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The Emperor's Shadow War (Tales of Alus Book 2)

Page 39

by Donald Wigboldy

  Minutes or perhaps only seconds later, Xarien also was forced to pull him to another hand. Darius had been feeling the other weaken as quickly as they had joined and had expected it. He knew the new hand to be Tate's. After years of arm wrestling and wizard's circles, Darius knew his friend's touch and scent of magic almost as well as he knew himself. Soon Tate was tiring as well, but with his tenacious will and competitive spirit to survive what Darius could survive, the young man refused to quit for several minutes after most would have quit.

  Janus held his other hand securely on his left yet and Darius was unsure who remained in the much smaller circle, but he kept his eyes closed and continued to focus his energy. No other changes were made and Darius soon came to understand that only he and the elf were left to hold the barrier.

  Finally he heard the words of Janus in his ears, "The rest of you go through now and Darius and I will be right behind you." Janus stepped forward slowly and moved Darius towards the barrier as he had explained he would do for all that remained in the circle. Moments later, Darius felt a tingling against his back that soon washed over him. He could "smell" the barrier around him, as the wizards called sensing the magic around you so strong that it was hard to miss, and then he was through. Opening his eyes as Janus halted him on the other side the wizard saw the elf looking drained before him. The great portal withered behind the elf and soon closed in a crackle of light.

  Darius was released by Janus who quickly sat exhaustedly upon the ground. The wizard did not sit right off as his vision took in the surroundings around him. An orange sun quite unlike their yellow Arcturas stood low in the sky, though he could not tell if its arc was waning or waxing in its orbit. Trees, a grove of them, stood not far from them and were now partially occupied by several dozen soldiers of human origin. Turning to look behind him, Darius was forced to gasp in surprise.

  There not more than an eighth of a mile from them, was a large walled city. It had to be nearly the size of upper Darvus in size. He guessed the walls to be about thirty feet high which rose above the much smaller homes where they surrounded those great stone defenses. Behind them and rising that much higher, were great soaring towers. Most were white from the white wash or the natural stone color, Darius was unsure. Other towers, usually smaller though one was quite huge, were made of an unnaturally black stone.

  "What city is this, Janus? You had not said that we would be arriving so close to a settlement here."

  The elf looked wearily over at the city and sighed, "Feirhgenrell, I believe. It was where I focused my attempt though I had hoped to arrive a little further away from the outer settlements. It looks like we've excited them with our arrival I'm afraid," Janus added as he noticed villagers rushing towards the great walls even as a quickly assembled group of soldiers in gray and green rushed through the streets with weapons bared.

  "You better let them know why we are here, I think," Darius said offering the knight a hand.

  "Yes, these are the village militia. Though less skilled, these men are also more impulsive to fight; as they guard the villagers to buy their families time to enter the city walls." Pulling himself up, Janus moved as quickly as his exhaustion would allow him, which was still nearly a run that Darius had trouble matching. "Hold citizens!" he shouted as the elf militia approached much more cautiously as they took in the true size of the army now present before them.

  It took a moment as Janus continued in a walk towards the edge of the village buildings where the elves had arrayed themselves for protection. Suddenly a voice shouted greeting and a man, in a slightly more ornamented uniform from the rest, stepped past the front line to meet the knight. "Your holiness!" shouted the official in surprise. "How are you come here with such an army? You do not serve the Dark One as well, do you?" the final question drove some animosity back into the man's eyes.

  "Braxion, you old codger, they still have you as chief of the outer guard?" Janus replied and came forward to clasp hands with the man though he had to practically yank on the soldier's hand to do so. "I have come as only a friend can, sir. These are but a portion of the host that comes to fight with us against the Dark One from another world!"

  At Janus' unbridled joy, the old soldier was forced to smile along with him, though it was perhaps a little forced. "That is good news indeed, Holy Knight. The war does not go well, I am afraid. Much of our cities have fallen and worse, some of our most trusted men have switched allegiances."

  "Camare," Janus nodded angrily. "Well, my brother will not be serving the Dark One anymore, my friend, unless the Emperor has learned to revive the dead."

  Braxion looked to the knight with the beginnings of awe in his face, "You have killed that one then? Even with the dark magic to strengthen him and the ties of blood, you slew that dark knight?"

  Janus sighed and replied steadily, "Yes, even as you say. The Dark One sent his forces into my new allies’ world led by Camare and the dwarves of their world along with the humans gave them a battle they could not win." Smiling fiercely then he added, "I have brought many of them with me, even as I bring along several of their strongest wizards to do battle with the black army. We have new allies, Braxion. The Emperor shall not win this war, I vow.

  "We even have the descendant of Alig the Norn at the head of this army wearing the armor of his ancestor. It defeated the Dark One once, Braxion. Think of it! The savior of our lands stands again against the foul creature and his horde. How can we lose now?"

  Braxion smiled briefly before it soon waned from sight. "There is more that you need to know. Including Camare, fully half the knights joined the Dark One's camp. Of those that stayed true, half of those lay fallen in battle. You, Egrevn and Zander only remain to lead us. Three of the elven kingdoms lay fallen and two turned traitor to the lands. I haven't any idea how many of the dwarf cities have fallen by now.

  "Even with this army that you bring, I am no longer sure that we have the strength to resist."

  "Have faith, old friend," Janus stated taking hold of both of the man's shoulders. "We have thousands preparing on the other side just waiting to be called. A whole continent is being called to fight in the world of Alus. We are far from defeat yet.

  "But enough of this, it is time that I and those that lead this force go to meet King Yrelin, don't you think?"

  Braxion lowered his head at the mention of thename.

  "What is it, Braxion?" Janus asked worriedly. "Yrelin is dead. His son Romullee now sits as king of Faierden."

  Janus sighed and shook his head, "Yrelin will be missed, but if I know Romullee, I know that he will lead his land well enough in his father's stead. The prince is young and strong after all, also wise beyond his years and well skilled in warfare even as he is in the arts of diplomacy."

  "You should know, holy knight. You worked with him long enough at Yrelin's side to make him a good ruler. I admit that you are right that he has done well so far. We may even be better off, though I miss Yrelin greatly. The young king has led many a battle party onto the field and has done well enough against the forces raised against us."

  "That is good," Janus replied and started to turn the chief back towards the city walls. Darius and Dorvin were flanked by a half dozen body guards, Bagheer included as well as Electra, and quickly fell in behind the pair. "Let us go see if the new king will like the news of this new army arisen against the Dark One, shall we?"

  Darius was glad to have entered the castle when they had. Just as they arrived at the main gateway to the castle, a pouring rain had settled over the city coming from the gray clouds grouping overhead. He knew that the soldiers of Tolmona would be that much more intent on putting up the tents which they had already begun work on when the group had left. In contrast to the waxed canvas shelters that he would probably be living under again, the stone construction of the castle at Feirhgenrell rose high above them.

  Allowing Janus to lead them on their path inside, soon a pair of guardsmen joined with them to lead the holy knight and the others, thou
gh Janus protested that he knew where to find the king without their help. The trip took them deep into the fortress and up several flights of stairs. When their guides finally parted upon opening a last pair of doors, Darius and others found themselves within a room that was normally used a study. That was its former use, however. Now the spacious room felt much smaller with all the armored men gathered within its confines. There were three tables filled with charted maps and ledgers. What could not fit upon the tables had apparently been spread to the walls around them. In fact, when Darius looked to the airy balcony, he found men gathering up a table to bring it in from the rain.

  Darius noticed the king right off. He stood out from the other men, though there were enough types of men in the room to confuse some people. There were the aristocratic looking generals and their aides, a few wizards whose magic was the only give away to him as they wore fine clothing that would look more like the middle or upper class than wizards of Darius' world. Others of noble looking birth were there as well, but then there was the new king.

  King Romullee was a few years younger than Darius, but the way he carried himself as he spoke with the generals and others, Darius could sense the authority hanging about him like a robe. Not given to looking like some vain king tied to his riches, instead, the man wore a silk shirt of blue tied at the waist with a belt and sword over thick woolen breeches. The clothes were of a king that was prepared to jump into his armor at a moment's notice to defend his realm and people. A small band of gold lay at Romullee' side atop the table near the man as he finally looked up at those entering the room.

  The king's eyes brightened and a joy filled his face making Romullee look all of his eighteen years.

  "Janus!" the cry spilled out happily as the young man came around the table to clasp forearms in the elven way. "It is good to see you, good kilea. You come at a good time. Or perhaps I should say a bad time for all of us, but still it is good to see you, kilea."

  Darius leaned over to whisper in Electra's ear,


  The woman turned to him with a small smile and whispered back, "It means uncle in Feylian, an old tongue of the elves and aristocracy. Janus is Romullee's godfather."

  The king noticed the two whispering behind the knight and asked, "Who are these that you bring with you, Janus? Some of these are not dwarves. Have the dwarves joined us finally against him, kilea?"

  The knight smiled gracefully and explained, "In a way, my lord, and even more." Gesturing to Darius, he said, "This one is part of the more. Darius Eremia, wizard of Aerwold from the world of Alus, is a representative of his world. He is human as is his personal guard, Bagheer. The army that is camped outside of the city is the first part of a much larger force that is being sent from their world to help us fight the Dark One. They have seen his creatures passing through their world and the dark army has caused trouble there as well.

  "The dwarves behind me are going to be a true surprise to you, your highness. The dwarf leader in the shining armor is the descendant of Alig."

  "The Norn king?" Romullee asked in complete awe. Obviously tales of the Norn king were legendary in the elven world as much as the dwarven world, Darius thought. "I always wondered where they had gone after the great battle."

  "Yes," Janus jumped back in, "this is Dorvin, the latest king in the line. He has led a force of dwarves and humans from his country. They are the men that are being brought here first."

  Thinking of the reinforcements, Romullee shook forearms with Dorvin and asked, "How soon can these troops be brought over to join our forces then? Soon I hope."

  Janus spoke first even as Dorvin eyed the elf king appraisingly, "We were hoping to bring another six thousand men over the next three days. If you can loan a few wizards to me, my lord, then perhaps we can get them all here in a day and a half. The other soldiers of Tolmona wait in reserve. We worried that the Dark One might send his forces behind us and attack the cities that were no longer defended. We wouldn't want that, because then the Tolmonans would be forced to keep their men back home instead."

  "Yes," Romullee answered slightly less convinced, "we wouldn't that to happen. Oh, well at least the men that you have brought will help anyway. With you and the wizards, and the Norn, of course, we still have a much better chance of stopping him here than before the rest of the kingdoms can fall. If only we could have even more of their forces to help us here, then maybe we could push back his forces for good."

  "But your majesty," one of the wizards began.

  A dark look was sent to the man for interrupting. "Not now, Vorlein."

  "What is it that he has to say?" Darius asked quickly. He was very curious to hear what the wizard had been about to say as he sensed that it would contradict his king in some way.

  "We still don't know which side they're on, Vorlein," Romullee ignored Darius and scowled at the elf. The wizard stepped back a step as if he was fearful, though his face revealed only calm.

  Janus placed a hand upon the king's shoulder and asked, "Who are you talking about, Romullee? If it is important enough for the chief wizard to bring it up, I would like to hear about it."

  The king held his scowl and replied testily, "I said that it was not important and I am the king."

  Janus face dropped the caring uncle facade in a blink. "You are a king, a mortal king. Do not presume to use your fleeting power on me, boy. If it is important, then I want to know. Now."

  The king looked ready to throw a temper tantrum, but suddenly he seemed to notice everyone staring at him. Fearing that he was acting like a child rather than king, Romullee gestured to Vorlein as calmly as the young man could. "Tell them what you know," was all he would say from the light chastisement from the Holy Knight.

  The wizard stepped forward again and gave a slight bow. "Yes, my king. A week ago the void between the worlds was disturbed from the other side and again a day ago. The second disturbance was even more violent and strangely enough it centered on the first. Perhaps you would like to have a look for yourselves?"

  "Yes, I would," Darius exclaimed out of curiosity surprising most of them by his insistence. Janus gave him a quick look even as the wizard blushed slightly from embarrassment. The elf nodded even as he nursed a smile trying to pull free from the edges of his mouth.

  Vorlein led them through a side door into a small room occupied only by a single large mirror and a pair of wizards. They were still in a trance before the mirror and images of woods and people slid past quickly. Vorlein quickly asked everyone to be still a moment. Slipping into a trance, the elf wizard stood only a moment before the images came to a sudden halt upon the glass. Darius could see himself and those directly next to him reflected in its surface before the images began again. Flipping at first, the mirror came to a halt looking down onto a clearing filled with winged monsters and clumps of men mixed in between them.

  Darius thought that it was perhaps a battle of the Dark One against a human force, but quickly realized that it was actually an encampment shared by both. "Humans working for the Dark One?" he asked quietly of Vorlein.

  "We don't believe so. In fact, we've seen them join together with factions of the dwarves for more than one battle against the dark army."

  The mirror moved around the camp and Darius noticed a giant of a man with white hair talking with a silver haired, but smaller, man. "Wait. Go back to those two men again."

  Vorlein, looking uncertain at first, slipped lightly into his trance to communicate with the other two again. The picture moved back to the white-haired men.

  "Who are these two?" wondered Darius aloud as he suspected the nature of their help.

  "We're not sure and we haven't had the luxury of time to send a messenger to find out just yet," King Romullee replied quietly. He took a glance from the side of his eyes to check Janus' reaction. The knight did nothing and the king went on, "He seems to be this army's leader. That's the big one. The second man arrived in the camp only a day ago, though we couldn't discover what other men
he might have brought along with him."

  "That dwarf seems to be sticking close to the smaller man," Darius noted. Janus nodded with a look of being impressed by the quick, intuitive judgment of the relationship. "What is with him?"

  The wizard Vorlein smiled, "The dwarf is the only other one that we found in the camp after the second man arrived. Assuming he must have come from one of the dwarf armies nearby, we still don't know why he is staying so near to the second man though."

  "Well," Darius said quietly, "I think that maybe we should go find out what their intentions are here. I think that I would like to be there when the messenger goes. If I am correct, then our forces will have another warrior of legend from our world to help lead our forces against the Dark One." Electra gave him a look and he quickly added, "Electra and Bagheer will be going with me. We only need a guide to take us there, I think."

  The king looked a little surprised by the request, but nodded. Janus also looked at him as if he too were going to question him. Instead, the elf only said, "I guess that you will not be missed too much here. I believe that his majesty will allow me to borrow a few wizards to help bring the rest of the army over."

  "Of course, Janus," the king replied though he suddenly sounded less than happy to give up his wizards to do so. "When would you like to go then, Wizard Darius? I will have a squad of hunters join you on your mission there."

  "Tomorrow morning, if we can," Darius replied. "I would go immediately, but first I need to rest after the effort to help bring everyone here."

  "Tomorrow it is then," Romullee said and seemed unusually happy with the idea.

  Darius kept an eye on the young man the rest of the day spent in the keep. Wondering if the king was waiting for him just to leave, so that he might have less men of power to contend with, Darius was glad that Matalchus was still there to take his place to watch over the elves.


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