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Sheikh's Destiny

Page 3

by Leah Leonard

  The entire scene was beyond outrageous to Uri, but out of respect for them, he did his best to keep his cool demeanor. This wasn’t their fault. They were merely pawns in his father’s ill-conceived plan.

  “Hello,” Uri greeted her, took her hand and escorted her to the middle of the floor. The waltz played at a steady tempo. “May I ask your name?”

  “Cindy,” the girl averted her eyes.

  And what fine pale blue eyes they were! Her figure was pleasing enough, but he could feel her hands tremble in his. Poor girl was scared to death. “Where are you from, Miss Cindy?”

  “United States. Ohio,” she spoke so softly, Uri could barely make out what she said.

  He spun her twice around the floor, but feeling no chemistry whatsoever, he released her near the director with a bow. “Thank you for the dance.”

  Cindy was then escorted to one of the place settings, where she awaited the meal.

  Next, a prettier dark haired girl approached. She had a similar figure, thin but muscular, dark brown eyes, and a nice smile.

  “May I?” Uri asked.

  She smiled, “Yes of course.”

  Uri spun her around, the waltz still playing, “And you are?”


  “A pleasure to meet you, Jenny. Where are you from?”

  “Pittsburgh,” she said, then when he didn’t respond immediately she added, “Pennsylvania, in the United States.”

  “Of course,” Uri said. “A boyhood friend went to school at Carnegie Mellon.”

  “Really?” Jenny appeared impressed.

  “Yes, I never did get there to see him, but I heard Pittsburgh is a nice place.” Uri spun her around three times, and while he thought she was a nice girl, nobody could replace Tamara. There was no other like her in the world, he told himself, as he thanked Jenny, and led her off the floor.

  Next, another brunette approached who appeared far too young for him. Her shapely figure was attractive, but he would never consider anyone so immature. She had a slight case of acne, and hidden under the collar of her gown, he caught a glimpse of a dark blue tattoo. Not his taste at all. He performed admirably though, taking her around the floor twice, so as not to arouse suspicion of his true opinions. He didn’t bother asking her name, but he thanked her, and moved on, hoping to satisfy his father and get out of here so he could finish some actual business today.

  His final dance was with a gorgeous blonde named Melody whose curly hair fell to her waist. She wore a revealing black gown slit to her naval, exposing her voluptuous cleavage. The faint whiff of her perfume aroused him. In addition to her external appeal, she was actually much more sophisticated than the others, and kept his attention far longer.

  When the dance was over, Uri spoke to her at length. He thought things were going fairly well at first. Everything changed in a hurry when Melody finished her champagne in seconds, took another and drank it down too.

  “I’ll have another one of those,” she said with slightly slurred speech. She grabbed one off of the server’s tray before it was presented to her, and tipped it back, placing the empty glass on the tray and picking up a third. “Thanks.”

  Uri stood by in disbelief. Nothing could be more unattractive than a woman who overindulged.

  He couldn’t help thinking about Omar. His brother had been known to enjoy the party scene, drinking and carousing with women, even though alcohol was forbidden in their culture. Omar loved the finer things in life. Good food, beautiful music, fine women. He would have loved Melody. She was definitely Omar’s type. She was not for Uri, though. Not at all.

  “Want a sip?” Melody flirted, lifting her glass.

  “No thank you. Thank you for the dance.” He bowed and signaled to the hotel director who escorted Melody to her seat at the lunch table.

  Furious with his father for wasting his time, Uri watched Melody stumble over to the other girls and vowed there and then that he would never ever be subjected to such a ridiculous, time wasting and humiliating event ever again. How dare he! Uri would be giving the Sultan a piece of his mind once this was over, and setting the record straight about his boundaries where women were concerned.

  “Your Highness?” the hotel director interrupted Uri’s thoughts.

  “Yes?” Uri really didn’t want to have to eat with these women, but again, he realized this fiasco was not their doing. It likely wouldn’t last more than an hour or so, and perhaps he could excuse himself before they left on whatever tour was planned.

  “We have another arrival, Highness.”

  Uri was busy checking an incoming text when the hotel director stepped back and the next victim approached. He didn’t want to waste any more time! It wasn’t fair to him or to these young ladies.

  “Your Highness, it’s my pleasure to meet you,” the fifth girl bowed.

  Uri glanced up from his phone, and his mouth about fell open when he gazed at the treasure before him. Although she was now dressed in formal attire, he could swear this was the stunning woman he had seen earlier on the street. What was the likelihood?

  He took the hand of the fiery-headed fair skinned beauty with her sparkling green eyes and gown to match, and nearly stopped breathing. A jolt of electricity burst up his arm and shot straight into his heart the moment her fingers touched his. “I insist the pleasure is all mine.” He kissed her long pale fingers, his lips lingered on her delicate hand longer than they should. Her skin was white as the finest ivory, dusted with pale pink speckles. He had never seen anyone as dazzling. He met her gaze and found himself transfixed by her ravishing beauty. “May I know your name, dear lady?”

  “Stephanie,” she whispered, giggling slightly.

  Stephanie. Sweet Stephanie. Her name echoed in his ears like a melody. “Lady Stephanie. Welcome to Turkey.”


  Stephanie was in shock after the other girls left and she had a chance to speak to Michelle, who explained they were invited to a luncheon with a Turkish Prince, or Sheikh. What in the world would she say to such a person, she wondered?

  Once she finally dressed and got to the ballroom, she watched him dancing with Melody for a few minutes and knew she would probably not have a chance to even say hello to him. Melody was gorgeous, and surely he would pick her. Melody was a worldly girl who knew exactly how to act in this over-the-top situation, while Stephanie had no clue what to do.

  After a few minutes, Stephanie figured she would probably not be introduced to the dashing Prince Uri at all.

  Then out of the blue, Melody was with the others, and here she was, and there he was, and oh my! He turned around and she realized he was the man she’d seen earlier on the street. He was good-looking then, but up close, he was the most beautiful man Stephanie had ever seen in her entire life. Jet black hair, perfectly toned cocoa colored skin, sculpted cheekbones. His sleek suit clung to his muscular body like a glove. He looked like a magazine model. His face was like a statue from her history books.

  Stephanie was too busy staring at the man, reveling in the feeling of just being here in the presence of a gorgeous Sheikh, to move a muscle or say another word. The whole situation was amplified by her new outfit. She felt like she was living out a story in the movies. She was too caught up in her fantasy to pay attention to the reality of the fact that the Sheikh had walked away from Melody, and was now standing here holding her hand.

  She soon realized she was correct in assuming she wouldn’t know what to say. Somehow she managed, “It’s my pleasure to meet you…” but beyond that, she couldn’t remember what she said to him, and hardly heard a word of his response, other than to take note of his sexy accent.

  Am I dreaming?

  He kissed her hands and nearly sent her toppling to the floor from the mere shock of his touch. Growing up as a shy girl, Stephanie felt the all-too-familiar burning heat rise up from her center, and she was sure her face was beet red, a reaction she normally had from embarrassment, but today her flush was caused by the incredibly sexy Sheikh w
ho was staring right at her.

  The Sheikh had a regal demeanor of a Hollywood movie star from a bygone era. A presence about him, pure charisma. Not that she knew what Hollywood actors were like, except in her mind. His perfectly straight teeth formed into a slight smile that stretched across thin but shapely lips. She wondered what it would be like to kiss him. Foolishly, she stood frozen, staring into his black eyes, holding his hand, and tingling from the place where his lips touched her wrist.

  “Did I see you earlier on the street?” he asked her. “In Kusadasi?”

  Stephanie’s mouth about fell open. Had he really seen her? Apparently so! “Yes, that was me. I thought I recognized you.”

  “Pleasure to see you again. May I?” the Sheikh gestured to the dance floor.

  “Yes, but…”

  The Sheikh stopped and gazed into her eyes. “What is it, sweet Stephanie?”

  Sweet? She couldn’t believe he thought she was sweet! He was divine. “I…” A blush rose up deep from within her and a lump formed in her throat.

  “Yes?” the Prince clasped both her hands in his, patiently waiting for her every word.

  “I don’t know how to dance to this music.” There. She said it. God how embarrassing! But better he find out now than in a minute when all the eyes in the room would be on the two of them.

  “That is not a problem. Come. Please. I insist on teaching you.” His black eyes flashed, and his smile nearly melted her.

  She gulped. “Okay.”

  He held her hand tenderly and led her to the center of the dance floor. “Now, first you put your left hand here.” He guided her hand and placed it gently on his shoulder.

  “Okay,” Stephanie blushed.

  “Good. Now I will do this,” Uri put his right hand on her left shoulder. “And we will begin. Just count one, two, three, one, two, three, and follow me.”

  The music started and the pair glided around the dance floor. Stephanie melted in his arms, her body tingled from his touch. She was surprised how easy it was to follow him, but then again, she’d follow him anywhere.

  After the first spin around the floor, the Sheikh pulled her closer, moving his arm from her shoulder to her waist.

  She gasped. Heat rose up from her center.

  “How do you like this?” he purred in the sexiest accent she’d ever heard.

  “I love it, Prince…Sheikh…I mean Your Highness.”

  “Stop,” the Sheikh said. “You must call me Uri.”

  “Okay, Uri,” she smiled and gazed into his eyes, but found she couldn’t keep herself focused there long for fear she might betray her feelings and her incredible attraction to him. Instead, she glanced over his shoulder, and allowed the sensations of gliding and spinning around the ballroom floor to dizzy her. Of course Uri’s aftershave didn’t help either. The man smelled almost as good as he looked. Incredible…

  They danced for quite awhile, although Stephanie wasn’t sure how long exactly. She was simply caught up in the moment of enjoying herself for the first time in weeks.

  “Stephanie?” Michelle eventually walked up and interrupted the couple. “Let’s go take a seat. We’re all waiting on you to eat and we still have a lot to do today.”

  “Oh okay, I’m sorry,” she said, while Uri spun her around once more.

  “Darling,” Uri said, “Wait here a moment, won’t you? Don’t move.”

  Stephanie giggled, “Okay.”

  She watched Uri approach Michelle and allowed the stillness to get her grounded again in reality. So far, today had totally exceeded her expectations.

  She thought about Buck, what a great guy he was, how kind he’d always been to her and her family, but the feeling she had for him was nothing like what she was now experiencing with Uri. Today in Uri’s arms, she forgot all about the horrors of her recent past. The Prince had literally knocked her socks off, if she still had them on, that is. For now, she was wearing her new heels and praying she could walk in them through the day’s events.

  “Excuse me, Miss….?” Uri tapped Michelle’s shoulder and glared at her when she turned around. “And you are?”

  Michelle didn’t look very happy about being questioned, even if it was by a Sheikh. “I’m the Assistant Cruise Director for the ship.”

  “I see. Well, just so you know, Miss Stephanie and I are not yet finished. Please tell the others to go ahead with the meal and we shall join you shortly.”

  Michelle stomped off without a word.

  Uri returned to her. “Shall we?”

  Stephanie hardly knew what to do. She felt bad for holding everybody up, especially since it was obvious she’d made Michelle mad, but Uri was all she could think about now. Besides, she just met these people, and theoretically she owed them nothing. And yet, she owed them everything. They invited her here and thanks to the ship crew, she was now in the presence of the most wonderful man in the world. “Okay.”

  Uri held her close and they waltzed some more. Amazing! But what did it mean, really?

  This was all a fantasy, for today only. She had to remind herself of that sad fact, although she was incredibly grateful for all of the day’s opportunities and the chance to get her troubles off her mind for awhile.

  The pair continued dancing, the Sheikh complicating the choreography more and more with each successive turn around the floor.

  Soon, he was spinning her around, dipping her, and gazing into her eyes. At one point, Uri dipped her low, holding her there for what seemed like forever. They were so close, their lips almost touched.

  Out of breath, when he finally brought her back to her feet, Stephanie laughed heartily. She hadn’t felt this free in years, if ever.

  She was still giggling when he pulled her close and cradled her in his arms. “Having fun, my dear?”

  “Oh yes, very much,” she tried catching her breath. “You?”

  “Absolutely, my darling. You are a gem, indeed,” Uri purred in her ear, sending shivers down her arms. He noticed her chill bumps, and ran his hot palms over her skin. “Cold, are we?”

  She nodded.

  “Allow me to assist.”

  Stephanie gasped as he spun her around harder, and soon, her chills were gone, replaced by a fiery passion that burned through her entire being.

  They continued dancing, not speaking with words, but with their bodies. The chemistry between them was electric. Stephanie never wanted this to end, but soon, they were both fading.

  Uri paused, took both her hands in his, and asked, “Ready for lunch?”

  She nodded. “Yes, thank you for the dance.”

  “It is you who should be thanked,” Uri bowed, and kissed her fingertips.

  About that time, Stephanie caught a glimpse of the others. Unfortunately, they were nearly done eating, which meant the dance was probably going to be over soon. Too bad, Stephanie thought. She never wanted this to end.

  Meanwhile, the other girls glared at her from across the room. Oh well. Nothing she could do about that now.


  Uri stopped and stared as the beauty Stephanie glided toward the table where the other girls were already seated. What started out as a disastrous waste of his time turned into one of the best days the Sheikh had in years.

  “Excuse me, Your Highness, your lunch awaits,” the hotel director pointed to the table with three seats.

  Uri noticed the Sultan already seated on the far end, making room for two more people. So that is what he had in mind, Uri thought. He rushed up to Stephanie, tapped her shoulder, and said, “Wait.”

  Stephanie stopped and turned her head, her emerald eyes flashed at him, the sweet scent of her skin filled his nostrils. “Yes?”

  “I should like the pleasure of your company.” Uri gestured to the empty chairs.

  She stood smiling at him but gave no immediate response.

  “I insist,” he added.

  “Yes,” Stephanie whispered. “I’d love to.”

  Uri took the lovely lady by the hand and le
d her to their table to the seat on his right and sat in the middle of Stephanie and his father. He was sure the Sultan wanted to grill the poor girl, but he would have nothing of it.

  Once seated, the Sultan whispered, “Having a good time, my son?”

  Casting a disapproving glance in his father’s direction, he broke into a smile. “Indeed.”

  The Sultan turned to Stephanie and smiled. “I trust you are enjoying the event?”

  “Yes, so much. Thank you.” Her face reddened slightly, a trait Uri found irresistible.

  The girl was pure, somewhat naïve, discreet and polite – all the qualities he admired in the perfect woman. To date, he had only met one other who had such traits.

  “Pardon my rudeness,” the Sultan interrupted. “But I am afraid I have an urgent business matter to attend to.”

  Sweet Stephanie looked genuinely concerned. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”

  “No, not in the least. All will be well in time,” the Sultan explained as he stood to go. “I have already eaten my lunch, so the two of you may dine alone. If you will excuse me.”

  Uri nearly cringed. Could the Sultan be more obvious? Stephanie was so polite, she appeared to be fine with it, and Uri had to admit, he wanted her all to himself. “Thank you, Father.”

  The Sultan walked up to Stephanie, bowed and said, “It was a great pleasure to meet you today.”

  “Likewise,” Stephanie smiled. “Thank you again for this wonderful event.”

  “You have my son to thank,” the Sultan said. “Good day.”

  “Thank you,” Stephanie turned to Uri as the Sultan left the ballroom.

  “Please, the pleasure is all mine. So, now that we are alone, tell me all about yourself, Miss Stephanie. Where are you from? I want to know everything.”

  “Well, I live in Iowa.”

  Uri studied her sleek strawberry red hair, the fine structure of her face, her neck, her…

  “It’s in the United States,” she added.

  He realized that once again, he wasn’t paying attention to her words, only her body, and what he would like to do with her once they were alone. “Indeed, in the middle United States, yes?”


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