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Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave)

Page 4

by james

  She nodded and followed him into the spacious kitchen. Nick gathered everything he needed to make homemade spaghetti. The kind his nana had taught him.

  Amira sat on a bar stool and watched him. Unsure what he should discuss with a magical being, Nick began telling her about his client. A rich old man who was married to a younger woman he couldn’t keep up with.

  She laughed. “I have had many Masters like that.”

  “Have you?” Nick glanced at her thoughtfully as he rolled ingredients into meatballs. “How many masters have you had?”

  Amira stared at him, her eyes glazing. “Too many.” She shook her head. “I cannot remember the number.”

  “That’s all right. It was a rhetorical question anyway.” He chuckled.


  “I meant—it really doesn’t matter.”

  Her squished-up nose was too darn cute. Nick leaned over the counter and dropped a quick peck to it.

  Her expression couldn’t have been more stunned than if he’d slugged her. Nick was appalled that no Master had apparently ever shown this wonderful woman affection. Take. That’s probably all they ever did.

  Sexual desires and wishes. Nick almost sliced his finger cutting a tomato. He too was now counted among that number. Would she remember him when their time was over?

  “Let me help.” She placed a hand over his and pried the knife from him.

  Nick set mushrooms and the remaining tomatoes in front of her while he gathered other ingredients. He watched as she smoothly chopped the vegetables.

  “You like to cook?”

  Her eyes flitted up, twinkling merrily, her lips quirking. “Not really, I usually burned the food when father insisted…that is, before I became djinn.” She sliced into a juicy tomato and took a bite. “Delicious.” Picking up the remaining piece, she held it out toward him.

  Nick hesitated for a second, but he took the tomato from her hand with his mouth, flicking up a drop of juice that ran down her finger. Amira took a sharp breath, her eyes dipping to her work.

  Idiot! Hadn’t he figured out by now that sexual teasing was torture for his poor genie? To feel, taste, and smell sensual pleasures all around you, but never to partake of them was cruel.

  “The guy who cursed you must have been a supreme asshole.” His stomach had tightened seconds ago with the sensual tension between them, but now he felt only boiling anger.

  Amira’s cheeks flushed and her lovely golden eyes came back to his. She didn’t say a word, but her eyes spoke volumes. Suddenly, Nick wished he had the bastard right here in front of him. His fists balled as he imagined punching the jerk until he was senseless.

  “The sauce smells wonderful.”

  Her abrupt switch in topics told him she did not wish to discuss it further. Nick turned and stirred the sauce. “Hand those to me, hon.” He kept them both busy preparing and cooking dinner.

  As he worked, he changed the topic to safe ground—his grandmother. Amira’s delighted giggles at shared childhood escapades hit his senses almost as strongly as the erotic tingles that’d erupted when he’d taken the tomato from her hand. How he loved to hear her laugh.

  After everything was ready, Amira helped him set the table. She dipped her eyes shyly as he directed her to add another setting. Clearly, she hadn’t expected to be invited to dine with him.

  Standing by the table, he rubbed his jaw and stared at her satin costume. All pink today. She looked like a tasty confection, waiting to be consumed. “Maybe you’d better change into something more casual…spaghetti sauce has a habit of spotting one’s clothes.”

  She smiled. “One Master showed me the twirling method.” She used her hands to make the motions.

  “True,” he nodded. “But it’s not nearly as fun as just diving in and enjoying it.” He grinned at her. “That’s why I never order spaghetti in restaurants.”

  With a wave, Amira’s harem costume disappeared and new clothes draped her curvaceous body. Nick sucked in his breath. Tight jeans hugged her legs and hips, while a simple red T-shirt clung to her breasts. She looked like an all-American girl and so damn sexy his cock came to attention immediately.

  Clearing his throat, Nick pulled out a chair and bowed. “My lady.”

  Amira’s eyes sparkled like amber diamonds as she eased into the chair. Nick piled their plates full, then poured wine for them both.

  “You like wine, I hope?”

  She nodded, and then ran one hand over the basket-covered bottom of the bottle. “I like it…wine reminds me of older days.”

  “Me too. Nana never drank anything but wine from her homeland—Tuscany.” He held up his glass toward her and they clinked in a toast. “Taste it, the best imported Chianti I can find.”

  “Mmm. Wonderful.”

  Nick twirled a loose forkful of spaghetti. “And my cooking?”

  Amira leaned over and forked a mouthful. “Mmmm.”

  He laughed and attacked his food with gusto. Amira followed his example, not worrying when sauce droplets fell on her shirt. By the time they finished the meal, the wine had been polished off as well. Nick was feeling very happy, and Amira giggled more than he would have guessed she would allow herself.

  Grabbing her hand, he tugged her into the living room, pulling her down beside him on the couch. Nick flipped the TV on, gratified when he found a Jeannie rerun. Amira sighed in exasperation, but didn’t protest when Nick gently pushed her head down onto his shoulder.

  She snuggled into a comfortable position and they watched a double rerun special. When a commercial blared, Nick glanced at Amira. She’d been quiet for minutes and he could hear her soft breathing. Tipping her face up, he was not surprised to find her sound asleep.

  “Sleep, my angel,” he whispered, kissing her lips softly.

  Chapter Eight

  Amira awoke completely disoriented. It took her several seconds to realize she was clasped in her Master’s arms. They must have fallen asleep after drinking the delicious wine. Sometime during the night, they’d fallen flat on the wide couch and readjusted their bodies. Nick’s arms were still about her waist, while her head rested on his hard chest.

  She could have lain thus for another century. She listened to his strong heartbeat. How nice he’d been to her last night. Treated her like a regular mortal. She sighed. It was but one night. Magical in its own way, but not a real part of her life.

  She was djinn. A creature condemned to an eternity of service.

  Amira glanced up at his sleeping features. How handsome he was. So much like Omar, it was painful to look at him. Should she stay in his arms? Let him awaken and find her there?

  She blinked back tears. Perhaps her Master would feel sorry for her, like he seemed to be indicating with his behavior. He would show her kindness when it suited him. But love? She doubted it. Hadn’t she kept hope alive through many centuries that love would bloom between her and a Master?

  The thought of love between her and Nick made her chest ache. She was already enthralled with his looks; she couldn’t help it. She had tried her best to keep her distance emotionally, to see him only as another selfish Master bent on his own pleasure. But last night had blown that fragile concept.

  What could come of such wishes? Amira’s mind went back over the Masters who had been promising, those with some kindness in their hearts. When it came down to it, they had chosen to pursue their own delights rather than be tied down to one woman.

  She glanced back up Nick’s hard chest to his square jaw. He had been a playboy when he called her forth, a man used to pleasures of the flesh. The likelihood of him choosing one woman over many seemed as questionable as wishing dragons still ruled the skies.

  Nothing could come of her wishing otherwise. Nothing but a broken heart, torn anew after so much time had partially healed it. Biting her lower lip, Amira blinked, dissolving in Nick’s arms.

  He mumbled, but did not awaken, as she poured her dematerialized body down the lamp’s spout.

  * * * * *r />
  Nick was surprised when he awoke sprawled on the couch. He’d never done that before. Running his hand through his hair, he recalled last night. Amira, spaghetti, and too much wine.

  He glanced down, half expecting to see her golden head on his chest. Had that been a dream? Picking up a strand of gold hair several feet in length, he realized she had been clasped in his arms. He smiled, remembering how good she’d felt there.

  Where was she? He glanced toward the kitchen. Not there. His eyes shot to the lamp. Somehow, he knew that’s where she’d fled. Now, where did that thought come from?

  Nick sat up and stared at the genie’s abode. She’d enjoyed being in his arms; he clearly recalled that now. Then why had she run back to the lamp first thing in the morning?

  Because, he answered himself…maybe she’s wise enough to know it’s not a good thing. This getting so close to a being that shouldn’t even be real, but was.

  Placing his hands on either side of his temples, he rubbed vigorously. “What’s the matter with me, acting like a teenager in love—with my genie!”

  This was useless. He had to get his mind on other matters.

  Luckily for Nick, he’d taken today off. He needed to get out of the apartment, clear his mind. Exercise would do the trick. He packed his gym bag and grabbed a protein bar on the way out.

  Pumping iron and playing a few rounds of strenuous racquetball was good for his mind as well as his body. It seemed easier to think about nothing while he lifted weights. It worked, until a lithe blonde in shorts that teased him with brief views of her tight butt drew his thoughts to sex.

  Walking away in disgust, Nick went to the steam room. Sweating in the heated room soon distracted his mind from sensual pleasures.

  When he left, he still wasn’t ready to go home. Instead, he headed for the Gulf, driving mindlessly for hours, up one street and down another, not really enjoying the tall palm trees and lush vegetation.

  It was nightfall by the time he returned. He was tired and grumpy. He’d taken a shower in the gym, so he pitched his bag to the side and fell onto his bed still clothed. Sleep overtook him like a sledgehammer.

  The next morning he walked by the lamp several times, staring at it mindlessly. Finally, he stopped in front of it and struck one fist into the other.

  “She is mine. My genie, to do with as I wish.” Wondering if Amira had heard his rude statement, he felt shame and turned away.

  A Victoria’s Secret lingerie catalog caught his attention. Left there by his latest conquest, the one before he found Amira. She’d been showing him teddies and trying to get his opinion on which to purchase for their pleasure.

  Flipping through the magazine, he found the slim blonde with big boobs that had caught his attention. She was gorgeous. Just what he needed to take his mind off his genie.

  “Amira,” Nick commanded, standing near the couch.

  She materialized. Today, she wore all white, from the velvety fabric to the small seed pearls trimming her top. She looked like the angel he’d called her two nights ago. Her eyes were red-rimmed. Had she been crying? That thought made him very uncomfortable.

  “I am ready for a wish.” His voice came out rougher than he intended.

  “Yes, Master.” Her tone was unsure, her expression puzzled.

  Flapping the magazine at her, he pointed, “I want this woman for this weekend.”

  Amira gazed at the photo. “She is most lovely.” Her golden eyes came up to meet his stare. “Do you wish the same conditions?”


  “No disease or condoms.” Her expression didn’t change a bit as she repeated his earlier statement.

  “Right. Just tag that onto any wish I give you from now on.” He folded his arms, trying to act impatient, even though he really wasn’t. What he felt was a desire to stay with her, wrap his arms about her again and feel her snuggle into his body.

  “Well?” He’d better get on with this wish, anything to distract him from desiring Amira.

  “As you wish,” she whispered.

  Her eyes dipped down as she approached him for the kiss. Grasping her chin, he brought her face up, noting the long lashes lying against her skin. She was refusing to look at him. Fine. He felt the same way.

  Amira’s perfume invaded his senses as she dissolved, and a new form materialized. It was Rachel. She was wearing the same white teddy as the magazine ad.

  “Oh, hello, you must be Nick.”

  He was surprised that the supermodel seemed to know him. “Have we met?” How could he have forgotten that?

  She giggled. Not Amira’s gentle exhalation that set his senses aflame, but a sharp note that grated on his nerves.

  “Amira told me about you.” She paused and knitted her brow. “I can’t remember where I was, but she set up this blind date.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” he shrugged. “You’re here now.” He cleared his throat. “What…do you want to do?” He hadn’t expected a date—this was kind of awkward.

  Another loud giggle erupted and Rachel ran one long-fingered hand down a sleek thigh, drawing his eyes to her barely covered groin.

  “It seems I intended this to be an evening of sex.” She ran a hand down her hair, not mussing her shiny tresses a bit. “But, I don’t remember leaving the house like this.”

  Nick walked up to her. “Does it matter how you got here?” He placed one hand on her collarbone and rubbed her neck. “I’m all for a night of hot sex.”

  Chapter Nine

  Her mouth opened and he quickly placed a finger over her full lips to stop any further jarring giggles. Then he replaced his finger with his mouth, shutting off any further comments. He didn’t care to hear her thoughts on the matter. He wanted to fuck.

  Her arms came up and latched onto his neck like an octopus. Her mouth was hot and sweet, her tongue felt like a snake inside his mouth, slithering over his tongue with forceful thrusts. Nick didn’t know where that strange thought came from, but shoved it from his mind, concentrating on her slim curves.

  His hands rubbed and kneaded her tiny ass, and then he pulled her hips against his erection. She sighed into his mouth and he was thankful it wasn’t a giggle. Untangling her arms, he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

  As he passed the lamp, a swift thought flashed through him. Would Amira still be able to see him in his bedroom? Probably. That thought made his cock throb even more, but also caused a flash of guilt to run through him. That was really odd and he thrust such a strange emotion from him.

  After he placed Rachel on the satin comforter, she stretched like a cat, drawing his eyes to those lush breasts. His hands went to the tiny straps and he pushed them down, none too gently. Both round breasts popped out, barely bouncing.

  Even while he grasped a firm breast in each hand, disappointment flashed through him. Implants. Nice looking, even felt almost real. But he preferred natural to fixed, even if the woman’s breasts were somewhat droopy due to their size.

  Ignoring his feelings, Nick leaned down and latched onto one pink nipple, sucking gently. He played with the other nipple, rolling it between two fingers. Rachel groaned loudly and flounced restlessly.

  “Oh, yes, baby, fuck me,” she screamed.

  Nick drew back for a moment, astounded at her fierce arousal. She opened her perfectly made-up eyes and stared at him curiously. Probably because he’d stopped. Why didn’t he see lust in her eyes if she was so darned turned on?

  “Take it off, baby.” He reached for her teddy, but she stopped him and waved at his clothes. Nick grinned and stripped quickly. Then he grabbed at her lingerie, but again she stopped him.

  “What’s up?” he demanded, getting a little frustrated with her coy behavior.

  She blushed deeply. “I…I put on a little weight last week, and I don’t want you to see.”

  Weight? Where? Nick ran his eyes down her frame. He couldn’t see an ounce of spare flesh on her except for those enlarged breasts. But, if she was going to be paranoid ab
out it, he could accommodate her wishes.

  He concentrated on her breasts again. It took but a few sucks and her stellar breasts were heaving with her arousal. Nick kissed her, and then stared at her face. Make-up still perfect, not even a flush marring those chiseled cheekbones. Strange.

  He felt her hand fumbling between them and realized she was shoving the material at her crotch to the side.

  “Come on baby, stick it in me.”

  He didn’t find her statement arousing, not one little iota. Shrugging inwardly, he held his cock and positioned it at her opening. Once he eased in, she shoved upward, moaning loudly as he sank inside.

  Nick withdrew and rammed into her hard, on purpose. She moaned again, not changing cadence at all. He thrust into her again and again, sometimes gently, sometimes with force.

  Her long lashed eyes were closed, her face posed in perfection. She looked like she could be in the middle of a photo shoot instead of being vigorously fucked. But those moans and groans continued unabated.

  In frustration at her composure, Nick draped her long legs over his shoulders and shoved into her with the weight of his lower body.

  “Oh yes, baby, fuck me,” she whispered, her lips set in a perfect pout after she spoke.

  Now where had he heard that before? And why was baby becoming an irritant instead of an endearment?

  Choosing to ignore her perfect persona and exaggerated turned on condition, Nick fucked her. Her pussy was hot and slick. He closed his eyes and concentrated on that wonderful feeling. Amira’s lush figure popped into his mind and his cock throbbed as he thrust into the wet woman flesh beneath him.

  He raised her ass up in the air, supporting his body with both hands like he was doing push ups. He called this the airborne position. It provided incredible sensations the higher the butt was positioned and resulted in deeper penetration.

  His cock rammed into the teddy. Cursing, he jerked it aside, but soon it had slipped in the way again. Fumbling with the joining in the groin, he discovered a snap. Popping it lose, he flung the soaked material to the side and shoved into her.


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