Wrath of the Usurper (The Eoriel Saga Book 2)
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A Note on Time
Eoria and it's twin world, Aoria, orbit Auir in a long, slow cycle that lasts six hundred and ninety nine days. Thus, one complete rotation is known as a 'cycle' rather than a year. Cycles are split up into twenty four months of twenty nine days. Each month has four weeks of seven days plus a 'feast' day on the first of the month. In addition, there are three holidays that are not in a month. The first is the summer solstice which is also considered New Years Day and is commonly called Janus's Day or Sundering Day. The second is Ravin's Day, midway between fall equinox and winter solstice. This is sometimes called “Raven's Feast,” and is considered a day when spirits of the dead are most active. The last is Andoral's Day upon the winter solstice. This day is generally considered an inauspicious day to most of the people of Eoriel.
Cast of Characters
Achen: Captain Achen is a Prefect Captain of the Citidel of Boirton. He is particularly well known for not showing up to his watch shifts.
Aedel: Samen's wife, she was killed when Grel's company destroyed Watkowa Village.
Aerion Swordbreaker: Originally from Watkowa Village, the son of Eleanor. Aerion was captured by Grel the Hound after the village was destroyed, then sentenced to the Traitor's Death by Covle Darkbit. Aerion serves under Lady Katarina's growing army. Aerion has become a Royal Guest of King Simonel Greeneye after returning a powerful artifact to him.
Aktan the Black: Also known as Aktan of the Black Fortress, Aktan was a sorcerer who terrorized the southern regions of the Duchy of Masov for almost a century. He was defeated by Duke Peter's forces at the Battle of Black Peak Pass. Before he revealed himself, he traveled the lands as a mage, pretending to help people and actually experimenting upon them with sorcery. Since mages could identify him, he killed any that he could. Many of his creations still haunt the region around Black Peak Pass.
Albert Gerhard: Admiral Albert Gerhard is the senior admiral of the Boir Ducal Navy. He is a long-time friend of Admiral Christoffer Tarken. He has three sons, seven grandchildren, and thirteen great-grandchildren. He is dedicated to duty and, although advanced in age, still works long hours at the Admiralty House in order to ensure the safety of his lands.
Alexia Bardain: Lady Alexia Bardan was the wife of Duke Peter of Masov. She was born and raised in Marovingia and, unlike her husband and children, was not of Starborn bloodlines. Her father, General Bardain, is a noble and General in the Marovingian Legions, and her mother was the granddaughter of the last Duke of Taral.
Alfanz Pattersen: A senior Admiral of the Boir Ducal Navy, he was stabbed to death while visiting his mistress. It is suspected that it was done by one of Admiral Hennings agents.
Alfanz Wachter: A Midshipman in the Boir Ducal Navy, he is the son of Captain Elias Wachter, and was assigned to the Southern Fleet. Since Admiral Hennings took it over, there has been no word about him to his family.
Altus Richtoffen: The new Baron Richtoffen, Altus's father was the Minister of Defense for the Duchy of Boir. Altus left Boir's Army in order to take over his father's lands and has conducted a private investigation into the murder of his father.
Amelia Bacher: Grand Duke Andros's second wife. She was great-grandmother to Lord Admiral Christoffer Tarken, Lord Admiral Hennings, and mother to Hans Bacher, Angelika Bacher, and Marie Bacher.
Amelia Tarken: Daughter of Lord Admiral Christoffer Tarken, Amelia has lived a mostly sheltered life. She discovered her younger brother, Xavien, experimenting with sorcery and reported him and he had her tortured, beaten, and raped as part of a ritual to expose the Eastwood to attack. She survived and escaped and has been a Royal Guest of King Simonel Greeneye. Under Tirianis's tutelige she has discovered that she possesses mind magic.
Andoral Elhonas: Also known as the Kingslayer, Andoral was an ancient and powerful warlord from the time of the Wold and Viani's kingdom. He slew their king and tore down their civilization in an era of war that killed off the majority of Eoriel's population. He is worshiped and revered by the Armen, for he bred them to be his warriors. He was a powerful fighter, proficient wizard, and utterly ruthless in his goals. Though he is without physical form, his spirit exerts some manner of control over his followers even several thousand cycles after his death.
Andros: Grand Duke Andros was the grandfather of Grand Duke Becket, Lord Admiral Hennings, Lord Admiral Christoffer Tarken,
Angelika Bacher: Wife to Gerrad Hennings and mother to Lord Admiral Hennings.
Antella: A young Wold who hunted in the Nadir Ebelli.
Anton: The father of Baron Estrel and Halyna Kail, Baron Anton was a skilled leader and military commander and was the Baron of Longhaven for a long time. Under his guidance, Longhaven became the wealthiest holding in the Duchy of Masov and a trade rival of Boirton.
Aralanar: One of the most skilled spiritspeakers among the People of the Eastwood, Aralanar foretold that Simonel Greeneye would be born with the blessings of Maghali Mede. She was also the lover of Simonel's father for a long time, though they never had any children together. She was exiled for trying to kill Simonel just after his birth.
Aramer Jameson: A self-proclaimed Herald of the High Kings, Aramer seldom travels anywhere without a disguise due to a number of powerful enemies. He is known to Lady Katarina's forces as Arren Smith, with a few exceptions to include Eleanor, Aerion, and Cederic.
Arren Smith: a pseudonym for Aramer Jameson. Arren is an adviser to Lady Katarina and has a wealth of experience.
Artar: The Baron of the Iron Fortress in the Duchy of Asador, Baron Artar is one of the most powerful noblemen of those lands. His brother was Othis and he is a sworn enemy of Lady Rachel Ingail and her daughter, Kerrel. It is rumored that he is unable to have children.
Bala Darkriver: Most often known as Countess Darkriver, she is a Noric-born woman who has risen from virtual slavery to commanding the most powerful mercenary unit in the Five Duchies and a noblewoman in her own right. Duke Peter awarded her the title of Countess and gave her a grant of land for her services to him. She is growing old, but is still fit enough for campaign. She has a daughter and two sons: Rela, Trel, and Nor, all of whom serve in the Mongrels.
Baran Andars: Kerrel's second in command, Baran runs much of the day to day operations of the Flamebrands. Baran has worked with Kerrel for many years and his family has strong ties to hers. Baran is a capable tactician and a good soldier.
Bartek: An older soldier who served in Duke Peter's army, he now serves as the commander for Third Company for Lady Katarina's forces.
Becket: The former Grand Duke of the Duchy of Boir. Grand Duke Becket and most of his immediate family were killed in the attack on the Citidel orchestrated by Xavien Tarken.
Benedykt: A former soldier from Duke Peter's army, he served as an officer.
Brooke: A mage who lives near the Tucola Forest, she claims to be the most talented mage alive. She knows Aramer and was in his debt. She hates and abhors sorcery. She has a large cream and brown hunting cat as her companion.
Brussels: A Carpenter's Mate from the Ubelfurst, Brussels was assigned by Captain Elias to guard Lord Admiral Tarken. Brussels is an Earthblood Mageborn, with dark, pebbly skin and heavy muscle. He is often underestimated by opponents as being of below average intelligence due to his Earthblood heritage.
Bulmor: Bulmor is the last surviving Ducal Guardsman of the Duchy of Masov and Lady Katarina's personal bodyguard. He has very little trust where the safety of his charge is concerned. He also acts as her military adviser and strategist.
Cederic: A shrouded wizard and a disciple of Noth, Cederic is a practitioner of Dragon Runes. He came to the Five Duchies after receiving a message from Aramer, and he works with Lady Katarina to restore her to her rightful place in the Duchy of Masov. Cederic seeks to restore the reign of the High Kings and defeat those who would see the Five Duchies in ruins.
Ceratul: the Warmaster of the People of the Eastwood, Ceratul is an ancient and skilled warrior. He tends come to a decision quickly and it can be ve
ry hard to change his mind once it is made up. Ceratul distrusts Amelia due to her connection with the attack on his people, but he welcomes Aerion after seeing the boy's skill and determination when fighting the Armen.
Christoffer Tarken: A nobleman of the Grand Duchy of Boir as well as one the the senior Admirals in its navy. He has three children, Gustav, Amelia, and Xavien. Xavien dabbled in sorcery and was executed, Gustav was killed fighting the Semat Armen, and Amelia is missing, presumed dead, after an attack on Boirton's Citidel.
Covle Darkbit: Covle is the bastard son of one of Masov's senior noblemen. Rejected by his father, he first took position as a Ducal Guardsman for Duke Peter, but was exiled after he attempted to blackmail the Duke to allow him to marry Peter's daughter, Katarina. He spent much of his exile in Boir, where he became a companion of Xavien. On Xavien's orders, he returned to Masov and offered his assistance to Lord Hector, which led to the murder of Duke Peter and Hector taking over the Duchy of Masov. Covle has continued to work with Xavien, though he bears outward loyalty to Lord Hector.
Dale: Private Dale is a commoner who signed on with Lady Katarina's forces. He serves in First Squad, First Section, Third Company.
Dalton: The self-proclaimed Emperor of Boir, Dalton led a popular uprising in the Duchy of Boir several centuries ago. He killed the Grand Duke of Boir and his entire family along with two thirds of the nobility of Boir. His armies conquered all of the Duchy of Boir, parts of the Duchy of Taral and were defeated by an alliance between Taral and Masov. Dalton was executed after his defeat, but he was survived by a number of children.
Diana: The Baroness of Verlische, she is the Minister of State for the Grand Ducy of Boir and also acts as the spymaster.
Dunnis: A midshipman aboard the Ubelfurst who commanded her Marines.
Eleanor: Aerion's mother, Eleanor was the cook at the inn in Watkowa Village. Before the birth of her son, she was an adventurer of some skill and she traveled with Aramer. Eleanor's goals are seldom stated, she seems to want to protect her son most of all, though occasionally she takes actions that might seem to counter this.
Elias Wachter: A Captain in the Boir Ducal Navy, Elias is a solid, dependable sort. His family is descended from a line of Ducal Guardsmen and he harbors sentiment for the Restorationist movement. His eldest son is a Midshipman in the Southern Fleet, his younger son is a member of the Order of King Gordon, and his daughter and wife live in Boirton.
Erich: The Baron of Rothlim. He heads the Grand Duke's Council as the High Minister and manages much of the day to day operations of the Grand Duchy of Boir.
Estrel: Baron Estrel was the last Baron of Longhaven, he was assassinated by his cousin, Lord Hector, for refusing to properly defend his lands against Armen raiders. His death caused Duke Peter to evaluate Hector as a threat.
Fenteren: Admiral Fenteren was the Commander of the Southern Fleet for the Boir Ducal Navy. He died under mysterious circumstances at Freeport, just after Lord Admiral Hennings arrived. It is strongly suspected that he was poisoned by one of Lord Admiral Hennings' agents.
Frederick Erlamar: Sir Frederick is the Commandant of Instruction for the Order of King Gordon and the father of Marie Wachter. He is also the uncle of Sir Harald Erlamar.
Gantarel: A Wold hunter who was impressed by Aerion's skill. He ran in the Nadir Ebeli.
Garrel: Lord Garrel is the youngest son of Earl Joris of Olstyn. He is mostly ignored by his older brother and father and prefers it that way.
Gedrain: A Wold hunter with close ties to the Wizard Listania. He tried to kill Lady Amelia Tarken from ambush. Later, she challenged him and defeated him through the use of her mind magic.
Gerlin: Gerlin is a halfblood, of mixed southerner and Armen ancestry. He has served Lady Katarina since the murder of her father. He is a skilled scout and a talented fighter.
Gerhing: Corporal Gerhing is a former militiaman who signed on with Lady Katarina's forces to fight Lord Hector. He serves as the Squad Leader for Second Squad, First Section, Third Company.
Gerrad Hennings: The former Earl of Trelhaven, Lord Gerrad Hennings was married to Angelika Bacher. He and his wife were lost at sea along with their eldest son, leaving their younger son, Lord Admiral Hennings, as the Earl of Trelhaven.
Gervais Wachter: A Knight of the Order of King Gordon, Gervais is Captain Elias Wachter's younger son. Like his father and brother, he is descended from several Ducal Guard who served the old Grand Dukes, before the rise of Emperor Dalton. He is also a Restorationist.
Gorich: Gorich is a former militiaman from Zielona Gora who has signed on with Lady Katarina's forces. He serves in First Squad, First Section, Third Company.
Grel the Hound: Grel is a mercenary and sellsword who has worked for Hector for many years. Grel was the one who struck down Duke Peter for Hector. Grel has secretly come to work for Xavien. Grel is a bloodthirsty and ruthless man, who enjoys murder, torture, and all manner of cruelties.
Greta Wachter: Greta is the daughter of Captain Elias Wachter and his wife Marie.
Gunther: Captain of the first windship he carries a commission in the Boir Ducal Navy. He is also a member of the Iron Wizards and skilled in both Artisan runic magic and Artifice enchantment. He was the investigating authority sent by Grand Duke Becket to confirm Christoffer Tarken's son Xavien was practicing sorcery.
Gustav Tarken: Lord Admiral Christoffer Tarken's eldest son, Gustav was the Captain of the Boir Ducal Navy ship Mircea. He was captured by the Semat Armen when they ambushed the Northern Fleet on Xavien's orders, and tortured to death. His presence of mind and strong will impressed Siara Pall, who was his healer while he was imprisoned and tortured.
Gustav: Grand Duke Gustav was the leader of the Grand Duchy of Boir during the time of High King Haden. He sided with the High King at the Battle of the Plains of Sorrow.
Gwen Wallace: A mercenary captain from the Duchy of Taral. Captain Wallace's men guard Covle Darkbit, a task which she finds unpleasant.
Haden: The last of the High Kings. Haden had two sons, Moral and Terin. Moral acted as his general and Terin as his emissary. When Moral was defeated in Noriel and demanded for more men, Haden sent Terin to talk his brother down. After Moral killed Terin, Haden demanded that Moral return home to face justice. Moral came back with his army and Haden martialled one to meet him. They met at the Plains of Sorrow in the Duchy of Boir. In the fight, Moral couldn't stand against the Starblade, but Haden hesitated to kill his own son. Moral wrenched the Starblade from his father's grasp and struck him down with it, causing it to shatter.
Halyna Kail: The illegitimate daughter of Baron Anton and his mistress, she was the half-sister to Baron Estrel, his son. Halyna is the mother of Duke Hector and according to gossip, was the mistress to Lord Mikhel, Duke Peter's younger brother.
Hans Bacher: The youngest son of Grand Duke Andros and Lady Amelia Bacher. Hans is entirely focused on his studies of the natural world and has no interest in politics or strategy. He has publicly denounced any claim on lands or inheritance of his family, beyond the small stipend that funds his research and travels.
Hans Richtoffen: A senior Admiral of the Boir Ducal Navy, he fell, or was pushed, off the balcony of his manor house. He's been bedridden ever since and may never walk again. He is the brother of the former Baron of Richtoffen.
Harald Erlamar: A knight of the Order of King Gordon, Sir Harald is their Master of Arms, in charge of all of their military efforts and expeditions. He is descended from a line of Royal Guard and a strong proponent for the restoration of the High Kings. He once traveled with Eleanor and Aramer, though it has been a long time.
Harela: Sergeant Harela was a hunter whose family lived in Watkowa Village. She signed on with Lady Katarina's forces to avenge them. She serves in Second Company.
Henderson: A mercenary captain from the Duchy of Boir. Henderson's company had a reputation for ruthlessness and callousness. They were killed at Southwatch, working with the Armen and Norics at Grel's command.
nings: Lord Admiral Staven Hennings is the Earl of Trelhaven and is one of the senior officers in the Boir Ducal Navy and a close relative of the former Grand Duke Becket. His wife is Lady Lindsee, the sister of Lord Admiral Tarken's deceased wife. His last assignment was under Admiral Fenteren in the Southern Fleet, who died under mysterious circumstances. Lord Admiral Hennings took charge of the Southern Fleet and has stated publicly that he believes the Duke's Council murdered Grand Duke Becket and his family. He has threatened to have forces loyal to him to move on Boirton if he is not appointed as the next Grand Duke of Boir.
Hector Kail: Lord Hector is the Usurper Duke of Masov. He killed off his uncle, Duke Peter along with Peter's entire family, everyone except for Katarina. Hector is pragmatic to the core. He will sacrifice whatever he sees as necessary to achieve his goals. His current effort is to liberate the Lonely Isle from Armen occupiers in order to better defend his lands. Hector's mother, Lady Kail, is the former mistress to Duke Peter's dead brother. Hector's followers include Grel the Hound, Covle Darkbit, Zabilla Nasrat, and Kerrel Flamehair. His son, Cyryl, was a halfblood from a marriage with Tiara, an Armen woman from the north. Hector is estranged from his son and his wife was killed in an attack by Armen.