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Aimee Cupid (Angel Tweet Series)

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by Peggy McGee

  Aimee Cupid

  Angel Tweet Series

  By Peggy McGee


  To my family for their love and

  wonderful support in allowing me to

  pursue my passion of writing

  Copyright 2013 by Peggy McGee

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form other than that in which it was purchased and without the written permission of the author. This book is licensed for you for your personal enjoyment only. This book is purely fictional, written for your enjoyment. All characters, names and settings are fictional, and do not portray any real individuals or places. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



  Check out other titles by Peggy McGee:

  Synopsis on

  Psychic Sara Teen Series

  Sara the Psychic Sleuth – Book 1

  Sara to the Second Power – Book 2

  Sara and the Destiny of the Stars – Book 3

  Sara and the Cyber Psychic Squad- Book 4

  The Secrets of Stonehenge Society

  Sara: Adult Sequel

  Taryn Teen Trilogy

  The Destiny of Taryn Rose – Book 1

  Trails of Secrets – Book 2

  The Powers of Fate – Book 3

  Love’s Captive Fate

  Taryn: Adult Sequel

  Karma Empowered

  Taryn: Adult Epilogue

  Karma – Captive Hearts:

  Adult: Saga final

  The Ghost of Myrtle A. Turtle School –

  Juvenile Chapter Book

  Love’s Inner Journey

  General Romance

  Available through Createspace and Amazon in paperbacks and Amazon Kindle

  Aimee Cupid


  St. Jude, Patron Saint of the Impossible approached his most trustworthy angel, Celeste, to assist with one of their postulants named Aimee, who was currently involved in the heavenly choir.

  “Hello Celeste. It is always delightful to see you again,” St. Jude greeted her.

  “And it is heavenly to see you, St. Jude. I assume that you need assistance since I seldom am privileged with a visit from you otherwise,” Celeste responded politely.

  “How well you know me,” St. Jude remarked. “I can rest assure that you will always be here whenever there is a need. It is wonderful to have someone I can totally depend on, no matter what.”

  “Yes, and I know you are extremely busy, so please express your dilemma,” Celeste suggested. “I will get right to the point,” he began, “Our postulant Aimee is having difficulty with her adjustment to the heavenly realm. She has been here over a year, and St. Peter is concerned that she remains without direction.”

  “I take it she is the one who is distracting everyone else in the middle of the choir,” Celeste maintained as they both observed several postulants giggling together instead of singing.

  “Yes,” he concurred. “She is the one.”

  “She definitely looks as though she is enjoying herself,” Celeste observed.

  “That she is. But to prepare her for her earthly mission, she needs to maintain focus,” St. Jude suggested. “I have a need for a postulant to assist with an earthly crises, and I believe Aimee would be a wonderful candidate since she has had recent experience in this area, but she needs to remain on task. Can you work with her, please?”

  “Most definitely,” Celeste agreed, “What can you tell me about her history.”

  “On Earth, she lived only into her teens related to a degenerative disease which severely limited her physically, although she was both mentally and emotionally normal,” St. Jude expressed.

  “She definitely appears to be friendly and outgoing enough,” Celeste noticed with a divine smile.

  “She very well may be compensating for her new found freedom, having discarded her disease-ridden body. Though, she continues to be very flighty, unable to stay in one place for more than a few minutes without disturbing others around her,” St. Jude continued.

  “She is probably attempting to make up for lost time, feeling jubilant to be free from her earthly burden,” Celeste alleged.

  “Most possibly, but as you well know, everyone must have a job in heaven, and Aimee is unable to keep focused on any one thing for more than a couple of days,” St. Jude disclosed. “At least that is the concern of St. Peter for an entrance into a higher realm. We must have some order in heaven, or it will be total chaos as you well know.”

  “Yes, that I do understand,” Celeste admitted, then inquired, “But what type of earthly mission would you like her to be involved with?”

  “I have a young adult who has lost her light because of many hardships. Aimee’s brightness would be perfect to compensate if she can abide by our heavenly requirements, that is,” St. Jude conveyed.

  “She definitely brings joy and laughter to others,” Celeste declared smiling at her crazy, but distracting antics.

  “Your job is to prepare her for the earthly mission,” St. Jude revealed.

  “How long do I have to do this?” Celeste inquired.

  “One week at the most,” he added.

  “One week; that’s not much time for sure,” Celeste croaked, wide-eyed.

  “Yes, but I have faith in you to accomplish our goals,” St. Jude smiled as he quietly blessed her before slowly dissipating into the heavenly realm.

  Chapter One

  Celeste sighed as she observed Aimee and especially Melody, the choir director’s frustration as she attempted to maintain everyone’s attention to finish their practice. Finally, after she excused the choir, Celeste observed as Aimee flittered away to join a game of tag with the younger children.

  Celeste smiled and asked Melody, “How is choir practice going?”

  “It could be better,” Melody confessed. “We have so much work to do before Easter which comes early this year. Unfortunately, we have many distractions.”

  “Yes, I’ve noticed after observing it for a while.”

  “I don’t have to explain to you then what or rather who is the major distraction, do I?” Melody asked her.

  “No, you don’t. I had a visit from St. Jude, who would like me to prepare Aimee for an upcoming earthly mission,” Celeste continued with a sigh.

  “Indeed?” Melody questioned, suddenly smiling realizing that this just may solve her choir issue.

  “I know what you are thinking,” Celeste proclaimed.

  “I’m sorry, but I have so much to do without all the added distractions, and I definitely do not desire to expel Aimee from the choir because of it. This would solve my problem,” Melody admitted with chagrin.

  “St. Jude has only given me one week to prepare her. I’m not sure if that is even possible,” Celeste confessed.

  “What does the mission entail?” Melody inquired.

  “I only know it pertains to a young adult who has lost her light and needs someone or something to help her find it again,” Celeste revealed.

  “Aimee has so much energy and light to share. That’s for sure,” Angela admitted. “She should be perfect.”

  “Unfortunately, it is scattered and not focused, which is my job to correct,” Celeste disclosed. “St. Jude believes her flightiness is her way of compensating for her physical limitations while on Earth.”

  “That very well may be, though she will need much supervision,” Angela declared.

  “Yes, you are probably correct about that. I definitely will have to keep a very close eye on her, although with all of my other duties, it may be difficul
t,” Celeste alleged.

  “If you become overwhelmed, I am here to help in any way I can,” Melody offered.

  “Thank you. I will keep that in mind for sure,” Celeste expressed gratefully as they gave one another a heavenly hug.

  Celeste floated over to observe Aimee interacting with the children. She certainly has the gift of childlike fun, Celeste recognized. Now if I can only redirect this appropriately to involve a young adult. She realized she would have to be extremely creative with this scenario.

  Finally, she interrupted the game to call Aimee over for an introductory meeting. Celeste couldn’t help but to smile as she hugged each and every child as they waved good-bye to her.

  “Aimee, I have a need to confer with you,” Celeste began.

  Aimee sighed. “Is it about the choir?” she asked impetuously. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t behaving with angelic decorum. It’s just we’ve been practicing the same old song over and over again, and I was just bored. I promise I’ll pay closer attention next time.”

  “It’s more than that,” Celeste admitted. “I need to prepare you for an earthly mission.”

  “An earthly mission?” Aimee repeated, surprised.

  “Yes, I have been approached by St. Jude who has someone that needs an immediate intervention on Earth,” Celeste continued.

  “St Jude!” Aimee exclaimed, “But he’s the Patron Saint of the Impossible.”

  “Yes, and he has specifically asked for you,” Celeste announced.

  “Seriously? He asked for me?” she echoed with astonishment.

  “Yes, you have much light and energy to share and you are the chosen one,” Celeste concurred. “Also, you need to successfully accomplish a mission before you can move up to another level.”

  “But, I don’t want to move up. I’m having too much fun where I am,” Aimee declared.

  “Yes, we noticed, but Heaven isn’t all fun and games. It involves continuous learning and self-improvement,” Celeste reported. “And it is time you come to understand this and besides that, there is an immediate need for you on Earth.”

  “Oh,” Aimee mumbled, “What is expected of me?” “First, we must review the expectations and brainstorm as to how to accomplish our goals,” Celeste divulged. “The best way to do this is to take an earthly fieldtrip.”

  “Sounds like fun to me,” Aimee agreed.

  “Not everything is fun,” Celeste reminded her.

  “Don’t I know it after my last earthly experience? There’s a lot of pain and suffering involved also,” Aimee recalled sadly. “But, I don’t like to think about it.”

  “Yes, that is why you were chosen since you can relate to others in this regard, although I believe this involves more emotional than physical suffering,” Celeste conveyed.

  “I can’t believe that St. Jude actually chose me!” Aimee expressed giddily.

  “Yes, but we will have to work very closely together on this,” Celeste warned. “And it is important that you remain focused on your goals and follow instructions.”

  “I think I can do that if I really concentrate, that is,” Aimee avowed.

  “When we are on an earthly mission, it is essential since it often can make the ultimate difference between success and failure,” Celeste continued.

  “So, when can we begin?” Aimee asked anxiously.

  “First, I will explain the situation and tomorrow we will then make the trip to Earth to actually observe the scenario,” Celeste suggested.

  “Okay, I’m ready and listening,” Aimee indicated.

  “This involves a young woman named Krystal, who loved a young man very much, but he just upped and left her for someone else,” Celeste began.

  “That’s so sad, especially around the holidays and all,” Aimee empathized.

  “Yes, it was an extremely lonely Christmas and New Years since she doesn’t have family. She lived her life in many foster homes with her only brother who is in the Marines, stationed overseas. So she spent the holidays alone,” Celeste disclosed. “The sad part is that she has closed off her heart to any future possibilities in allowing love to enter. Our job is to share some of your light while opening up her heart again.”

  “I can do that,” Aimee announced.

  “Unfortunately, matters of the heart aren’t quite that simple and can be very complicated at times. That’s why this involves much planning,” Celeste emphasized. “So, I am going to let you rest and think about this information and tomorrow we will go on a trip together.”

  “Sounds like fun,” Aimee concurred gleefully before she happily flitted off.

  Chapter Two

  The next day which was a Saturday, Aimee accompanied Celeste through the heavenly gates down to Earth.

  “Wow,” Aimee marveled, “I haven’t been back since my passing.”

  “It has just snowed, so it is rather brilliant outside right now,” Celeste observed.

  “Indeed, it is like a winter wonderland with all of the ice glistening on the trees,” Aimee observed. “Although, it’s really much quieter than I remember.”

  “Fortunately, it is a weekend so most of the Earth people need not hustle or bustle off to work right away, especially after the storm,” Celeste informed her.

  “Where are we going?” Aimee inquired.

  “Over here,” Celeste directed her to a small rundown apartment building in the city center. “Krystal lives on the second floor.”

  “She definitely has a beautiful view from up here,” Aimee marveled.

  “Indeed she does, but she is very lonely living by herself,” Celeste revealed.

  “Why? What does she do during the week?” Aimee asked, noticing the rather dilapidated condition of the apartment.

  “She does have a job at a nursing home in the kitchen,” Celeste shared.

  “So, she enjoys cooking and baking?” Aimee asked hopefully.

  “She does have a natural talent with that, but she just assists others right now as a dietary aide,” Celeste explained. “But, unfortunately, it is a rather isolating job away from people.”

  “She seems to prefer being alone then,” Aimee noticed.

  “It’s a way to protect herself from being hurt again by others,” Celeste acknowledged. “She definitely doesn’t meet many other people her age at her current job.”

  “That’s sad. I love to be around people,” Aimee claimed with a mischievous grin.

  “Yes, I know. That is why it is believed you would be perfect for this mission,” Celeste admitted.

  “Do we have a plan on how I should go about this?” Aimee asked.

  “I will review your disguise and the rules, and the rest of it is up to you to help her find her way,” Celeste disclosed.

  Aimee’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, absolutely,” Celeste began. “You will temporarily reside in the studio apartment directly above Krystal. You will make her acquaintance, be a friend and then guide her out of her shell to again interact and trust people. The one stipulation is that you can never reveal who you are or your mission. If you do, you will be automatically pulled from your assignment.”

  “Wow. That will be challenging. So, how should I go about this?” Aimee questioned.

  “We prefer to call it ‘winging it’. There is never a set procedure since humans and situations remain unpredictable. Your ultimate test depends on your creativity and of course a successful conclusion,” Celeste revealed.

  “So, I can accomplish the goal in any way I see fit?” Aimee questioned.

  “Yes, within the explained guidelines. All your needs will be met. Michael, one of our earthly angels, is currently securing an apartment for you. If you have any issues, you can either call on him or me,” Celeste conveyed. “But now, I need to purchase you acceptable clothes and other needed items for your mission. That will take the better part of the weekend.”

  “I can hardly wait,” Aimee smiled expectantly.

  “Yes, shopping is the fun part, but within the
next couple of days I need written details on how you plan to accomplish your goals. You need to begin with a general idea, although you may diverge from your plan as needed,” Celeste added and then continued, “After it is approved, you will be on your own.”

  “Really?” Aimee sighed, “It sounds like a challenging mission.”

  “It is, but we have all the confidence in the world in you,” Celeste reassured her.

  “Thank you. I’ll try to do my very best,” Aimee promised.

  “I know. You have an enormous heart and a brilliant soul. You just need to share it with others in need,” Celeste reassured her as they reviewed final plans to obtain the needed approval.

  Chapter Three

  In the meantime, Krystal was happy to relax after an exhausting Christmas week at work. It entailed one function after another, beginning with all the Christmas specialties and ending with a New Year’s Eve party. She volunteered to work during all of them since she didn’t have family, and it paid time and a half which would help with the bills. She put her tired feet up on the ottoman and flipped through the TV, but there were only bowl games on, one after another. She knew her ex-boyfriend would be in his glory, glued to the television, but she realized she mustn’t think about that. So, she put a repeat of a chick flick on to occupy her time.

  Basically, she realized this was the same as most days that she had off. She was just glad she didn’t have to take down any Christmas decorations since after the breakup she had no desire to even put them up. Anyway, there were plenty at the nursing home. Rested and at the end of the chick flick, she glanced outside, but noticed everything remained at a standstill.

  After working the holidays, at least she managed an actual weekend off. This took her mind off of her ex although she realized that the dietary department wasn’t that pleasant of a place to work since there was a lot of ongoing crabbiness and backbiting. But, she just learned to remain quiet and to do all that she was told which made everything good so far.

  Krystal took a minute to check her phone, but since her break-up, there were never any messages. Then, she decided to go on-line and check out the eligible guys in the area. That was always entertaining to her for a while, but after Christmas it was the slow time and nothing was new. It really was the depressing time of year, especially for her anyway.


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