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The Other Family

Page 14

by Linda A. Hardy

  Chapter 30

  Kevin had processed the photographs for me and by the following Thursday I had gone to visit Dorothy to drop them off, she invited me in for tea and presented me with a small gift, “just a little something to say thank you”, I told her she shouldn’t of done but I accepted anyway. When I got back to my flat I noticed someone standing outside, and I could not believe my eyes when I realised who it was, Pippa!

  “what are you doing here?”

  “I have come to see you”

  “how did you know where I lived?”

  “I did my own research” she said with a smirk

  “so what do you want?”

  “now that is no way to talk to your girlfriend is it?, we need to discuss something, so you going to let me in?” There was no way I wanted her inside my flat, but she continued “or do we discuss some delicate matter outside on the street for the neighbours to hear?”

  I let her in, but I did not offer her a drink or anything else, I sat at my dining table not wanting to even sit on the sofa next to her, I did not trust myself not to reach out and touch her, and she obliged by sitting on the opposite chair. Pippa pulled from her handbag an envelope and handed it to me across the table.

  “what is this?”

  “your share”

  “share of what?”

  “well as you know I am in the entertainment business, that little video I sent you was only a small part of it, you see the camera is streamlined on the internet, and people can pay to watch”

  I felt my mouth drop, my eyes looked at her in astonishment, I was what is it they say gob smacked!.

  “yes that is right Lindsay, when we were really letting out inhibitions go later on, I turned the camera on and people were watching us perform, entertainment they call it, people pay good money to watch two women pleasure each other, men especially love watching lesbians getting it on”

  “you…”, I was astounded, looking at her in disbelief at what she was telling me

  “now now, there is two thousand pounds sitting there in that envelope, and it is all your’s, to do whatever you like with”

  “two thousand pounds, you got to be kidding”

  “that’s right honey, two thousand pounds just to spend a few hours making love to me” she said smiling”

  “I don’t want the money, keep it”

  “don’t be silly, its yours”

  “how many people were watching?”

  “oh darling, lots, men as well as women, it pays real good money, what do you think pays for my fathers nursing home and the nice clothes I wear and everything else I own?”

  “I think its digusting”

  “I assure you there is nothing disgusting about it, men and women most of which are sitting at home in front of their computers, they pay with their credit card through a reputable website that deals with adult content, and for their money they get to watch a live streaming of the two of us playing, or whatever else they desire, private showings can be arranged by sending me a message online which of course they pay extra for, they don’t know my name, they don’t know where I live, I wear a disguise, you know a wig to change my looks, it is all very safe, and the money as you can see is very good, the more people that watch, the more money there is”

  At that moment their was a knock on my door and I quickly grabbed the money and shroved it into a draw and went and opened my door to find Kevin standing their.

  “your off work early” I said

  “yes, finished the job early, sorry did not realise you had a visitor”

  “oh don’t mind me, I’m just on my way out anyway, been up here to see Dorothy and thought I would pop around to thank Lindsay for all she has done” said Pippa

  Kevin excused himself and told me he would come back in a little while for dinner, Pippa was already on her feet and about to leave.

  “been wonderful to see you again Lindsay, like I said with a little more makeup and a new hairstyle you would look fabulous, your very pretty you know, lovely eyes, great lips” she said with a pout

  “I think its time you left” I said as I walked towards my front door but Pippa grabbed my arm and stopped me and said “who do you enjoy more, me or him? She whispered to me and then lightly kissed my lips, I felt my reaction instantly, I was kissing her.

  “let’s go to your bedroom darling, come on”, she said looking into my eyes and I took her hand and walked her to my bed, where we undressed each other and made love, as we were getting dressed afterwards and Pippa was about to leave she said to me, “just before I go one more thing, my house, 7pm, next Thursday, we get to play doctors and nurses for an hour, its worth at least two more grand honey, think about it, imagine what you could do with the money” with that she kissed me and left. Later that evening I received a text message from Pippa

  Made it safely home, look forward to seeing you again on Thursday, just the two of us darling, you made the earth move for me tonight, big kiss and much more. P x

  I took the two thousand out the draw and just looked at it, two thousand pounds would certainly help me set up my own office and another two thousand next week, I could lease office space somewhere in Croydon, my clients could come to me, the temptation was overwhelming, and like she said, only the two of us in her home and a camera watching, its safe and no worries about someone walking in, I found myself seriously thinking about it. Kevin did knock on my door later, I pretended to be out and did not answer the door, he was starting to annoy me.

  Chapter 31

  When I awoke the next morning, there was a text from Pippa

  Going shopping today for nurses outfit, will get you one too, P x

  I laughed, me in a skimpy nusses outfitt, what a sight that would look like, I did not text her back. Several hours later came another text from Pippa

  Selfie, with nurses outfit, what do you think? P x

  Pippa was in a change cubicle and had taken a selfie with her dressed in the nurses outfit, I texted her back.

  You look like a tart, Lol. L

  Pippa replied straight back

  Goody we need to look tarty darling for the occasion, glad you liked it. P xx

  I continued getting text messages from Pippa over the coming days, at least six messages every day, all with a similar theme of seeing her on Thursday and how good we are together, I seriously started thinking I wanted a relationship with this woman, she made me feel good, she seemed to know what I liked, she seemed to know what I was thinking and that would have been a hard thing to do, to know what I was thinking when half the time I do not even know what I am thinking, we are like chalk and cheese, the complete opposites to each other yet at the same time I felt a kindred spirit.

  On Wednesday evening Kevin came round for dinner, again, and whilst clearing away the dishes my phone beeped with another text message from Pippa, except this time Kevin thought it was his phone that beeped and picked my phone up and looked at the text.

  I’ve set the camera up in the bedroom so we’d be more comfortable, cannot wait for us to play again just like the last time darling, see you soon P xx

  “who the hell is P? Kevin stood up holding my phone in his hand, oh god I thought, what do I say?.

  “can I look at my phone please”, I read the text and then looked at Kevin, the look on his face was one of “you going to tell me or what?”

  “so who the hell is P, you been seeing someone?”

  “no, no of course not”

  “then what the hell is that about?”

  “its nothing, just a friend mucking about, that is all”

  “your screwing someone else aren’t you, is that why you‘ve been all upset and moody lately?” he almost shouted

  “no Kevin, of course not, its…”

  “don’t fucking lie to me” he shouted

  “Kevin its not what you think”

  “and what the fucking hell do you think I think hey? How long has this been going on?” he was shouting.

  “Kevin not
hing is going on, it is just a friend mucking about, that is all, really, just ignore it” I said trying to stay calm

  How could I tell him it was Pippa, I couldn’t, and I certainly couldn’t tell him that P was a man either, he would definitely get the wrong idea, god I did not know what to say other than it was a friend fooling around. My phone was still in his hand and without realising it, he had scrolled through all the text messages until he came across one of the video’s, he started watching the video

  “Kevin stop it, turn it off, please, its not what…” I was almost crying.

  “your fucking another woman” he said almost incredulously, why had I not deleted those video’s, I am an idiot, I am so stupid.

  “Kevin please, I was…”

  “my god your holding a vibrator between her legs”

  I was now crying, Kevin continued “you’ve been fucking a woman all this time, sweet, innocent little Lindsay, who never goes out, who always stays at home when all this time you’ve been nothing but a lesbian fucking whore“ he shouted.

  “Kevin its not like that” I sobbed

  “you been fucking other men too have you? Got any videos of that then hey? Maybe we should get in the bedroom and make one of our own hey, come on lets go fuck” he was shouting.

  He grabbed my arm, and held on to it tightly, he was so angry, I had never seen him like this before, he pulled me into the bedroom and pushed me on the bed.

  “come on then, fuck me, come on you whore, lets make our own video hey, we’ll put it on You Tube for everyone to see”

  “No Kevin, no, its not, please let me explain” I was sobbing.

  “explain, what is there to explain, look at all these messages, this one here says, look only yesterday it was sent, look, look at it” as he shoved the phone towards my face.

  Will make you cum with delight like last time darling, see you soon P xx

  Then Kevin saw the first video in which I was moaning Yes, yes, yes, he threw my phone on the bed and got up and went to walk out, but instead he kicked the door and slammed his fist into the wall, I tried to stand to get up off the bed but Kevin pushed me back down and then pushed himself on top of me, I thought he was going to rape me as he undid his jeans.

  He almost spat in my face, “come on then fuck me, come on, lets turn the phone on and let everyone see what a slut you are, come on you bitch, she’s the woman who was in your flat the other day, did I interrupt you fucking her?, is this what you do for your clients is it, screw them? Say something you slut”

  I tried to push him off me and I yelled out “all you want is someone to do your laundry and your cooking, your nothing but a mummy’s boy”.

  Kevin looked livid, his face was one of pure hatred, I was waiting for the moment when I thought he might hit me, instead he spat into my face “remember that night we spent in bed together which you couldn’t remember the next morning, well guess what, it was me who took your knickers off and fucked you, you were gagging for it, you told me the condoms were in your bathroom, you loved sucking my cock on the strawberry flavoured one’s you slut”, then I felt his hand between my legs, he was pushing his fingers between my legs.

  “Kevin no, stop it, stop it, don’t please, don’t” I was crying

  “is this what your girlfriend does? Does she fuck you like this?” as his fingers went underneath my knickers and he started to caress my clit

  “Kevin no, please no, stop it, get off me” I sobbed

  “shall I make you cum?, we should get your girlfriend to watch, she might like watching me fuck you, does that feel good hey?, we did this all night the last time we were in your bed honey” he said as he continued rubbing my clit, I was crying and trying not to gasp as I was being sexually aroused and then I hit him with my fists as hard as I could and he got off me and walked out the door without saying another word.

  I got up off my bed and went into the bathroom, I looked in the cabinet and found the packet of condoms, which contained only two condoms in the packet, I knew there were more than that in there, I stood there and sobbed, what is wrong with me? I asked myself, I cried myself to sleep that night.

  Chapter 32

  The next morning there was another text message from Pippa

  The big day has arrived, tonight will be the big night, see you later P x

  I felt miserable, how could I get myself in such a mess, I should be angry with Kevin for taking advantage of me when I was drunk, but I did not feel angry, I just felt miserable, it was all my fault, a woman my age, in my fifties, I should know better, I should be angry at Kevin for touching me last night, I said No, but he was angry with me, all men want at his age is sex, well at any age really, they don’t care how they get it, they’re not interested in anything else, I should not be making my life such a mess, yet I felt like it was all out of my control and I was just going on a ride to who knows where, how the hell did this happen?

  Later that day I knocked on the door and Pippa let me in, I stood there and cried and told her what happened the night before, I was sobbing again and felt like I could not stop, she held my hand and hugged me and did not let go until I had stopped crying.

  She ran me a bubble bath and I felt like the weight of the world had lifted off of me as I soaked amongst the bubbles, afterwards we walked into her bedroom and had some fun with makeup and the outfits she had brought for tonight, she had even brought me a wig, beautiful long red hair, I felt like a different person with the wig on, like I was invisible, like I could be someone else, I was more feeling as miserable as I had been, Pippa asked if I would like something to help me relax, I said so long as it does not make me too drowsy like the last time, she came back with half a tablet of something, I did not ask what it was, I just took it, I wanted to go to oblivion, that place where I was happy and did not cry all the time.

  It was only 6pm, another hour to go until her client would be watching, Pippa undressed me and we laid on her bed, I just laid there hardly moving, while she kissed me and made love to me, I let her do it, afterwards she told me how her son had died, he had been killed in a hit and run accident, the driver of the car had been drunk and was eventually caught, but after he died her marriage fell apart, she could not stand the thought of her husband touching her, she said for a long time she blamed her husband for their son’s death, she said she had always been bisexual but somehow had always ended up with a man, she now preferred making love to a woman.

  We got dressed in our outfits and applied some makeup and tidied our hair, Pippa who is a natural brunette had on a blonde wig whilst I had my red wig on, infact I loved the red hair and thought maybe I should dye my hair this colour, at five minutes to seven she turned the camera on and said the light would turn green on the camera when he is there.

  “are you ready darling?, lets have some fun and next week we will reap the reward”

  The green light came on, meaning the client was now watching, we heard his deep gravely voice, he sounded like he had swallowed some gravel, but obviously we could not see him, though he could see us and hear us and we could hear him:

  “Please play ladies, we are ready, if you could start off by kissing with tongues, I want you to get very aroused before you scream with delight”

  I could not believe I was going through with this, but I thought to myself Lindsay think what you could do with two more grand, all I wanted at that moment was to erase Kevin out of my mind and out of my life.

  During the course of the next hour he instructed us what to do and when, we did everything he asked including being spanked by the naughty doctor, I was the nurse who got spanked on the bottom and it damn well hurt but my butt got kissed better afterwards which turned me on even more, an hour later we heard his voice say: “thank you ladies for the pleasure, you have made me feel so very happy and excited, that was very very enjoyable” he said in that deep gravely voice.

  Afterwards Pippa said that I did really well, infact I had forgotten about the camera watching, and let my inhibitions
go, she suggested I stay the night rather than travel home, it would be so late otherwise before I got home, I really wanted to go home as well to my comfy flat, my own space, my security blanket, but to be honest I did not want to incase I bumped into Kevin, I had a shower and Pippa let me sleep in the spare room, the next morning I got up and dressed and walked downstairs to find Pippa cooking breakfast.

  “hope you will eat some breakfast before you go, got plenty here”

  “smells good, thanks”

  “you sleep alright darling?”

  “yes thank you, no problem”

  We sat and ate our breakfast in silence, afterwards I helped her clear the dishes and said I should be going.

  “don’t I get a kiss before you leave” said Pippa as she walked towards me and put her arms around my waist.

  “I’m not a lesbian you know, I don‘t even know if I‘m bisexual”

  “oh yes I know that, your bisexual darling, that is what you are, and there is nothing wrong with that, but you play a real good lesbian when you start acting, you were really good last night, I didn‘t spank you too hard did I?” she said with a smile

  “yes you did and it bloody hurt, and I think you enjoyed doing that to me too didn‘t you?“ I said with a smile, excuse swearing

  “well yes I did enjoy it darling, now come on, kiss kiss” as she puckered her lips

  We embraced and I kissed her lightly on the lips, I went to pull away but she kissed me longer and then I felt her tongue in my mouth and I was all her’s, kissing her passionately back, I did not want this feeling, this moment to end.

  “that feels good doesn’t it darling? Everybody needs some love honey, I can see you need to learn to relax, let me teach you hey?”


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