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Fallen For You (Killer Next Door #1)

Page 5

by Carlie Sexton

  She tried to pull away, but he didn’t let her go. He instead whispered to her, “I’m really looking forward to spending Friday evening with you and getting to know you better.”

  Her insides pulsed as his hot breath tickled her ear. “I’m looking forward to it too,” she whispered back. Then he let her go and she opened her car door.

  “Here’s my card in case you need to get in touch with me,” Neil said, offering it to her. “My home number’s on the back.” He whipped out his phone and asked for her number, and then stored it safely in his cell.

  “See you at seven.”

  “See you then,” she said as she got into her car.

  Driving away, she couldn’t help but feel a warm sensation flood her body. Neil was the first guy she’d let get close to her in what had felt like forever. The first guy she’d been on a date with in years. The first guy she’d wanted in years. Well, with the exception of her classmate, Mark. Maybe she could move on and find the joy in a relationship like Charlie and Mitch had. She hoped she was right in thinking it was worth a try.

  It was about eleven when she pulled into her parking space. She carried the huge bouquet of flowers up the stairs. Roger’s door was open, which struck her as odd. She really wanted to get inside and put on her pajamas, but he called out to her.

  “Hey,” he said, with a hint of worry in his voice, “I was beginning to think something had happened to you.”

  Roger stood in his doorway, staring at the flowers. His brow was creased and he looked visibly upset.

  “Everything’s fine. You don’t need to worry about me. That’s my mom’s job,” Kate said, growing annoyed she was explaining herself to him. Who does he think he is?

  “Of course it is,” he said carefully, trying to salve the irritated tone he must have detected in her voice. “I hadn’t heard you come home and I thought something might have happened to you. It’s a big city with a lot of crazy people in it.”

  “Thanks for your concern, but I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself,” she said coolly.

  “Those are beautiful flowers. Are they from a friend?” he asked, sounding like a jealous boyfriend.

  “Yes, they’re from a friend,” she said, uncomfortable with the fact he was so interested in her and her flowers.

  “Oh, well, it’s that I told Rose all about you and she wants to introduce you to a great guy we know. I didn’t want to get his hopes up if you’re seeing someone.”

  “That’s really sweet, Roger. Maybe I could meet him sometime. Right now I’m beat and want to get to bed. Well, good night.”

  “Good night. See you tomorrow.”



  Roger stepped back into his apartment as he watched Kate’s door close. He couldn’t believe she said the flowers were from a friend. His hands clenched into fists. There’s no way that was possible. He had a rival for her affection. Who was this guy sending her flowers? He needed to read the card to find out what was going on. In about an hour or so, he’d sneak in with a flashlight and get to the bottom of this. Maybe he’d watch her for a while. It’d be a pleasure to be close to her and she wouldn’t have anywhere to go. He had to be patient and wait. Thanks to Rose’s parents watching her girls, Rose was passed out in his bed, so she wouldn’t notice him gone.



  Kate stepped inside her apartment and locked the door. What a strange interaction. Was Roger stalking her? She strolled in and set the flowers on the dining room table. They brightened up the apartment considerably. It had been years since anyone had given her flowers. She wanted to talk to Charlie, but she was already asleep. All of her news would have to keep until the morning. Dragging herself into her bathroom, she got ready for bed. It had been a big day for her. Just as she was slipping between her sheets, her phone rang.

  “Hello,” she said, surprised someone was calling so late.

  “Hi, Kate. It’s Neil. Sorry to call so late. I was hoping you were free for lunch tomorrow. I can’t wait until Friday night to see you.”

  A larger than life smile spread across her face. “I don’t have any lunch plans for tomorrow. I’ll be done with class after twelve. I could meet you,” she said.

  “How about lunch at Seaport Village? We could meet at the Harbor House.”

  “Sounds great. Will one o’clock work for you?”

  “That works. I’ll see you then, Kate.”

  “See you then,” she breathed.

  Kate pushed the end button and stared up at the ceiling. He’d said he couldn’t wait to see her. Joy spread through her body like she was a child unwrapping presents on Christmas morning. Content, she drifted to sleep quickly with Neil occupying her thoughts.



  Roger waited until he was certain Kate and Charlie were sleeping. He crept into their apartment, stopping first at the bouquet. He turned on his flashlight and read the card. The flowers were from a man named Neil who wanted to take her to dinner. Roger knew what that meant. Without a last name he wouldn’t be able to research this guy on the web, but he wasn’t going to let this guy get in the way of having Kate.

  Carefully, he opened one of the bedroom doors. He had a fifty-fifty shot of getting it right the first time. He tiptoed into her bedroom and stood near her bed, watching her as she slumbered. His military training had taught him how to move without making a sound, so he wasn’t worried about getting caught. Moonlight shone in from the window, highlighting her form. Kate was so beautiful. His heart quickened; the glimpses of her arms and shoulders sticking out from the sheets were bare. She slept in the nude. He could just see the side of her left breast beneath the fabric.

  He gently pulled the sheet down to reveal both of her breasts. What a beautiful rack she had. He could feel the surge in his groin as he gawked at her. He so wanted to bend down and wake her up by licking her nipples, but he knew she’d freak out if she woke up. At least that’s what happened when he’d done this with a previous tenant at another complex he’d managed. He had to play this right if he was going to get what he wanted. He didn’t just want to have sex with her. No, he wanted to possess her. He wanted her to be in love with him, fulfilling all of his desires, so he knew he couldn’t risk scaring her off. She was sleeping soundly and seemed dead to the world, but touching her was too much of a gamble. He became as hard as steel and his heart pounded faster. How he wanted to be inside her tight body, making her scream out his name as she came hard all around him.

  Kate stirred a little and turned over. Roger didn’t want to take the risk she might wake up and see him or feel his presence. He quietly moved toward the door and let himself out. Glancing at Kate’s bouquet, he wanted to take the flowers and throw them out of the window. But, for now, all he could do was go back to his own apartment, back to Rose. She was sleeping in his bed.

  Getting Kate was going to take some finesse. At least he could sneak in and see her any night he wanted and she’d never know. He had the added bonus of knowing she slept au naturel. The next time he’d pull the sheets down farther and take a look at the rest of her body. He wanted to see her sweet slit, the spot he had plans of invading. He was looking forward to that and so much more.

  When he slid into bed with Rose, he ran his fingers across her breasts, rousing her out of sleep. His hard-on was raging. He needed a release and she was right there in his bed. Rose turned over and opened her eyes slightly. She was somewhere between a dream and being awake.

  “Rose, I need you.”

  “Anything you want, baby,” she mumbled. Within seconds, his hand was between her legs, rubbing her clit. She began to purr and arch her back. He slid his finger in her and as usual, she was wet and ready. He wanted her mouth on him so he thrust himself up to her lips and she began licking his tip. She took him into her mouth and began sucking. He imagined she was Kate licking, biting, and sucking him. Closing his eyes, his fantasy came to life. As Rose continued to swirl around him with her mouth, he
came long and hard. He was so ready from having seen Kate’s beautiful body. Watching without her knowing made his pulse race. Rose swallowed. Roger collapsed on the bed and immediately fell asleep.



  Kate woke up feeling strange around four o’clock. She’d dreamt about someone touching her breasts. Licking them. Teasing them. Biting them. She was pulsing between her legs. Did she have an orgasm in her sleep? She’d been dreaming about Neil. She couldn’t quite remember all of her dream, though. It was hazy. All she knew was she wanted him in the worst way. She turned over and tried to go back to sleep, but it was difficult because she kept thinking about his body pressed against hers in their embrace as he said goodbye to her after coffee. She finally drifted back to sleep only to hear the alarm go off within what seemed like a few minutes. She got up and headed for the kitchen. Charlie was already up. Smelling the delicious aroma of coffee as she walked down the hall, she couldn’t wait to tell her best friend what had happened. Charlie was sitting with her cup at the dining room table admiring the flowers.

  “Good morning,” Charlie chirped. “How was your day yesterday? By the looks of these flowers, I think it must’ve been interesting. Sorry I wasn’t up when you got home.”

  “It was very interesting.” Kate poured herself a cup of coffee, added cream and sugar, and then sat down next to Charlie. “I worked hard to ignore that good-looking guy, Mark, I noticed the first day of school. I also had my mentor meet-and-greet after my classes.”

  “Oh, yeah. How was it?”

  “Well, Neil Statton, my mentor, stood me up,” she said, shaking her head.


  “It gets better. He tracked me down at work and was seriously relentless. He sent me flowers, then came to the store to shop for baby clothes for his pregnant sister, and then insisted on buying me a coffee after work. We went to The Cheesecake Factory. At first his persistence was totally annoying,” Kate said, sipping her coffee. “But by the end of our coffee date, I found it charming and he had won me over. We have a lunch date today,” she said, relaxing in her chair.

  “It sounds like Neil’s very interested in you,” Charlie said with a wide grin. “It’s about time you get out there again and have a life. David would want you to have a life.” She reached her hand out to touch Kate’s.

  “I know,” Kate whispered, too emotional to say anything else. “But something weird happened last night too.”

  “Weird? What do you mean by weird?” Charlie asked.

  “Roger seemed to be waiting for me when I got home. He was upset I was getting home so late. He said he was worried about me. Then he questioned me about my flowers. It really freaked me out.”

  “Oh, I bet he has a crush on you. It’ll probably go away. You have to realize men are going to like you. Sounds like you had a banner day in the man department yesterday.”

  “You could say that. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I also have a date with Neil on Friday night. We’re going to PF Chang’s for dinner after I get off work. But I am really nervous about it. I’ve found myself imagining what it’d be like to be with him. I dreamt about him last night. I don’t want to go too fast, but I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to resist him. He’s gorgeous and commanding.” Kate pushed away from the table. “Let me show you what I mean.”

  She walked over to pull her cell phone from her purse. She Googled Neil and then handed her phone to Charlie.

  “Yeah, I see what you mean,” Charlie said, gazing at his picture. “Well, if he has half a brain in his head, he’ll realize you’re worth the wait. You don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. But do try to be open. This is really exciting, considering everything that’s happened. You deserve to be happy,” Charlie said, still looking at Neil’s picture. Her eyes were riveted to the phone.

  “Thanks, Charlie. I really needed to hear that.”

  Charlie nodded. “You’re welcome. I’ve got to get going,” she said before putting the phone down. “I have a meeting at work this morning. I’ll see you tonight.” She reached down to hug Kate.



  When Neil strolled into work, he had a spring in his step he’d been missing for quite some time. The ridiculous grin plastered on his face got the attention of the other lawyers and assistants as he sauntered past them, saying his good mornings and wishing everyone a wonderful day. Kate had occupied all of his waking time since their coffee date. He couldn’t wait for their lunch date or for Friday night. He wanted to hold her close and not let her go. Somehow, she’d already pierced his heart.

  “Good morning, Mr. Statton,” his assistant, Laura, said as she looked up at him from her desk.

  “Good morning, Laura.”

  Neil entered his office, keeping the door open. That was Laura’s cue to come in. He sat down at his oversize desk and began rifling through the files she’d left for him.

  Laura peeked her head in. “Can I get you some coffee?” Laura was always smiling at him. He knew she liked him, but she was his assistant. He knew it wasn’t wise to screw around at work. His father had taught him that. She was smart, beautiful, and sweet, but he never acted on his attraction for her.

  “Coffee would be great. I’ll take it in my father’s office,” he responded. Laura hurried to get the coffee.

  Neil knocked before entering his dad’s office even though the door was open. “Good morning, Dad.”

  “Good morning, Neil,” his dad said, glancing up from his work.

  Neil sat in one of the leather chairs across from his dad’s huge mahogany desk. “Dad, I’m going to get straight to the point. I took our conversation from last week to heart. You were right.”

  “Well, it’s music to my ears. Which conversation was that, son?” he asked, looking over the top of his reading glasses.

  “You know, the one where you brought up the four F’s.”

  “Yes, I remember,” his dad said knowingly, nodding his head. Laura came in with the coffee.

  As she bent forward to hand him his coffee, Neil could see down her blouse to her lace bra. She sure did dress sexy for work. “Here you go, Mr. Statton. May I get you anything else?”

  “No, that’ll be all, Laura. Thanks,” he said dismissively, averting his eyes from her cleavage.

  “You were bringing up the four F’s,” Neil’s dad said, continuing the conversation.

  “Yes, I agree with you. My MO with women has been to find, fool, fuck, and forget. I have done this for years now. But I met someone I think could be very special to me.”

  “Good, you’re thirty years old. It’s about time you met someone you could become serious with. Time to move on with your life and be a grown-up. Does this young lady have a name?”

  “Her name’s Kate and I’m having lunch with her today. I also have a dinner date with her on Friday.”

  “Glad to hear it. I want you to be happy and have the life you deserve. You’ve been alone for too long.” Neil’s father jotted a note on the file he was reviewing.

  “I think you’re right.”

  “Good. Now let’s get to work. We have a lot to accomplish today. The Thompson case has some new evidence we need to go over before we meet with them. Have Laura get the file for you.”

  “Will do.” Neil left his dad’s office and went back to his own. He buzzed Laura for the file. He also told her to rearrange his afternoon. He was planning on taking at least a two-hour lunch.



  As Kate got ready for school, her stomach was doing calisthenics. She got up a little early to spend extra time getting ready since she’d leave school and go directly to Seaport Village. Why was she so excited to see Neil? Was it that he was direct and sincere? She somehow felt safe when she was with him. Why was that?

  She slipped into the cute turquoise dress she was going to wear on her lunch date. It was classy sexy, showing off her figure, but not too much cleavage. It had been a long time since she’
d wanted to look good for a man. Meeting him had ignited her long-buried passion, and she didn’t just want to look good for him—she wanted to look hot for him. She was starting to emerge from the cocoon she’d wrapped herself in, and was ready to experience life again.

  Entering her first class, she found a seat as far away from Mark as she could get. But damn if he didn’t look good in his jeans and the white polo shirt that covered his muscular form, showing off his chiseled arms and shoulders. You’d think she wouldn’t be able to swoon over Mark when she’d been dreaming about Neil, yet there was something about Mark that also drew her attention. Maybe this was like a starving person being invited to a banquet. She was so hungry that everything looked good. As he got up from his desk in one graceful motion, moving effortlessly toward her, the pounding in her chest escalated, and she was slightly overwhelmed by his intoxicating scent.

  “Good morning. Your name’s Kate, right? I’m Mark,” he said with his hand outstretched. “Looks like we had the same idea to get here early. I hope you don’t mind if I sit next to you.” He flashed his gorgeous smile.

  Shaking his hand, Kate said, “Yeah, I’m Kate.” Then she motioned for him to sit. She wanted to be casual. So many of the other girls had thrown themselves at Mark shamelessly, practically groping him and laughing at every word he uttered. She wasn’t going to be obvious like that. Under no circumstances was she willing to become a groupie, nor would she give him the satisfaction of showing her attraction for him. But having him close to her sure did cause a stirring in her body. She tried not to squirm in her seat, but it was difficult considering his piercing gaze paired with his beautiful green eyes.


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