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Asset Management

Page 17

by Annette Mori


  Ronda pinched the bridge of her nose. A headache was coming on. It had been a long and boring assignment and she was glad to be back at the Virginia home base. She wanted to sneak in a shower and a quick bite to eat before checking in with Maggie and the rest.

  As she reached out to open the door to the control room, Maggie called out to her. “Ah good, you’re back. Why don’t you follow me to the lab? Dani has a new weapon for you to try out. She’s quite pleased with herself. It looks like a pen, but discharges tiny darts with enough tranquilizer in them to disarm a three-hundred-pound man. The effects are nearly instantaneous and the propulsion can penetrate fabric as tough as leather. The best part is the range of this weapon can be as great as four hundred feet. Just point and click at any part of the body. It’s no longer necessary to be up close and personal to disable a target—a viable alternative to termination.”

  “Nice, but you know I don’t have a problem taking out these bastards. My personal value system differs a bit from yours. No offense, Maggie, but sometimes y’all are a bit too soft. However, this could come in handy when I need to take out several people in a matter of seconds without causing too much ruckus. So what’s the downside to this miracle gadget?” Ronda asked.

  “It can only hold up to three darts and there’s not an easy way to reload. It’s almost better to carry more than one, versus trying to reload,” Maggie answered.

  “So, can I have more than one?”

  “Since this is a prototype to test, we only have one available. If it works well, we can develop more. We moved Sophie, Kim, and Toni to our safe house on Charles Avenue. We may have to keep them there until everything is resolved with Viktor.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. Do you need me to go there and provide protection detail?”

  “No, Char and Val have volunteered. You can feel free to relax and enjoy the rest of your day. Go out and have some fun. Just check in sometime tomorrow and we can bring you up to speed if there are any more developments you need to know about.”


  Char shuffled to her seat and watched the door, waiting for Ted’s arrival.

  The waitress, Candy, arrived at her table and lobbed a bright smile at her. “What can I get you, sir?”

  Char noticed the bruise on Candy’s cheek and frowned. “Did you hurt yourself?” She pointed to Candy’s cheek.

  Candy looked down. “Oh, I just ran into a wall going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Clumsy me. Biscuits and gravy are on special today. Kind of heavy for me, but everyone seems to love it. We serve breakfast until one, but if you would prefer lunch, the grilled chicken is good and much lighter.”

  Char didn’t like seeing the bruise and made a mental note to find out the real story.

  The front door of the café opened and Ted walked in.

  “Oh dear, I left my wallet in my car.” Char patted her crumpled jacket. “Will you excuse me while I get it?”

  Char shuffled to Ted and bumped into him as he looked around the café.

  “Excuse me.” Ted looked briefly at the old man.

  Char placed the card in Ted’s hand and shuffled out the door. After she left the café, she looked in the window, noticing Ted looking at the card in his hand before he turned it over.

  Sophie had quickly scribbled Toni’s address on the special card this morning and it looked as if Ted had taken the bait.

  Char hurried to her car and got in. It wouldn’t be long now if he was the one. With the car running, she peeled away from the curb, needing to get to the other safe house quickly in case Ronda was actually the mole.


  It was a dreary day in DC as the rain misted the dingy streets. Ronda’s mood was as foul as the weather. She hated when the weather wouldn’t make its mind up. Either rain or clear up—the infuriating drizzle added to her irritation. What the hell, it wasn’t as if they lived in Seattle.

  She skulked around the corner, a block away from the café, where she watched Ted look around before entering. At least the drizzle encouraged people to move quickly through the streets and no one seemed to pay too much attention to her observant eyes as she loitered against a brick wall.

  A few minutes later, she studied the shuffling old man. He was moving too quickly for a man of his advanced age. When he jumped into the expensive Tesla and drove off, Ronda hissed. “Char, what are you up to now?”

  They were all playing a game of cat and mouse and Ronda was damned if she would be the mouse. It was time to make contact with Ted.

  An evil snicker erupted from her lips.


  Char pressed the button on her hands-free console and made the call to Dani. “Everything went as planned. Can you confirm the tracking device absorbed into his skin?... What?... Well, that’s very interesting… Yeah, I’ll be careful… Does Maggie know this?... Okay, better keep me informed on both their locations. I think you’d better update Toni and the rest of them with this new development…. The day should prove very enlightening, indeed... Let’s not jump to conclusions just yet—we need to see how this all plays out… Yeah, I’m glad we thought of the tracking devices too… Okay, talk to you later.”

  Char touched the screen and ended the call. The makeup started to itch so she pressed harder on the gas pedal. She was anxious to get to the Charles Avenue safe house. She didn’t want to think about how this day would end. Someone was going to get hurt and she wanted to make damn sure it wasn’t Toni. She’d just found her and she wasn’t about to let her go.

  Toni had assured her that the panic room at her place was impenetrable—no one could breach the fortress. She had to trust Sophie’s martial arts skills and although she was impressive, it had not been enough to save Natalie. That thought gnawed at her sense of reasoning. She would be glad when all this was finished and they could focus on the next stage of their plan to decimate the Russian slave trade business.

  Char was distracted and almost missed the turnoff as she slowed the car but took the corner a little too fast. The tires screeched as she regained control. Damn, I need to pay attention and keep my head in the game.

  There was a lot at stake and people she cared a great deal for were making themselves the bait. If there was a better way, she would have proposed it, but the plan was as solid as they could hope for.

  She’d made good time, she realized, as she hopped out of her car and entered the safe house. Maybe Val and the rest of the agents were already set up. She knew they would see any threat a mile away. Stopping inside the door, Char finally had time to look at the tracking app and creased her brow as she confirmed what Dani already told her. Shit, that didn’t look good. Ronda, what are you involved in?

  Char blew out a big breath. At least the dots were not heading in her direction.


  Viktor was lounging in his bedroom watching an American football game. It was one of his guilty pleasures.

  His new cell phone buzzed on the nightstand and he eagerly picked it up.

  “Hello… Finally… I will have four of my best men meet you there... Yes, you need to go because we need you to get Sophie to open the door... No, you imbecile, I don’t want to attract unwanted attention... Just get your ass over there now before they move to a new location… I don’t care—dead or alive—it makes no difference to me.”

  Viktor ended the call and smiled. He could almost taste the resolution to his problem. It would be worth the three million dollars he would pay to the informant. This time those sookas would not wriggle free.

  Viktor turned his attention back to the game. Everything was going as planned. He could relax and enjoy his football game in peace. Perhaps he would celebrate and take a stroll in the city and visit his favorite restaurant tonight. He would call Byron later to tell him the good news and then Byron would owe him a great favor—one he intended to collect on.

  The year had been a total cluster fuck and he intended to make up for lost time, lost revenue, and lost merchandise. />
  Chapter 22

  The hum of the equipment and corresponding heat that permeated throughout the compact space almost encouraged the complacency that Toni felt. Toni felt her eyes begin to close as she relaxed in the room. That was the last thing she needed—a nap at this time was definitely ill advised.

  Sophie looked around the spacious room and whistled. “Damn, Toni, you’ve added quite a few new toys since the last time I was here. I see you’ve fully stocked the bar, pantry, and refrigerator. I don’t suppose you have a stash of weapons I might want to use?”

  Toni shook her head. “No, sorry, but I did manage to snatch Dani’s latest invention.” Toni pulled out a gold-plated pen from her back pocket. “This little baby shoots poison darts—well, actually they’re darts filled with heavy-duty tranquilizers. They can stop a professional wrestler in a matter of seconds.”

  “Impressive. I’m kinda glad they don’t have poison in them. You and I are definitely not wired to do permanent damage to anyone.”

  Kim looked around the room. “God, I’ve never seen so many monitors. You have practically every possible angle covered with your surveillance,” she remarked.

  Toni brushed her fingers against her chest. “Yep, no one steps one hundred feet within the perimeter without me seeing or hearing them,” Toni bragged.

  Sophie pulled her Glock from her holster and set it on one of the tables. “Just in case. I don’t want to shoot anyone but I will if I have to. Sorry, Kim, I know violence is not in your DNA, but I will use whatever force is necessary to protect you.”

  Toni wanted to change the subject and not focus on the possible danger or violence they might face. “So, shall I break out the junk food while we wait?” Toni asked.

  Kim turned her wrist upright and glanced at her watch. “Hey, can we just take a quick look at the tracking apps? I think Char and Maggie should have planted both seeds by now.”

  Toni’s stomach growled. “Sorry, I guess I’ll just have to tell Sally to wait a few minutes longer while I pull out my cell phone.”

  “Sally?” Kim quirked her eyebrow.

  “Yeah, I name my body parts. Sally’s my stomach, Tonya’s my tits and Virginia’s my—”

  “You are positively infantile,” Sophie growled.

  “I am going to ignore that jab because I know you’re just a little stressed right now.” Toni pulled her cell phone from her back pocket and pressed the button with fingerprint access. After she swiped the cover and selected the app she exclaimed excitedly. “Bingo. Hmm, now that’s fascinating.”

  Sophie leaned to look at the phone. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “What? What are you guys talking about? Clue me in please.” Kim approached and peered over Toni’s other shoulder.

  Toni pointed to the screen. “See those two dots. Both of them are on the same trajectory. They’re damn near on top of one another and the dots seem to be heading our way.”

  “Does that mean that both Ted and Ronda are the moles? Do you think they’re working together?” Kim asked.

  “I don’t really like to jump to conclusions. At this point, all we know is the dots are heading this way. If Viktor’s goons show up—that’s another piece of information that would be hard to ignore. Toni, can you make sure the audio is sensitive enough to pick up everything.” Sophie glanced at the monitors.

  Toni followed Sophie’s gaze. “Um, I think we have company. Those four guys approaching the building don’t really look much like Jehovah’s Witnesses. I’m not sure I’m all that interested in buying what they might be selling.”

  Sophie frowned. “How far away are the dots?”

  “Oh, I would estimate we will have contact in less than five.”

  “Sophie, you’re not going to answer the door are you. I know you want to catch Ted red-handed, but isn’t it enough that we see him with those goons?” Kim’s voice wavered as she asked the question.

  “Toni, can you tape any conversation that occurs on the perimeter?” Sophie asked.

  “Yeah, I can do that. I’ll start both the audio and video feed.”

  “Good. Then let’s hope he says something incriminating so I can use that as evidence of his betrayal,” Sophie responded.

  Toni switched on the audio and video feed and pressed the record button.

  She watched as one of the men approaching the building held up his hand. “Viktor told us to wait for the pencil neck. He’ll get us inside and then we can take care of those sookas.”

  “Maybe we can have some fun with them before delivering them to Viktor.” Another male voice filled the compact space pinging off the walls as the audio feed produced a crystal clear sound in the panic room.

  “Bastards,” Sophie hissed.

  The third man looked over his shoulder and the approaching vehicle loomed large in the last monitor to the right of where Toni was sitting.

  Ted climbed out of his car and looked right then left before he approached the building. His eyes traveled to the four men hovering around the door. “Get the fuck back while I knock on the door. I don’t want any one of you in the remote vicinity of the peephole. God, why are the big ones always so stupid,” Ted spit out.

  Ted knocked loudly on the door. “Soph, it’s me, Ted.”

  Kim turned to Sophie. “Do you think that will be enough?”

  “Maybe,” Sophie responded.

  “Come on, Sophie. It’s safe. Open up the door and let me help you. I don’t know what kind of trouble you’ve gotten yourself involved in, but I promise I’ll do whatever I can to assist you.” Ted’s voice filtered into the room.

  Toni caught movement on one of the monitors and gasped as she saw one of the men topple like a wilting flower. Ronda’s body looked large as Toni noticed one of Dani’s tranquilizer pens in her hand and another goon fell to the ground.

  Thunk Clink

  Ted swirled around just in time to see a third man crumple and hit the pavement. In one fluid motion, he pulled out his gun and shot at Ronda. The pen dropped to the concrete as Ted hit his target.

  “Fuck, she set me up. I should have known Sophie would put the pieces together.” Ted waved at the fourth man. “What the fuck are you waiting for, go after her. I am working with a bunch of morons,” he growled.

  Toni’s senses went on high alert as once again she witnessed everything unfold in a matter of minutes. It was déjà vu.

  Ronda rolled, took cover, and used her uninjured hand to retrieve her gun. She crawled around the corner in an attempt to avoid the fourth man who was now shooting at her. She fired back and managed to clip him in his knee.

  He screamed in pain.

  “Sophie, you have to help her. If Ted joins the firefight, she’s a sitting duck out there,” Toni screamed.

  “No, Sophie, he’s got a gun. Please don’t get yourself killed,” Kim pleaded.

  Sophie grinned at Kim, “Yeah, but my gun’s bigger and I’m a much better shot.”

  Ted shot at the lock on the door and began kicking it in.

  Sophie barreled out of the panic room and leveled her gun on Ted as he busted through the door. “Game over, Ted.”

  Wild-eyed, Ted raised his gun and pulled the trigger.

  Bullets danced in the air as they simultaneously left their point of origin. Each bullet met its intended target.

  Sophie’s bullet landed between Ted’s eyes.

  Toni watched in horror as blood oozed from Sophie’s shoulder. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement on one of the monitors. Shit. Char. What the hell was she doing here?

  Char bolted into the middle of the firefight between the remaining mobster and Ronda.

  Kim rushed out of the confined space and cried out when Sophie stumbled and collapsed onto the floor.

  Toni couldn’t seem to get her body to move. She froze—living out the nightmare in panic mode—she observed everything unfold in brilliant Technicolor. Finally, she witnessed the fourth man go down and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Char bur
st into Toni’s living room with her gun sweeping right and left.

  “Sophie’s been shot and I think Ronda has too. Kim and I are fine. I’m pretty sure the threat is neutralized.” Toni cautiously approached Char.

  Char pulled Toni into a fierce embrace and that’s when Toni felt the sticky wet substance against her shirt.

  Toni pulled back and looked down at Char’s abdomen. “Char, you’ve been shot too. We need to call 911.”

  “No. Val’s on her way. She’s the sweeper today. She’ll take care of all of this and I’ll get Maggie to send the medical unit right away. Don’t worry, it’s just a scratch. I’ve had worse.” Char turned her head toward Kim. “Kim, how’s Sophie?”

  “I…I…don’t know,” Kim stuttered as tears ran down her cheeks.

  “Sophie’s just fine. You worry about that hole in your stomach. It’s just a shoulder wound. I’ve had worse too,” Sophie grunted.

  Ronda limped into the room. “Now, that was fun. Val on her way?” she asked.

  “Yep, and because I saw your dot moving along with Ted’s I figured I better have medical follow our sweeper. Trouble always seems to follow you, Ronda.” Char chuckled then placed on hand on her wound. “Damn, that hurts.”

  “You put a tracking device on me? God, Char, that hurts worse than this tiny little bullet. How could you possibly think I would betray you or the agency?” Ronda sounded indignant.

  “You people are crazy,” Toni remarked.

  “You put a tracking device on Ted, didn’t you? Then your crazy ass followed him. Right?” Char asked.

  Ronda grinned. “I sure did. I knew that motherfucker was the mole and I was gonna catch the bastard red-handed. When I got here, I figured the three musketeers were in danger so I used Dani’s new weapon to take out the first three, I didn’t figure Ted would be as good as he was and then the last guy started shooting. Nice timing, Char. I owe you.”


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