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Tell Me Lies

Page 25

by Michelle Lindo-Rice

  Lance nodded. “What’s your dad saying about your decision to quit?”

  “He’s supportive. My dad wants me to be happy. Find my own way. Maybe I’ll go to New York or something.”

  “New York?” Lance shook his head. “That’s too far.”

  “I’m not married. I don’t have children. My father’s willing to pay all my expenses. I look forward to getting out of Port Charlotte. Once I get the foundation going, I have nothing to keep me here. I can start another anywhere. They’ll always be women in need.”

  Belinda had no intentions of waiting on the sidelines.

  “And what about the fact that I told you how I felt?” Lance asked.

  She rolled her eyes. “Of course it means something. I love you, too but I know it’s not going to work.”

  His jaw clenched. “You don’t know that. Who are you? God?”

  “Our romance is like a soap opera. It’s dragging on with no happily-ever-after in sight.”

  “I can’t believe you would fix your mouth to say something like that.”

  “I’m only being practical. What would I look like marrying my best friends’ ex?”

  Lance swung into the parking lot and pulled into a spot. “You don’t have a clue, do you?” Lance asked.

  She shook her head. “What do you mean?”

  “If you have to ask…” Lance trailed off. “You think it was easy asking Sydney’s best friend to marry me? You think I don’t care that it hurts her and you. But I love you. Don’t you get that? My love is greater than what’s sensible.”

  She could tell he was waiting. Waiting for her to say something that would give him hope, but the words were stuck in her chest, near her heart. She was afraid to say anything. After a few moments, Lance relented. He jerked the door open. “Let’s go.”

  Belinda realized she’d hurt him more than she thought possible. “Lance, please understand.”

  He strode ahead of her, all man, all hurt pride. Tears welled. She sniffed. Now was not the time to second-guess her actions or fall apart.

  She hurried into the restroom and slipped into her coral, floor-length gown. Then she applied her makeup. Once she was done, she appraised herself in the mirror. On the outside, she looked good. On the inside she was a mess.

  Belinda opened the door to see Lance waiting. He held out his hand to take her belongings. “I’ll take these to my car.”

  Her heart melted. He was mad and hurt, but he still cared. And no matter how many times she ran from him, he returned. He kept coming back. He was either sadistic… or in love. Had she made a mistake?

  “Belinda! Hurry up,” Ellie called out.

  Belinda waved and rushed down the hallway.

  “Everyone and I mean everyone is here.”

  Belinda entered the hall and eyed the massive crowd. There had to be close to three hundred people present. DJ Roy Bramwell had the crowd pumped. Some were already cutting up the dance floor. Others milled about talking and laughing. Ushers hired for the event kept their glasses filled with water, iced tea, or lemonade.

  She loved the blue and gold drapes and decorations. Specially placed white balloons made it elegant yet festive.

  Belinda looked at the huge blue banner with the “Carmela’s Closet” written in yellow lettering. Her heart swelled. She hugged Ellie.

  “Thanks for all your help. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  Ellie squeezed her tight. “You’re going to help so many people and this will be the event of the town. I’ve never seen so many fancy gowns and bling in one room.”

  Belinda agreed. “Do you have the live stream ready?”

  Ellie nodded. “Yes, everything is all set. The Beulah Belles runway should end about eight-thirty. The limousine will be waiting for you, myself and Sydney to give a live tour of the center.”

  “Is Sydney here?”

  Ellie pointed in the far corner. “She arrived with Pastor about an hour ago to help. She said she knew you’d be late.”

  Belinda giggled. “She knows me well.” She felt a pair of male hands encircle her waist and her heart relaxed.

  “If she isn’t late, it isn’t normal,” Lance said.

  Belinda smiled up at him. “I thought you were mad at me.”

  “I was. But this is your time to shine. How about we agree to have fun and pick up our argument later?”

  Belinda’s heart smiled and she squeezed his hand.

  The band started playing. Belinda rocked her hips to the beat. “That’s my jam. Let’s get these people dancing. This is not going to be a stuffy affair.”

  Belinda and Lance went through three line dances before dinner was announced. They joined Sydney and Noah at the head table. She hugged her father and kissed him on the cheek before finding her seat. Ellie was also there with a huge, handsome man. Belinda gave Ellie the eye.

  “I’ll tell you later,” Elle whispered.

  Belinda gave her the thumbs-up sign.

  She turned to say something to Lance, but he was no longer sitting beside her. Then, she heard an unmistakable bass voice call her name from a microphone.

  “Belinda Santiago, can you come up here, please?”

  Her brows furrowed. What was Lance doing? She told him she was not going to give a speech. Ellie and Noah would speak on behalf of Carmela’s Closet.

  Lance called her name again. Belinda scanned all the smiling expectant faces. She made her way up to the podium. She was going to blister him good for putting her on the spot in front of all these people. As soon as she was within hand’s reach, Lance wrapped his arm around her waist. Self-conscious and acutely aware of Portia’s glare, Belinda tried to push her way out of his arms. But his arms felt like bricks. She was imprisoned.

  Through clenched teeth she asked, “What are you doing?”

  Lance held up the microphone. “I’ve been loved and I’ve destroyed it, but I’ve never experienced being in love before.”

  “Oh no, he didn’t,” Portia called out. She was seated somewhere in the middle.

  Belinda eyed Portia from the corner of her eye. She saw Sydney beckon to Portia to sit down. Why Sydney loved that ghetto chick was beyond her. Bad enough she was loud, but her bright orange and gold dress with that crazy blond wig made her stand out.

  Lance continued heedless of the irate younger woman. He dug into his pocket for a box and dropped on one knee. “I’m asking you again in front of all these people in hopes that you won’t publically embarrass me.” He smiled. “Will you please do me the honor of accepting my proposal for marriage?”

  “Seriously? I know you’re not doing what I think you’re doing?” Portia yelled. “Ouch.” Someone must have pinched her arm.

  Belinda took the cordless microphone from Lance and scanned the crowd. Her heart raced. She didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t believe he asked her to marry him in front of Sydney and nearly the entire population of Port Charlotte.

  “Look,” Lance continued. He got down on one knee. “I know we didn’t start this relationship off the right way, but now I want to be the right man for you, because I know you’re the right woman for me. I meant it when I asked you the other day. I hope this risk I’m taking in front of God and everyone we know is proof that I mean business, baby.”

  She still didn’t answer him. Just then she saw Noah moving toward them. He stopped at Lance’s side. He urged him to get off his knees, but Lance refused. “You told me I had to grovel. That’s what I am doing,” Lance spoke to Noah through the mike. He held out a hand to her. “I’m not getting up until you agree to marry me.”

  His voice cracked. Was the impenetrable Lance Forbes going to cry in front of all these people?

  “I love you, sweetheart. I came back to Port Charlotte for you.”

  “Girl, don’t do that to him,” one of the women shouted.

  “Say yes,” someone else cheered.

  “Tell him yes before I do,” another voice rang out.

  Belinda heard the women. Her he
art smiled at their encouragement. She looked over at Sydney. She saw her friend wiping at her eyes. She hoped Sydney wouldn’t be hurt by what she was about to do. Belinda mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

  Sydney waved her off and mouthed back, “Say, yes.”

  Even Portia was smiling.

  Belinda looked down at Lance. “Get up,” she said.

  “Not until you say yes.”

  Belinda shook her head and covered her face. She couldn’t believe she was going to say the words that were bubbling up inside her, but she did. “Yes, Lance, I’ll marry you.”

  Lance jumped to his feet and slid the ring on her finger. “She said yes.” He whooped. “We’re getting married and you’re all invited.”

  The room filled with applause. Belinda blushed and then smiled when she caught her father’s eye. He nodded approval and once again, her heart filled with love.

  Lance escorted her to their seats. He shook Noah’s hand. “Thanks, man. Groveling works.”

  Noah chuckled. “Yes, it does, although I didn’t expect you’d go out like this in front of everybody.”

  Lance laughed. “I figured I’d only regret it later if she said ‘no’.” He jutted his chin. “So, will you marry us?”

  “Yes. But it will be after my own wedding. You’re not getting your bride down the aisle before I do.”

  At the mention of the word, bride, Belinda touched her chest. Oh my goodness, she was going to be someone’s wife. Lance Forbes’s wife. God was a God of miracles. She never thought the mess she made could have a happy ending.


  “That was some proposal,” Ellie said, hunkering next to the giant next to her. The three women and the giant were in the limousine and on their way to the center for the official presentation.

  “I can’t believe he did that in front of everyone,” Belinda said, eyeing the rock. “But he did good.”

  “That ring is the size of Gibraltar. I’d say he did better than good.” Elle poked Hunter in the ribs. “I hope you’re taking notes.”

  Hunter grunted before looking out the window.

  Sydney eyed the silent, imposing Thor look-a-like. Hunter looked like a military man or an FBI agent. Her curiosity peaked. “So, Hunter is it? How did you and Ellie meet?”

  Ellie opened her mouth, but he held up a hand. “We met in an unexpected place.”

  Ellie gave him an odd look, but didn’t volunteer any more information.

  That answer told her nothing. Besides insisting on riding with them, Hunter was not one for conversation.

  “That’s not saying much,” Belinda said.

  “He’s usually a magpie,” Ellie said. “I don’t know what’s with the G.I. Joe act now that he’s around you.”

  Sydney watched his face tighten at Ellie’s remark. Was that his look of embarrassment? It was hard to tell. His face was as tough as granite.

  “Magpie?” Belinda laughed. “I don’t believe that for a millisecond. You talk enough for the both of you.”

  “Shut up!” Ellie grinned. “You’re so wrong for that.”

  “You know it’s true.”

  Sydney watched Belinda and Ellie share laughs and smiled. She liked the gregarious woman. Hunter grimaced. Was that his version of a smile?

  Ellie jabbed Hunter in the chest. “You could defend me.”

  “I don’t defend lies,” was all he said.

  At that, Sydney and Belinda dissolved into fits of laughter. It seemed as if Hunter had a sense of humor.

  “Thanks for coming with us, Hunter,” Sydney said.

  “It’s my pleasure.”

  He sounded tortured.

  “He says he didn’t want to leave my side,” Ellie said. She swooned at her words. “Isn’t that romantic?”

  Sydney frowned. Hunter didn’t appear to know the meaning of the word romance. In fact, he looked uncomfortable in his suit and every now and again he brushed his jacket. “Do you carry a gun?” she asked.

  He zoned in on her then. “Why do you ask?”

  He was deflecting. Which meant he did.

  Her senses went on alert. She had a hostile witness on the stand. “Answer my question.”

  “If needed.”

  “And you feel a need to pack at a charity ball?”

  By now, everyone in the limo had tuned into their conversation.

  “Suds, give the guy a break,” Belinda said, trying to ease the tension. She smiled at Hunter. “You have to forgive my friend. She’s always in the courtroom. So unless you’re Noah Charleston, you’re subjected to her skepticism and scrutiny.”

  Sydney shimmied close to Ellie and whispered, “I’ve handled men like him in court. He’s hiding something. Be careful.”

  Ellie shrugged not the least bit intimidated. She spoke in a loud voice. “I’m an expert shot. I own several guns.”

  Hunter looked at Ellie with an expression that could only be described as awe. “You can shoot? How come you never told me that? I don’t know much church folks with guns. What guns do you own?”

  “I have a Rossi Plinker, a Taurus, an LCP, which glows in the dark and a Smith and Wesson.”

  Hunter looked at her like he was in love. “How do you know so much about guns?”

  Ellie nodded. “My father was an expert marksman. He was ex-military and a cop for twenty years.”

  That got Hunter talking. “I served two tours in Afghanistan. Weapons were my area of expertise.” And, Ellie was right. He was a magpie. He chattered on about firearms citing facts Sydney had no desire to know. Then he asked, “Have you ever heard of the Shot Show?”

  “Of course, you’d have to live under a rock not to know about that,” Ellie said.

  Belinda and Sydney eyed each other.

  “Do you know about it?” Belinda whispered. Sydney shook her head.

  “I have tickets to go. I can take you,” Hunter said.

  Ellie’s eyes widened. “How did you get tickets?” She lifted a hand. “On second thought, I don’t want to know. Of course, I’m going.”

  “See, you have nothing to worry about,” Belinda said. “They’re peas in a pod.”

  “Only white folks,” Sydney said back.

  Belinda shook her head. “You’re so wrong for that. You know that’s not true.”

  The limousine pulled into the center. Sydney eyed the Carmela’s Closet sign and touched her heart. “You did it, Belinda.”

  “We did it,” Belinda said.

  “I’ll go out first,” Hunter said.

  Sydney didn’t know a big man could move that fast. He was out the limo and seemed to be scoping out the place. Then he gestured to them to exit. Hunter helped all three of them out of the limousine.

  There was a huge pink bow on the door. Ellie rushed back to the limousine to get the huge scissors.

  “Are you ready to go live?” Belinda asked.

  “Am I ever,” Ellie exclaimed. “Hunter hold this for me. I forgot the camera. You distracted me with all that gun talk.” She shoved the huge scissors in his hand and ducked into the limousine.

  They walked close to the door. Ellie set up the device. “Are we live?” she asked someone on the other end.

  “We see you,” Portia said. They waved.

  Sydney heard a screech. Noah raced into the parking lot and swerved into a space. He and Lance jumped out. “We couldn’t let you do this without us.”

  “Now I wish I had done the ball here,” Belinda said.

  “But you wanted to have the center open and ready to go.”

  Ellie addressed the crowd. “We are pleased and honored to perform the official cutting of the bow.”

  Hunter handed Belinda the huge scissors. All of them huddled to the front.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re so excited to present to you the grand opening of Carmela’s Closet!”

  Belinda snipped the bow. It floated to the floor.

  They went inside. They walked to the far end of the building before Hunter froze. “Get them out of here!” he com
manded. “It’s not what I thought. It’s worse.” His voice boomed into the empty space.

  Sydney’s feet were frozen. “What’s going on?”

  Noah sprinted toward her and snatched her into his arms.

  “Lance!” Belinda yelled. She was hoisted in the air. Her dress rode up her thighs. “What are you doing? We’re live on screen and now the world has a full view of my behind.”

  “Get out of here,” Hunter screamed at Ellie. “I have three minutes at best.”

  “I’m not leaving,” Ellie yelled.

  Hunter lifted her and sprinted past Noah and Lance. Within seconds he was back inside.

  Noah and Lance took the women to safety.

  “Why are we running out of there?” Belinda asked once Lance placed her on the ground

  “I don’t know. I saw Noah running, so I ran.” Lance bent over to catch his breath.

  “You’re such a … I don’t even know what,” Belinda said.

  “What just happened in there?” Sydney shouted at Noah.

  Noah’s words made their knees buckle. “It’s a bomb.”


  Noah watched Matthew being taken away in handcuffs on his television screen. Sydney was asleep in his spare bedroom. She’d been distraught. It’d taken hours to soothe her to sleep. He knew he’d face some serious questioning tomorrow.

  “I can’t believe he’s finally captured.” He looked at Hunter. “How did you tie him to the attempted bombing? How did you know there was a bomb?”

  “As luck would have it, I know the guy he hired. He reached out to me about a potential million-dollar job. All we had to do was set a bomb somewhere here in Port Charlotte. He wanted me because I work clean and I’m untraceable.” Hunter spoke without arrogance. He was stating the truth.

  “That’s not luck. That was God. The center will open tomorrow as planned,” Noah said. “I take it this friend of yours isn’t untraceable?”

  “He’s good, but I’m better.”

  “So when you said you think you know what Matthew had planned, you knew this would happen?” Noah asked.

  Hunter shook his head. “I told you I thought he’d try to attack their pocketbook. Crush their dream. I thought he’d bomb the center when it was abandoned. I bunked out there for three nights in a row, but nothing. It wasn’t until we entered the place with the women that it clicked. Matthew had all the women in one place at the same time. The center. And what better time than at the charity ball. That was a statement.”


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