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Desired Affliction

Page 10

by C. A. Harms

  She pushed on my chest and I rolled over onto my back as she straddled me, “I’m nervous about going home with you Kole. It has been so long since I saw your parents. What if your mom doesn’t think I am right for you…what if,” I placed my finger against her lips. “Stop Lexi…My mom isn’t like that and she knows how I feel about you. When I told her we were dating she was excited…she has always loved you. Stop freaking out…it’ll be great having you home with me.”

  She watched me like she was studying my face. She lowered hers lips to mine and I ran my hands up her sides and back down over her hips letting them come to rest on her ass. “Stop watching me Kole,” she whispered against my lips causing me to laugh. “I can’t stop…I love watching you. It’s sexy…stop looking so hot when you kiss me and I will stop being so tempted to watch you.” She held her eyes wide as she kissed me again which led to us both laughing, “See its’ weird isn’t it?” I loved her so much it hurt…she was so fucking cute. “Yeah its’ weird don’t watch me. You aren’t allowed to that’s my thing…close your eyes,” she rolled her eyes at me and of course I had to tickle her again until she screamed out in laughter.

  “Stop torturing her,” Megan hollered as she barged into my room. She flopped down next to us on the bed and Lexi looked at me and laughed. “Um Meg…how did you know when you walked in here we wouldn’t be having sex?” Megan looked at us, “Please I know what you two sound like when your screwing…don’t forget I was stuck in a small dorm room with you two last night and you thought I was asleep. Granted you both tried to be quiet but I heard all your heavy breathing and panting…thank god for iPod’s.” I couldn’t help laughing. I told Lexi that Megan would hear us last night but she insisted that we could be quiet. Lexi broke out in the giggles, “Oh shit Meg I’m sorry…I thought you were out.”

  “So Kole how do you do it…I mean seriously Lexi sounded like she was having a constant orgasm. I need to set you down with Radley…his game is slipping a bit.” I about choked on my own spit, “Oh fuck no…conversation over…I am not ragging on my boy. I’m out of here.” I slid out from under Lexi and left her and Megan sitting on my bed to go look for Radley. I heard them laughing uncontrollably as I walked down the hallway.

  “Radley…where the fuck are you man? Your girl needs your help,” I hollered as I came down the stairs. He was on the couch watching the football game, “Where is she…she disappeared on me?” I flopped down next to him. “She’s upstairs with Lex talking about your lack of sexual abilities.” He laughed, “Fuck…Whatever.”

  We watched the game until our girls made their way downstairs. Lexi’s snuggled up into my side and watched with me. “Don’t forget to call your mom and let her know I’m coming,” she whispered up to me. I gave her a light kiss, “I already did baby…last night.” She wrinkled up her forehead, “But I never agreed to go until today.” I winked at her and kissed the tip of her nose, “I was pretty confident that you wouldn’t be able to resist my charm.” Lexi rolled her eyes at me and I heard a little giggle escape her.

  Thirty Nine


  To say I was nervous would be a complete understatement…I was terrified. I had no idea what to expect. Once Kole said we were there my heart started racing and I instantly felt nauseous. Kole sensed my panic as he grabbed my hand and squeezed, “Baby…breath. Stop worrying so much. My mom is so happy your coming.” He leaned over and gave me a kiss I expected him to pull away quickly but he lingered over my lips and then slowly kissed me again this time grazing his tongue across my lips. Instant calmness…wow I love this guy.

  Tap Tap

  When I looked over Kole’s shoulder and out his car window I saw his mother who was now smiling unbelievably big. Kole opened the door and climbed out so I followed. I walked around slowly to greet his mother. After she hugged Kole she turned to face me, “Lexi sweetheart you are still so beautiful. Kole said you were a knockout now and he wasn’t lying.” She hugged me tightly and I could see the huge grin on Kole’s face. Once she released me we made our way to the house.

  Kole wrapped his arm around my waist once we entered. “Beth your house is so beautiful,” I extended the compliment to Kole’s mother. She turned to face us, “Thank you honey.” Her gazed immediately fell to Kole’s arm around me and she smiled looking back up to us, “I have to say all those years ago I never thought I would see you two together. You were always such a sweet girl Lexi. Now seeing you here with my Kole…it makes me happy. You two look so good together.”

  Kole pulled me in just a little tighter and kissed my neck. It caused chills to run through me and I know I blushed. Beth went into the kitchen to check on dinner and Kole took me upstairs to show me to my room. We had joint rooms that connected by a bathroom. Mm this could be fun…Slow down Lexi. I needed to remember his parents are in the same house…breath.

  I felt his hands come around me from the back and he laced his fingers together over my stomach. The familiar warm flush ran through me. I was so used to Kole’s touch and it just felt so natural now. He brushed my hair to the side and kissed my neck. I felt his tongue trace up until he reached my ear…Mm…a moan escaped and I turned quickly into him. Our lips met immediately and I was lost in his kiss. “I really like having you here Lexi,” His hands ran over my hips and down my thighs lifting me up and carrying me to the bed. He lowered me and brought himself down on top of me. I could feel his erection against my leg and reality hit, “Kole we can’t do this. Your parents could walk in at any time…I just can’t.” He groaned and slowly lifted himself off then reached for my hands pulling me off the bed. “Fine…but tonight I am definitely sneaking into your room and you are just going to have to learn to be quiet no matter how good I make you feel,” he winked and then turned for the door.



  I was sitting on the couch watching a game with my dad...who was I kidding I hadn’t caught five minutes straight without finding myself looking off into the kitchen to stare at Lexi. She was helping mom get dinner ready and I was getting a really good view of her bending over to get things out of the fridge. It was her fault that she had such a nice ass. I couldn’t wait until later when I could feel her body against mine.

  “So Kole…how is school going?” My dad brought me out of my Lexi fantasy. I turned to face him, “Good Dad. Everything is great…classes the fraternity…everything.” My dad wasn’t a big talker normally he just nodded and smiled. Conversation was limited with him.

  Dinner was great and Lexi even got my dad to talk more than usual. After we got everything cleaned up and put away Lexi excused herself while I sat with my parents to watch a Christmas movie that was playing on TV. “Oh I forgot to tell you earlier I ran into Uncle Randy and Matty at the store yesterday. Matty said he would get in touch with you while your home so you can catch up. I told him you and your girlfriend were coming home for the holidays.” I whipped around quickly to face my mom, “Mom you didn’t tell him it was Lexi did you?” She just shook her head no and continued to look at me strangely. “Don’t mention anything about Matt in front of Lex mom please.”

  Before she could ask why Lexi came back in the room and sat down next to me. I knew I would be asked to explain to my parents later why talking about Matt in front of Lexi was a bad thing. I immediately started trying to create some sort of an explanation I could use. I felt a nudge in my side and I turned to look directly at Lexi who was now curled into me, “Is everything okay…you look worried or…something?” I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer, “Everythings great baby…are you glad you came?” She smiled up at me and nodded her head, “Me too.” I gave her a little kiss and turned to see my mom watching me. I knew whatever explanation I chose it was going to have to be a good one to convince her.

  Forty One


  I could tell something was bothering Kole. He seemed really quiet and even when we went upstairs to get ready for bed he quickly kissed me and went off to his room
. I sat down on the bed and held my pajama’s in my hand. I needed a shower but I was feeling a little nauseous from Kole’s distance toward me. I started running through the day trying to find any reason that he may be upset with me. I thought the day went really well.

  I finally made my way to the bathroom and I quickly showered. Once I crawled into the bed and curled up onto my side the uneasy feeling overtook me. I was so worried about what I could have done. How could I have upset him? I couldn’t sleep I tried but my mind continued to wonder. After almost two hours I decided I could no longer worry. I slid out of bed quietly and walked to the bathroom. I took a deep breath and opened the door leading to Kole’s room. I could see his body formed under the blankets and by the slow rise and fall I knew he was sleeping.

  Once I reached the side of his bed I pulled back the covers and slid in beside him. I traced my finger over his cheek and down onto his lips. His eyes fluttered open slowly, “Hey baby what’s wrong?” I wanted to know that same thing, “I should be asking you that…did I upset you or do something wrong?” He took my hand into his and laced our fingers together, “Lexi you didn’t do anything wrong…baby I’m just tired and it hit me after dinner. The long drive here and I didn’t sleep much last night…don’t worry okay.” I shook my head and curled closer to him burying my face into the crease of his neck. I placed a light kiss below his ear, “I’m going to go back to bed I just couldn’t sleep until we talked.” I started to rise up and he gripped my hip, “Now that you’re here I don’t think I’m going to let you leave.”

  I tried to hold back the giggle from him tickling my hip but a snort escaped me which only caused me to laugh harder. “I told you earlier you are going to have to be quiet. I don’t want my mom to hear us having sex,” he looked at me with a cocky grin. “Who said we were going to have sex? I don’t remember agreeing to that,” he ran his tongue across my lower lip before sucking it into his mouth. A little moan escaped me and he once again grinned, “Are you saying that I can’t convince you…because I am pretty sure I can make you beg.” A lightly laughed, “Pretty confident huh?”

  He rolled over onto me and ran his hands down over my body coming to rest on my thighs and slowly lifted my nightie up exposing my panties. He then traced his finger along the edge and my breathing increased. I knew I was a goner…like I could tell him no. He ran his tongue up the inside of my thigh and I moaned in acceptance, “Do you still need to think about it or have I convinced you?” He didn’t wait for my answer before he removed my panties and ran his tongue over my clit. I tried to stay quiet as he teased and taunted. I bit the pillow to muffle my moans and he was so proud of my pleasure because the cocky grin barely left his face. He brought his body back up over mine and the fact that he was ready was completely evident.

  He slid into me slowly and brought his mouth to mine before I could make any noise. He moved so slowly as to take in every second. It was absolutely mind blowing. He pulled his face back to watch me closely as my eyes rolled back and I let my head rest into the pillow. He ran kisses down my neck as he continued to thrust his hips. I concentrated on keeping my moans under control. When I felt my impending orgasm I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist and moved my hips into him to meet his every thrust. My legs began to tense and a rush of pleasure ripped through my body as Kole followed closely behind me. When our breathing slowed he looked at me and smiled, “What are you smiling about? Don’t look so cocky.” He licked his lower lip, “I told you I was very persuasive…you can’t resist me.”

  He really was adorable…cocky but completely adorable. “Watch it buddy or you’ll be reacquainted with your old friend Rosy Palm.” He smiled, “Oh so you’re actually going to make me jerk off for punishment. What exactly is my punishment for…the fact that I am irresistible and my girlfriend can’t get enough?” I kissed him quickly, “How about the fact that your ego is entirely too big for one person.”

  Kole rubbed my jaw with his thumb, “I love you Lexi…You are so easy to love do you know that.” I felt a thickness in my throat that I couldn’t swallow. I still found it hard when he complimented me but I was trying so hard to be able to accept his kindness. “You pretty easy to love too,” I looked into his eyes and I still felt like something was there. He looked saddened or worried about something he seemed tense and I hated that he was brushing it off like it was nothing.

  Over the next few days things were great. Kole seemed to lighten up and didn’t act as tense. His parents made me feel so welcomed and on Christmas morning when his mother handed me a gift my heart raced. I really wasn’t expecting anything especially the gorgeous suede coat that I found when I opened that box. Beth seemed ecstatic with my reaction and I was compelled to hug both her and Jack which is completely out of character for me. The surprised look on Kole’s face was the greatest part.

  Forty Two


  Lexi had got so relaxed with my parents and her being here through the holiday was perfect. I could look back over the last month and know now that we are closer than we were then. I felt like this girl was created for me. We were meant to find each other when we both needed it the most. She was self-destructing and in my own way so was I. I just felt when I was with Lexi everything had a purpose. All the little things meant something and she made me truly happy. Lexi made me smile without even trying.

  My parents have a dinner tonight with my father’s boss and would be home late. Lexi and I were watching a movie and she had falling asleep with her head on my shoulder. I was watching her instead of the movie…she’s easier on the eyes. “Hey baby…” I brushed her hair back, “Lex wake up.”

  When she rose up and looked at me I had to smile…damn she was beautiful even right after she woke up. She looked at me still half asleep. I guess I should have let her sleep last night instead of sneaking into her room and keeping her awake for over two hours exploring her body…I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face from the memories of us tangled up together.

  “What on earth are you grinning about?” She was looking at me like I was crazy. “You don’t want to know…I was actually thinking maybe we should go to a movie or something. Just to get out of the house for a while. What do you think?” I could sense by her smile she agreed.

  Lexi went up to change while I went out to start my car and let it warm up. The temperature had dropped and they were calling for snow. When she came down the stairs I had to stop and admire her. She really was perfect. Her curves were so sexy and the way her hair flowed was beautiful. She had lip gloss on making her lips shiny and I really just wanted to grab her and kiss her until we were both breathless. The shirt she wore was tightly fitted and showed just the right amount of her neck. Yeah I know I am such a fucking pussy…but I love the hell out of this girl.

  “Why are you staring?” I walked slowly to her and placed my hands onto her hips pulling her close to me so her entire body was pressed into mine. I kissed her slowly at first and then sucked on the tip of her tongue. She moaned lightly…fuck that is so hot, “I was admiring my girl…she’s fucking hot.” She pushed against my chest causing me to laugh. I placed her hand into mine and we left.

  “What is this place? It looks like a bar Kole,” she appeared nervous. “No baby it’s not a bar it’s more like a Bar and Grill. They have pool tables and darts, music and dancing. Come on it’ll be fine.” Lexi followed me in but held my hand tightly. The waitress led us to a booth in the back and after she took our drink order Lexi shrugged her coat off and snuggled into me. We were sitting toward the back and the dance floor was to our left with the pool tables to our right. I tilted her chin up and gave her a light kiss, “Do you want to kick my ass in pool?” She laughed, “Um…I’ll play but I’m pretty she I won’t be kicking your ass.”

  I let her break and stood behind her watching her bend over the table. I came up behind her and ran my hand over her ass and rested it on her hip. She leaned back into me letting her head fall back onto my chest. I kissed her neck,
“If you keep distracting me with the sexy ass of yours I am pretty sure I won’t be able to concentrate enough to shoot pool.” She pushed her ass back into my groin just a little more and a deep groan ripped through me. I spun her around and backed her up against the pool table pinning her with my body. I kissed her letting our tongue’s dance with each other as my hand roamed her hip and came to a stop to cup her ass and squeeze.

  “Well what do we have here?” I turned and my anger flared immediately as Matt stood five feet from us with some really sleazy girl. I kept Lexi behind me, “What the fuck do you want?” Matt looked over my shoulder to see Lexi and the smile he gave her made my blood boil. Lexi was squeezing my arm so tightly. “Kole I thought you had better taste than that…but hey if you’re into slut's then you went top of the line because Lexi here has fucked half the town. She’s a good lay so I guess when your all done at least you got that out of it.” It happened before I even realized what I was doing. I charged at Matt and fisted his shirt with one hand while I punched him with the other. I didn’t stop I kept punching him and when he went down I kept swinging. The only thing that pulled me back was Lexi’s cries. When I turned to look at her she looked terrified. I looked down at my hands covered in blood and then back at Matt who was now slouched against the wall with blood pouring from his nose.

  “Kole…they called the cops,” Lexi sobbed as she pointed to the door. When I looked in that direction I saw the three cops walking toward me. I grabbed my keys from my pocket, “Take these and go get my mom…she’s at the Hilton.” Lexi nodded but the tears fell heavy. I leaned over and kissed her before the cops reached us, “Baby…I’ll be okay. I love you.”

  They arrested us both and as they were placing me in the car I almost lost it. I looked back as Lexi was sitting in my car with her face in her hands and I could tell she was crying heavily. I just wanted to hold her. I wanted to kiss her and tell her everything would be okay. I never regretted beating the fuck out of Matty. The sick fuck had it coming and I knew it was just a matter of time before I got ahold of him.


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