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Interference (Prescott Family Book 1)

Page 17

by Mignon Mykel

  I sat at the table with either woman to my sides. It was a really uncomfortable place to be.

  DeeDee sat a respectable distance away but gave me great smiles and we had good conversation. Then there was Rachel, who kept moving closer to me which had me moving away from her. At one point, poor DeeDee almost fell off the bench because I kept moving over in her direction.

  Finally, I just relented and allowed Rachel to sit thigh to thigh with me.

  While my head was turned, talking to DeeDee about her reasons for being on the show and her past relationships, I felt a hand cup my junk, then squeeze.

  I damn near knocked the table over as I stood abruptly.

  “Keep your fucking hands to yourself!”

  My heart was racing and I was seeing red. Tony could be pissed all he wanted; I was not going to have groping hands all over me.

  If looks could kill, it wouldn’t be Tony I’d have to worry about though.

  “What’s your fucking problem?” Rachel said as she stood, tossing her napkin down.

  “You are! My name is Caleb and I don’t want your hands on me!” I could see through my fury enough to know I had to say something to rectify the situation. “Goddamn, is it so fucking wrong to want to know someone before the groping starts?” My execution may not have been the prettiest, but I thought that was something the crew could work with. As soon as I got back, I was pulling Tony to the side and telling him that I wanted the women to keep their hands to their fucking selves. Hand holding, arm petting, hands on back, what the fuck ever, so long as it was innocent, I could deal. But no more fucking groping.

  DeeDee just sat in her spot, her brown eyes wide and taking in the exchange.

  “Are you gay then?” Rachel crossed her arms. “Because I don’t know many guys who don’t like to be…fondled a little. And you? You didn’t even pop a chubby!”

  “I am not gay,” I said through clenched teeth. I didn’t have a problem with sexual orientation; I had a few decent friends in the league who were gay. I just personally was not.

  “I thought we had made a connection!” Rachel whined. She even stomped her heel in the sand. I had to refrain from laughing when she nearly stumbled, her heel stuck a little too deep. “The winks, the private talks…” She said the last as if she and I had more secrets than what was shared.

  DeeDee stood. “Do you two… Um… I can just go over there,” she pointed behind her shoulder. “You two can finish this conversation and I guess… If you wanted to talk with me after, before sending m—one of us home, you can come over.”

  “Yes, DeeDee, dear. I need a moment with Caleb.” Rachel unlodged her heel and sidled up to me, her hand sliding over my lower back. I took a deep breath and looked skyward to calm myself. There was no fucking way this was going to look good on camera. “You understand. A…spat between two with a deep…deep…connection.”

  She was such a fucking bitch.

  DeeDee just smiled slightly and nodded, walking away.

  Rachel then stepped around me and grabbed my face, pulling it down to hers. At the last possible second, I managed to turn my face so her lips wouldn’t cover mine. Instead, I put my hands on her hips and pulled her close, my lips near her ear. This surely would look decent on camera.

  “Watch yourself, Rachel,” I whispered in her ear. Neither of us wore mics; the crew had placed them at the table. Surely though, Tony would see this and insist on personal mics. “You and I were having a good time, sure, but I don’t want wandering hands on me. I’m not about to finger fuck you in public. I’d appreciate if you didn’t give me a handjob just the same.”

  I pulled back and looked down at her. Lip between her teeth, Rachel just nodded then shrugged. “Whatever. But if you don’t start making moves, no one’s going to believe you found a lover on this show. And when a show in its inaugural season fails, it’s going to be all on you, buddy.”

  She was like a mini-Tony. I just about had it with the empty threats.

  Deciding to bite the bullet, I leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Glad that’s figured out,” I said a little louder so that the mics could pick it up.

  I looked over my shoulder to where DeeDee sat, waiting to be dismissed. Granted, that wasn’t how the dismissals worked on the show, but it was evident in her body language that she was certain she failed so early on in the game.

  “I’m going to go talk to DeeDee now.”

  Rachel just nodded before sliding her hands to my chest. I don’t know why, but I felt a tinge of anger when she tapped my chest much in the same way Sydney did.

  “See you later, handsome,” Rachel said, stepping away.

  I left her to finish my talk with DeeDee, who was actually pretty sweet. Not as sweet as Grace was, but still a nice girl. She definitely seemed more nervous now than she had before, and her smiles looked forced, but she was still open and answered my questions. She asked appropriate ones, questions about my career and my family, and about growing up in the lifestyle. By the end of our chat, she looked more relaxed. I could handle her sticking around.

  Finally, the night ended and the girls took their car to the ship while I took my own. My car arrived first, as it was scheduled to, and I gave Stewie my winner for the evening. He would then go to the picture room and set it up to show Rachel, thank fucking goodness, was leaving.

  I returned to my suite and for the first night since she left, refused to send Sydney a text.

  She wanted to put distance between us and it was finally sinking in.

  I wasn’t giving up on her, not by a long shot, but I also wanted her to feel just a smidgen of the pain I was feeling.

  Assuming that she was reading my texts, of course.

  I showered and fell into bed naked, face first.

  Sixteen full days to go.


  Day 4 of 21

  I was really hopeful that the days would start to blend together, but no.

  No such luck.

  Each day was much like the others.

  I woke up thinking of Sydney, beat one off before getting out of bed and then again in the shower because while she may not have every stepped foot in this particular room, her memory was everywhere. I put on the stupid assed slacks and shirt the crew has delivered to my room at precisely eight every morning.

  Today, at least, the shirt wasn’t starchy but a linen-type shirt. Like every other day, though, it was white. Paired with the linen nature of the shirt, it was more see-through than I’d ever care to wear, but whatever. It was a fucking show.

  I had breakfast with the remaining girls, thankful that Rachel’s hands were off the ship. Cameras began rolling, Stewie did his morning talk with clasped hands – dude had to work on his stage presence – and the date and girls were announced. When the cameras were turned off, he made the announcement that I was not welcoming wandering hands.

  I swear—he worded it just like that.

  I could see a few disappointed looks and there was a round of nervous laughter, but at least they knew to keep their hands to themselves.

  Today’s lucky ladies were going on a duo-date. Britt Marie, a blond haired, blue eyed girl from Kansas, was someone I hadn’t done a whole lot of talking to. The other girl, Angel, was the gorgeous woman with cocoa skin and striking green eyes who stood out to me on the first night. She had a Caribbean type accent, but swore she was from New York.

  Our date was actually a pretty interesting one. It was a submarine tour of the reefs; definitely different and both women were enjoyable on the date. Both were friendly and neither fought the other for time. They were actually quite cordial.

  If I were in the dating game, both would be great girls to hang out with. As it was, I knew a guy who would probably kill for a date with Angel. He liked the exotic type.

  Not that Jamaican or Barbadian was entirely exotic, but it was different than the typical white girl in San Diego.

  We had light appetizers on the beach—yes, again, food on the beach—before the girls were dis
missed for the night.

  “Caleb, I need to talk to you,” Tony said, coming out of the shadows.

  I didn’t even realize he was around today, to be honest.

  “You’ll be returning after the ladies today.”

  “How…?” I frowned. “How will they know who’s going home?”

  Tony waved his hand in the air. “It will be announced later. Suspense and drama, yes? We need to do a monologue piece with you.” He ushered me to a chair where I was re-made up and given a pair of khaki shorts to put on. I’d been in fucking slacks all damn day, and now they give me shorts?

  I was also given a new white linen shirt.

  This was a lot of work for a monologue piece. But whatever. As soon as I was done, I’d be back in my cabin and staring at my phone.

  That Sydney would not have text me back on.

  But a guy could hope.

  Tony, the crew, and I moved to a point further on the beach and into the trees. It was a little creepy, just had to say.

  “Alright. Give us two seconds and we’ll tell you when to start talking.”

  I nodded. “Sure.” I stuffed my hands in my pockets and waited.

  Almost done for the day.

  I sighed and cracked my neck. I looked around the beach and saw that there was a resort hotel nearby but the beach was quiet.

  “Ok… Rolling.”

  I completed my ten minute spiel only for Tony to tell me it wasn’t going to work after all. He did his customary swearing and foot stomping before dismissing me. I walked away from the group back towards where the car service would be waiting.

  I could practically feel my bed calling to me.

  I’d rather it be my own bed either in San Diego or back home, but the suite’s bed would work wonders too. I neared the spot where the women and I had appetizers and frowned as I walked closer.

  The torches were lit again and I would have thought the crew took down the table, but everything was set up still. Shaking my head, I continued past but movement ahead of me had me stopping and looking. Apparently the production team didn’t rent out this area of the island for as long as they thought they did.

  I stuffed my hands in my pockets and continued to walk forward, prepared to greet the passerby. But as I neared…

  “Holy fucking shit.”


  The last four days were agonizingly slow.

  Why is it that when you’re in good company and having a good time, that time can’t seem to slow down? It races by you until you don’t have any time left.

  You just have memories.

  It didn’t help that on the plane ride home, I was in first class with not one, but two post-honeymoon couples.

  Showing off their love and happily ever afters.

  The moment I landed in Utah and opened my phone, I found the picture Caleb sent me. It made me want to cry.

  So I didn’t respond.

  Every damn time he texted me, my heart broke a little bit more. And that voice mail?

  I wasn’t yet able to listen to it fully. Hearing his voice…

  I was embarrassed to say I attempted listening to it a few times the last two days, just to hear his voice. Each time though, I had to end it.

  Just like I couldn’t bring myself to listen to his voice, but refused to delete the message, I couldn’t block his number.

  So I watched the messages come in and I never responded. At least once a day he text me and the one day he didn’t? I can honestly say I panicked a little.

  Yes, I wanted him to meet the girls and I truly believed at least one of them would catch his eye. It didn’t make the knowledge that it was actually happening any easier.

  Instead, I tried to focus on my future and keep the memories at bay.

  I was finalizing my last application for Sorenson Media Group when David called me.

  “Morning, David.”

  “Hey, Sydney, I meant to catch you before you flew out of Hawaii.”

  Considering he video chatted with me the day prior, it wasn’t like he hadn’t known my schedule. “No worries. What’s up?”

  “I actually need you back in Hawaii.”

  I frowned, torn between being annoyed with the back and forth, and being happy to be able to go back to the islands. It really was gorgeous there.

  “The president of the company is out here and wanted to do a face-to-face interview with you while he was out here, rather than fly you to New York.”

  How could I say no to that?

  “Ok, sure. Um, I don’t…” I mentally went through figures and budget. “I don’t know that I could afford a flight such short notice, though.”

  “No, no. Just like with the other, the company will pay for your ticket. It will be at the counter for you at noon your time.”

  I glanced at the clock.

  It was ten.

  David sure liked having me on homicidally short schedules.

  “Alright. I’ll be there.”

  “Good! A driver will pick you up at the airport and take you to meet Mr. Sorenson. We’ll chat soon. See you later, Sydney.”

  I hung up and went back to my bags. Thankfully I was big on laundry and had cleaned most of my items the moment I walked through the door of my apartment. I also grabbed business casual attire for the meeting before heading out the door.

  Time for another seven-hour flight.

  It turned out that I didn’t even have the opportunity to change into my business attire, so it was a good thing I had dressed in a nicer romper with sleeves and kitten heels for the flight over. The moment I made it to baggage claim, I was ushered out to a car.


  “Your bags will be delivered to you, Ms. Meadows. Mr. Sorenson is on a tight schedule.”

  I assumed the man was on vacation, but ok.

  I was driven to a hotel and brought into a meeting room, where both Mr. Sorenson and David were waiting. It was incredibly surreal to be with the president of Sorenson Media Group. I had exchanged emails with him but had never truly spoken with the man.

  When I met with David for the internship, it was completely with him. That process was more formal than this one, I found out by the end of the meeting.

  Mr. Sorenson simply stated how impressed he’d been with my scouting and casting over the previous months, and that he wanted to offer me a casting job for yet another reality show. Reality wasn’t really what I wanted long term, no, but if this was going to a potential career move for me, I’d be silly not to take it.

  I would be paid on a job-placement basis, and depending on the outcomes of the shows, I’d be eligible for bonuses and better shows. Somehow I managed to stay cool and calm throughout the meeting, while inside I was jumping around in circles.

  I had a job and it was a decent one, at that!

  “Thank you so much for the offer, Mr. Sorenson,” I said when all was said and done. I offered him my hand and shook his with a smile. “I look forward to working further with the company.”

  “Pleasure is mine, Ms. Meadows.”

  David escorted me out of the room and back down to the lobby. “Tony from Love TV expressed his approval of the cast you chose.”

  That was news to me, after the way he cornered me. “Caleb Prescott was easy to work with. He was candid in what he was looking for in a partner.” It ached a little to talk about him and to be reminded that what he was looking for hadn’t been me.

  The little devil on my shoulder reminded me of what I stopped him from saying that last day. Guys would say anything to stay in a woman’s pants though, right?

  I tried to figure out what island he and his contestants would have been on today, and what excursions he would have done with them. A childish part of me hoped he wouldn’t do things that I had done with him.

  I wanted him to have those memories with me, not with some other women.

  “It was with his approval that Mr. Sorenson wanted to meet with you. He thought your scouting was well-done, but the true test was this sho
w. We’ve worked with Tony before and he’s not the easiest to please.”

  Now that I knew.

  I just smiled. “I’m glad I did well, then.”

  David nodded and we left the lobby, nearing the valet. “This first car is for you. The driver will take you to your next destination. I’ll speak with you soon, Sydney.” He peeled off to go to another waiting car.

  I sat in the back of the car, looking out at the scenery as we drove through the city. Eventually we reached a beach-front hotel. However, the car parked me clear on the other side.

  “Sorry, Miss, but I’m unable to drop you off closer.”

  So weird.

  “Thank you,” I said rather, and stepped out of the car. I could either go up to the sidewalk and take that to the hotel, or I could sink my toes in the sand.

  Which definitely sounded like the better idea.

  I took off my small heels and began the trek toward the hotel, my heels in hand. The sun had recently gone down so the sand was still warm underfoot, but it was relatively quiet on the beach.

  The crashing of the waves was lulling and made me miss the days I spent on the islands with Caleb. I continued to walk with the ocean to my left, noticing random tiki torches to my right when I was somewhat near the hotel.

  Hopefully someone would put out the torches soon. You couldn’t just leave fires going. There was a table set though, so I was sure someone had to be around.

  I continued to walk, lost in my reverie of memories, when a voice startled me.

  “Holy fucking shit.”

  I stopped and turned in my startle, searching out the voice.

  Just beyond the torches, walking out of the shadows…

  Was Caleb.

  The only thing that stopped me from running toward him was the even more startling yell behind him.

  “Cut! That was fucking excellent.”


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