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The Emperor's Shadow War (Tales of Alus Book 2)

Page 38

by Donald Wigboldy

  Graebin surprised them all then as he stood and walked over to Dorvin. The look of warning flashed from the regent's eyes, but Graebin appeared undaunted as he pulled forth a large object covered with a sack cloth. He pulled away the covering and let the material fall away revealing a curved shield that somehow seemed to let any man see himself in it despite his angle. Many paled before what they saw, though Darius could only see himself and the slight aura of his order.

  Dorvin was forced to look straight into the mirrored surface of Rasjir, the shield known as the Soul's Edge. The dwarf's eyes opened slightly in surprise at what he found. Graebin watched the would be king carefully through his side which remained transparent and revealed what Dorvin saw in himself. Both men stood transfixed that way a long moment before both nodded mutually.

  The chanting had stopped and many eyes watched with concern. When Graebin again stood, they all held their breath collectively. When the elder bowed over the shield placing it before him for Dorvin to take, they all cheered as the would be king took the second of his royal weapons.

  Darius noted that Thien looked edgy. Graebin meanwhile spoke just loud enough to be heard in his nasal voice, "My Lord Norn," was all he said before backing away dutifully keeping himself in a respectful half bow.

  Thien appeared ready to protest again when the shield was raised in front of Dorvin for his people to see. He turned slowly that all might truly look into the face of themselves reflected in its mirrored surface. He started with the crowd, including Darius and Janus in its path. Neither man flinched, though several dwarves around them could be heard to cry out in soft moans.

  Finally, Dorvin turned to face the elders and strode purposefully towards Thien. The dwarf tried to look away in vain. His appearance took him by surprise and Dorvin's face quickly turned into a deeper frown. Darius didn't know what he saw in the other's face, but it couldn’t have been good. In the face of the mirror, Thien paled and finally had to look away shamefully. He reached below the curtained table without a word and drew out a package similarly wrapped in cloth though smaller.

  The elder bent to one knee and unwrapped a long sword. Though well crafted in appearance, Darius noted that it appeared to be much like any other sword. With silver blade and an ornate hilt of bronze, the sword appeared virtually ordinary, until Thien laid it into Dorvin's outstretched hands.

  When the Norn at last grasped the hilt in both hands he raised it over head and shouted, "Let evil beware! The rightful lord of the dwarves bears the Evil's Death. Rhienbane comes for thee, Dark Lord. I, Dorvin of Norn, declare that my life will be given to destroying you at last!"

  The hall suddenly burst into light so bright that all but Dorvin were forced to shade their eyes. Even Darius was struck momentarily blind as the light filled the room. Its source was the sword and he knew now that Dorvin bore the true sword, Rhienbane.

  As the light dimmed to just a glimmer emanating from the sword, the dwarves recovered and a cheer started once more. At first ragged, soon the building shook as nearly a hundred dwarves cheered their rightful king. No longer just a figurehead, Dorvin would now be a true king with all the good and bad that position had to offer.

  After awhile, the dwarves settled down and the elders were all returned to their places at the great table. Some looked down cast in the aftermath of the Dorvin’s use of the weapons and acknowledgement as king. An era was ending and many believed that all they had worked for was about to be taken away. Dorvin smiled warmly at all of them as if to try and alleviate such concerns, though many of the men missed the gesture with their eyes lowered towards the floor.

  With the crowd settled down, Dorvin finally spoke again. Rhienbane was placed in the scabbard already made in the armor and Soul's Edge was placed respectfully against his chair behind him. "My people, it is now my duty to protect you as well as I am able, but we are a people favored with more than just one ruler.

  "Though my place will lead me back to the old world to face the ancient enemy, you still need leadership here. I demand that you allow the council to be granted the power to do so for us all."

  Again the dwarves cheered, and more than one elder joined in this cry.

  "Council members," Dorvin began again by turning to each side to gather in their attention, "I do not intend to leave our home bereft of all our men to go on this mission. I request that the city send to all the other great cities of Tolmona to gather our best warriors. A full thousand soldiers will be led to the old world if it is possible," he turned to see Janus who nodded his assurance. At the nod, the king smiled even warmer. It was one of the things that he had been unsure of until just then. Continuing onward, Dorvin said, "Another ten thousand men will remain at the ready in both Darvus and the other cities should the need arise for reinforcements. They will also be part of the first defense already prepared should the Dark One's forces get past us into this world. We will not be ground under this creature's heel, my friends. We were not bowed by him before and I assure you that we will not be this time either."

  Looking at the council, he spoke gravely, "Our kingdom has done well beneath the joint rule of council and king. Now it is time to show that our ancestors have placed their confidence rightly. You will be my strength here in Tolmona. Rule well for me and remember to never give up the fight.

  "We are the finest nation to face the Dark One's path and I know that we will find others to help us on the other side. With all these gathered to resist him, how can we fail?" Picking up his gavel, Dorvin rapped it smartly against the wooden table. "Until the time that I return victorious, I declare this council to be my voice and this meeting is adjourned."

  The crowd left quickly after the speech, except for a few that Dorvin had pointed out to remain behind. The rest of the afternoon was spent in consultation on plans that the king had thrown together rather quite rapidly. With Janus and the elders used as sound boards and Darius listening closely to the details, Dorvin quickly ran through his ideas and sent messengers off to begin the gathering of men, supplies and weapons. A special courier was even sent to the human king of Tolmona with the seal of the Norn attached to it.

  Dorvin would be required to go up in person to warn and advise King Falin of what was happening. The human king had already sent messengers of his own after the battle to ascertain what had befallen the lower city. The men had remained waiting official word for hours already. With their messages in hand, they would reveal the truth to Falin and, come what may; Dorvin would go there soon and discuss these things.

  Hours later, Darius retired along with several of the others. Dorvin kept Janus at his side, even when the dwarf woman finally gave up waiting and returned to patching up the elf. The wizard knew that he was hardly needed in concerns of war. After gathering most of what was to happen, he simply bowed out and left to rest.

  Arriving back at the inn rooms that had been set aside for him and the others, he was quickly discovered by Bagheer and Electra. The first remained outside despite Darius' insistence that the man rest as well. The second, however, was quick to follow him inside where she quickly hugged him tight and kissed the man passionately.

  "It has happened!" she exclaimed happily.

  "What has happened?" Darius asked not following her line of thought as he yawned.

  "The armor and those that you said would gather to help you. The visionary that charged you with this mission has brought you to its fulfillment! This is wonderful!"

  He nodded tiredly, "Not to change the subject, but have the others been brought in from outside the city yet?"

  "Hours ago? Why?"

  "They are my responsibility as well as this vision. I don't expect them to stay outside the walls while I sleep in comfort here. Besides, I worry that next time the enemy may not overlook them out there."

  "You believe that he will attack again?" she asked amazed.

  Darius maneuvered them towards the bed where he sat down and the elf took his lap. "Not necessarily, but I don't wish to risk their lives even s
o, besides Dorvin insisted that we all share his people's homes. `Laying on the earth is fine when you need to, but a warm bed is much nicer' as he put it.

  "There is no reason to leave them out there anyway. Janus plans to open the portal here inside the lower city after all, so we might as well all be inside for when the time arrives."

  "You seem resigned to their coming along now. What changed your mind?"

  Darius sighed, "I didn't change my mind, but I know that they haven't changed theirs anymore than you have."

  "Why would I change my mind about returning to my native world to try and save it?" Electra asked in near shock. "I am a warrior. Shoot, Darius, I know more about battle than you do. If anyone should remain behind, it would have to be you, despite your magic."

  "Like I said," he replied leaning back exhaustedly, "none of you seem willing to back away even though I am the only one charged to go onward. As to your remark about my lack of experience, might I remind you that I just fought in this battle? Like I could possibly bow out now anyway," the man breathed frustratedly.

  The woman rolled to lay beside him with one leg and an arm draped across him. Propped up on the other arm's elbow, her bright blue eyes stabbed into him questioningly. "You sound like you would prefer to stay behind. You who went into a foreign city to save me and the others, you who stayed behind to guard us at the Divide, you who just leapt into battle here in Darvus? Now you wish to end all the adventures just when you are about to see what all your persistence has been fighting to save?

  "That seems strange to hear from you, my love. Why do you say these things to me now?"

  "Because I am tired, perhaps, or maybe because I hate killing? How do you do it then, Electra? How do you fight and kill, and still want to return to that life? Do you treasure the killing then?"

  "Of course not!" she exclaimed rolling away from him. Returning to her feet, the elf paced holding her chin in thought. "I don't like killing, though fighting the Dark One's creatures feels less like I am truly killing a living being.

  "It would be like a sheepherder killing a wolf to protect his flock. You do it to save what is precious and sacred to you. How can killing the dark ones be hard for you, when the consequences for not fighting, means the loss of your people's lives and your own?"

  "It is just one way to justify it and it is the only reason that I slay these beings," Darius answered as he closed his eyes. The gaping faces of creatures slain in the battle and those of Tavin Marich found their way into the darkness behind his lids and he quickly opened them again. "So much death though," complained the wizard sadly. "I find it difficult to live with what I have done already. It eats at my soul, Electra. How can it not affect yours?"

  Electra leaned over him and kissed his lips lightly. "Oh my love, do not hurt yourself so. These dark beasts are not worth losing yourself to darkness. You are a good and generous man, Darius Eremia. Do not lower yourself to worrying over such lowly beasts. Have they not given themselves over to the Dark One? They are no longer worthy of living. Do not concern yourself with their deaths, I tell you. They were dead to the living before you ever met them. Even Camare, can hardly be mourned since his betrayal corrupted and destroyed him."

  "Are you sure?" the man returned unwilling to let matters go. "Did you ever think that they may believe in their cause? Perhaps to them, we are the dark ones. They are still living, breathing, thinking beings. I can't see them as anything but that."

  A tear rolled from Electra's cheek to drip onto his face. He was surprised to see her emotions take her so quickly. "My poor wizard," she cooed, "If you continue so, I fear that your heart will break. Please, do as I say and try to leave the killing and the dead on the battlefield. Let their ghosts stay there and not continue to follow and haunt you, my love."

  "I will try," he whispered and tried to close his eyes again. The faces faded to the merest glimpses his eyes found searching in the corners of the dark lids because he knew that they must still be lying there. Then he felt Electra’s lips again on his warm and tender in their affection. Darius opened his eyes and opened his arms to his the woman. "I will do it for you, my love."

  "Not just for me," was the whispered plea, "for everyone he threatens and yourself most of all.

  "Now let's forget all these troubles," she said changing topics as the beautiful blond loosened her belt. Free of the binding leather, Electra threw open her blouse and tossed the garment aside. Her fingers worked at his shirt and soon Darius released his mind to the desire for her. Making love, he soon put aside his worries for another time. Maybe he could never forget totally, but Darius could hardly allow his life to end because of the demands of war.

  The demands of his life on the other hand, especially that of the woman against him, became his new focus as passion gathered them up despite his having been so tired only moments earlier.

  Chapter 44- Darius

  Darius stood with Janus and their little ring of wizards and apprentices just outside of the last buildings leading to the southern exit from Lower Darvus. Taking a quick glance at the army assembled behind them, the wizard noted the light filtering down from above glinted dully off of armor and weapons as the men stood shifting feet with the occasional clanking of the various pieces of metal. Original estimations of just a thousand dwarves were put to rest as the army was much larger than they had planned for and was magnificent in its sheer size.

  The additions to their army had come straight from the Tolmonan king, Falin. At hearing of the troubles occurring in the other world and being wise enough to realize the consequences should the Dark One win, the surface king quickly summoned thousands of his country’s soldiers to the cause. More than two thousand men were arranged alongside over fifteen hundred dwarves.

  Darius smiled. The numbers had been increased beyond the originally planned one thousand after they received so many dwarves determined to join and drive back the Dark One. It was their ancient enemy and every dwarf through out Tolmona was soon sending word or even coming to Darvus itself. The governors of the lower cities had tried to hold their men in check to await the final summons, but many courageous dwarves had made the journey and would not be refused.

  After checking with Janus, the thirty-five hundred men had been assembled in Darvus. Another six thousand would be ferried across the dimensions over the next three days. With an army of over nine thousand let loose in the old world and another twenty thousand men and dwarves standing ready to be called from Tolmona, Darius felt very good about their odds in the upcoming battles.

  The final ingredient had been when word of a force being prepared in Eirhden for their call had been delivered only two days after preparations had begun. The wizard's council had been sending messengers to all the nations of Taltan that had been affected by incursions from the dark forces and by now that list was growing much longer. The message attested that response was good from all the rulers involved and perhaps even more men would be preparing to join the cause.

  It was good news, but Darius honestly hoped that Janus' plans of meeting up with the elves of the old world and their ancient allies, the dwarves, would be the only things necessary to win out against the Dark One's forces. After all, he was a wizard and not a soldier or warrior. Darius wanted things wrapped up in the quickest cleanest method possible.

  Often the man hoped that they would arrive in Litsors and find the war nearly finished when they arrived. He even thought to himself once that perhaps the attack on Darvus was a last desperate play from the dark creatures. Unfortunately, the common sense that he was born with contradicted these hopes with reality. The Dark One supposedly had defeated much of the elven kingdoms as he had once before and the dwarves of the old world had refused to join against him as a whole. The forces of Alus may constitute the last resistance, as strong as it would be, and that could spell dark times ahead for both worlds.

  Janus squeezed his hand tightly then and broke Darius from his dark ruminations. It was time for a gathering of power. The wizards
knew their place in the holy knight's magic. He would be the guide and they the force behind his words. Already Darius and the others had begun to glow with the magic that was theirs to command. All of them knew the magic of the earth and would use it as a last resort should the army take too long in their trek through the gateway, but using that magic would leave them in this world. They would not have enough left to send themselves across as guides for the army. After a few hours rest, they would make a second trip should that occur, but that would continue to push the time table back.

  Darius stopped worrying. Giving himself over to the thoughts necessary to channel his force to Janus, the wizard soon became aware only of the flow of power. Even when a gateway of light finally arose across the open space before the ramp to the surface of Darvus, the wizard stayed absorbed in the need for his power for Janus.

  The army charged boldly ahead with a clanking of armor as the men rushed to the portal. It was not that they were so brave as to jump into the jaws of fate, but they knew that the portal taxed their sorcerers and any delays could cost them the future. As sergeants and captains urged their men into the breech and voices called out encouragement to each other as they passed through its glimmering surface, many with their eyes closed and unwilling to look at the effect, Darius heard and saw none of it.

  With his eyes closed to the world around him and only the sense of the out flowing of power, the wizard stood within the circle and held on. Minutes went by and still they strained to hold onto the powerful spell. Eventually, Darius felt the others beginning to waver. Their strengths were as individual as their personalities. It had been stated in their preparations with Janus that should they begin to falter in strength, they could and should leave the circle. He felt Matalchus pull him towards his body and soon Xarien's hands were pushed into his without breaking the circle.


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