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Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave)

Page 5

by james

  Rachel stared back at him. He was disappointed. The image of Amira had fled.

  For some reason, he didn’t wish to look at her face at this particular moment. Without a word, he withdrew and flipped her over.


  As Nick pulled her small rump upward, he answered the obvious, “Doggie.”

  “Oh,” she giggled, then wiggled her ass in his face.

  Ordinarily that would have pleased him, but for some reason, it didn’t. Clamping down on his own moodiness, Nick slipped his forefinger into her hot channel. From here, he got a close view of her goodies.

  Dark pink lips, slick with juices. And black pubic hair. The blonde hair was just as fake as her tits. Disappointment shot through him. Before he could think any more ridiculous thoughts, he slid into her pussy. Rachel moaned and moved her hips in a round motion.

  As he plunged into her, he couldn’t help picturing Amira’s round ass. His hands kneaded Rachel’s buttocks hard. Her hair would be blonde. Real. It would match the hair on her head. Well, it might be a tad darker, but still blonde.

  He couldn’t hold back any longer. The thought of plunging into his genie’s luscious body set his cock on fire. Nick released his sperm with several fierce spurts, moaning slightly. Afterwards, he flopped on top of Rachel, then rolled to the side.

  It took him a few minutes to realize the model had been chattering ever since they finished. What about, he had no idea. He glanced at her. She didn’t seem to notice he wasn’t paying attention to her either. Her hair was sleek, her body posed in a lovely sideways fashion. He realized she knew how good she looked.

  Nick nodded occasionally as she continued to talk about mundane things. Complaints about her pay, the high prices of couture apparel, the hassle of waiting for an opening at the Sea Mountain Inn Spa, and so on. Things he guessed would be important to a woman, or at least to a woman whose life was built around maintaining her beauty.

  A flash of understanding hit him. Even while fucking, Rachel seemed to focus on keeping her perfect image. Her make-up must not become smeared or her hair mussed. He was convinced her loud reactions during sex were more a show than real emotion. She was maintaining that perfect image. Perfectly lovely. Perfect lover.

  After twenty minutes of half-listening to her exclaim over a new fashion designer, he knew only one way to shut her up. Nick fucked her again. She was beautiful, even with her enhanced boobs and mismatching hair colors, so getting hard was no problem. But his irritation with those slight imperfections was making him impatient to be done with her.

  He showered after their less than stellar session, afraid for a moment, when he heard her enter the bathroom, that she was about to join him. Oh, he could fuck again, but he had lost the desire to do so. At least, there was no interest at this time and with this woman.

  Rachel sang a little ditty. Off-key. Thank goodness she kept it down to a dull roar. Pushing the glass back, she stood two feet away, so the spray wouldn’t hit her.

  “Do you have a razor?”

  “Razor?” he repeated like an idiot.

  She ran one hand down her thigh. “I have to shave twice a day. I can’t stand stubble. Can you?”

  How could he say no without looking like the idiot he felt? “Behind the mirror.” Where any intelligent human being would have thought to look. At least she’d asked.

  Frustrated, he quickly finished showering. Stepping around Rachel, he dried off, watching her procedure. She wrapped a large towel around her hair carefully, tucking in the ends snugly.

  With a thrown kiss in his direction, she stepped into the shower. Her lithe form was outlined in the mist behind the glass. Lovely enough to make a man’s cock jump. Glancing down, he grinned at his manhood. Flaccid and uninterested.

  The next instant, he grimaced. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Chapter Ten

  Amira is wrong with me. He knew that for certain, for as he stared at the swirling mist, his mind went to a more curvaceous body. He mentally replaced Rachel’s slim curves with Amira’s lush ones. The breasts stayed full and round, but were natural and soft.

  The waist curved in more dramatically, making a perfect hourglass figure. Her hips were womanly, her ass rounded globes. His eyes flitted down those imaginary sleek thighs, his mouth watering as he anticipated the pink lips and pale hair he’d discover.

  “Baby, do you have any lotion?”

  “Wh…what?” Nick felt shaken from a daydream.

  “Lotion.” Her voice was strident, her lips drawn in a moue of irritation as she leaned out of the shower.

  Nick opened the cabinet. Lotion. He didn’t use lotion. His eyes searching, he was gratified to indeed find a bottle. He’d forgotten about Jennifer’s stash. They fucked infrequently, but she kept a few items handy.

  He smiled. Now there was a woman after his heart. Someone who was as mercenary as himself when it came to sex. Fuck. Get out. Look for a new conquest. Keep a great sex partner on tap for those dry spells.

  “Here,” he shoved the bottle into Rachel’s hand.

  She took the top off and sniffed. “Hmmm, I don’t care much for lavender.”

  “Sorry, that’s all I have.”

  Rachel sighed loudly, and then shut the shower door firmly.

  He could see her smoothing the lotion on her slim body. It would feel ultra soft afterwards and smell heavenly. He liked lavender. But he had no desire to run his hands over her body—just yet.

  He went into the bedroom and flopped on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

  Later, Rachel sat down on the edge of the bed, running her fingers through his chest hair.

  “Are you tired?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  She sighed in an exaggerated way. “Gee, I’m usually awake until two or three in the morning.”

  He glanced at her smooth face. She must sleep late then. “I’ve had a long day.”

  She giggled. Nick cringed. Her fingers tickled his chest. “Did I have anything to do with that?”

  “Some.” He patted her hand into stillness. “I’m going to get some sleep.” He hesitated. “You’re welcome to join me.”

  “Sure,” she snuggled against him.

  Rachel fell asleep in a few minutes. He wished he could do the same. Thoughts of an ethereal Amira kept running through his mind.

  In the middle of the night, a hand stroking his cock awakened Nick. It felt nice, very nice. He groaned as soft lips slipped over the head and a tongue swirled around the tip.

  He knew it was Rachel’s body he caressed, but in the cover of darkness, it was easier to pretend otherwise. Amira was aroused by his touch. It was her mouth that teased him like a witch. And it was her hot pussy he thrust into repeatedly. Afterward, he fell into a deep sleep.

  The next morning, he examined the sleeping beauty beside him before jumping out of bed. She was still lovely, even with her tangled hair and mascara that had smeared. Of course, he doubted she’d believe it.

  Taking a refreshing shower, he was gratified to find Rachel awake once he finished. Yawning, she pinched his ass as she passed him on the way to shower.

  Nick grabbed clean clothes from his closet.

  Rachel walked in some time later, beautiful and nude. He ignored her, continuing to look through some paperwork.

  “I…don’t have anything to wear.”

  “Your teddy,” he nodded toward the crumpled lingerie on the floor.

  “Yuck!” she screeched.

  Glancing again at the teddy, Nick couldn’t blame her. He was being a thoughtless clod.

  “Do you want to borrow something of mine?”

  “Men’s clothes.” Rachel faced him, hands gripping her waist.

  She looked magnificent and pissed off. Abruptly, she snapped her fingers. “I know. We can go shopping.”

  “Shopping?” Nick got a sick, sinking feeling in his gut. God, what did he do to deserve this? Shopping for clothes with a woman was a man’s worst nightmare.

she almost jumped up and down. “That’ll give me a chance to check out Vera Wang’s summer fashions.”

  His stomach stayed queasy. Whatever he felt, he was responsible for her, so to speak. Because he’d wished her here—she had appeared almost nude.

  Wish! Nick perked up. He’d forgotten he could get rid of her easily. As he stared at Rachel’s cute backside as she dug through his shirts, a flush of guilt shot through him. He’d fucked her and now he was going to shove her off like spoiled food?

  He gritted his teeth. Well, isn’t that what you usually do? No. He wasn’t quite that callous. He at least fed the lady of the moment dinner; usually sex was preceded by a date. Maybe dancing or a movie followed dinner.

  Rachel was a supermodel for Pete’s sake. Nick shrugged, snagged by his own conscience. He glanced through the door at Amira’s lamp. Also, there was her. If he sent Rachel home early, then he’d have the whole rest of the weekend to spend by himself. It was either a new wish, spend time with Amira, or go looking for a new conquest.

  Somehow, the thought of going prowling didn’t appeal to him. The thought of spending another evening with his genie made him very uncomfortable. He sighed and watched Rachel push her arms through the sleeves of a shirt. I guess she’s an acceptable choice.

  By the time they got dressed, it was lunchtime. Nick stopped at a nice Italian restaurant, one that made home-cooked meals. By the time they left, he was ready to pitch Rachel from the car.

  Cheese was fattening and sauce too rich. Nothing would do for her svelte figure. Of course she’d eaten salad, but then complained of still being hungry, eyeing his chicken parmesan with interest. He’d offered her a bite, but she daintily refused. Only when he’d finished the meal with a slice of cheesecake had she consented to try a bite.

  That bite had turned into half his dessert. He didn’t mind sharing, but the “I’m so thin and must maintain my weight” act got on his nerves. Damn! Why didn’t she just say she wanted some cheesecake?

  After lunch, he drove downtown. Rachel dragged him from one shop to another. Intimate little places where a man could hardly find a spot to rest or a corner to hide in. He had to “ooh” and “ah” over each piece she modeled for him. He didn’t have a clue as to whether the black cocktail dress looked better than the red, but each time he chose wrong, Rachel reprimanded him gently.

  Hell, she was treating him like he was her boyfriend. Nick almost clapped his hands after the last “You’re not trying Nick, baby.” But the shop was not an ideal place to have a genie materialize in. The shop girls giggled and smiled, keeping a close eye on them both. He fell into a stupor of sorts, agreeing with many of her purchases simply to speed the process.

  When the car was jammed with purchases, he was shocked to see six hours had passed. His stomach was growling and his feet ached. Nick gripped the wheel and barely missed hitting a car turning in front of him. He really did feel like throwing Rachel from the car this time.

  “I’m hungry,” she whined.

  “Me too,” he snapped.

  Rachel rubbed his shoulder. “I love Indian cuisine.”

  “I hate it.”

  “Well,” she clutched her middle and pouted. “Where did you want to eat?”


  “Home! I don’t cook.” Her shrill response hurt his ear.

  “I do the cooking in my house.”

  “Fine.” She flounced on the seat. “Maybe you could just drop me off at my place then. I hate home cooking.”

  “Just what I had in mind.” Nick grinned for the first time in hours. Who but Amira knew where she’d whisked in Rachel from? Could have been New York or LA. He very much doubted she lived in Houston. Thankfully, she seemed to be totally unaware she was in unfamiliar surroundings. He’d driven her downtown because that’s where the couture shops were located. Maybe Amira’s magic worked on Rachel’s senses, muddling them somewhat.

  “Don’t you need the directions?” Her lovely blue eyes were puzzled.

  “No, baby, I don’t.” Nick ignored her fuming glances and screeched into his parking lot.

  Chapter Eleven

  “What now?” She dug her nails into his arm.

  Maybe she was afraid he was going to leave her stranded in the parking lot. A lovely thought. But he had a better way to rid himself of her.

  “Wait here. I’ll take care of everything.”

  Rachel gave him an unsure stare, but pulled out her lipstick and started redoing her lips. That’d keep her busy a few minutes.

  Nick practically ran into the elevator and then into his apartment. When Amira appeared, he barked, “Send that woman back to her home—with all her purchases.”


  “Don’t tell me you haven’t been watching this whole fiasco today?” He stepped close to her and tried staring her down. It didn’t work. Her gaze was innocent.

  “I did not watch everything you’ve done this weekend.”

  “I thought you had to.” Nick said softly.

  She shook her head. “Only the first part of the sexual wish.”

  “I see. You can come and go as you please.” He wondered just what she’d been privy to during all the fucking that’d been going on in his bedroom. His cock hardened at the thought.

  “More or less.”

  He wasn’t going to get any more information out of her. She was being very secretive about her genie regulations.

  “Is she gone?” He interrupted her stare over his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry Master, your questions…interrupted me.”

  Now she stared right at him, her eyes bold and challenging.

  He frowned at her.

  A few seconds later, she said, “It is done.”

  “Good. Now, I’m going to fix me some dinner.” He hesitated. “Have you eaten?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Nick.” He used a forceful tone. Somehow, when she said Master it made him feel much less than a master of his domain, especially when she gave him a censoring look.

  “You know, you don’t have to stay in that lamp all the time.” He walked into the kitchen, throwing the words over his shoulder, “You can watch TV, do whatever you want in the apartment.”

  He glanced at her as he fetched a beer. “Feel free to go anywhere you want. You can even go shopping.”

  She shook her head. “I cannot.”

  “Why?” he interjected, impatient with her answer.

  She strolled into the kitchen. “I can only go within the bounds of my Master’s domain.”

  “You…mean you can’t go outside my apartment?”

  She nodded.

  “That sucks.” Why did that thought make him so darn angry? He started fixing a sandwich, anything for a distraction. It failed. He flung the knife down. “How do you keep from going insane? If I were stuck in this apartment all the time—I would be crazy.”

  “Oh,” she smiled sweetly. “I can conjure almost anything I want to keep myself occupied.”

  “Like what?” He really was curious about that.

  “Books, music. I even have a television.”

  Her face was pleased, as if she truly enjoyed these items. He was glad.

  “TV? Interesting.” He frowned. “But still, I’d get bored even with those after a while.”

  She laughed. It was a beautiful, rich sound, one that made his pulse leap.

  “There is much more to keep me entertained.” At his quizzical look, she continued, “I have a garden with almost every species of flowering plant known to man. It is several acres. I have an extensive library—with some books so rare, humans would kill to get their hands on them. And I have a bathroom fit for a sheik.”

  “With a Jacuzzi?” Why did his mind latch onto her last statement? And why did an image of Amira in his arms, her legs wrapped around him while bubbles lapped their bodies, fly into his mind?

  “Oh, yes. I also have a large modern shower, and a heated pool twenty feet long. Three sides of the bathroom are surro
unded by a glassed-in garden, filled with lush jungle plants.” She paused, staring into space. “It is a most pleasant way to spend an evening.”

  Nick gulped. How he’d love to while away an evening making love to Amira in each water source she’d described. Now, that’d be heaven.

  She reached across him and took a cookie from a plate. Her full breasts bumped into his arm, making his cock jump.

  Nick didn’t usually indulge much in snacks, he was too health conscious, but occasionally he had to have some chocolate chip cookies. Right now, he’d like to indulge his sweet tooth in something earthy and womanly.

  “You like cookies?” he asked to distract his wandering thoughts.

  She giggled, and licked a dollop of chocolate off her lower lip. So much for distractions. Nick wished he could have licked it for her.

  “I love chocolate chip.”

  “Can you wish any food you want, while in your lamp?” He’d discovered in their short acquaintance that his genie did eat and enjoyed doing so.

  “Yes, anything I desire—cookies, lobster, steak, pheasant, kibbee.”

  “What’s kibbee?”

  “A Middle Eastern dish. Very delicious. Maybe I’ll make it for you one day.”

  “That’d be great.” He smiled into her eyes. Food could be a great comfort for her. It was disconcerting to realize that was important to him.

  “What about company?”

  Her eyes turned sad. “I can never conjure people or animals into my lamp to keep me company.”

  “That bastard!”

  Amira’s eyes flashed surprise, and then she quirked a smile of understanding.

  “Have many of your Masters allowed you to stay outside…so you’re not alone?” Why did the mere asking of that question make his stomach clench?

  “Very few.”

  There was his answer. He had a feeling it would be negative. Poor Amira.

  She smiled softly, her eyes shining. “There was one who made my days as happy as any human’s.”

  What a profound statement. Most people complained about their lives. Most would kill to have Amira’s magic ability to conjure things as she did. Most people thought they wanted to live forever. But, those same people would probably die from boredom or loneliness if they had to go through centuries of solitude.


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