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Tick Tock To Midnight- The Man Of Sin, The Lawless One

Page 10

by Les Pruitt

  The False Messiah

  This enigmatic personality could still be in hiding. We won’t know his identity until he appears to “work spectacular, miraculous signs and do wonderful things to deceive, if possible, even those whom God has chosen” (Matt. 24:24, GWT). This could possibly eliminate President Trump as the prime candidate. However, the most interesting time to look forward to is the signing of the seven-year peace covenant between Israel and Palestine; the key players in that event will be the ones to watch.

  Throughout my research and writing, it seemed like Trump just became an enabler in God’s time line, a vessel of God to reawaken the church before the dreadful end of days befall the whole world and its inhabitants.

  In accordance with the Book of Revelation, the wrath of God and his judgment are coming upon humanity and the leaders of nations for their continued sin and lawlessness.

  We’ve already taken a look at potential world leaders that might fulfill the role of the False Messiah. What key factors might allow humanity to identify the False Messiah’s presence on earth? There are some signs we can watch for to confirm his identity.

  For example, microchip implants are already being used in various countries, including the United States of America. Cryptocurrency could become an integral part of global microchip technology in order to buy, sell, or trade. These are two hallmarks of Revelation’s vision of the end times. The False Messiah would likely be closely aligned with these two technologies. Another key factor is that, according to prophecy, the False Messiah/Antichrist will appear three and a half years after the ending of daily temple sacrifice and offering.

  Abomination of Desolation

  What is an abomination? Something that can be seen, touched, or worshiped. What if from a religious perspective, it is extreme disgust and hatred of a newly rebuilt third Jewish temple?

  Think of the political uproar initiated by President Trump’s executive order to recognize the holy city Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. His poor decision incited deep global resentment and hatred by many world governments, especially most Arab and Muslim nations. But the straw that will break the camel’s back will be once they’ve dishonored and substituted Christ’s body by rebuilding the third Jewish temple. What if the newly rebuilt temple is the abomination that will cause desolation, war, and end of days to come upon humanity?

  Many will ask why. Well, take a look at biblical history. Within the Roman Empire, most “Jews rejected Jesus as their Messiah … animal sacrifices stopped with the death and resurrection of Christ … some were … persecuted or pressured by the Jewish community to continue … the Old Testament sacrificial system … was temporary … Christ … was the fulfillment.”76

  Now does Daniel’s prophetic warnings seem to be dawning within our century like the simmering rays of the morning sun?

  It’s becoming clearer in our current generation. Unless it’s proven a well-developed hoax, Daniel warned us, “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days” (Dan. 12:11).

  Many continue to debate, and will do so until the final tick of the Doomsday Clock, what will be the abomination standing in the holy place. Some still say it will be the Antichrist/False Messiah in the form of a real person. However, others believe it may be an object, such as a replica of the ark of the covenant. Well, at the current pace of developing advanced artificial intelligence, the False Messiah could be some sort of advanced AI, a trans-human being.

  The next essential question is: What is the agenda of the world’s global secret society with its international mafia connections?

  * * *

  74 Wikipedia, s.v. “Israeli Declaration of Independence,” last modified July 26, 2018, at 12:34,

  75 “Prophecy Sign #7: A seven year covenant signed with Israel,” Prophecy Signs, accessed July 5, 2018,

  76 “When did the animal sacrifices stop and why?”, Jan. 1, 2001,

  Chapter 14

  By Any Means Necessary

  Planet Managers

  First, it should be assumed not all global elites are nefarious. But remember they are the 1% that control approximately 75% of global wealth and resources. Throughout the Middle Ages and well into the twenty-first century, “Jews played a big role … as moneylenders, bringing money and education to rebuild … ruined” and devastated economies, sometimes funding wars to gain favor from the victor.77

  What if Satan and the fallen Watchers imparted certain forbidden knowledge to humankind to derail God’s Church? However, it’s obvious that technology has been good for all nations and their economies. But trouble comes when humans attempt to elevate themselves higher than the Tower of Babel. How else could humankind have accelerated so quickly in less than 150 years, using just 10% or less of our intellect?

  Now we’re poised to increase our intellect by 100% via the merger of advanced biology and technology? We have already witnessed global devastations, uneven distribution of wealth, and a lack of national and transnational cooperation against poorer nations. Their land and people have been and still are literally raped by technologically and economically advanced nations.

  So then, if the earthly powers have not shared with their brothers and sisters of different nations, what makes us think that sharing new advanced technology and other modern social developments will happen anytime soon?

  Eurasia and the Jews

  We the People must search for answers. What exactly are the nefarious ones really after? First, let’s ask why most if not all interactions with African nations have been geared toward oppression and isolation? Has the focus of oppression been a combination of feeling superior resulting from ancient migration out of Africa, the Christian Crusades, and a host of fabrications of the true biblical Hebrew Israelites? Ultimately, there has been a collective effort to maintain a secret corroboration between those who funded most of Eurasia’s conquests from the Middle Ages throughout our current century. But why?

  Sworn to Secrecy: Global Deception

  Could their oath of secrecy lie in a little-known aspect of ancient biblical history concerning some idea of Christ’s physical appearance? It’s obvious that the media and the Hollywood movie industry continue to spread false portrayals of Jesus. “For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah,” as did Moses (Heb. 7:14). Still, many Jews, Gentiles, and Muslims say Christ was just a prophet, teacher, or holy man, like the Chinese Buddha. We’ll all soon find out the truth sometime after the third temple is seen standing in the holy place, Jerusalem.

  What if, not only Moses, but some aspects of Christ’s physical appearance, especially his skin tone and hair became the driving factor to repeal and replace his ethnic identity. This might explain why the tribe of Judah migrated to Egypt. Even the prophet’s vision of Christ’s second coming reveals “The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire” (Rev. 1:14).

  If so, Rome’s repeal and replace of Jesus’s true ethnicity might have been the first catalyst that sowed the seed of ethnic misrepresentation for racial superiority in human consciousness—a distortion of Middle Eastern history that ultimately became institutionalized in America during the eighteenth century, supported by many Jewish American counterparts. This aspect of Jewish and American ideology has remained part of a global scheme to hide the true ancestral heritage of many African slaves from one generation to the next. One historical fact humanity must remember is that Jesus Christ was not European.

  What about Catholicism? Did the Church take part in this deception by propagating false images of Christ throughout Western Europe, the Americas, Africa, and the rest of the world?

  We’ll discuss how Christian idolatry of Christ came about in later chapters. For now, it’s important to recognize how propaganda became part
of Western Europe and America’s strategy of whitening the nations.

  Hiding Truths

  It’s possible that many oligarchs of Western Europe discovered some disturbing truths during their colonial occupation and romping in Africa. Considering Africa was where most ancestors of Judah’s tribe migrated after the Exodus. Modern archeology and DNA testing have confirmed this.

  Remember, what happened to the tribe of Judah in the wilderness after the Exodus? What about the Khazars who converted to Judaism in the Khazarian Kingdom and those Ashkenazis in Europe? Their sins and lawlessness preceded them into World War II. History has shown that God’s wrath has followed them ever since, and it is only going to get worse, based on biblical prophecy.

  But let’s be clear: our global problems are bigger than just Jewish agitation. It’s a phenomenon from the top of society’s hierarchy to the bottom. However, in various nations, the global elites and those set up to support their agenda are simply seen as and referred to as planet managers. This is due to their position on the pyramidal structure of society and hierarchy of knowledge, power, and social status. However, their methods and the people they support continue to be mostly designed in direct disagreement with either the law of Moses or the law of Noah, therefore lacking any real spiritual or moral value for humanity.

  Will They Depopulate the Planet?

  Well, there is global debate about forced population reduction. China took the initiative. In Western society, that idea would require extreme measures by our democratic institutions, or at least by a collective effort of some advanced nations of Earth.

  In Marx and Engels Communist Manifesto of 1848, they argued that members of the worldarx and Engels Communist Man because there was no true nationalism. The impetus for this in the twenty-first century is that the top 10% of wage earners only care about themselves and not about the working class.

  Global Wealth

  An undisclosed insider of the Washington Beltway has revealed that half of the world’s wealth is controlled by a handful of the nefarious ones of the earth. Far more shocking was that 1% owns more assets than 99% of the global community combined. The nefarious ones—the oligarchs of the earth, like Putin, Assad, and Trump—care little about their country. The main interest they share is about maintaining control and designing a future world order more lucrative for themselves and their immediate circle of family and friends, unlike North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who has become an isolationist who starves his country to maintain control over the nation’s wealth.

  However, many Americans voted for Trump because they felt his domestic policies favored the working class and not the oligarchs of the United States.

  Secret Societies

  Many ask where these nefarious ones get their global support. Most oligarchs and those who support their agenda knowingly are members of well-known secret societies: The Ku Klux Klan, Skulls and Bones, the Nation of Islam, the Order of the Illuminati, Freemasons, and more.

  These and many others share a long history of an alliance against the law of Moses, the law of Noah, and God’s other spiritual directives. These societies have extracted and mixed pagan religion and philosophy, and they also modify scripture for initiation rites that convince and psychologically bind their followers.

  Like many pagan societies in ancient and modern times, they offer convincing religious philosophy without abiding by spiritual truth—the Word of God through the Torah, the Gospel of Christ, or Islam. I am not referring to the twisted versions of either major religion.

  Just because we are Americans does not mean our leaders are not like the pagans that occupied earthly thrones and high positions of influence during the First and Second Temple periods of history. Just as in our ancient past, the educated members of society knew how to influence and control the masses using the most powerful source in ancient times: the sacred texts.

  “The Secret Covenant of the Jewish Secret Society Known As the Order of the Illuminati Issued under the supreme authority of the Jewish Bograh and sanctioned by the Jewish Rothschild Dynasty (Europe) and the Jewish Rockefeller Dynasty (USA).”78

  Many corrupt governments and their terrorists, or hate groups, share foreign and domestic interests, beliefs, and activities with people of the same background, regardless of where they were born. These folks are a cross-section of our community leaders and everyday citizen of all nationalities, races, and religions within our global society.

  Ku Klux Klan

  The Klan was born 1865 somewhere in “Pulaski, Tennessee … to form a secret society … rapidly grew … to a paramilitary force bent on” making the South great again. Sounds familiar? It’s eerily similar to President Trump’s violent rhetoric and promises to Make America Great Again.

  The Klan has had a long-lasting impact on the domestic policies of the United States. Because many states intentionally refused to uphold the nation’s constitutional mandate of equal justice and liberty for all American citizens and newly arriving immigrants.

  News Alert—June 16, 2016: South Carolina: Dylann Storm Roof, a self-proclaimed lone wolf of a local Klan terrorist organization, wanted to start a civil war in America, so he entered a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, and opened fire. He murdered church members that day with extreme malice and hatred.

  News Alert—August 13, 2017: A member of the newly evolved Klan “drove into a large group of counter-protesters, killing one person, a thirty-two-year-old woman, and injuring nineteen others … James Alex Fields, Jr. … charged with second-degree murder”79 and no one charged with domestic terrorism.

  It’s still amazing in America that domestic crime committed by white nationalists, neo-Nazi groups, especially the Ku Klux Klan, has nearly always appeared in the news cycle as a hate crime instead of domestic terrorism.

  In as such, the methods used by these extreme radical elements to intimidate, and threaten one’s life, liberty or pursuit of happiness have lead to injury, disenfranchisement, or murder for political purposes - we must ask why? Especially, when local media, federal and state governments fail to prosecute their crimes as domestic terrorism. But for foreign actors within the United States, it becomes a quick determination of international terrorism based on political motivation. Even if the perpetrator is American-born from a Middle Eastern country, his or her crime is immediately classified as domestic terrorism. What if this approach by our nation has been intentional, and or state sponsored for suppression to maintain America’s racial dominance?

  Under the national leadership of President Donald J. Trump, extreme white nationalism and racism have been embolden in his quest to “Make America Great Again” for those who perpetrate not only violence and hatred on American soil, but also terrorism as a form of intimidating legal and illegal immigrants from coming to the United States.


  Freemasons somehow developed a knock-off copy of old Egyptian and Middle Eastern pagan idols—including the Baals (every city had its Baal)—that had somehow found their way into the Catholic Church.

  “Freemasons, Francmaçons, Libremuoratori, Freimauren, were … builders of … medieval cathedrals. They … were bound by … the Catholic faith … developed their own set of signs, symbols and gestures as means of mutual recognition. These builders were known as … masons” a secret religious cult that has spread globally among nearly all ethnicities and nationalities.80

  Sworn to Secrecy

  However, many say, “Freemasonry can’t be called a ‘secret society’ … because they can’t disclose who they are to nonmembers.”81 This can’t be true; I’ve known a few Freemasons who never openly disclose who they are to nonmembers in passing. However, it’s no different than the Ku Klux Klan, they all display signs and symbols on their cars or at their business location. In other words, if any of these occult societies forbid information to the general public, they are a secret society.

  The British Special Air Service, the United States Army Green Berets, and United States Navy SEAL
Teams reveal basic information to the general public but are still considered secret military organizations. Okay, enough said. I think you understand how some organizations tend to say they’re not secret societies when they in fact are.

  Maintaining secrecy was obviously essential to all the ancient rites and mystery schools, at the core of pagan darkness and practice to teach the immortality of the soul.


  In the twenty-first century, the belief that Jesus was not divine still seems to be the dogma of the third-degree masonry. In as such, masonry is known to incorporate pagan worship in front of idols as one ascends the various degrees of masonry.

  King Jeroboam of the ten northern tribes of Israel faltered in his obedience to God’s spiritual law during the First Temple period against idol worship. Many modern religious cults also lead their adherents astray with false doctrine, just as “official Masonic doctrine maintains that, Jesus was just a man. He was one of the ‘exemplars’ one of the great men of the past.”82 Just as Christ warned, there have always been antichrists and false prophets.

  Thus, Mason’s dogma, like that of Jeroboam during the First Temple period for the Israelites, is thoroughly refuted in the Bible: “there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2:5). And “there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Ignorant people tend to play with whether this name or that name is correct based on their ego; most don’t even realize there are “50 names and titles of Jesus.”83

  The Church Connection


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