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Fix You

Page 30

by Carrie Elks

  Richard leaned over to whisper something to Ruby, brushing his lips against her cheek. Her face lit up, reminding Hanna how much Ruby adored her big brother. Before she could say anything else, Fatal Limits walked onto the stage. Tom led them out and slapped Matty on the back as he climbed up into the drummer’s seat. She watched as he twirled his drumsticks, throwing them in the air and catching them, causing Molly to squeal with delight as she watched her brother horsing about.

  Tom walked up to the microphone. “Hello, everybody.” The crowd cheered wildly. “I’d like to thank you all for coming tonight to see these talented kids put on a fantastic show.” He paused while the applause continued. “We’re going to start the evening off with a couple of songs. We haven’t played together for a while, so forgive us if we miss a few notes.”

  Hanna smiled at this. Fatal Limits had split up over five years ago, but had agreed to come together to play this charity event. Just one more thing to be grateful to Tom for.

  “And for our first song, I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine. This is Matt Larsen, our drummer, and my favorite godson.” He winked at Matty who smiled back shyly. Hanna and Richard clapped loudly, causing Molly to put her hands over her ears.

  “Can you beat us in, Matt?” He called out. Matty lifted his drumsticks, his face frozen in concentration as he silently counted his beat. He started a slow rhythm, his sticks cueing in Robert on guitar, and everybody started to scream as they realized the song they were starting with.

  Hanna felt tears come to her eyes as she watched her son play in time to the song Tom had written for him. Dear Matty had been a number one hit for Fatal Limits the year after Matty was born, long before she had told Richard about his son. It was bittersweet to watch their son accompany Tom’s band as they played it.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off him. Richard squeezed her hand before lifting Molly from her arms. Salt stung at her eyes as a sense of pride overwhelmed her. Matty looked like a professional, never missing a beat, always leading the song. She bit her lip in an attempt to stem the flow of tears.

  “He’s fantastic,” Richard whispered in her ear, and she could only nod. Her ability to speak seemed to have been swallowed up by the emotions sparking through her body. To be standing there with Richard and their girls, as they watched their son in his first performance seemed absolutely perfect. She couldn’t have asked for anything more.

  THE CONCERT LASTED for two hours, and Hanna found herself crying more than once as she watched all the campers put their hearts and souls into their performances. Many of them came from deprived backgrounds and had never been to a theater or to see a concert, yet they came across as consummate professionals. Even those with stage fright managed to swallow it down and take fearful steps across the stage.

  By the time it was over and all the donors had been thanked, Molly had fallen asleep in Richard’s arms. Her tiny head lolled against his shoulders as they walked toward the camp, her mouth moving softly as she breathed. It hurt Hanna’s heart to see her husband holding their last baby, and it made her want to make more with him. He was such an amazing father to them all.

  “Claire said she’d take the children tonight,” Richard whispered. “She thinks you deserve a break.”

  Hanna looked at him quizzically. “Are you planning something?”

  “Only a bit of quality time with my wife.” He winked, walking into the large family cabin they’d built a few summers ago. “Maybe you can put those shorts back on.”

  She laughed. “They’re the most horrific things I’ve ever worn. I think I cut them down myself a few years ago.”

  “They’re the sexiest thing you’ve ever worn.” He put Molly down in her cot, lifting the blanket over her sleeping body. “I can’t stop thinking about the way you looked in them.”

  “My ass was half hanging out.”

  “My point exactly.” He pulled her toward him and brushed his lips across her forehead. “It’s how I like you best, all dressed down, with a band tee on, your hair flying in the wind as you watch the music play. It reminds me of when I first met you.”

  His fingers lingered on her bare arms. Her body tingled to his touch.

  “Maybe you should always wear a tuxedo. That’s how I remember you.”

  “The hotel staff would think we’re crazy.” He pushed his fingers into her hair. “You in cut-offs and me in a dinner suit. I’ll look like your sugar daddy.”

  Hanna grinned. “It sounds delicious. You pay for dinner and I’ll pay you in kind.” She stood on her tiptoes to push her lips onto his. She could feel him harden against her stomach. Her own body clenched with need.

  “I like the way you negotiate,” he murmured before kissing her hard. His tongue plunged into her mouth, lashing against her own. For long moments they continued to move against each other, their hands wandering as they reconnected. Hanna felt him grab her ass to pull her against him, his hardness pulsing against her.

  “Get a room,” Nathan complained as he walked into the cabin. “Jesus, anybody would think you were newlyweds.”

  “Give me a break. I haven’t seen my wife in two weeks.” Richard laughed into her hair. “And I have got a room, so thanks for the suggestion.”

  Nathan stopped mid-walk. “Are you guys going to a hotel?”

  “Don’t even think about it. I asked Claire first,” Richard warned.

  “It wouldn’t be too hard for them to look after all the kids. Lucy and I could join you there.”

  Hanna started to shake with laughter as she felt Richard bristle. Their romantic night was fast turning into a family reunion. She let her husband stew for a moment before stepping in.

  “Nathan, if you let us go alone, I’ll look after the kids for you next weekend. That way you can plan something nice for you and Lucy.”

  Nathan looked at her, cupping his bristled chin with his hand. His eyes narrowed as he considered his options.

  “You’ll look after them for two nights? Friday and Saturday?” he questioned.

  Hanna nodded. “You don’t even have to hurry home on Sunday.”

  “It’s a deal.” His face split into a grin. “I can’t wait to tell Luce. I can’t remember the last time we were alone.”

  “Nor can I,” Richard replied dryly, before turning to Hanna. “Shall we go say goodbye to Matt and Lily, sweetheart?”

  IT WAS GONE midnight by the time they got to the hotel, and the restaurant had already closed. They ordered room service, sitting in the complimentary robes as they devoured burgers and fries, Hanna’s bare feet resting in Richard’s lap as they talked.

  “I promised the children we’d be back in time for breakfast,” Richard admitted, setting an alarm on his phone. “We have six hours and twenty-seven minutes left of alone time.”

  “I’m glad you planned it to a ‘T,’” Hanna replied. “I’d hate to miss out on those twenty-seven minutes.”

  “You can do a lot in twenty-seven minutes,” Richard protested, his fingers rubbing gentle circles on her feet.

  “You can!” She started to laugh. He moved his hands up her legs, stopping to caress her calves, his fingers delighting in the sensation of her soft skin. He’d missed this; being alone with her, making each other laugh. Making each other do other things.

  “Lily says she’s sick and tired of this world being run by men. She’s planning to run for president when she’s eighteen.” Richard looked up at Hanna as he spoke. “Apparently there should be laws against boys teasing girls.”

  “She was fed up because NJ and Matty said she couldn’t climb the tree.”

  Richard pulled her toward him, lifting her hips until she was straddling him. Her knees rested on either side of his thigh. “She reminds me of you. I remember how feisty you were when we first met. I got hard looking at you.”

  Hanna leaned forward to wrap her arms around his neck, wriggling on his lap. “You got hard when you pulled my ass against you.”

  “I always get hard when I pull your ass
against me, sweetheart.”

  He pushed up so she could feel the evidence of his arousal between her thighs. He was enjoying this: their gentle banter, the touching and kissing. When they were apart he was constantly thinking about her. Being together gave him peace.

  “Are you going to do something about it?” she asked archly. The smirk on her face belied her amusement.

  “I’m not sure. I feel like we skipped a whole stage in our relationship. Maybe we should try dry humping.” He flexed his ass and brushed against her again, causing a groan to escape her lips. There was nothing between them except their underwear, their robes hanging open from frantic touching.

  “You go ahead and dry hump.” Hanna licked a trail from his ear to his neck. “It’s a bit too late for me. I’m wet already.”

  Richard laughed. His head tipped back as she ran her lips down his neck. “I think we can work with that.”

  “I love the way you’re so adaptable.” She ground herself down on him. Richard reached out to grab her hips, steadying her against him. He wasn’t joking about the dry humping. He was already reaching the edge.

  “I find negotiation leads to a result which satisfies all parties.” He winked before tipping her chin up, capturing her mouth with his own. Her hands pushed inside his robe, the terry cloth falling from his shoulders until his chest was exposed. She dipped her head to lick his nipple, the sensation shooting straight to his dick.

  “Can we finish the talk right here?” he asked.

  “You’re the one who’s over forty, darling. If you think your back is up to sex on the couch, far be it from me to say no.” She shrugged off her own robe, naked apart from her boy shorts. His mouth watered as he scanned her body; taking in her soft skin, full breasts and sweet, undulating hips. He didn’t know what part of her to attack first.

  He chose her breasts. He ran his hands over them before pushing her down to the couch, her hair cascading across the dark fabric. He rolled her until she was lying on her robe, figuring the soft cloth would be preferable to hard leather.

  “You know, it’s less than a year until you hit the big four-oh.” He ran his lips down her throat. “You won’t be able to make fun of me then.”

  “I’ll always be able to make fun of… oh!”

  He wrapped his mouth around her nipple and sucked, effectively silencing her. She arched her back, pushing herself into him, and he placed a hand under her spine to support her.

  Christ, he loved this woman. They’d known each other for more than twenty years, been married for eight, and had three beautiful children they both adored. Yet he could never get enough of her, regardless of where they were. He wanted every part of her. The feisty girl who wouldn’t take shit from anybody. The loving mother who worshipped the ground their children walked on. The beautiful wife who delighted in teasing him, and always gave as good as she got.

  “Next time we do this, you’re going to wear those shorts,” he growled, finally sliding his tongue against her.

  “Yes, god yes,” she agreed.

  “I’ll push them to one side, and plunge my fingers inside you, feeling you clench against me as I suck you hard.” Oh, he was pulsing now. He felt the urge to take her hard, to make her head hit the arm of the sofa every time he thrust.

  “I’ll cut off every pair of jeans I’ve got,” she warned.

  “You do that, sweetheart.”

  He laid his body on hers, feeling their flesh coming together until they moved like one, an overwhelming sense of peace engulfing him. After two weeks without his family, without the woman he adored, he was finally home.

  He loved every moment of it.

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  Halfway Hidden


  Carrie Elks lives near London, England and writes contemporary romance with a dash of intrigue. At the age of twenty-one she left college with a political degree, a healthy overdraft and a soon-to-be husband. She loves to travel and meet new people, and had lived in the USA and Switzerland as well as the UK. An avid networker, she tried to limit her Facebook and Twitter time to stolen moments between writing chapters. When she isn't reading or writing, she can usually be found baking, drinking wine or working out how to combine the two.


  Fran, Kate and Meredith; you three were there at the beginning, and I’m so grateful for all your help with the story. Your friendship and good advice mean the world to me.

  All my thanks to Meire and Flavia; your unstinting support and belief in me is amazing. I really wouldn’t be here without you both. Whenever I read your emails or messages they always put a smile on my face.

  Jennifer Harris proofread this book, and she did so with professionalism and humor. Simone Beauvoir; thank you for your hard work on this, it was great to make a new friend.

  Lucia Valcikova, your unerring support, both in messages and on blogs, always makes my day. I always enjoy reading your thoughts on a story, and thank you for the insights you give me.

  Thank you to all my family, who put up with a wife/mum/daughter/sister who disappears for hours on end, last seen bent over a laptop and furtively typing. Hopefully this book will prove I really am writing, not just inanely surfing the information super-highway. Although I have to admit, I do that, too.

  To my online friends, and those who are members of the Fix You Facebook group, you all put a smile on my face every morning and keep it there throughout the day. I couldn’t do this without you guys. Thank you for always being there. I wish I could name you all, but that would take another chapter.

  Special mention to all the bloggers who supported my last book—Halfway Hidden—and are already proving great support to this one, too. You’re a writer’s best friend, and I truly appreciate all the hard work you put into your blogs. You guys rock. Dani from JustBookedBlog arranged the blog tour for Fix You, and she did it with professionalism and panache. I truly appreciate her hard work.

  Finally, thank you for buying this book. I truly hope you enjoyed it. If you did, I would be grateful if you would leave a review on Good Reads or Amazon. It’s incredibly helpful for me, and will hopefully help others find their way to this story.

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents





















  Twenty One

  Twenty Two

  Twenty Three

  Twenty Four

  Twenty Five

  Twenty Six

  Twenty Seven





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