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Fallen For You (Killer Next Door #1)

Page 6

by Carlie Sexton

  “It seems we have all of the same classes together this semester,” Mark said. “I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you in every class I have.”

  “Do we?” she asked, trying not to sound too enthralled with him. They did have all the same classes this semester and she knew it. It was hard not to notice him. He set all of her senses on high alert.

  “This is great. We should form a study group,” he said.

  “Great,” she responded. As if she were being rescued, more students strolled into the classroom. The girls arrived and began to swarm around him. She began to feel a twinge of jealousy, but she wasn’t sure why. Today was the most they had ever spoken to each other. Part of her was relieved they had been interrupted. He seemed like way more than she could handle. But, then again, so did Neil.

  When her class ended, she left abruptly, preventing Mark from having a chance to talk to her more. She appeared to be the only female student who didn’t fall all over him and she wanted to keep it that way. Why did she care about the other girls being interested in him, anyway? Perhaps it was the boost to her ego that he was interested in her while so many other pretty girls were fawning after him. It was difficult enough wrapping her mind around Neil without her focus being interrupted by Mark.

  In their second class, the professor had written “pop quiz” on the board. Kate figured he wanted to see if students were keeping up with the reading assignments, but she’d outlined some of the chapters listed on the syllabus before the semester had even started. She took out her notebook and began reviewing them. As more students showed up, the chatter began. It was a good distraction from her thoughts about Neil and Mark. Only two days ago, she didn’t have any men to think about. Now, she had two gorgeous guys who were occupying her mind and causing stimulation in her body like a volcano about to erupt.

  Mark sauntered in like a panther on the prowl. Unfortunately, most of the classmates around were guys, so she didn’t have the insulation of his fan club. He flashed his dazzling smile—the smile that could make her weak in the knees. No doubt his smile worked for him every time he unleashed it, which explained his unnerving confidence. Her only strategy was to use avoidance or be vague.

  “Hey, are you ready for the quiz?” he asked.

  “Hmm…about as much as I can be. I’ve been looking over my notes, so I feel pretty good,” she said, running her fingers through her thick hair. She really didn’t want to engage in a conversation with him because he made her palms feel clammy and she’d decided he was about as good for her as eating an entire chocolate cake all by herself. Even though the thought seemed entirely delicious. Fortunately, their professor showed up and began passing out the quiz to the students who were already seated and then passed out the rest as the remaining students entered the room. He took attendance and told them to begin.

  Kate had a little bit of difficulty concentrating on her test. She couldn’t get Neil or Mark out of her mind. It had been an interesting turn of events since yesterday. As she brought her finished exam up to her professor, Mark got up at the same time. Had he watched and waited for her to finish? Maybe she had as much of an effect on him as he did on her. As they locked eyes, she felt the twinge to her insides again. Mark gave her his sexy smile again. She placed her exam in the tray on her professor’s desk. George looked up and nodded at her. She then turned and headed for the door, not acknowledging Mark, but, of course, he was right behind her. Feeling his penetrating green eyes burrowing into the back of her head, she predicted he’d attempt to talk to her again in the hall. Up until now, she’d been able to avoid being close to him except for in class, but she feared resisting his charms would prove to be an insurmountable task considering he made her pulse race.

  “So, how did you do on the quiz?” he asked, moving in close to her side.

  “I think I did okay, but it was really difficult,” she responded coolly. “How did you do?”

  “Well, the last essay question about a plutonomy had me perplexed. I don’t remember it being discussed at all in class or in the reading,” he said as he closed the gap between them. Now their shoulders were practically touching.

  “You’re right, it wasn’t discussed in class, and I don’t remember it from the reading either. But, George talks so much about thinking outside the box, maybe he wanted to see what we’d come up with. I thought about what plutonium is and wrote about an economy on the verge of exploding. That’s the only way I could make sense of it.”

  “Smart thinking. Maybe we could study together for midterms,” he suggested, placing his hand on the small of her back.

  She pulled away a little bit. His touch was exhilarating, but terrifying at the same time. “I don’t think so,” she said, even though she wouldn’t mind studying his anatomy. Her attraction for him was growing steadily by the second. She could understand why women followed him around. He was as mesmerizing to the female students as the Pied Piper had been to the children who heard his music and followed him.

  “Oh, do you already have a study partner?” he asked.

  “No, I don’t,” she answered, hoping he’d let it go.

  “Then what’s stopping us from studying together?”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea. Plus, you seem to have plenty of other girls who’d love to study with you. Why don’t you ask one of them?” she said, wanting to push him away.

  “Well, I don’t want to ask anyone else. I want to study with you,” he said somewhat forcefully. “I might enjoy flirting with the girls in class, but I haven’t gone out with any of them.”

  “Why are you interested in me? You could have any girl on this campus,” she said wearily, feeling her defenses weakening.

  “I don’t want any of the other girls on this campus, Kate,” he said, a frown on his gorgeous face—a face with chiseled fine features and big green eyes that had already seared their way into her heart. Then his face relaxed. “I’m not sure why, and I’m going out on a limb here, but I want you. I feel a strong connection with you. I’m mesmerized by your thoughts in class. You’re beautiful, intelligent, and, well, I think you’re sexy as hell. I want to know what makes you tick, Kate. I want to spend time with you. I want hours to go by with you and have it seem like minutes. I want to make you feel things you have never felt before. I’m sorry to be so forward, but you’re making me work hard to get your attention. And I like it. You’re not like the other girls.”

  His words pricked her heart, rendering her speechless. Her lips parted and she let out a small sigh. Her eyes were locked on his. In class she’d noticed he did give her his undivided attention when she spoke. She knew from the look in his eyes he wasn’t talking about studying anymore. He was standing close enough for her to breathe in his scent. She felt lost in his presence for a moment. But was he being truthful, or was he a player? Did she really care? Maybe it’d be good to let him have his way with her. She closed her eyes for a brief second, then suddenly came to her senses and realized they were going to be late for their next class. “We’ve got to go. Rhetorical Theory is about to start,” she said with a shaky voice, revealing he was having an effect on her. Could he smell the aroma wafting up from her wet panties? If they’d been in private, she had a feeling he would have investigated for himself what was going on inside them. But they weren’t in a private place, so he put his hand on the wall, effectively pushing her against it. He was looming over her.

  “Before we go to our next class, give me your phone number, please. I’d really like to call you and ask you on a date.” His proximity to her made her heart race even faster. He was on top of her and she realized she liked being in this confined space with him. She definitely wanted him to call her. She wanted to believe he was actually interested in her, instead of the probable truth of him being a player. Could she actually handle juggling two guys? Everything was in fast forward. But going on a couple of dates didn’t mean she was in a relationship with either of them. Her counselor had been encouraging her to get back out there and liv
e again. Neil and Mark had both awakened what had been dormant for years. She was going to let go of control and just see what happened.

  “Okay,” she said hesitantly. Last night she had experienced the same desires for Neil she was experiencing with Mark right now. Maybe she’d take things slowly and not let him in right away. Who was she kidding? This sex god didn’t do slow. She recited her number and he entered it into his phone. Then she broke free of him.

  “Excuse me. I need to use the ladies’ room before class.” She hurried away from him knowing he wouldn’t follow her. Dazed by his proximity to her, she was grateful for the chance to slip into the bathroom for a few seconds to regain her composure. She hoped he’d call. But then there was Neil, who she already had spent time with and knew she was attracted to. Perhaps they’d go to lunch today and find they had nothing in common. All she could do was take it one date at a time.

  How could she have such an intense attraction for two different men? How could these two different men be so similar in their mannerisms? Neither of them seemed to be able to take no for an answer. They were probably both control freaks. Smoking-hot control freaks, but control freaks just the same.

  As she walked into her next class, she glanced toward the back and saw Mark sitting with an empty desk next to his. It seemed like he was saving a seat for her. But another girl beat her to it and started drooling all over him. How would she handle this on a regular basis if they started going out? Who was she fooling? He probably wanted a one-time close encounter of the sexual kind.

  Listening to the lecture was virtually useless. Professor Miller was very interesting and Rhetorical Theory was one of her favorite subjects, but all she could think about was Mark. It was so sexy how he’d asked for her phone number. She couldn’t get it out of her mind, imagining herself in his arms, him kissing her deeply, his hands running through her hair and down her back, taking her clothes off. Her fantasy escalated as she envisioned him having his way with her. She wondered what it’d be like to be with him. Was he the kind of guy who made love or fucked? She imagined what he’d do to her if they did make love. These thoughts sent waves through her body. She had only a few minutes to freshen up between her last class for her date with Neil. This was crazy, but she was going to have to change her underwear when she got home. The only other guy in years to have this kind of effect on her had been Neil.

  She let out a slight moan when class ended. She had another class to attend, but she decided to blow it off so she could go home early and freshen up for her date. Going to the next class would have been useless. Her concentration was obliterated by her consuming thoughts of hot, steamy sex.

  She stopped one of her classmates, Jennifer. “Jennifer, I can’t make it to class. Would it be okay if I copy your notes next week?”

  “Sure. Is everything okay?” Jennifer asked.

  “I’m not feeling quite right. I need to head home,” Kate said, figuring it was the simplest explanation. Leaving quickly, she went back along the same corridor where her encounter with Mark had taken place. Mark was closing in behind her. He caught up with her in the hall.

  “Are you skipping our last class?” he asked, concern etched on his dazzling face.

  “Yes, I have an appointment and I don’t want to be late,” she said, a little guarded. She needed to get away from him so she could wrap her mind around her stimulating thoughts.

  “May I walk you to your car?” he asked in a gentlemanly fashion.

  “I guess that would be okay,” she found herself saying. Argh. What am I doing? Why would I let him walk me to my car? Am I a glutton for punishment? She’d spent the last hour thinking about this man. Part of her was secretly excited he wanted to walk her to her car. But the other part was panicked. Her mind was a whirlwind, more like a tornado, with swirling thoughts of sexy men. She had to tell herself to play it cool. Not to seem too eager. But she was eager. Eager to be alone with him.

  “But then you’ll miss our last class,” she said, hoping he might go to class instead of walking her to her car.

  “I don’t care. I can get the notes from someone,” he retorted.

  There are plenty of someones who’d love to serve up the notes and themselves on a silver platter. But maybe she was the one he wanted. Perhaps she intrigued him.

  When they passed the campus coffee shop, the freshly brewed aroma drew them in. Mark asked her if she’d like to get a coffee. Again, she found herself agreeing. What could coffee hurt?

  They strolled into the busy shop and waited in line. “What would you like?” he asked.

  “I’ll have a decaf with a shot of hazelnut,” she said, glancing around for a table.

  “Do you want anything else?” he asked.

  “No, coffee’s perfect,” she said a little too comfortably. She couldn’t believe she was letting her guard down with someone she’d viewed as a ladies’ man this morning. She didn’t want to come across as too interested only to be hurt if he didn’t call her.

  “I’ll get a table for us.”


  Mark ordered a regular coffee along with her decaf while she found a place for them to sit. The coffee house was busy with people talking and surfing the web. There was only one table available in the corner. He brought the coffees along with sugar and creamer to the table and sat down. He scooted his chair as close as he could to her. His arm was touching hers. For Pete’s sake, she thought. Why does he affect me so much? For some reason she couldn’t explain, his closeness didn’t make her uncomfortable. Nervous and anxious, yes, but uncomfortable, no. She put two sugars and creamer in her coffee. Mark apparently drank his without the added bells and whistles. They each took a sip of their coffee.

  “So, Kate, tell me about yourself.”

  “Well, there’s not much to tell. I moved to California with my mom and brother right before high school. I’ve recently moved in with my best friend, Charlie, I work at Nordstrom, and I’m considering becoming a teacher. That’s it in a nutshell,” she said, all of her nerve endings simultaneously firing. It was a challenge to concentrate with him so close to her. “What about you?” she managed to ask.

  “I’m kind of from everywhere. My dad’s in the Army, so we traveled all over the world while I was growing up. He was stationed in Europe most of the time. I’ve only been stateside since I started college at SDSU two years ago,” he said.

  It hit her like a thunderbolt. He’s three years younger. Do I really want to date a younger guy? Will he be mature enough for me? He seems suave and debonair, but maturity takes time and experience. Hmmm, something to think through.

  “Wow, you’ve had a very exciting life. I can’t imagine how amazing it must have been to travel to so many interesting parts of the world,” Kate said. “What was your favorite country?”

  “It’s difficult to pick one because each place is so unique. I’d have to say France was quite sensational. I loved the food, the scenery, the people,” he said, taking a sip of coffee.

  “I’ve always wanted to go to Italy and France. Both seem like amazing places. So much history to unravel,” she said, suddenly blushing. She wouldn’t mind if Mark unraveled her, even if he was younger.

  All these thoughts made her suddenly need to leave. Sitting this close to him was making her recall her fantasy from class. So, she made up an excuse. “I need to get going. My appointment’s soon,” she said firmly.

  Mark stood up and motioned toward the door. He looked like he was still going to walk her to her car. Her heart was fluttering as she thought about whether or not he’d try to kiss her once they arrived at her car. How would she handle that? She’d have to do the same thing she did with Neil last night.

  “Let’s go,” he said, holding out his hand to her. They walked out together holding hands for a moment. She wasn’t sure why she was holding his hand, but she did like it. Gazing down, she couldn’t tell where her fingers began and his ended. It seemed like their hands were a perfect fit.

  They walke
d along in silence until they got to the parking structure. Climbing the stairs to the second floor, he said, “Thanks for having coffee with me. I was beginning to think you didn’t like me or something.”

  “Well, to be honest, you seem like a ladies’ man. I didn’t want to let myself get too close. I’ve been really hurt in the past and part of me is still getting over it. But my friends have been telling me it’s time to get back out there, so I decided to throw caution to the wind,” she said, letting her vulnerability show in her eyes.

  A smile stretched across his face. “Thanks for the chance,” he said.

  They reached the third level of the parking structure. Since classes were in session, no one was around. They were completely alone. “This is my car. Thanks again for the coffee,” she said, looking up at him.

  “You’re welcome,” he said, bending down to plant a kiss on her lips. She turned her head and he kissed her cheek. She found her keys in her purse, unlocked her car, and got in. They said goodbye and she drove away wondering if Mark would really call her.


  Driving away from Mark, Kate realized she needed to switch gears. She was going on a date with Neil; this intriguing man who was the first man to make her feel alive again. She hoped he’d hold her hand and whisper in her ear again. God, he’s sexy.

  Seaport Village was one of her favorite places to be on a sunny afternoon like today, and maybe after lunch they’d have time to walk along the bay and enjoy the breathtaking views of Coronado. Watching sailboats go by was one of her favorite pastimes.

  She still had some time to drop by her apartment to freshen up. Climbing the stairs, she saw Roger’s door was open. Doesn’t he ever work? He came to the door, as usual, and looked her up and down, a very inappropriate look crossing his face.

  “Hey, I love your outfit. It’s very becoming on you,” he said salaciously. His tone sent shivers down her spine. She was wearing her favorite dress. Even though it was sexy, it wasn’t slutty. She hoped Neil would like it. She was expecting to see him in a suit, since he was coming from work. Being checked out by Roger in a way that made her skin crawl wasn’t what she was expecting.


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