Book Read Free

Asset Management

Page 16

by Annette Mori

  “Do you think that after Toni’s appetite is satisfied we can talk about our thoughts on smoking out the mole?” Sophie asked.

  “I vote for ice cream.” Kim smiled.

  “Ice cream’s good.” Dani made the thumbs-up gesture.

  “Junk food, it is. Toni, want to come with me to forage through the tunnels for strategy sustenance?” Char grabbed Toni’s arm and looped her own arm through it, leading her out of the control room.

  “And then we can talk about the mole, right?” Sophie called out to a departing Char and Toni.

  “Yeah, yeah, after food, we’ll have a powwow.” Toni chuckled. Sophie was always such a worrywart.

  “Hey, don’t get caught up in any other extracurricular activities while you’re getting food.” Toni heard Sophie mutter as the door shut.


  The corners of Char’s mouth turned up as she spied the treasure in the freezer. “Bingo, we hit the mother lode. I knew I could depend on Val to keep this stocked with Ben and Jerry’s. She usually crashes here unless she’s on assignment or relocated. She has a terrible sweet tooth. So how does chocolate chip cookie dough, cherry Garcia, and vanilla toffee bar crunch sound?”

  Char pulled out the three pints of ice cream and handed one to Toni.

  “So, six spoons? Not that I’m jealous or anything, but who is Val?” Toni asked.

  “Oh, yeah. Maggie won’t really admit it, but she loves ice cream. She eats it right from the container just like the rest of us.” Char waved her hand in the air. “Val’s just another agent. We’re barely friends. Besides sharing a love of all things sweet, our paths don’t really cross that often.”

  “Good. I’d hate to think I’m competing for your affections.”

  Char looked directly into Toni’s eyes. “There is no competition because I’ve never let anyone get remotely close before. It’s one of my rules. Don’t fall in love and don’t date fellow agents. It’s probably a really bad idea, but somehow I feel the need to change my rules.”

  “I never liked rules unless I could bend or break them.” Toni leaned in and kissed Char. The two pints of ice cream in Char’s hands created a barrier to a full-fledged embrace and Toni growled. “I suppose it’s a good thing the ice cream is in the way. Sophie will have a shit fit if we take too long.”

  “To be continued. Come on, let’s find the spoons and head back. You’re the one who started this little scavenger hunt, or was that your way to get me alone?” Char asked.

  “Clever girl.”


  Sophie was trying to exercise patience, but it wasn’t exactly her strong suit. She wanted Char and Toni to hurry up and get their asses back to the hub. They were probably playing kissy face right now.

  Just at that moment, Char and Toni strolled into the control room carrying their treasure.

  “About fucking time,” Sophie groused.

  “Soph, you are such a sourpuss.” Toni grinned. “So where should we put the treats?”

  “Let’s put them all on the table and everyone can just dig in. I hope you like our choices.” Char set her two pints down.

  “Good choices, sis. Hand me a spoon please.” Dani rolled closer to the ice cream.

  “I know this isn’t the most pleasant topic, but are we ready now to talk about our problem with the mole?” Maggie asked.

  “Kim and I were talking and believe me, I get it, because, although I’m not the most trusting sort—to think that someone you trust and depend on could be betraying you—well, let’s just say it doesn’t feel too good. I know you don’t think Ronda is a traitor and I hate wondering if Ted could be responsible either, but the only way to find out is to set a trap. Our plan has two parts because it’s always good to have contingencies. Maggie, I know you understand that because you’re probably a former girl scout like me, huh? Always be prepared.”

  Sophie held up three fingers. “Part one is to feed both Ronda and Ted false information about where we’re holed up. Part two is to use Toni’s brilliant biologic tracking prototype and track both Ted and Ronda. That’s the part that might take some advance planning,” Sophie explained.

  “Ronda probably won’t be as easy as Ted. She already knows about your business card, Toni, because she brought all the lab equipment when I suspected you had planted a biological agent in it,” Char noted.

  Toni glanced at Maggie. “Maggie, I think you’d be the best person to make sure she comes in contact with a material that will transmit the agent because she trusts you more than me now. I don’t think she’s all that thrilled with our new colleagues and it’s clear how I feel.”

  Sophie was surprised to see the look that passed between Char and Toni.

  “I have an idea about how we can assure that Ted absorbs the agent.” Dani dug into the ice cream container and shoveled a huge spoonful of chocolate chip cookie dough into her mouth before she continued. “Sophie can call him up and say she needs his help and then arrange a meeting in a public location. She can allude to where she’s holed up. I can go instead of Sophie and hand him the card with the false location written in Sophie’s handwriting.”

  “No way am I letting you do that,” Char bristled. “Kim, you’re a master with disguises. Do you think you could create one for me? I can hand him the card and since I’ve already got the tracking device in my system, it can’t transfer to me.”

  Char caught Toni’s eye. “Toni, would that work?”

  “Yeah, I can make it work. How will we know if either of them takes the bait? Just because Ted shows up at the false location, doesn’t mean he’s the mole. He could be trying to help Sophie.” Toni looked perplexed.

  “Toni, I know your place has a panic room. I think we should give that location to Ted, wait in your safe room, and see who shows. I know you have all kinds of surveillance equipment in there. If only Ted shows, I agree that doesn’t help us. However, if some of Viktor’s men show, then we know Ted is the mole. I’m sorry, I know that compromises your place because at this point only Kim and I know where you live when we come to DC,” Sophie explained.

  Toni blew out a puff of air and looked up at the ceiling. “Okay, I’m willing to sacrifice my privacy for the greater good, but I want to be waiting in that room to see for myself if Ted is as big a bastard as we suspect.”

  “You’re not going there alone. I’m coming with and if Ted is the mole, God help him because I think I might actually want to kill him for placing you and Kim in danger.”

  “Well, I’m sure not going to leave the two of you to all that fun. I’m coming with.” Kim shot out her hand and put it in front of Sophie’s face. “Don’t even think of saying no, Sophie.”

  Sophie sighed. “I know. You’re a big girl and you don’t need me acting like a Neanderthal.”

  “You guys are like the three musketeers. All for one and one for all. As much as I would love to join you, someone has to be at the other location in case Ronda is the mole. Can we all have the tracking app and a way to communicate with one another, in case the other group needs backup?” Char inquired.

  “Hey, you’re not planning on manning the other location all by yourself, are you?” Toni frowned.

  Maggie shook her head. “No, I’ll send at least three other agents as backup. I have just the location to suggest. We have a safe house that is equipped with surveillance equipment and they will see trouble coming well in advance. It should provide them adequate time to prepare for any possible threat. Do whatever you feel is necessary to protect yourselves, even if that requires elimination.”

  Maggie looked at Kim and Toni. “I’m sorry. I know that neither of you were in favor of that option, but if forced to act, we will do whatever is necessary to protect our own. The protection extends to all of you now.”

  Dani set the spoon down and folded her hands in her lap. “What can I do? I want to help.”

  Toni put a hand on Dani’s shoulder. “You can help with the overall surveillance and communication. If you see something odd with
anything, you need to let us all know. I trust your instincts. You’ll be the only one who will see everything from the thirty thousand foot perspective. Sometimes when you’re in the weeds, it’s hard to see the whole picture.”

  Char set down her spoon and kissed Toni on the cheek.

  Toni blushed.

  Sophie was pleased the group considered their scheme viable and everyone seemed to jump in and embrace their part of the plan.

  “Char, unfortunately all of my disguises are back at our hub in DC. I have the perfect disguise for you, but someone will have to retrieve it. Since I appear to be the only one who has escaped their scrutiny, I think it would be best if I went,” Kim offered.

  “I don’t think we should let you go without an escort. Maggie, can we send someone like Val to go with her?” Char asked.

  “Of course. I’ll call her right now and maybe she can get a few bites of her stash of ice cream.” Maggie winked at Char.

  “I know it’s kind of late, but maybe I should go tonight and then Sophie can make the call tomorrow and we can place the ball in motion. That should make it even less risky because we’ll have the veil of darkness as cover. I doubt they know the location of our hub.” Kim stretched and touched Sophie on the cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ll be perfectly safe.”

  “Ronda is still out on the assignment I gave to her, but she is due back tomorrow afternoon. Toni, can you provide me with the biologic tracking device by then?” Maggie asked.

  “I assume you have a fully functioning lab?”

  “Yes, we do. Char can show you.”

  “Yeah, I think I can manage to create a card for Ted and something else for you to give Ronda.” Toni scratched her head. “Any ideas on what we should use with Ronda. What could you give her that wouldn’t seem odd?”

  “She loves new gadgets. Could you do something with that? Or with a new weapon? She kinda likes her weapons,” Dani offered.

  “Perfect. Dani, whatever you have, I can make work. I’ll need to get your DNA, Maggie, so that the tracking device transfers to Ronda and not you. You should come with us to the lab right now. I have several hours of work before tomorrow morning.” Toni massaged the back of her neck.

  “Why don’t we all plan to meet back here at eight o’clock tomorrow morning and then we can make sure everything is set up. Maggie, have you assigned our quarters yet?” Sophie asked.

  “Char and Toni can take the quarters where they liberated Val’s stockpile of ice cream. Dani can take the adjoining rooms and I’ll show you to your quarters. Toni, let me show Sophie to her quarters and then I’ll come to the lab.” Maggie turned to Sophie. “I assume you want Kim to join you when she returns.”

  Sophie nodded.

  “Can I go with Char and Toni? I’d like to see her tracking prototype and maybe even learn a little more about biological technology.” Dani looked hopeful.

  “If Toni does not object, I don’t see why not.” Maggie smiled.

  “That would actually be great. I could use Dani’s help.” Toni grabbed the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and headed to the control room exit.

  Char grabbed her spoon and followed Toni.

  Dani tossed the cherry Garcia in her lap, picked up her spoon and rolled along behind Char.

  “Before I show you to your quarters, Sophie, let me call Val to escort Kim to your hub.” Maggie pulled her cell phone out and quickly punched in a number. “Hello, Val, yes, a quick errand is necessary. I apologize for the late call, but it is important to accomplish the run this evening. Yes, please come back to the Virginia hub and fortunately for you, there is still some vanilla toffee bar crunch left. Yes, that would be Char. Okay see you in ten.” Maggie touched Kim on the shoulder. “You might as well come with us and that way you will know which quarters you’ve been assigned to.”

  Maggie, Kim, and Sophie exited the control room and headed for the tunnel leading to the other part of the underground web.

  Chapter 21

  The false sunlight peeked through the fake window as Toni groaned and tossed her forearm across her eyes. “Shit, I just got to sleep.” She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Two hours ago.” She grunted and shut her eyes as she tried to go back to sleep.

  The chirping of the birds caused her to pry one eye open and her lips curved up as she remembered she wasn’t alone. She turned to a very naked Char and noticed the arm casually placed across her stomach. She thought how nice it was to wake up next to a beautiful woman. I could get used to this.

  Toni watched the sleeping woman. God, she was so damn beautiful, she took her breath away. The depth of her feelings scared her. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this way in the morning. Normally she couldn’t wait to get away. Her hand traveled Char’s body and she felt the first stirrings of life.

  “Good morning.” Char grinned at her. “Dani’s little inventions can be a bit irritating sometimes, huh? Birds wake you up? I should have turned them off.”

  “It’s okay. We need to get up pretty soon anyway. Although, I wouldn’t mind a few more moments of cuddling.” Toni groaned as she realized she just admitted to wanting to cuddle.

  “Cuddling?” Char raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t take you for the cuddling type.”

  “Can you just erase the last few moments from your brain? I haven’t had my coffee yet.”

  “Oh no. I think what you said is sweet and I’d love to spend a few more moments tangled in your arms. Of course if it turns into something a bit more, shall we say, active, I wouldn’t mind that either.” Char stretched and placed a gentle kiss on Toni’s nose.

  Toni lamented the fact that they didn’t really have time to make love again if either one wanted a shower. Of course, they could take a shower together and see where that led. She shook her head. Shit, not much time for that either.

  “You’re not in favor of something more active?” Char questioned.

  “No, sorry. I was just thinking that we should shower together and maybe something will evolve and then I realized we have less than an hour to get ready and head to the control room.”

  “An hour is more than enough time for what I have in mind. I don’t really have much to do to get ready, considering that Kim will need to prepare me for my errand today.” Char groaned. “God, I hate that sticky mess of makeup combined with hot latex. I saw that gleam in her eye last night. I wonder what disguise she’s chosen for me.”

  “Probably the old man—it’s one of her favorites.”

  Char jumped out of bed and pulled the covers off Toni. “Come on, time’s a wasting and I for one, would like to take advantage of the few extra minutes we have this morning.”


  From outside the shower Toni leered at the very delicious backside of her girlfriend. Wait, did I just think of her as my girlfriend? Yeah, I guess I did and I like it.

  She’d showered with other women before, but there was just something uniquely alluring about this woman. Char had a sexiness about her that was unparalleled. Toni’s mouth literally watered at the prospect of running her soapy hands up and down Char’s toned body. She planned to spend extra time on her breasts and coochie. Toni chuckled to herself as she remembered Sophie talking about how her grandmother always referred to someone’s vagina as their coochie.

  Toni was startled from her daydream as Char purred, “Hey, what are you waiting for? It’s cold and lonely in here without you.”

  Toni obediently stepped into the steamy shower. She grabbed the bar of soap and rubbed it until generous heaps of lather filled her hands. With slow deliberate strokes, Toni ran her hands across Char’s body, not missing an inch of skin. When the soap comingled with the shower water and the moisture of Char’s arousal, Toni shuddered. The smell was a magical fusion of pure hedonistic essence of who Char was. They should sell this stuff. God, what a turn-on.

  Char pressed both hands against the wall and pushed back against Toni. Her groan echoed against the four glass walls, amplifying the sound.

oni’s accompanying moan added to the symphony as their voices came together in perfect harmony.

  “Oh, my God, Toni, that feels positively sinful.” Char panted as her hips moved in rhythm with Toni’s caresses.

  Toni pressed hard against Char’s ass and reached around to stroke her clit with the soapy mixture. “Do you like how that feels?”

  Char moaned louder.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Toni moved in the same rhythm with Char and felt her arousal climb. She rubbed against Char like a cat in heat.

  “God, I need to have you inside of me now,” Char managed to gasp out.

  Toni expertly thrust two fingers inside Char and began slow, deliberate strokes.

  Char moved with the rhythm of Toni’s fingers, moaning trying to gain a deeper purchase of the fingers.

  “You want more,” Toni whispered the statement. She tongued Char’s ear before caressing her neck.

  “Yes,” Char whimpered.

  “Then you shall have more.”

  Toni slipped a third finger inside and increased the movement while holding their bodies together in her iron grip. She pumped vigorously, their bodies merging as they moved as one. Toni could feel the first tremors of Char’s orgasm begin along with her own building arousal.

  “Please, don’t stop,” Char begged.

  “Not on your life.”

  Their bodies stiffened and they punctuated their mutual release by each calling out the other’s name.

  With water cascading over her body, Char sucked in a deep breath, turned in Toni’s arms, and pulled her into a tight embrace. “I’m never taking another shower alone again. I don’t think I do a good enough job getting clean.”

  “Always at your service, ma’am.” Toni grinned and mimicked tipping an invisible hat. She leaned into Char and closed her eyes. “I wish we had more time.”

  Char’s hand slid between their bodies and she slowly stroked Toni. “We have time,” she cooed. Her long slender fingers entered Toni and they began again.


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