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The Other Family

Page 13

by Linda A. Hardy

  “oh darling your awake, we have had such a wonderful time, me and you, you must come and visit me again”

  “what have you done” I managed to say, more alert than earlier

  “done darling, more like what have we done, it has been wonderful, you made me so happy, you have satisfied me in every way”

  My breasts felt sore, I had no idea where my clothes were, I pushed her off me and tried to stand up but felt light headed still.

  “well darling, I shall arrange for you to visit Pa at 3pm on Saturday ok, I would see you out but as you can see I am not properly dressed to be standing at my front door in only my birthday suit, your clothes are on the chair over there”

  I got up and grabbed my clothes and tried to get dressed as quickly as possible, the whole time she was watching me, I picked up my bag and without a word I went to leave, I felt ashamed, Pippa stood and walked towards me and whispered in my ear “you really do have the sweetest cherries to suck on, and your pussy tatstes like honey, till next time darling” and she leant and kissed me very lightly on the lips.

  I walked away and out the door, having no idea what the time was, but I just kept on walking, after a short while I stopped and pulled out my phone, its was nearly 8pm and I had several text messages from Kevin as well as a voice message from Kevin asking me where I was, he said he was hungry.

  I sent him a text saying my meeting went longer than planned, and not to worry, I was fine, but I would not be in till late so not to wait up for me, he was hungry, go get your own dinner Kevin I thought to myself, I’m not your mother.

  When I arrived back at my flat, it was close to 10pm, I ran a bath and as I soaked in amongst the bubbles I contemplated on whether I should call the police or not, after all Pippa had drugged me, that is what I thought, however I do not think I could face telling the police what happened, what do I tell them?, I drank some coffee, started feeling drowsy, this woman got undressed and undressed me and then screwed me and I fell asleep and woke up with her lying on top of me, we were both naked, it would be her word against mine and it would just be too humiliating to have to go into all the details.

  This is the second time I have been in a compromising situation, the first time I could not remember what happened, with Kevin, I was drunk and now the second time I had been drugged, I seriously needed to be more careful in future about where I go and who I meet and perhaps in future suggest meeting in a public place, and there is no way I could tell Kevin about this or anyone else for that matter, what would I say “oh by the way that meeting today, it was so good I let the woman screw me” and I promptly burst into tears.

  Chapter 28

  The next morning my phone rang early at 7am, I thought who would be ringing me at this time of day, but it was Kevin on his way out to work, wanting to know if he could drop off a bag of laundry at my flat as his washing machine had broken down, before I had a chance to say anything he had hung up and there was a knock on my door, I opened my front door to find a bag of laundry sitting there with a note attached saying, Thanks Lindsay, Kevin had gone.

  Yes I did do his laundry, washed his shirts and jeans, his underwear and his rather stained looking sheets, which disgusted me, I felt our friendship was overstepping the mark, he was taking advantage and I was letting him, this needed to stop, just I could not think how at that precise moment.

  Around mid morning my phone rang and it was Pippa, oh god I thought what does she want, I felt so ashamed and embarrassed about what had happened.

  “I just wanted to say I think you are a beautiful woman” said Pippa

  Oh god I think I am going to be sick, there is something seriously wrong with this woman, I tried to steady my nerves, though I felt like slamming the phone down on her, but I didn’t.

  “did you er” I spluttered before she interrupted me.

  “I am just ringing to let you know that I phoned the nursing home last night and your meeting is arranged with Pa as planned for Saturday at 3pm, ok, I will not be there, but if you just go to reception when you arrive and give them your name, they will be expecting you”

  “ah ok, well thank you for that, I am sure you have made one old lady very happy when I give her that news”

  “we made each other happy too last night, the way you kissed me darling was wonderful, you have made me feel alive, check your mobile, I have a little something for you to see” and with that she hung up.

  I grabbed my mobile and saw that I had two text messages, both from Pippa, the first contained a video of the two of us naked and Pippa straddling my lap and squeezing both my boobs, she was licking and sucking my tits, my arms were caressing her body and holding on to her waist, my head slightly turned so as not to see my face but I could hear her voice whispering to me “I could kiss your cherries all day, glad you are enjoying that so much darling”, I was enjoying it, I was letting her do it.

  The second text was again another video, I was lying on top of her, my head was turned the other way so you could not see my face, she had one of her hands between my legs and she was holding a vibrator and I had one of my hands between her legs doing the same, we were both moaning with pleasure, we climaxed together I could hear myself saying Yes, Yes Yes, over and over again, and she shouted yes very loudly then pulled my hand away, that was the best sex I have ever had yet I felt so violated, so angry, so sick, I immediately picked up my phone and called her back.

  “Pippa, you bitch”

  “now, now, don’t be like that”

  “you raped me and drugged me and you expect me not to be…”

  “darling don‘t be so dramatic, I did no such thing, I just put a little something in your drink to help you relax, it didn’t harm you, you were wanting me from the moment you walked in, I noticed how you were looking at me, I felt like you were undressing me with your eyes, I was only giving you what you wanted darling”

  “you fucking…”

  “don’t be like that or you won’t see my papa, ok, you don’t want to let a little old lady down do you” she said rather sarcastically, and continued “I told you I entertain people, that is what I do, and I entertained you, I know it was your first time with another woman, your probably feeling confused right now I know, but darling there is nothing wrong with two women making love, don’t worry about the videos, I will delete them but in the meantime be nice to me or else”

  “or else what? what do you want?”

  “I want you to tell my father what a good time you had when you came to meet me and how lovely it was to spend the afternoon with me and that you enjoyed my company so much that you were going to keep in touch with me in the future and may even come back and spend the weekend with me next time your down this way, just tell him you made me very happy”

  “you want me to do what? There‘s no fucking way I‘m spending any time with you” I almost shouted, sorry but I cannot excuse swearing, I am feeling so, so, so, I don’t even know how I am feeling.

  “now sweetheart play nice, just tell him what I just told you, I shall be visiting him on Sunday so I will ask him what you said, so be a good darling, would you like to see more videos? till next time my darling, must go and oh one more thing, you would make a great lesbian” and then she hung up.

  I was fuming, because right now I wanted to hit someone or something, anything, that, that, that bitch set me up, big time, I walked right in to it, I did not even see a camera in the room, must have been that small, and even if she had given me some drug, which obviously she had done, surely I would have been aware of what I was doing or was I too drowsy to realise what I was doing, did I really give her the impression I wanted her to fuck me? Excuse swearing, maybe I had, I was doubting myself now, I don’t even know what I am doing any more.

  I went out for a short walk to clear my head, I needed some space to think, how could I call the police and tell them what happened, look at the damn video, I was enjoying it, looks like two lesbians having it off with one another, they would just laugh and I woul
d be left humiliated even more than I am now. When I got back to the flat I phoned Kevin, I knew he would be working but I just needed to talk to him and ask him something.

  “Hi sweetheart, what time did you get in last night?, I was gong to wait up but I felt so knackered after working on a roof yesterday, up and down ladders all day, I went to bed just before ten, had to cook my own tea last night”

  “I got in just after you must of gone to bed then, I’ve found Tom, I know where he is now”

  “that’s great, so you had a good meeting yesterday then?”

  “yes the meeting went well, I was just wondering if you could drive me down to Caversham on Saturday and maybe pick up Dorothy before we go?, if she agrees that is, it’s to meet her brother Tom, his daughter has arranged for Dorothy to visit at 3pm, I just thought it would be a nice thing if I could take her there”

  “hey babe of course I can, and tell you what, I will take my camera and take a few photographs for them too hey”

  “that’s a great idea, look I will give you some petrol money”

  “don’t worry about that babe, have you told Dorothy yet?”

  “no not yet, about to ring her”

  “ok hun, look I got to go, shall we have tea together tonight and we will talk about it then, by the way is my laundry done?”

  “I will see you tonight then and yes your laundry is done”

  “can you cook us Spaghetti Bolognese tonight, just I really liked it the first time I had it, tasted good”

  “sure I will cook that then, see you later”

  We ended our conversation and I decided to make myself a cup of tea before I called Dorothy to let her know about Saturday, so as well as doing his laundry, I am now cooking his dinner tonight, why am I doing this?

  “hello Dorothy, this is Lindsay Harrison”

  “oh hello dear, how is it going?”

  “is it possible to pop round later, I have some news for you”

  “oh yes dear, this afternoon would be good, what time?”

  “will you be home about three o’clock?”

  “oh yes dear I will be here, hope it is good news”

  “well Dorothy it is indeed good news, I will see you later then”

  Later than afternoon I popped round Dorothy’s and gave her the good news that I had found Tom, I told her about the meeting I had with Philippa his daughter, well not all of it of course, and that she could visit Tom on Saturday, I offered to drive her down to Caversham with Kevin if she wanted too, and she asked if she could bring her daughter Daisy with her, more the merrier I said, so we agreed to pick them up from her home at 12.30pm, we wanted to make sure we had plenty of time to get there and traffic could be worse on a Saturday so we did not want to be late, you know how I hate being late for anything.

  Chapter 29

  Kevin and I arrived at Dorothy’s just before 12.30pm, and was met by Daisy as she opened the door.

  “mother is just getting ready, think she is feeling a bit nervous” said Daisy

  “oh that would be understandable, I have been in a similar situation myself, family wise, so know how it feels” I said

  Dorothy walked into the room, ready to go and asked “do I look alright dear?”

  “Dorothy you look lovely, come on, lets go see your brother hey” I said with a big smile.

  We arrived at the nursing home at ten minutes to three, I suggested I should go in and see Tom first, Kevin stayed in the car saying he would come in later when we are ready to take some photographs, Dorothy and Daisy walked with me into reception and they asked if they could use the bathroom whilst I was taken to see Tom.

  The nursing home was, well how can I put it, luxurious, it looked more like a five star hotel, plush carpets on the floor, all decorated in soft cream colours, with several works of art hanging on the walls, the nurse gave me a little tour on the way to Tom’s room, her name was Jackie and she said she had been working there in the home for ten years, she loved her job, each resident had their own room, they were not called patients at the nursing home, they were residents, some needed a lot of care whilst others could manage most things on their own but just needed a helping hand, Jackie explained they try and let the residents be as independent as possible.

  The nursing home provided a courtesy bus for residents who wanted to go shopping, they also had their own onsite hairdresser and beauty parlour, a small gym, an indoor heated swimming pool, and provided 24 hour room service of snacks and meals and drinks whenever the residents required it.

  There were set times for breakfast, lunch and dinner but residents could either have these in their room or go to the communal dining room, there was also a communal living room and a library on site and a huge what Jackie called the activity room where shows and other activities were put on for the residents to enjoy.

  We arrived at Tom’s room and I was surprised to see that his room was more than just a room, he had a living room with plush comfy sofas and a television, plus a separate bedroom and his own ensuite bathroom, I was beginning to think I would not mind moving in myself.

  “Tom I brought someone to see you” said Jackie

  “hello Tom, I’m Lindsay Harrison, I have been looking for you, for your sister Dorothy, do you remember Dorothy?”

  “of course I do girl, come and sit down, I would get up but the body is a bit unsteady on the legs these days, nothing wrong with this up here though” as he pointed at his head

  “lovely to meet you Tom, anyway Dorothy is here with her daughter Daisy, she will be along shortly, ok”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing her, been too long you know, is she doing alright?”

  “yes Dorothy is doing very well, you will see for yourself soon, anyway I um just wanted to say I met your daughter Philippa during the week, she is um, she said I made her very happy when I visited her the other day, she um…”

  “hope she did not make a fool of herself, she gets a bit down you know, since we lost my grandson a few years ago, she has not been herself”

  “well that would have been very hard to cope with, losing a son”

  “she says she has bipolar, whatever that is, some sort of depression”

  “I see”

  “back in my day, if you got a bit down about things, you had a damn good sob about it, then pulled your socks up and got on with living, can’t be dwelling on these things too long, does you no good”

  “I did not get to meet Pippa’s husband, he was at work, must have been hard for him too losing his son?”

  “is that what she told you, ah, Timothy left her six months after their son died, said he could not cope with her moods any more, I told her to sort herself out, get her marriage back on track, she wouldn’t listen to me, what can I do? I’m too old for this sort of drama in my life now, but she seems to be coping alright now”

  “well Tom, I’ll just go and get Dorothy ok and be right back”

  “ah no need, just press this buzzer here and the nurse will go and get her”

  Several minutes later the nurse arrived with Dorothy and Daisy, from the moment Dorothy and Tom set eyes on each other their were tears in their eyes, I said I would leave them to it and come back in a hour or so, I walked out the nursing home fumbling for a tissue in my handbag, when I got to the car and got in I was crying.

  “Linds you ok?”

  “yes I’m fine, you should of seen their faces just now, made me cry”

  “oh for a minute I thought you were upset about something”

  “no Kev, these are happy tears, I said we would be back in an hour so, then you can take a happy family photograph if that’s ok?”

  “yeah good, I thought we could go and visit my folks whilst we are here”, and I was thinking, do we have too?.

  We made our way over to Sheila and Ken’s house just a short drive away and spent the next hour talking about how exciting it is to reunite long lost family and managed to leave with no warning from Sheila about her precious boy.

  When we arrived back at the nursing home, I could hear laughter before we even reached Tom’s room, sounded like they were having a great old time, I introduced Kevin and asked if he could take a few photographs, the next ten minutes were taken up with Kev taking pictures of Dorothy and Tom, then another of Dorothy and Tom with Daisy, and then Dorothy insisted that I’d be in one of the photograph’s as well, I told Dorothy she could stay longer if she wished too but Tom said he was starting to feel a bit tired, I promised Dorothy to give her copies of the photographs and she made her goodbye to Tom and promised to return next week to see him again.

  As we arrived back at the car and got Dorothy and Daisy settled in for the journey home, I saw a woman slowly walk towards the entrance of the nursing home and realised it was Pippa, at that moment she turned and saw me and instead of going into the nursing home she walked over towards me.

  I really did not want to see her again, but what could I do, it was too late now, I introduced her to Dorothy and Daisy and Dorothy promised they would chat more next week when they visited again and Pippa promised to be there. Kevin had already gotten into the car and shut the door, Pippa leant towards me and whispered in my ear “had a change of plan that is why I am here today, watch that one” pointing towards Kevin, “he has the hots for you I can tell, but you rather sleep in my bed wouldn‘t you?” she whispered and then walked away and as I climbed into the car I thought, yes I would rather be in your bed.


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