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Mysty McPartland

Page 10

by The Rake's Substitute Bride

  “Oh I think there is one particular member of your family I’m rather fond of. I also find her extremely attractive.” Chuckling as the heat lit up her eyes, Nathan rose to his feet swept her up in his arms and carried her from the room.

  “Um where are you taking me?” Sheldon asked innocently even though she knew exactly where they were going.

  “To bed sweetheart. Where else can I prove to you just how much I adore you?” Nathan groaned when her tongue came out and licked its way down his neck.

  An hour later, Sheldon let a smile tug at her lips as she lay with her limbs entangled with her husband’s. His light snores told her he was asleep, he certainly proved beyond doubt that he desired her and found her attractive. His mouth and hands had explored her with such passion and desire. Not an inch of her was left untouched, heat covered her cheeks when she clearly remembered some of those places he explored with his mouth.

  She’d been shocked when he nibbled and kissed the cheeks of her bottom and it was even more shocking when he flipped her over and his wicked tongue and mouth delved so erotically between her thighs. Oh she protested at first, but it swiftly died as pleasure so devastating swept her away.

  Her lips pursing as the green eyed monster nipped at her heels, she didn’t want to think about her husband doing such intimate things to another woman. Though she would like to demand that he tell her, she knew she wouldn’t. Not after their conversation about his past. He’d been upset when she’d bought the other women in his life, and though it would always burn inside her, she wouldn’t ask him.

  Dissatisfied with her thoughts they drifted to her family, now that she had calmed down she couldn’t believe the audacity of her sister’s blatant lie. Surely, Bethany must realize that even if she and Nathan ever went their separate ways, he would not want anything to do with her again. She let out a sigh of guilt, there was one thing which she knew might destroy her marriage and she still hadn’t come to a decision.

  It all came down to Nathan or her pride. And one thing she was certain of, pride would be a cold partner in a lonely bed. Would giving everything up she found in her husband’s arms worth it. No, she shook her head, how could she walk away now after all the wonderful things she had shared with him? She couldn’t and she didn’t want to destroy the special bond growing between them.

  A heavy weight had been suddenly lifted from her heart, now she couldn’t hide from the fact that she’d already made her choice. In all honesty, she had made it when she agreed to be his wife in the true sense of the word, which also meant she would keep her promise to him. A sense of peace settled over and her lashes drifting shut she joined her husband in sleep.


  Several miles down the road, staying at an inn, Bethany sat on the bed in a bedchamber, Andrew was pacing the room with his hands held behind his back. “As I said darling your cousin was going to throw us out. I was so desperate I accused him of impregnating me. I should have known it wouldn’t have worked. But I’m still hopeful that my silly sister would believe me.”

  Andrew swore under his breath and stopped pacing, he sat down beside her on the mattress and clasped her chin between his fingers so their gazes locked. “I knew from the beginning that your plan wouldn’t work. I also don’t think you should hold any hope that your sister won’t see through your lies. We’re going to have to come up with something more drastic if we are going to succeed.”

  Her arched brows drew together in thought and suddenly and idea hit her. “Remember that first evening we met. You were talking to some man about my sister visiting whore houses.” When he nodded she continued. “Perhaps we can use that to our advantage. Do you think your cousin would like his wife visiting such places and what if one of those gentlemen wanted retribution?”

  Andrew laughed, dropped her chin and gathered her up in his arms. “Oh I know Nathan would detest his wife frequenting such places. And my friend did say that quite a few men were furious at those women and wanted to teach them a lesson for interfering in a man’s pleasure. When we arrive back in London I’ll arrange everything. Now though I think we’ll just enjoy a little bit of fun ourselves.”

  Bethany swallowed back the disgust and accepted the open mouthed sloppy kiss. It was just sex she told herself, as the groping hands dispensed with her clothing and she was pushed back on the mattress. She shut her eyes not wanting to watch him disrobe, when he fell upon her and thrust into her, she just thought of all the expensive items she was going to purchase once she became a duchess.

  It was over quickly thank goodness and the heaving sweaty body rolled off her, she swore to herself that once they were married he wasn’t going to touch her again. The act of mating was vile and the only reason she was forcing herself to do it now was so she could finally have everything she deserved. She shuddered and sat up, without glancing at the man sleeping sprawled on the mattress she slipped off the bed and gathered up her clothes.

  In no time at all she was once more dressed and silently left the bedroom and entered her own. It enraged her that she had to sink so low and have that disgusting unattractive man paw her. However, she wasn’t about to take any chance and she would do what she had to however, one day soon everyone responsible for putting her in this horrendous position would pay.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Two days after returning to London, Sheldon decided to go shopping for a new hat, with her maid she wandered down Bond Street. With the pavement being so crowded she wished she had stayed at home. When she was suddenly roughly shoved she gave a startled cry, and tried to remain on her feet as she tumbled into a tiny deserted alley. The next thing she knew her shoulders were gripped hard, the fingers biting like talons into her flesh.

  With a force that took her breath away she was spun around and pain exploded in her face. Before she even had time to scream or protect herself, a fist landed on her mouth. Her world went spinning and her knees buckled when two more powerful blows landed on the left side of her ribs. The back of her head came in painful contact with the wall when she was shoved violently away.

  It took every bit of effort she possessed not to let the blackness swallow her up though and stop her legs from collapsing under her. Though her vision was blurred, she watched the dark shape disappear. Terror was the only thing that managed to make her move and reeling, she stumbled her way back on the street. Still in shock and shaken from the sudden attack, Sheldon fought back the tears and tried to ignore the throbbing pain in her face and her side. Desperately, she searched for her maid and with a small cry of relief, she succeeded in finding Edith in the crowd and hurried towards the older woman. “Edith.” She sobbed and grabbed the other woman’s arm for support.

  Edith noticed the welt on her mistress’s cheek and her split lip. “Oh my God my lady, what happened to you? One minute you were beside me and then you’d disappeared.” She grasped her ladyship’s wrist and led her into the doorway away from the mob hurrying past.

  “I don’t really know how it happened. One minute I was with you and then the next I was shoved into an alley and a man started hitting me.” She winced when Edith dabbed at her swollen bottom lip. “I think we should return home.”

  “Yes, yes. Hold on to my hand tightly Miss and I’ll get us home.” Edith clung securely to her young mistress’s wrist as she shoved her way through the throng of people.

  Sheldon couldn’t understand why someone might want to hurt her. Even now her heart squeezed in terror over what had happened to her. She choked on a sob, as she hurried along behind her maid. She wanted Nathan, needed the strength of her husband’s arms around her.

  Unaware of how much time passed before they finally reached home, she stumbled inside and was no longer able to hold the tears back as they ran down her cheeks. Through the moisture filling her eyes, she made out the butler’s stunned face.

  “Dear God in heaven, what has happened?” Wallace strangled out at the sight of his distraught mistress. He sucked in an outraged breath when he noticed the b
ruise coloring her left cheek and blood seeping from her bottom lip.

  “We became lost in the crowd and some monster dragged her off the street and into an alley. As you can see he attacked her. Let’s take the poor wee thing into the sitting room and I can take care of her injuries.” Edith gently took her ladyship’s arms and let her into the room and forced her to sit down on the brocade sofa. “I think she’s in shock.”

  “Should I send for the doctor?” Wallace inquired with worry.

  “No, I think a nice cup of tea with a generous amount of brandy will do the trick. You stay here with her and I’ll fetch what I need.” Edith hurried out of the room.

  Unsure what to do over his mistress’s obvious distress, Wallace dithered for a few minutes before he sat down beside her and pattered her back. “There, there your ladyship you’re safe now. No one can hurt you here.”

  Sheldon threw herself against the butler’s chest and wrapped her arms around his waist holding on tightly to him as she wept out her fear.

  At first astounded over his mistress’s actions, Wallace still continued to pat her back. Though he remained stiff, he couldn’t turn her away when she so obviously needed comfort. He let out a relieved sigh when Edith came back into the room carrying a tray. Gently he clasped her ladyship’s arms and moved her away. “Edith’s here now. She’ll look after you.”

  “Thank you Wallace.” Sheldon managed to say through her sobs.

  “Now firstly drink this then you’ll lay down with a cool clothe against your cheek and lip.”

  Accepting the attention without complaint from the woman, Sheldon was wrung dry of any emotions and just wanted the oblivion of sleep to wipe out the ugliness she’d just suffered.

  “Poor little lamb. Devil take the blackguard who did this to her.” Wallace stared down at his mistress as she slept.

  “I’m sure his lordship will see him pay for this. Come on let’s leave her to sleep in peace.” Edith picked up the tray and sailed out of the room.

  Reluctantly, Wallace followed, he wondered if he should send to word to the duke and let him know what happened. However, his lordship didn’t inform him where he was going. It would be a senseless waste of time. No, all he could do was wait for the man to return home.


  A few minutes early for his meeting with Phillip, Nathan ordered a drink and while he waited, he caught the tail end of the conversation going on behind him. His whole body stiffened and everything inside him went cold with dread.

  “Like I said. I made myself a promise that I would make one of those interfering females pay for ruining a man’s pleasure and this morning I had my chance. Damn bitch won’t be so eager now to enter another whore house.”

  Sheldon, oh God Sheldon. Without waiting to hear anymore Nathan jumped out of his seat and raced out of the club. He saw a passing hack and hailed it. It had barely stopped when he tossed out his address to the driver and was inside the carriage. His heart pounding in fear he was also filled with overwhelming disappointment that she hadn’t kept her word. Fury swelled through him, knowing that whatever happiness they could have had in the future she’d just destroyed.

  He wanted to rage at her however, before he could ponder that matter further the cab stopped and flying out the door, he reached into his pocked grabbed a handful of coins. Tossing them up at the driver he spun on his heels and raced into the house, breathing heavily his fists clenched tightly he headed down the passageway to the back of the house. He just stepped into the sunny sitting room when he noticed his wife just starting to sit up from the sofa.

  The darkening bruise and the swelling on her bottom lip wasn’t hard to miss nor was her gasp of pain and the wince she gave when she sat up. Anger so immense swelled through him that even after all the warnings she was still stupid enough put herself in danger. “I should have known you’re just like the rest of your family and unable to keep your promise.”

  At the sound of her husband’s volcanic rage whipping through his voice, Sheldon flinched as if she’d been violently slapped. A sob tore from her over his accusation. “Nathan.” She whispered in a plea.

  Nathan’s hand flew through the air cutting of any further words from her. He divorced his need to comfort her and soothe the look of anguish from her face. “There is nothing you have to say that I want to hear. I will have your things removed to another bed chamber and when you have recovered from your ordeal you will be returned to the country where you will keep out of trouble.”

  One blow after another, Nathan brutally struck. His features were masked in vicious rage. It broke her heart to see him looking at her with such cold empty eyes. She gathered in a trembling breath. “Please Nathan, why are you being like this? If you would just hear me out. Please.”

  A cold bark of laughter, Nathan sneered. “There’s nothing you can say that will change anything.”

  For long time Sheldon searched his features, she didn’t understand why he was treating her like this. However, since he refused to listen to her, she wasn’t going to lower herself and beg. She’d been a fool to believe their marriage had a chance. Gathering her pride around her, she jutted her chin in the air. Hostility seeped from her voice when she spoke. “Very well Nathan. Since you have already found me guilty and condemned me of some crime I will be most eager to leave your company.”

  Now what the hell was she playing at? How dare she act the innocent party in this. “Then we understand each other.”

  Desperately fighting back the tears, Sheldon gave a curt nod. She didn’t trust herself to speak again in case she broke down and begged him to reconsider. With moisture filling her eyes, she watched him spin around and stride away, every inch of his body was tense with unleashed anger. She shook her head, why was he acting like this, why was he treating her like she was the one to blame for the attack she had suffered?

  Entering his study, Nathan slammed the door shut so loudly it rattled the windows. He wiped a hand over his face and stared unseeing out the window. Why did she do it? They’d been so happy for the last fortnight and the blasted moment they return to London she breaks her promise. Destroys whatever loving future they could have had together. He shook his head in remorse and a wave of anguish rolled through him.

  Suddenly he stiffened and his curses filled the air, spinning around he left the study letting the door crash on its hinges and swept out of the house and practically ran back to the club. He wanted to find the man who attacked his wife and wipe the floor with him. He would beat the bastard to a bloody pulp. No woman deserved a beating no matter what she’d done and this man especially would pay for abusing his wife.

  Fifteen minutes later, he stepped into the club and searched the room, unable to recognize the culprit, he spied his friend and made his way over to him. “Phillip did you happen to see some men seated by the window when you arrived?”

  One glance at his friend’s face, Phillip knew he was in a rage. “As it happens I did. It was those idiots, your cousin and David Dixon. Why what’s wrong?”

  His blood boiling in his veins, Nathan pulled out a chair and sat down. “One of them beat my wife. Damn it, I thought I recognized the little weasel’s voice.”

  “The hell you say?”

  Nathan nodded in confirmation. “I heard one of them confessing and without thinking I raced out of here to make sure she was alright and hoping it wasn’t true.”

  “Dear God, Nathan is she alright?” Phillip swore when he saw the cold emptiness in his friend’s eyes.

  “Yes. She had a bruised cheek and a swollen lip. As soon as she is healed I’m sending her back to the country where she won’t cause any more trouble.” Nathan’s tone was bitter.

  “I’m sorry Nathan. I know how much you were hoping your marriage would work out.”

  A wave of his hand, Nathan dismissed his friend’s sympathy. “I should have expected she wouldn’t keep her word. Especially since the rest of her family are so untrustworthy.” Nathan waved away the waiter and eyed his friend
with a predatory gleam. “How do you feel about going hunting? I owe a certain man a beating.”

  Phillip polished of the remainder of his drink and his mouth twisted up with anticipation. “Let’s go.”

  Without another word both men rose to their feet and left the club both determined to hunt down their pray.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The sympathy from the staff was embarrassing, like her they didn’t understand why Nathan was blaming her for the attack. The last few days he’d been so chilling with everyone and Sheldon only wanted to escape his presence and the house. After two days of tears, she was numb. When she and Nathan happen to accidently meet, the hostility ran off him in waves. She doubted they’d spoken half a dozen words to each other since the confrontation.

  This morning she’d had the maids pack her clothing and ordered the coach, Nathan wanted her gone and she couldn’t wait to leave. Standing in front of the mirror, she started at the bruise discoloring one side of her face and shrugged. It still hurt, at least her lips had gone down and though her ribs were still painful she intended to confront Nathan and tell him she was going. Steeling herself for the ordeal, she quickly let herself out of the room and went down stairs.

  She found him in the foyer about to go out. “I am packed and ready to leave.”

  At the sound of his wife’s voice, Nathan’s head whipped up and saw her standing half way down the staircase. Her words stabbed at him, cutting him deeply and the blankness on her face and in eyes made his chest ache however, he swiftly pushed the emotions aside. “Very well. I hope you have a safe and pleasant journey Madam and I will perhaps visit in a month or two.”

  He was so cold and unemotional, for a few silent moments Sheldon gripped the banister tightly while she stared at his tight, hard features. She knew it would be a infertile effort to say anything more. Without another word she turned away and returned to her room.

  It was nearly impossible, but Nathan managed to stop the anguish swelling up inside him and accepted his hat and cane from the butler. He was about to step out the door when the man spoke up and he pinned Wallace without right fury.


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