Tick Tock To Midnight- The Man Of Sin, The Lawless One
Page 11
Therefore, Masons have two simple options: embrace the church and maintain faith in the New Testament gospel of Christ or stand with false dogma, aligned with Satan and ancient pagan rituals. “Keeping with the theme that the aim of Satan Freemasonry is to … destroy the Church with corruption of morals, it can’t be mere happenstance that … a Polish priest who had worked for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith announced that he is an active homosexual, and demanded revisions in Catholic teaching regarding homosexuality.” This is yet another piece of evidence of Satan’s influence manipulating his way in and out of the Catholic Church for over a generation.84
Are the Church and Freemasonry under the Influence of Satan?
Sometime after the rise of the sixth Roman Catholic Pope, Freemasonry took over the Vatican during the reign of Pope Paul VI during a satanic Masonic Vatican ceremonial council within the church, which ultimately enshrined Satan as their symbolic god in 1963 in a black mass. This act influenced many world religions. It shouldn’t be any surprise then that one of the greatest deceptions by Satan was influencing his nefarious supporters within and outside of the Catholic Church to use the world’s infamous imposter, Cesare Borgia to portray himself as Christ Jesus to the world. This sinister influence will be highlighted later.
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77 “Jews in Medieval Europe—History,” Quatr.us from Professor Carr, accessed July 5, 2018, https://quatr.us/medieval/jews-medieval-europe-history.htm.
78 “The Secret Covenant of the Jewish Secret Society Known As the Order of the Illuminati,” Common Sense, Oct. 11, 2017, https://patinthehat00.wordpress.com/2017/10/11/the-secret-covenant-of-the-jewish-secret-society-known-as-the-order-of-the-illuminatireblog/.
79 Charles Bethea, “A Witness to Terrorism in Charlottesville,” Aug. 13, 2017, www.newyorker.com/news/as-told-to/a-witness-to-terrorism-in-charlottesville.
80 H. Reed Armstrong, Freemasonry & The Catholic Church: A Brief Introduction, May 12, 2017, https://onepeterfive.com/freemasonry-catholic-church-brief-introduction/.
81 Carol Brooks, “Freemasonry: The Brotherhood, the Lodge, the Craft,” accessed August 7, 2018, www.inplainsite.org/html/freemasonry.html.
82 Dr. John Weldon, “What Does the Masonic Lodge Teach Its Members about Jesus?” The John Ankerberg Show, accessed July 6, 2018, www.jashow.org/articles/masonry/masonic-lodge/what-does-the-masonic-lodge-teach-its-members-about-jesus/.
83 Debbie McDaniel, “50 Names and Titles of Jesus: Who the Bible Says Christ Is,” Crosswalk, Dec. 1, 2016, www.crosswalk.com/blogs/debbie-mcdaniel/50-names-of-jesus-who-the-bible-says-christ-is.html.
84 Michael Hichborn, “Satan Must Reign in the Vatican. The Pope Will Be His Slave,” Lepanto Institute, Oct. 6, 2015, www.lepantoinstitute.org/uncategorized/satan-must-reign-in-the-vatican-the-pope-will-be-his-slave/.
Chapter 15
Beginnings of a Collapsed World Order
Rome Is Falling
What if America is becoming like the Roman Empire? An empire that experienced domestic, political, and religious conflicts. Conflicts highlighted by pagan worship, altered egos, and various views of Christianity and suppression of human freedoms, including individual privacy and high taxes. Most of Rome’s citizens were just worker bees without any hope of enjoying the fruits of its great economic power. In President Trump’s America, many citizens, especially immigrants are experiencing the similar affects of poor leadership.
Christ’s arrival during the Roman Empire made salvation and freedom available to all humanity, despite our sinful and lawless behavior. Even that remarkable event in human history didn’t solve humanity’s problems. Some ancient alien theorists say it must be a defect in humans’ genealogical code from their alien ancestors. If so, we’re long overdue for an upgrade!
America’s survival depends on a return to its constitutional values and morals based on the spiritual laws of humanity’s Creator. America and other nations, especially Israel, must return to their religious faith to prepare for the coming apocalypse. The nation of Israel should strive to resemble a fraction of the New Jerusalem to come. Their model for godliness should not be based on ethnicity, nationality, or borderlines but on spiritual values derived solely from the Torah—not ideas from scholarly discussions, or modernity, but solely on God’s Words in the Torah (Old Testament) and the New Testament of the gospel of Christ.
However, if science and other religions have proved there’s no Creator of heaven and the earth, then the super rich with international connections have truly become the new government of heaven and earth in the twenty-first century.
And America’s new leader, President Donald J. Trump, was thrust into the spotlight as their torchbearer, to become richer, and to mold an authoritarian world government with absolute control over all citizens of the world. So, will they sacrifice one-third of mankind in order to redesign a New World Order (NWO)?
News Flash 2017: The 45th president signed an executive order to raise taxes to pay for the Mexican border wall—a smoke screen to make another deal, like eliminate increases in social security and approve state segregation based on racial ethnicity.
News Flash 2017: Anti-Semitic crimes have soared across the South since the January 1, 2017, inauguration. But most don’t realize that all Jews aren’t the same; the wolves have hidden themselves among the lambs. Don’t take my word for it, though, look to scripture. Just be careful how you choose because Christ said, “I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you” (Rev. 3:9). That sounds like end of days prophecy fulfillment.
News Flash 2017: During President Obama’s tenure, several states submitted their request to secede from the Union of the United States of America due to government corruption. But President Trump’s questionable embrace of unfriendly foreign leaders, obvious disregard for America’s rule of law, immoral marital behavior, habitual need to lie to the American people, and lack of respect for the Office of the Presidency is a whole other level of corruption. The “ongoing political and legal challenges regarding his campaign’s contacts with Russia are providing fuel for the fire … Compromise has become a dirty word—and that’s a very dangerous development.”85
Yes, most would agree, the new empire that resembles the great Roman Empire is falling with a velocity no one ever expected. What if a corrupt DNA messenger switched on in some humans, based on their spiritual allegiance? A genome trait from the bad Watcher Angels after the Great Flood that causes some people to default against the spiritual laws and commandments of God?
What if after America’s 2016 presidential election, Satan increased his recruitment campaign, aimed mainly at God’s Church, to spread his hatred? It’s certainly been heard and seen more frequently during the Trump presidency. Satan’s campaign of hate, division, deception, delusion, and lies, continues to degrade and divide America while creating global political, religious, and economic tsunamis of epic proportion.
Many corrupt governments and their terrorists, or hate groups, share foreign and domestic interests, beliefs, and activities with people of the same background, regardless of where they were born. These folks are a cross-section of our community leaders and everyday citizens of all nationalities, races, and religions within our global society.
News Flash—April 2017: One of several surveillance cameras captured the murder of New York’s first Black Muslim female, Judge Salaam, who had been appointed to New York’s highest court. In another shocking revelation, the White House chief strategist was heard bragging about informing President Trump, who refused to make a public statement. This tragedy is reminiscent of the Klan in its heyday in the early to mid-twentieth century of America’s racist past. What if Judge Salaam was seen as a threat to the president’s history of corruption, and cover-ups? That would have justified someone soliciting the Klan to conduct a killing. The Klan was well-known for burning a wooden cross befo
re or after the killing of Black people.
According to biblical history, there’s no mention of any spiritual value to be gained by burning the cross while embracing Christian values. So, listen up you naysayers: that doctrine was not taught by Christ. This is how Satan sends his demonic spirits to influence the hearts of heathens willing to mix pagan religion with the Word of God, those willing to align themselves with Satan’s will.
Freed slaves were frequently ignored by America’s republican government and terrorized by democratic government-sponsored radical Christian terrorists, making them no different than radical Islamist terrorists sponsored by an Islamic State.
News Alert—April 2017: Trump pushes to allow Internet providers to access Internet users’ personal browser history, to include your personal activities online—all without your knowledge and approval. This is likely an attempt to gain more social monitoring and control prior to the Beast’s arrival on the world scene. Before this dreadful event occurs, the nefarious globalists must initiate their plans for increased global conflicts, rise of untreatable disease(s), and religious and ethnic wars against immigrants from war-torn nations around the globe.
Now that America’s 45th president has deregulated the Internet, next on the agenda is the initiation of a third world war, an attempt to usher in a third global revolution. The first major revolution was fomented during the rise of the Roman Empire. The second revolution was the Western empires of Europe, led by the Catholic Church in Rome beginning with Pope Alexander VI. And the third attempt will be initiated after the rebuilding of the third Jewish temple in Jerusalem. The relocation of the United States Embassy from Israel to Jerusalem has set the stage for this event.
Many god-kinships (royal families) have planned and worked tirelessly from their ancestors’ past to bring the end-game agenda to fruition, all planned by some puppet master’s occult hierarchy, secret societies, and their supporters, who embraced a modified form of enlightenment by robbing other kingdoms and empires of their ancient knowledge to strengthen their vision of a New World Economic & Spiritual Order (NWESO).
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85 Lis Wiehl, “Falling apart: U.S. secessionist movements gather attention,” Washington Times, June 13, 2017, https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/13/secession-movements-in-us-gaining-steam/.
Chapter 16
One Minute Before Midnight—Maybe, Maybe Not?
Will There Be UFO Contact?
News Flash: It has now been revealed that in July 2017, scientists involved with the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) discovered a few mysterious signals coming from a distant red dwarf star named Ross 128, located approximately eleven light-years from earth.
For the last several decades, expenditures of nations have not been focused on the welfare of humankind. The most important agenda has been reestablishing ancient alien contact. These aliens mated with the daughters of man, first in the Genesis creation story then possibly in the story of Noah after the Great Flood to help populate the Earth. What if some global oligarchies have been aligned with these ancient aliens? And now, what if finalizing their plans of relocating the US Embassy and constructing a third Jewish temple to a holy place in Jerusalem, they unintentionally cause humanity to spiral into an apocalypse of pandemic proportion once contact is made? Our global community is already scrambling to deal with climate change and those who deny its effects on earth’s inhabitants and animal life.
News Alert—2017: For the first time in history, the global community is experiencing a clear uptick in the effects of climate change. We might pause to ask ourselves: Did the Book of Revelation predict these outcomes due to the corruption and carelessness of the human heart?
In 2017, several catastrophic events occurred in less than a thirty-day time period. Western Romania was unexpectedly struck by over 100 kilometer per hour winds in September. Afterward, local citizens complained they hadn’t been warned it was coming because the weekly forecast only predicted mild rain showers.
Hurricane season seemed to confirm how catastrophic nature can become in response to human neglect. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Katia, Jose, and Maria wreaked havoc and chaos from the Caribbean to America.
Additionally, two catastrophic earthquakes of 8.1 and 7.1 magnitude struck Mexico. The first earthquake (8.1) caused the tectonic plates to separate by 31 feet, which could cause future anomalies and catastrophes.
News Flash—2017: The 45th president of the United States made his first appearance before the United Nations General Assembly in New York, across from Trump Tower. The president made it clear the obliteration of North Korea is an eventuality, along with setting the stage for a war between Israel and Iran, by signaling the termination of the previous administration’s Iran Nuclear Agreement.
As of this writing, Russia, China, and North Korea have always been allied in their war efforts while diplomatically manipulating America’s interests for the oligarchies of Asia. These three axes of allied powers are firmly aligned with Syria and Iran.
Keep in mind the strange anomalies of nature, climate change, and natural disasters humanity witnessed in 2017, which have only occurred with more frequency and intensity in years since. In addition, America’s increasing decline as a global role model is alienating many members of the UN.
The United States witnessed a stunning solar eclipse in August 2017 that crossed the country. Additionally, a rare alignment of the planets occurred, which was foretold in the Book of Revelation. The Anunnaki Sumerian clay tablets depicted a planet named Nibiru that many say is now detectable with modern satellites and is scheduled to come within Earth’s orbit September 23, 2023.
News Flash—2018: Before the death of physicist Stephen Hawking in 2018, he announced a one-hundred million dollar project in which NASA’s Mars Homeland department speculates that alien life from within our own galaxy may be discovered in three years. What if this coincides with a proposed construction and opening of Israel’s third temple in 2019? This event would surely solidify President Trump’s image as a savior of Israel.
New World Order
Global elites, their inner circle, and other trusted supporters have always understood the puppet master’s grand scheme—to design their heaven on earth through force, indoctrination of the population, and mind control through mass media.
There have been rumors that the US President’s push to gain access to nationwide voting records has a sinister agenda—to covertly send voter data to Russia via their US diplomats in Washington, DC. This would enable Russia’s cyber teams to operate unimpeded, using data to manipulate and reelect the 45th president after his first term in office. Secondly, they would have the power to target those who don’t vote for the president, shutting down their banking accounts and other electronic interfaces that control their everyday life.
These nefarious ones are also aligning select foreign and domestic governments and institutions to assist their vision of a New World Order. And, more importantly, to govern society from a psychological impact of instilling fear of an alien or rogue AI takeover of global institutions. In reality, it would be their alliance with demonic fallen angels and Satan. Their one-world system would then reign supreme, but only temporarily, from the United States Embassy and the third temple, headquartered in Jerusalem.
However, prior to the final stages of this global system, many people will have lost faith in the four major religions—Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism—and will turn to embrace the puppet master, unveiled as the False Messiah, and forced to receive his mark as a form of national identification.
Remember when American President George W. Bush Sr. gave a speech on September 9, 1997? Many governments, civilians, and conspiracy theorists alike believed that his speech was a subtle signal to their network of elitists to execute the final stretch toward a turbulent and chaotic future.
Following President Bush’s speech precisely eleven years later on September 11, 2001, on a full sun cycle, the New York World Trade Cente
r was attacked. Furthermore, it has been rumored that Pope Francis will retire before 2020, revealing his role as the last pope as the 45th president continues to show signs of being the Man of Sin, the Lawless One.
There are two end-game agendas being played out as foretold thousands of years ago from our ancient past. One of those is the continued struggle for the establishment of a Satanic global order headquartered in Jerusalem.
This system appears to be ushered in by a fascist president supported by an authoritarian racist government, and Jewish Zionism seeking to replace the body of Christ with a third temple in the holy city of Jerusalem under the protection of the United States of America.
However, it has been foretold that this new world system, along with kings and leaders of world states, will be confronted by Christ at the appearance of His second coming, descending over the Holy Land to establish a new Jerusalem.
Will this be a physical reality or a spiritual Jerusalem? For many, the question is answered within their faith tradition. For some, it will be Christ, Mohammed, or Buddha appearing in the flesh or as some alien conquistador. Only time will reveal the truth.
Whatever the answer, it will be quite an event, a profound moment of everlasting change in human affairs. Global elites have raped and distorted the Word of God and spared no expense from a collapsed Roman Order to create their perception of the world, like a spellbinding fiction that could become reality.
Even if Christ were the Anunnaki (Anki), it has already been recorded in the Sumerian clay tablets that he was the most peaceful and loving one of them all. After all, it is said that angels have the ability to change shape and move beyond space and time. The life span of Anunnakis is said to be tens of thousands of years, at which point they are transformed into another dimension.