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Mysty McPartland

Page 11

by The Rake's Substitute Bride

  “Please my lord. I’m sure if you only let us explain what happened that day you’ll understand and won’t send our ladyship away.”

  “Enough!” Nathan bellowed. “I know all I need to know. I do not want to hear one more word on the subject.” He warned before he angrily stormed out of the house. He was sick to death of his household staff trying to stick their noses in something that did not concern them. They couldn’t tell him anything that he didn’t already know. His features fixed in grim determination he set of to find his cousin.

  He was certain the little worm had something to do with the attack on his wife, all he had to do was prove it. And if his assumption proved correct the despicable little sod would pay for it and so would everyone else who was involved. Rounding the corner, he spied the couple walking down the street with their heads together. Unmitigated rage filled him and quickly he retraced his steps. It didn’t take a genius to work out what was going on. It seemed his cousin and his wife’s sister were behind Sheldon’s beating.

  It all made perfect sense now and he could well imagine what they both hoped to gain. Well he’d be damned if he’d let them get away with it. A grim cruel smile lifted the corners of his mouth. A few choice words to certain people since his cousin owed an outstanding amount in gambling debts would be all it would take. Those notorious people were only waiting for him fail in producing a child at the stipulated time so they could collect their money. They certainly wouldn’t be happy to learn that his wife was already expecting his heir. His cousin would either have to flee the country or spend years in debtor’s prison. Either one would have the little conniving turd out of his life for a good long time. As for the jealous vindictive bitch, he would ruin her reputation so no man would ever think to offer her marriage.

  Reaching home, he unlocked the front door and went in search of his butler, he stopped suddenly when the voices reached him and frowned when he heard what the maid was saying.

  “I can’t believe his lordship would send his wife away while she was still suffering so much pain. It wouldn’t surprise me if her ribs were cracked or even broken. How can he be so cruel?”

  Nathan’s whole body went rigid when he heard the butler’s reply. “And I don’t understand how he can blame her ladyship for being shoved into an alley in broad daylight and beaten.”

  Stunned and realizing he’d made a horrendous mistake, he didn’t bother to listen to anymore and silently made his way into his study and collapsed on the nearest leather chair. Resting his elbows on his knees, he buried his face in his hands. Oh God, what had he done? He’d been an utter fool and jumped to conclusions that had been horrifically incorrect. He hadn’t even let her explain when she tried to tell him what had happened to her. He wondered if it was even possible to fix the terrible mistake he had made.

  Raising his head he muttered a curse, it was his own damn fault he hadn’t trusted her enough. All along he’d been expecting her fail and not to keep her promise. He wanted to rush to the country and beg her forgiveness. Wanted to tell her how sorry he was for not giving her a chance to explain. He could only hope that she would pardon him, but at the moment he didn’t like his chances. Why should she after the despicable way he had treated her. Damn, how could he have made such a mess of things?

  Even though he wanted to rush to her side, he couldn’t at the moment. He needed to take care of his cousin and her sister before he could even think about leaving town. He promised himself when he exacted his vengeance he go to her, and get down on his knees and apologize for being an utter foolish bastard. Now though, he intended to pay a visit on a certain woman and start his plan rolling. Afterwards, he would visit his clubs and start spreading the rumor that he was soon going to be a father.

  Hopefully, by the end of the week it would be all over and he could go to his wife and if he was lucky she would take him back. If not, he wouldn’t stop trying to win her over again. He admitted that he’d missed the closeness between them and the strain to ignore his feelings for her had been a hardship and he had no one to blame but himself. He couldn’t only hope he hadn’t completely destroyed her emotions or damaged the loving future they could have together. Only when he saw her would he have his answers, and until then he could only pray that everything would work out and once more they would be happy together.

  Though feeling miserable, he rose to his feet and went in search of his butler to order his carriage. He wanted this whole unsavory business over with so he could go to his wife. Tomorrow night was the Henderson’s ball and he intended to ask a certain lady to meet him there. He didn’t doubt for one second she wouldn’t and when she met him, he was going to shred her reputations to ribbons. Twenty minutes later, he was shown into a sitting room at the back of his wife’s father’s house. He smiled pleasantly when he saw the stunned and guilty look on the woman’s face. “Ah Lady Bethany I’m pleased to see you at home.”

  Nervous and apprehensive, Bethany forced a smile. “This is an unexpected visit your lordship.”

  Nathan waved his hand in the air dismissively. “Not so unexpected I hope. As you have probably heard I have sent my wife to the country. You were right all along I reluctantly admit.”

  “How so my lord?” Growing curious, Bethany couldn’t help but be pleased that their plan seemed to be working.

  Without being asked, Nathan sat down opposite her and stretched out his legs. “I’m bored with her.”

  Her confidence growing, Bethany gave him a knowing smile. “I didn’t think it would take you long to realize what a terrible mistake you made.”

  “Yes you’re correct. But that is not why I am here. The Henderson’s are having a ball tomorrow night and I would like you to meet me there. I think we have a few things to discuss don’t you?” Nathan clenched his jaw when he saw the calculating glow lighting up her eyes and knew exactly what she was thinking.

  Bethany hoped that one of the things they would talk about was him partitioning for a divorce so they could be married. She was positive with his title and money it wouldn’t take long for it to come through and hopefully, before the evening was over they would be lovers. “Very well then. I will meet you there and we’ll talk.”

  A curt nod of his head, Nathan rose to his feet. “Until tomorrow evening then Lady Bethany.” Shoving his hands in the pockets of his buff colored britches, he sauntered out of the room and the house. He wasn’t surprised at how easy it had been to have her agreeing to meet him. Entering his carriage, he sneered. Now he’d dealt with the conniving witch it was time to take care of his cousin. It wouldn’t take long for word to spread, but even though he wanted to do it now, decided to wait until tomorrow.

  He didn’t want word getting back to Lady Bethany because he knew that if she heard a whisper about her sister being pregnant she wouldn’t show up for their meeting. Besides another few hours wouldn’t make any difference. In the end they would both be paying for what they had done, and once they both paid for the crimes against his wife he would leave. If there was any luck left in his life, he hoped that by the weekend Sheldon would forgive him and they would be reconciled.

  Damn it, how could he have been so stubbornly dense and so patronizing? Would his beautiful sweet wife ever forgive him? Lord he hoped so. If she didn’t they’d both be miserable for the rest of their lives. Because no way in hell was he ever going to give her up. He loved her and he knew that in time he would have forgiven her for breaking her promise. However, now the roles were reversed and it was Sheldon that had the upper hand and it was going to be up to her how they would go on from here.

  Chapter Ninteen

  Alone in the conservatory, sitting in a white raffia chair, Sheldon stared out the window at the gloomy clouds and wasn’t surprised that it started to rain. The miserable weather suited her mood. She no longer had the benefit of numbness to hide her emotions behind. Her heart ached in anguish, but now she was also infuriated with Nathan and herself. She had been a weak kneed ninny for letting him treat her so despi
cably. And he most assuredly didn’t have the right to behave towards her in such a manner.

  It wasn’t her fault she’d been attacked and he had no right to blame her for it. As soon as the weather cleared up she was returning to London and have it out with him, then she was asking for a divorce. She saw no point on continuing their marriage now that he no longer cared for her. She gripped the arms of her chair tightly refusing to let another tear fall over all she had lost. She’d known from the very beginning that a true marriage between them would never succeed and she had been right.

  Though she loathed to admit it she truly did love the confounded man, alas her love wasn’t returned so what was the point of carrying on as man and wife. None that she could see. She could only hope he would be agreeable, surely with him desperate for an heir he would jump at the chance to be free of her and start seeking out a more suitable candidate for a wife. She refused to acknowledge the hurt she was feeling over the thought of him being married to another woman and making love to her. Her eyes squeezed shut at the horrifying thought that he might choose Bethany again.

  She swore she would leave England if such a thing should happen. Clenching her jaw she raised her lashes and once more stared out at the rain. She had to think of her own future and what she was going to do if Nathan was agreeable and let her go. London and the life she once led there no longer appealed to her and she doubted she could ever return to her father’s house and live under the same roof as her family. Especially not after all that had happened. So where did that leave her? Her gazed moved around the room filled with exotic plants and flowers, over the water fountain and back to the rain soaked garden outside.

  This was a different estate to the one she and Nathan had spent their honeymoon and she was grateful for that. The house itself wasn’t as large as the other one, it was much more cozy and only half the rooms. It was a home and she loved it. She’d also found out that Nathan rarely came here. If Nathan took her up on her offer and divorced her, she wondered if he would let her live here. Her chin jutted in the air and thought why shouldn’t he? After all he owed her for forcing her to marry him in the first place.

  Even though it sickened her and made her feel guilty to demand anything at all from him, she did need somewhere to live, didn’t she? Well she could only ask and if he refused she would have to find somewhere else to reside. Suddenly feeling queasy she rose to her feet, hurried through the house and upstairs to her room. Once the door was shut behind her she raced over to the bureau grabbed the basin and started vomiting. It wasn’t the first time it had happened since she arrived and had put it down to the emotional disturbances she was suffering. When she finished she returned the bowl and on shaky legs made her way over to the bed and laid down.

  She pulled a handkerchief from the pocket of her skirt and dabbed at her mouth and perspiring forehead. Hopefully, whatever infliction she was suffering would end soon if it didn’t she would seek out a physician after she’d seen Nathan and sorted out their future. Now though all she wanted to do was sleep. Her hand falling to the mattress she closed her eyes and tried not to think of her husband and how lonely her life was going to be without him in it.


  Even knowing he was running half an hour late, Nathan didn’t doubt the vindictive spiteful woman wouldn’t be waiting for him. The moment he strode into the ballroom he started searching for her. He smiled grimly when he found her standing close to three of the most strict, powerful women of the ton. One word of disapproval from them would ruin a woman so fast and beyond repair. It couldn’t have worked out more perfectly if he had engineered it himself.

  Unhurriedly he made his way around the edge of the dance floor, his gaze never leaving his quarry. He couldn’t help but notice she’d dressed to tease and seduce. The light blue silk gown was cut so low it barely contained her breasts. It was cinched in tightly at the waist and fell to the floor. Her shoulders were bare and he noticed she wasn’t wearing any gloves. When she finally turned her head and saw him, he forced himself to smile politely. It took a few more seconds before he reached her side and he bowed his head. “Lady Bethany.”

  At last he had arrived, Bethany nearly gave up waiting for him, now though she let herself smile with anticipation. “I nearly left. I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

  Nathan managed to maneuver her closer to the older woman before he replied. “Really I’m shocked.”

  Bethany frowned over his answer. “I don’t see why not. However, why don’t we leave here and find somewhere more private to talk?” She leaned closer and let her fingers trail down the sleeve of his dark evening jacket. “After all now that you’ve realized your mistake in marrying my foolish sister I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t become lovers. After all you are desperate for an heir and I don’t see any sense in waiting until your divorce is through.”

  Oh this was so easy, Nathan thought with relish and out the corner of his eye he caught the three old biddy’s sitting up and taking in every word. He turned back to the woman standing so smugly before him and gave her an outraged look of horror. “By heaven Lady Bethany you have shocked me with your outrageous proposition. How dare you suggest I betray my wife? Especially with her own sister. I would never dishonor her in such a despicable fashion. Let me tell you I happen to love my wife very much.”

  At the sudden change in him, Bethany grew furious. “What game are you playing sir? You forget you’re the one that asked me to meet you here. What else am I to presume that you intended us to become lovers while you divorce my sister?”

  He was definitely going to relish this moment for a very long time. “How dare you accuse me of behaving so despicable? I would never do such a dastardly thing to my wife. And I would most assuredly never ask you to meet me here to arrange a tryst with you. The only reason I came to seek you out was because you are my wife’s sister and for no other reason.”

  It swiftly occurred to her that she’d been set up, Bethany worriedly glanced around the ballroom and when her gaze landed on the three most powerful women of the ton standing next to her and knew the duke had purposely set out to ruin her reputation. It infuriated her and swinging her eyes back to his she lashed out. “You bastard. I should have known you were up to something when you came to see me yesterday.”

  “Madam I never saw you. So why are you lying about it? I know for a damn fact that you have been trying to destroy my marriage to your sister the moment you returned to London and found out I married her. You would do just about anything to break up my marriage to Sheldon but it won’t work. Even though I knew you had rather a lose reputation when I asked you to marry me I didn’t have any idea it was so promiscuous. Thank goodness you ran away before the wedding. I would deplore being married to a woman who would bed any man to get what she wanted. I am a very lucky man because your sister loves me just as I love her. I am warning you now woman that from now on you stay away from both of us.” With a curt nod of his head he strode away. It had all worked out perfectly the damage was done.

  Before she could voice her rage, Bethany watched him walk away. As she scanned the crowd she could already see the whispers starting to spread. Her face burning with humiliation she lifted up the bottom of her skirt and practically ran from the room. The bastard had purposely set out to ruin her and succeeded and now no decent man would ever have anything to do with her. She was ruined and the only thing she could do now was leave town. Even if the duke’s cousin managed to inherit everything it wouldn’t help, Andrew would only think about himself and refuse to keep their agreement. No, her only choice now was to leave London and hoped in a few years the scandal and her soiled reputation would be forgotten.

  Chapter Twenty

  After the success he had the night before, the next morning Nathan continued with his plan and it didn’t take long for word to spread that he’d already started on filling his nursery.

  He also made sure that certain men found out that his cousin wouldn’t be able to pay his debts. By
midafternoon he was informed that the despicable little weasel had fled London to parts unknown. The only person left to pay was in hiding, however, Nathan didn’t doubt that the man would hide for long and he was willing to wait until he could make the bounder pay for beating his wife. Now he was only a few minutes from his destination and he was worried sick. Could he persuade his wife to forgive him for the horrendous way he treated her? He prayed she would.

  He sat up straighter in his seat when the carriage started to slow down, he glanced out the window and frowned when he noticed one of his coaches parked in front of the house and servants were loading luggage into it. Was his wife planning on going somewhere? His stomach twisted in a knot of apprehension. Thank God he arrived before she had time to leave, he thought just before his vehicle stopped. Without waiting for any assistance he opened the door and stepped down, it was then he noticed his wife stepping outside and strode forward. “Are you going somewhere?”

  It was nearly impossible to hide her shock at seeing her husband alight from the coach and Sheldon stiffened her spine in renewed determination. “Actually I was on my way back to London to speak with you, if you must know.”

  Overwhelmed with relief, Nathan lightly clasped her elbow and led her unresisting into the house and towards the study. Once in the room he let her go and shut the door before he turned to face her. “Just why were you coming to see me?” In his heart he hoped it was because she couldn’t stand to live without him. However, by the cold expression on her face it looked doubtful.

  Though her heart was hurting terribly, Sheldon refused to let herself give into it. For a few seconds she let her gaze travel over his handsome face and even though she wanted wrap her arms around him and never let him go knew it was a foolish idea. Unable to look at him anymore she dropped her gaze to the carpeted floor. “We both know our marriage was a terrible mistake from the beginning. And now since you abhor the sight of me and you’re desperate for an heir, I think we should divorce.”


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