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Aimee Cupid (Angel Tweet Series)

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by Peggy McGee

  Aimee, back in heaven, began to tune into Krystal since she had been granted the privilege of all-knowing in preparation for this mission. She realized it was a big responsibility, but she knew she could be trusted with it.

  Celeste unexpectedly approached her. “By chance, do you think you could begin tomorrow?” she inquired.

  “Certainly,” Aimee answered.

  “Michael is in between missions and has some downtime and offered to assist you with your transition,” Celeste proposed.

  “Yes, I’ve noticed that Krystal appears somewhat depressed following the holidays, and perhaps I can cheer her up a bit,” Aimee suggested.

  “I see you’ve been doing your homework. I’m impressed,” Celeste smiled, but then warned her. “Just be careful with your newly acquired knowledge. Remember, you are only allowed to guide one with it, not direct or admit to it.”

  “Yes, I am well aware of that prerequisite,” Aimee maintained.

  “Well, I guess you are ready. Michael is waiting for you in your apartment. Give me a hug first and then close your eyes and concentrate. Don’t open them up until the swooshing sound is gone,” Celeste reminded her with a sigh, somewhat nervous for her with the first assignment.

  When Aimee opened her eyes, Michael, who was disguised as an older gentleman, was standing before her.

  Slowly looking around, she observed a completely furnished apartment overlooking the park below.

  “Welcome to your new home away from home,” Michael greeted her.

  “It’s just as cute as can be!” Aimee exclaimed, looking around her.

  “I thought you might like it,” Michael responded.

  “I never had an apartment of my own, none the less, ever lived on my own,” Aimee admitted.

  “Then, this will be a learning experience for you too,” Michael suggested.

  “Yes, I can hardly wait,” Aimee commented.

  “Remember to proceed slowly. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself or undermine your mission,” Michael reminded her.

  “I promise,” Aimee reassured him.

  “Very well, just mentally send me a message if you should need anything,” Michael commented.

  “I will, but everything’s just perfect to begin with,” Aimee observed.

  “Very well. Blessed be then,” Michael proclaimed.

  “Blessed be,” Aimee repeated as he slowly dissipated.

  Aimee couldn’t believe she was back on Earth again, but free from her burdens. It was like being reborn again. She looked around the tiny apartment, noticing a futon which served as both a couch and a bed, a tiny dining set and an equipped kitchen. It was all open concept, with the exception of the small bathroom. Aimee then went to the window to admire the view, noticing that the glistening ice was now melted and slushy. Aimee smiled, feeling exuberant and on top of the world. She was free again to live life, except for her mission which she wasn’t too worried about.

  Aimee played with the remote and checked out the TV hanging on the wall, mesmerized by all the channels. Soon bored, she opened up the refrigerator which was full of food. Realizing that she was in human form, she could now enjoy eating once again. She grabbed an apple and relished every bite right down to its very core. Then, she put her extra clothes in the drawers which were situated under her futon. She was going to like this, she realized. She could hardly wait to tour the neighborhood.

  Grabbing her new white winter coat and matching gloves, she was anxious to discover the area. It had been so long since she felt snow, and she didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity. Bounding down the stairs, she was a bit clumsy, not quite experienced with the burden of a cumbersome body to slow her down. Yet, she was just appreciative of her ability to walk again and eat without a feeding tube like during the end of her earthly existence.

  Krystal, on the other hand, was surprised when she heard footsteps on the floor above her and then on the stairs outside her door. She hadn’t seen anyone move in, so she peered out her window to observe a pretty dark-haired girl, playing with the snow, even tasting it.

  That’s weird, she thought, but it piqued her interest as she continued to observe as she walked down the sidewalk.

  Huh, she thought, wondering who she was. Perhaps, she would invite her to share some of the Christmas cookies she purchased from a fundraiser, sponsored by the activity department at the nursing home. It was the only reminder left of Christmas in her apartment.

  It was getting darker as Aimee enjoyed the last of the remaining Christmas lights that hadn’t yet been taken down. She recalled having always loved the lights and decorations, but she had to put that in the past and concentrate on the future now if she was going to succeed.

  The next day was Sunday and Aimee automatically set out to find a church, especially one with a choir. Walking towards town, she listened closely as she passed a couple of churches. When she heard voices in exaltation, she decided to stop in, taking the last pew. Oh yes, she recognized that she remembered these songs from her life on Earth, although they were sung in a much lower key than in Heaven. She decided to join in, closing her eyes, lost in the moment. She suddenly came back to reality when she realized that she was the only one singing and everyone was staring at her. Oh my, she blushed as the pastor took the pulpit, remarking that this was a beautiful way of beginning the service.

  Aimee hovered quietly in the pew, not allowing her exuberance to manifest itself again, but just listened for the remainder of the service.

  As she was leaving, a young man with a guitar approached, inviting her to join the choir emphasizing, “We have a need of a soprano. We would love for you to join.”

  “Oh no. I’m just visiting, but thank you for the invitation,” Aimee replied.

  “What is your name?” he asked.

  “Aimee Angelique,” she responded, “and yours is?”

  “Luke Anderson. Perhaps, you will join us next Sunday,” he invited.

  “I will try,” she said, without making any promises, “But, it was nice meeting you.”

  Aimee was relieved to be on her way, despite the curious glances. For a minute, she thought she was back in Heaven rejoicing. She had to remember next time to always be aware of her surroundings. That was rule one, realizing that she almost gave her identity away since only the heavenly choir had the pure voices of high soprano angels and were seldom heard on Earth where everything was sung in a lower tone.

  Breathing in the denser air, she meandered past the town’s stores, before heading back towards home. Now, she had to figure out how she would make the acquaintance of Krystal in a casual, but less than apparent manner. As her mind wandered over her options, again she became unaware of her surroundings as she practically walked into a car pulling into the driveway of their old Victorian apartment building. Quickly jumping out of the way at the last minute, she realized that an opportunity was presenting itself to her in which she must take advantage.

  Chapter Four

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there,” Krystal apologized profusely. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Anyway, it was totally my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going,” Aimee explained, embarrassed.

  “Are you the new tenant by chance?” Krystal asked.

  “Yes, my name is Aimee Angelique and you are?”

  “Oh, hello, and I’m Krystal Miller,” she introduced herself. “Why don’t you come on in? I have some extra Christmas cookies to share.”

  “Sure. Can I help you carry your groceries?” Aimee offered.

  “Yes, thanks. I’d appreciate that,” Krystal responded.

  Soon, they were in Krystal’s kitchen sharing hot chocolate and Christmas cookies.

  “These are heavenly!” Aimee exclaimed. “I can’t remember when I’ve tasted Christmas cookies this good.”

  “Aren’t they though? They are from a fundraiser at the nursing home where I work,” Krystal explained and then asked, “So, are you all by yourself upstairs?”

sp; “Yes, I’m just renting the efficiency month to month until something opens up on campus. I’m a late enrollee for second semester at Hope College,” Aimee explained. “What do you do?”

  “I work in the dietary department at the Lakewood Nursing Home,” Krystal answered.

  “This apartment is pretty big for just one person,” Aimee observed casually.

  “Yes, I had rented it with the idea of getting married, but that didn’t work out,” Krystal conveyed with a sigh.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. That must be hard around the holidays and all,” Aimee empathized.

  “Yes, but I had to work the holidays, so it didn’t make that much difference anyway, I suppose,” Krystal expressed forlornly.

  “Do you have family close by?” Aimee asked.

  “Actually, no. I’m on my very own for the first time,” Krystal alleged.

  “So, you spent the holidays alone?” Aimee asked.

  “Yes, my brother is stationed at Guantanamo with the Marines, and he is my only relative,” Krystal added, “How about you?”

  “I have one younger sister,” Aimee admitted, remembering her past life sadly.

  “Is this the first time on your own?” Krystal asked.

  “Actually, it is,” Aimee confessed. “Perhaps, we can hang out together.”

  “Absolutely. Do you like to skate?” Krystal inquired.

  “Yes, I haven’t recently, but I would enjoy taking it back up again,” Aimee fibbed convincingly.

  “There’s a rink over at the park. Want to give it a spin? It’s a perfect day for it,” Krystal suggested. “They have skate rentals there also.”

  “Yes, that will be great. I’ll just run upstairs to change and then meet you back here,” Aimee promised.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Krystal concurred as she waited for Aimee and then she drove to the skating rink, located about two miles from their apartment building.

  It was a perfect day to Aimee as she observed the remaining ice crystals and the brilliance of the newly fallen snow.

  Though, not use to her body weight, she was extremely klutzy on the ice. Not so with Krystal, who was quite graceful, Aimee observed.

  Though midway, Krystal grabbed Aimee’s arm and stated, “We have to leave now.”

  “Why, what’s wrong?” Aimee asked.

  “My ex-boyfriend just arrived with his new girlfriend. I’m just not up to him flaunting her off in front of me,” she indicated.

  “Seriously?” Aimee replied, somewhat startled.

  “I’ve never been so serious in my life,” Krystal asserted breathlessly.

  “Very well, I’ll meet you at the car once I turn in my skates,” Aimee remarked, although she dawdled a bit to concentrate on Krystal’s ex, attempting to read him. Ah yes, she determined; a player and not a very good candidate as husband material.

  “Thanks for understanding,” Krystal remarked on their way back to the apartment.

  “No problem. He must have really done a number on you for you to be so upset,” Aimee remarked empathetically.

  “Yes, I finally dared to give away my heart, and he broke it in half,” she confessed. “We were planning on getting married.”

  “I’m so sorry. That must have been really hard for you around the holidays,” Aimee empathized.

  “Yes, it couldn’t have come at a worse time. Here, I was expecting an engagement ring, but it resulted in us breaking up instead,” Krystal confessed. “Though, I notice it didn’t take long for him to pick up the pieces and find someone else. I guess I should have realized with how good-looking he is.”

  Aimee had to admit that he was good- looking, but she didn’t dare mention the darkness she saw in his soul, because she knew that would be too incriminating for her to admit. But, she realized that Krystal was far better off without him. Now, if she could only convince Krystal without blowing her cover that it was for the best, although she realized that one often didn’t see the overall picture when directly involved.

  Aimee, who was used to someone always around continuously since Heaven could be very crowded with something always happening, became bored quickly. She flipped on the TV, but was somewhat shocked by the limited programs that were acceptable for her to watch. She realized that she passed from this Earth when she was only sixteen, but with being so sick and her family very religious; television and computers were restricted in her household. This gave her too much time to think, mourning over her past life and all that she missed. But now, she was given the opportunity to be free to experience life, although she wasn’t too sure how to begin.

  On Monday while Krystal went to work, she decided to check out the area again. Walking past a fitness center, she noticed a sign inviting everyone in for a free day’s pass. With nothing else to do, she stopped in. Soon a personal trainer came by to tour her throughout the facility and introduce her to the various exercise machines.

  “Hi, I’m Brad. Are you here for a free day pass?” he inquired.

  “Yes, I noticed your sign and decided to check it out,” she remarked.

  Brad, who was eager to make a sale, was extremely attentive to her.

  “I’m just visiting the area for a short time, although I’m very impressed with all that you have to offer,” she added, looking around.

  “After today’s free visit, you can also purchase a punch card with ten visits for a reduced cost,” he informed her.

  “Really, that may work, but I would like to use the free day pass later since I have another commitment right now,” she implied.

  “No problem. It was nice to meet you. Hope to see you soon then,” Brad indicated.

  Aimee had an ulterior motive, hoping to persuade Krystal to join her at another time. She realized that exercise could be an excellent antidote to depressing thoughts. She was about to leave when she noticed a familiar face. Luke, whom she recognized from church, happened to look up while on the treadmill, and greeted her. Slowing down the machine, he stopped to chat.

  “Aimee,” he said, “It’s good to see you again. Have you joined the gym?”

  “I’m thinking about it,” she replied.

  “It’s a great way to start off the New Year at a reasonable price,” he suggested.

  “Yes, it is,” she agreed. “I was just checking it out, but it’s great for all of the New Year resolutions.”

  “Yes and mine is losing one hundred pounds,” he revealed.

  “I guess this is a good way to start,” she implied nonchalantly.

  “There’s choir practice on Wednesday evening if you would like to join us,” he invited.

  “Although I love and appreciate music, I plan to become involved in the college’s programs once it begins next week,” Aimee explained apologetically.

  “Well, you are always welcomed to our church anytime,” he concluded.

  “Thank you. I appreciate the invitation,” she responded, waving before she left.

  Now, he would be a perfect match for Krystal, Aimee realized, but she had to find a way for the both of them to meet.

  As Aimee returned home, she timed it so she would bump into Krystal coming home from work.

  “Hey, want to share a pizza with me tonight? It’s way too big for one person.” Aimee extended an invitation.

  “Sure, let me change and I’ll be right up,” she agreed, unlocking her door.

  By the time the pizza was done, Krystal arrived and plopped down on a chair looking extremely tired.

  “Tough day?” Aimee asked.

  “Always. We had the State surveyors there inspecting every aspect of the kitchen. That’s always a very stressful time for everybody,” Krystal acknowledged.

  “I bet,” Aimee concurred.

  “So, what did you do today?” Krystal asked as they sat down to enjoy the pizza together.

  Aimee couldn’t remember the last time she had pizza and pop since during the end of her earthly life she had a feeding tube. But, she enjoyed every last bit of it.

  “Just made sure
I am all registered for classes next week,” Aimee fibbed. “Though, I did stop in to tour a fitness gym. They’re giving out free passes.

  I was wondering if you would like to go sometime?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just totally beat after working all day,” Krystal sighed. “I just want to sit down and watch TV or something.”

  “You’ll never meet someone new that way,” Aimee suggested.

  “I’m not in the market for anyone,” Krystal countered.

  “Well, you never know when or where the right one will cross your path,” Aimee continued.

  “What about you? Do you have someone special hidden somewhere?” Krystal queried.

  “Yes, actually my boyfriend is on a mission trip to South America. We’re hoping to become engaged once he returns,” Aimee announced, wishing it were actually true.

  “What’s his name?” Krystal asked.


  “What’s he like?” Krystal continued.

  “He definitely has a good soul. That’s the important thing to look for, but today’s generation seems to concentrate on the outside cover and not the content if you know what I mean,” Aimee explained with a sigh.

  “Yes, like Jake. He definitely has a great cover,” Krystal murmured mournfully.

  Yes, Aimee thought without saying, but it covered something very dark inside.

  Mid-week, Michael came for a visit to check up on her. “How’s it going?” he asked.

  “Positive, in one way that at least I’ve actually met and interacted with my client, although I’ve currently run out of ideas to actually get her out and about. Her job seems to drain her,” Aimee explained.

  “Yes and she has so much more potential. It is your task to reveal that to her,” Michael determined.

  “What are her gifts?” Aimee inquired.

  “She needs for someone to believe in her for now. She’s very smart and could do just about anything if she had the opportunity and incentive,” Michael explained.


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