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Page 17

by Nacole Stayton

  Taking a step away from her, I turn to see Niko looking at me. His face is tight as he tries to hold back his own tears. Walking toward him, I sit down and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. It’s just the two of us in the room and while it saddens me that this is all we have, I’m content, knowing that I love these two people more than anything.

  “Thank you for being here. I couldn’t have done this without you,” I admit as I tilt my head and lay my head on his shoulder.

  “You could have, and you would have if you had to, but you didn’t and you won’t ever have to go through anything alone ever again. I promise you that, Cambree.”

  We sit in silence for at least an hour. The sound of our stomachs growling urges us to get up from our seats. “I think we should go. I need to feed you and they need to proceed with the burial. Do you want to go outside and watch them?” Niko asks as he buttons up my jacket for me.

  “I really don’t want to see them put her into the ground. She’s already gone, but I think we should stay. She has no one else.”

  “Okay.” He tightens the scarf around my neck and rests his hand on my lower back.

  Pain fills my chest to the point where I can’t breathe as I watch her casket lower into the cold ground.

  I THOUGHT BURYING MY parents was the hardest thing that I would ever have to do. I was wrong. Watching Cambree tell her Grams she loved her while tears spilled down her face was rough. I could feel my eyes growing wetter as I begged one drop not to fall.

  Losing a loved one is horrible, but it’s not nearly as excruciating as watching someone you love lose someone. At least when you’re hurting from your own pain, you can control it. As your chest aches from the sorrow, you know that as bad as it hurts, with time you will heal. But when it’s someone else that’s hurting, you have no clue what is running through their heads and when they’re going to get better. I’m here, holding her hand as I drive back to the estate, yet I’m fucking clueless on what to do.

  I know I need to feed her, but then what? Do I carry her into my room and put her to bed? Do I offer to watch a movie with her to help take her mind off of things? I’m fighting a battle that I’ve never fought before and I don’t know who is going to be the victor.

  I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial a number. “Yes, Ruth. I need you to prepare a pot of vegetable soup. Thank you.” I hang up, and then thread my fingers with Cambree’s as I keep one hand on the wheel.

  “Is there anything you need before I head to the estate? I can stop by your apartment and gather your things if you want,” I offer, unsure of what she needs or wants in this moment.

  “I’ll be fine for tonight. I know where Ruth keeps extra toothbrushes.” She smiles in my direction. As her lips part, my soul catches on fire. There’s the beautiful woman I know.

  Stomping on the gas pedal, I’m eager to get home.

  Twenty minutes later, we turn onto my street. The driveway is lit up like a baseball field as I reach outside and type in my security code. The gate slowly swings open, inviting us in. The garage door is open as I pull the Bentley into my garage.

  “We’re home,” I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt. Cambree’s eyes are closed and her head is resting against the back of the seat. I quietly open my door, climb out, walk in front of the hood and then walk over to her side and open the door. She doesn’t make a peep as I pick up her small body and shut the door behind us.

  Opening the house door, I walk through the kitchen. It smells like home should smell. Being hidden away for years hasn’t left much room for my gut to imagine the divine smells of a delicious meal being prepared. Ruth nods her head toward the main living room. The fireplace is lit. I can feel its warmth as I place Cambree’s sleeping body on the couch in front of it. There is a small throw blanket on the back of cushion. I grab it and drape it over her body.

  Tiptoeing back to the kitchen, I grab a bottle of wine and pour myself a glass. “Would you like to celebrate with me?” I ask Ruth as she stirs the pot of soup.

  Raising her eyebrow she asks, “What are we celebrating, sir?”

  “I got the girl.” I hold my glass up. “While my heart hurts because she’s in pain, I can’t help but be happy that she’s here and even more so that she still wants me.”

  “I’ll certainly drink to that!”

  Ruth and I stand in the kitchen, having a glass of wine as she finishes preparing dinner. My mouth waters as I watch her cut up stalks of celery and dump them into the boiling pot of goodness.

  “Niko,” Cambree’s voice faintly calls out to me. I jump off the bar stool at the counter and walk into the living room. Cambree’s arms are tucked under her chin and resting on the back of the couch cushion, as she looks my way.

  Her hair is down and draped over her shoulders. She looks sleepy and gorgeous.

  “What smells so good?”

  “Dinner. It’s just about ready.” I bend down and breathe her in, and then kiss the top of her head. “Come on, little lamb.” I hold my hand out in front of me.

  She stands up and walks over, grabbing it with her own. Her black dress is high on her thigh and she notices my eyes glued to her exposed skin. She sighs and pulls it down.

  “Would you like some wine?” She nods and I pour her a glass and refill Ruth’s and my own.

  “Mr. Kincaid, you’re dinner is served,” Ruth says as she stands in the formal dining room and wipes her hands off on her white apron around her waist.

  “Thank you, it smells lovely. Would you care to join us?” I ask.

  “As much as I’d love to, I’d rather not this evening.” She smiles giving me an out. I’m blessed to have such a smart and caring employee, especially since another one just pulled the wool over my eyes.

  I pull out a chair for Cambree, and she sits and grabs her glass, bringing it to her lips. She takes in the aroma and then swallows it. Dinner is quiet as we both eat and enjoy our first meal together in the light in silence.

  “Thank you…for everything, Niko. I appreciate you more than I can ever truly express,” I say as I wipe my mouth.

  He finishes chewing before he speaks. He’s always so proper.

  “I don’t do it because I’m obligated. I do it because I care,” he admits. It almost causes me to choke on my wine as his admission surprises me. “I mean it. I was a fool before. I was weak and scared, but you gave me the courage that I lacked for two years. I should be the one thanking you.”

  I don’t think my heart can handle anymore tonight. As much as I want to pour my heart and soul out to him, and hear everything that he has to say, I just don’t think that I’m capable of processing it all tonight.

  “Would you mind if I went upstairs and went to bed?” I ask. “I don’t want to be rude but I’m terribly exhausted.” I feel horrible for cutting him off, but I just can’t. Not tonight. Tomorrow maybe, but all I want to do is take a hot bath and then sleep.

  “You’re not being rude, please don’t ever be afraid to tell me how you feel or what you need. Let me draw you a bath.”

  We stand up and collect our bowls and wine glasses. Setting them in the sink, Niko walks in front of me as we walk into the foyer. He leads me to the stairs and then turns around and walks back to the front door. Pulling on the handle, he makes sure that it’s locked before he sets the alarm. I feel comfortable knowing that we’re in a safe place, but I can’t fight the feeling of being on edge about Jarod. The alarm may sound, but it’s pointless if he knows the code to turn it off.

  Uneasiness overcomes me. Niko must be able to see it on my face because as he nears me, he says, “Don’t worry. I changed all the codes on the alarms and the security gate. You’re safe here. I promise you, Cambree. I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you.”

  My feet hit the first step and I look backward at him. He looks like he is lost. I’m sure I’m sending him mixed messages. I’m confused; my head so disoriented that I can’t even fathom he’s feeling and handling this. I’m a mess and I don’t even fucking care. It�
��s a low point to be able to admit that.

  “Stop thinking,” he says from behind me. His words take me off guard and my feet plant firmly in the carpet on the steps.

  I turn around. “What?”

  “I can practically see the wheels turning in your head. I know you have a lot going on up there.”

  He’s right. I wish I were able to turn my brain off.

  “Listen, I’m going to draw you a bath. But…I want you to relax while you’re in there. Stay right here,” he says while holding his finger in the air and then marches back down the steps.

  Within seconds, he is back at my side holding two glasses and an unopened bottle of wine. “You need to unwind. Normally, I use sex for that, but right now, that’s off the table, unless, you just totally can’t resist me and jump on me like a tiger.”

  His silliness makes me laugh, as if he knows exactly what I need and when I need it. I swoon over him a little as he stands on the step, grinning at me like a man who holds my heart and knows it.

  “There’s that smile. It looks good on you. Now on to the bath we go!” He nudges me forward. The hallway is dark and as bad as I try to not look down the hall toward Gram’s room, I fail miserably.

  “Nope. Keep going, woman. You need to decompress.”

  I shake off his remark and stroll forward. As I walk into his bedroom, it’s dark, just like the last time I was in it. It feels strange to be back in his lair. I feel like so much has changed since we were in here last. We argued, or more so, I told him I loved him, and in his drunken state, he acted like a chump.

  Now as we stand in the door’s threshold, we’re different. Our relationship is at a different point than it was a few days ago. Jarod is batshit crazy and Grams is gone. Out of all that, the one thing that surprises me is when I hear the sound of the light switch being hit. The glare from above lights up the room and it’s huge. I couldn’t have imagined how big the space was before. Although I could see after my eyes became accustomed, I could never really see it.

  The walls are painted a light gray color and are paired with dark wooden floors and wood trim. I can see his desk and computer sitting toward one side and his couch and a flat screen television hung on the wall on the other side. It’s nice to know that he watches T.V. I chuckle to myself. In the middle of the room, there is a wide-open entrance leading to his bedroom. Without turning around or asking for permission, I step forward and walk into it. The color palette is totally different. The walls are dark, almost black. His bedding is red, and there is a large white rug in the center of the room.

  It’s like I’m seeing everything for the first time. My body spins around to face Niko, and to my surprise, he’s standing right behind me. My hands bump into his sides as our bodies collide. “Oh, hi,” I mutter.

  From the corner of my eye, I see him raise his hand. I can feel his soft touch on my forehead as he wipes a piece of hair off my forehead and tucks it behind my ear. His touch melts my heart. As fragile as it is right now, it beats for him. Even at the most inappropriate time, I long to be wrapped in his arms and taken by him.

  I crave Niko. His mouth. The hardness of his chest as it hovers above mine. The touch of his fingertips as they run alongside my inner thigh. I need him to make me feel whole again.

  “Do you want to bathe with me?” I ask, peering up only to see his eyes burning with fire, too.

  A shiver runs through me as the words, “I thought you’d never ask,” leave his mouth. His eyes bore into me like they are searching for a sign. He’s scared to take control like he normally does. As if his eyes send me a private message, he asks if it’s okay to kiss me.

  Leaning down, I can feel the scruff of his five-o’clock shadow brush against my chin. His hand wraps around the fabric covering my arm and pulls my body closer to his. “I love you, Cambree,” he whispers against my lips. My mind doesn’t have time to reflect on his words as his mouth opens mine and welcomes itself.

  My eyes remain open as we stand in the middle of his lit bedroom, kissing. Thrusting my fingers through his hair, nothing but pure emotion guides my hands to pull his head closer to mine. Our kisses become harder, deeper. Moving closer, I leave no room between us at all.

  Niko takes a step back, causing our lips to part, and I wonder why he stopped. It felt so good to let go, if only for a brief moment. It felt good to hear him speak those three words. Although I’ve known them in my heart to be true, it’s still nice to hear.

  “Let’s take it slow, okay?” he says, brushing his thumb over my puckered bottom lip. I swallow and nod. My aching core is not happy, but he’s right.

  Cooling my jets, I turn to face away from him. I feel an ounce of friskiness as I unzip my dress and let the material fall to the floor. The gasp that I hear as I slide off my panties and bra. I love the fact that I made that happen. It makes me feel one hundred percent woman.

  I click on the light switch in the bathroom. Like a puppy, Niko follows me. He turns the handles on the bathtub and water squirts out of the faucet. As the water rises in the tub, I turn to face Niko. He’s gorgeous in clothes, but even more so out of them. Standing on my tiptoes, I plant a tender peck on his scar. I don’t want him to ever feel ashamed of being with me in the light. If anything, I want a point to come where he’s comfortable. I want us being open with each other to become second nature. Placing my palm on his chest, his heart beating through his shirt makes me eager to get it off of him. My hands find their way to the edge of his shirt, as I lift it up over his chest and his head, I toss it on the floor.

  I glance up to see Niko looking down at me intensely. My hands unbuckle his belt and then unbutton his pants and slide down his zipper. With a gentle tug, I slide them down his legs. He bends to slide off his shoes and socks, and in a split second, is standing naked in front of me.

  His voice soothed me into a sensual mood. “You’re the most breathtaking piece of art I’ve ever seen.” I want to laugh. Not at his compliment but the fact that he calls me art. I knew he admired art from the moment I saw the pieces that adorned his walls.


  He takes the first step into the tub and bends to rest his body in the water. He holds his hand out to me, and I grab it and step in, placing my body between his legs. My core throbs knowing what is behind me. I want to turn around and take him in my mouth, but he said he wanted to take things slow. And today, out of all days, he said he loved me. I don’t want his admission to be overlooked by a longing for me to feel close to him by sex. He deserves more than that. Even as I clench my legs together and lean back into his embrace, I want him to take the reins.

  THE WATER BECOMES LUKEWARM the longer we sit in it. I’m scared that once we leave this perfect bubble of seclusion life is going to hit us in the face and knock us the fuck over. Right now, in the tight quarters of the tub, we’re safe. We’re together and we’re in love.

  Reality sucks. I’d rather sit in here forever with Cambree cooing into my ear as I lather a sponge and rub it along her back, arms, and stomach. She does the same to me, mimicking my moves, causing goose bumps to rise alongside my arm as her hand brushes against my cock. There’s no hiding my raging erection. I’m sure she’s felt it against her back for the last hour, yet she hasn’t said or done anything about it.

  “Are you ready to get out?” I ask as she uses her hand as a makeshift cup and washes the last of the soap off my chest.

  “If you are, I am.” I slide up the back of the tub and lean over to grab a towel for her. My dick is right in her face, merely inches away. I want to grab her head, wrap my fingers in her wet hair, and thrust my cock right in her mouth, but I refrain. I already promised myself that I wouldn’t cross that line with her tonight, not that I’m not beating myself up for it now. I want to be buried in her tight little pussy so bad that the thought alone makes my knees weak. I’m man enough to stow my own urges and put her needs first. I know that she wants me. I can see it in her eyes as she bites her lip and tries to hide the fact that she keeps
looking at my dick.

  I wrap the towel around her dripping wet body and then do the same with my own. She shivers a little so I pull her close and rub my hands up and down her arms.

  “Do you want me to go get you a toothbrush?”

  She shakes her head. “I’ll use yours if that’s okay?”

  “Yeah, sure,” I say. We’ve shared everything else with one another. Why not add our oral hygiene tools as well?

  As she grabs my toothbrush and applies a generous amount of paste, I watch her from behind. She brushes for a good minute and then rinses. This feels right. It feels normal, like I’m watching the woman of my dreams get ready for bed. I know that’s a lot to grasp. The thought alone makes me question the idea myself, but it’s how I feel.

  She hugs her arms across her chest when she turns around to face me. “Do you have a night shirt I can wear?”

  I nod and head into my closet. “Come here,” I instruct while opening my drawer. “Take your pick.”

  Shuffling by her, I walk toward the vanity and brush my teeth. Strangely, I don’t flinch as I see my reflection staring back at me.

  When I enter the bedroom, the light is off and the small glare from the lamp on my nightstand gives off a small amount of light. Cambree fidgets under the covers. “Is everything okay under there?” I playfully ask as I slide under the comforter beside her.

  She turns her head on the pillow and looks up at me. “I’m just scared.”

  Worried, I ask, “What are you scared of? I locked the doors and set the alarm. If he does come here, we’ll know. The cops will be here before he even has time to make it upstairs.”

  “No. I’m not scared of him. I know you’ll protect me. I’m scared to close my eyes and see Grams’ face. I wish it were a closed casket. I don’t want to remember her lying there, lifeless like she was.”


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