hotel. Beautiful white stucco buildings nestled in the cliffs offset the brightest blue ocean Stephanie had ever seen. The pictures she’d seen of Turkey over the years didn’t do it justice at all.

  She had only been to the beach once before, years earlier, when her parents saved up to take her to Disneyland in California. She was only eleven then and hadn’t seen the ocean since. Although that was ten years ago, she had to admit the beauty of the California coast paled in comparison to this.

  She teared up again, just thinking about that trip to California so long ago. She managed to dab her eyes and glance out the window without any of the other girls seeing her. She was grateful for the adventure today and their company, because it was temporarily getting her mind off of her recent past. She had to do her best to live in the moment and try and enjoy this, no matter what. Her mom would have wanted that for her.

  The driver parked under an overhang near the hotel entrance and the bellmen assisted the ladies out of the limo. To Stephanie’s surprise, the Officer was already there waiting. “Ladies, welcome. Please follow me.”

  They filed in a line and walked into the grand hotel lobby filled with crystal chandeliers, stunning white furnishings, and floor to ceiling windows facing the ocean.

  “Where are we going?” Meg demanded.

  “You will soon see.” The officer led them through the lobby, down the hall, toward the sign that said Ballroom, and ushered them into a conference room filled with four racks of ball gowns, enough for at least a hundred women.

  Another uniformed staff member from the ship was waiting in the conference room. “Good morning. My name is Michelle. I’m the Assistant Cruise Director, and I’m here to help you with your fitting.”

  “What fitting?” Melody’s ears perked up.

  “For the event today. You’ll each need to be fitted into a gown.”

  “This is awesome!” said Jenny.

  “Really?” asked Cindy.

  “I know you all must have lots of questions, and
we’re here to help, but our event is set to start,” Michelle checked her watch, “in just a few minutes, so I will ask you to keep those questions for later, and let us help you get ready. You’ll need to try on a gown, pick one that fits you, and that you like. Of course we’re here to give an opinion if you want one.”

  “Where do we go to change?” Meg asked.

  “There are changing stalls set up in the corners…” Michelle pointed out several stalls made of pipe and curtain, enough for each of them.

  Michelle continued, “If you know your size, go ahead and come on over. The larger gowns are on the back row, the smaller ones are up here next to me. When you’re finished, come and join us in the other room for hair and makeup.”

  “I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven!” Melody shouted. With her Gucci bag slung over her shoulder, she wasted no time. She had already hit the center rack and was busy piling several gowns in her arms before anybody else moved at all. She rushed to the changing room like she was on a foot race, apparently wanting to make sure she had first pick of the cream of the crop.

  The rest of the girls, including Stephanie, stared at Michelle, unsure of what to do.

  “Go on,” Michelle encouraged. “If you don’t know your size, I can help, and if you would, find one or two you like then come model for me so I can help you pick. We want you all looking dazzling today.”

  Stephanie stared at Michelle with her mouth gaping open and felt completely overwhelmed and out of place. All the other girls were busy picking things out, and a couple more had already started changing.

  After a few more minutes, Michelle walked up and placed a hand on Stephanie’s shoulder. “Do you have a question?”

  “Yes…um…do we have to pay for these? And what will I do with my clothes?”

  “Great questions. Hey girls? Listen up,” Michelle shouted through the curtains while the others were all busy changing. “Once we pick your dress, you can keep it.”

  Sounds of joyous squealing came from the changing stalls.

  “Consider it a souvenir from your cruise. You can only keep one though, so choose wisely. As far as your street clothes, we’ll bag them up and get those to you later on so you can change before we take our tours. Not to worry, we gotcha covered.”

  Stephanie felt a little bit better. She knew she could never afford to buy something like this, and besides, after today, she’d never have any reason to own something so formal for her life on the farm. Plus, even though she had spending money, she had to be conservative and save it for something important – mementos from the Virgin Mary house.

  With the encouragement of receiving a free ball gown, everybody but Stephanie rushed from the dressing rooms in their new outfits and began heading out to have their hair done.

  Stephanie stood gazing at the endless choices wondering what to select.

  “Need help?” Michelle asked.

  “Umm…yes. I have no idea what to pick. I’ve never worn anything like this before.” Stephanie admitted.

  “Okay. What size are you?”

  Stephanie shrugged.

  Sizing her up, Michelle took out a fabric tape measure, pressing it over her shoulders. “Looks like a four would work. Although you are kind of tall… Hmmm. Come over here and let’s try these.”

  Michelle rifled through the gowns on the first row, picking out a couple for Stephanie to try.

  She stepped into the changing area and tried to put on the first gown, which had a strange neckline. Eventually she had to call for help. “Michelle?”


  This was so embarrassing! “Um, can you come take a look at this please?”

  “Sure.” Michelle stepped in.

  “I’m not sure how this goes.”

  “Over your head.” Michelle put the fabric over Stephanie’s head and helped her pull her ponytail through, and straightened it out. “See?”

  Stephanie glanced in the mirror at the sleeveless dress. “Oh.”

  “It’s a halter. Like it?”

  “Not really,” Stephanie smiled. She didn’t want to be rude, but the gown didn’t have anything to it and she felt too exposed.

  “Okay,” Michelle handed her a shimmering gold gown with long sleeves. “Try this.”

  Stephanie tried it on, but the gown hung off of her. The bust was cut for someone more voluptuous than she would ever be.

  “Nope,” Michelle took it and handed her a dark blue gown with short sleeves. “Try this one.”

  Stephanie slipped it on and stepped out to model.

  “I really like that, but it’s a little too short,” Michelle ran her fingers along the hem of the gown which unfortunately fell to the middle of her calves. “How tall are you?”

  “Five eleven,” Stephanie shrugged.

  “Wow, must be nice,” Michelle rifled through another dozen dresses. She held up a floor length emerald gown with another halter-top. “I know you didn’t like the last one, but amuse me, okay? If the length’s right, I think this would look great on you. Try and come show me. Let me know if you need help with the top part.”

  Stephanie surprised herself and immediately figured out how to drape the halter over herself. The length looked good and the top fit better than any of the others. She gazed at herself in the mirror. Certainly a far cry from her jeans and flannel shirts! She popped out from behind the curtain and smiled. “How’s this?”

  “Wow,” Michelle said. “That’s it! Come here a second.” She pulled the elastic band from Stephanie’s long red hair and fanned it out around her shoulders. “Gorgeous! Especially with that hair of yours…”

  Blushing, Stephanie averted her gaze. “Thank you.”

  Still not knowing exactly what all of this was for, Stephanie thought about her mom and how happy she would be, knowing her daughter was having such an amazing time. Life was hard, but she could still find good things amidst tragedy. Today made her realize that although she could never replace her parents and would miss them forever, life would indeed go on.


  Uri followed his father and the director into the hotel ballroom. The setting was strange and made him wonder what in the world was going on here. There were only two tables, one with five seats, the other with three. Both were set with formal dinnerware, facing a large dance floor. A small chamber orchestra stood in the corner, and the moment the men stepped through the door, they began to play sweet classical music.

  “This is quite elegant for so few people,” Uri observed, glancing at his Rolex. “Speaking of which, where are our guests?”

  “They shall be here shortly, Your Highness.” The director hurried off to the other side of the ballroom and appeared to be ordering one of his staff to go find them.

  From the looks of it, his father had arranged yet another boring state dinner, complete with a few local dignitaries from around the region. Uri was annoyed at best. His father could have certainly dealt with this himself. “Are we early?”

  The Sultan shook his head. “No. The guests shall arrive soon enough.”


  Stephanie picked out some shoes and a handbag, which took more time. There were only a couple of choices in the entire collection that matched her gown. Michelle helped her find a sexy pair of silver heels with straps that laced up her calves, and a small emerald green clutch.

  By the time she went to get her hair done, all the other girls were already gone, which wasn’t surprising. She hoped she wasn’t missing out on lunch, or late for an important event, but what could she do? She needed the extra time.

  The hairdresser invited her to sit while he combed her long hair, curing the ends, sleeking it down with some kind of hair product, and sweeping it back from her shoulders so it fell in such a way that her neck and ears were exposed.

  Stephanie closed her eyes and tried to relax, enjoying all the pampering she was receiving.

  “You need these,” the stylist brought over a pair of rhinestone earrings, clipped them on, then sprayed he
r hair in place. “Here, have a look.”

  He handed her a mirror and Stephanie gasped.

  “Like what you see?” the stylist asked.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “My pleasure. You look beautiful and I know our special guest will agree. Enjoy yourself.”

  Stephanie thanked him and went to find the others, hoping they hadn’t started lunch without her, or worse, headed off to the tour by now.


  Still waiting for these supposed dignitaries to arrive, Uri and the Sultan tried making small talk while several hotel wait staff served appetizers and hot Turkish tea. Just before Uri’s patience was completely exhausted, the ballroom doors opened and four women entered, each with fair skin. All appeared to be of foreign descent.

  “Dignitaries?” Uri whispered to the Sultan. “Really?”

  “Patience, my son,” the Sultan smiled.

  Uri watched with great interest while the lovely entourage approached him, accompanied by the ship’s officer. “May I present His Royal Highness, Sheikh Uri.”

  One by one, the girls curtseying to them. The Sheikh and Sultan both kissed their hands as they walked by. Once they were well out of hearing range, Uri whispered, “Nice gesture, Father, but it won’t work.”

  “I have no idea what you mean,” the Sultan lied.

  “Do you really think you could fool me into this kind of arrangement? I am not naïve. I do not need you meddling in my affairs and making introductions for me. I told you, I shall marry if and when I meet the right person. Such an occurrence would be born of fate, destined. You cannot force destiny. You of all people should know that.”

  Before the Sultan answered, the string quartet emerged from the corner and took a more prominent space closer to the ballroom floor. The ladies all stood in a nearby line.

  “Your Highness will join each of you in a short waltz,” the hotel director announced, “followed by lunch and a tour of the area.”

  Before Uri could protest, the first girl, a thin blonde, was ushered toward him.


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