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Shelley: The Pursuit

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by Holmes, Richard

  Literary Chronicle, 660

  Literary Gazette, 595, 660, 668

  Literary Miscellany, Peacock’s article on decline of poetry in, 641–2; and Shelley’s article in reply (unpublished), 642–6

  Literary Panorama, 34 n.

  The Literary Pocket-Book, ed. Leigh Hunt, 568

  Liverpool, Lord, 9, 97 n., 363, 386, 476, 531, 532, 552; Cato Street Conspiracy and, 579–80

  Livorno (Leghorn), 465, 571, 572, 578, 622, 725, 728, 729, 730; Casa Ricci (Gisborne’s house) in, 423; Shelleys’ stay in (1818), 423–6, 429, 444, 446, 493, 513; and at Villa Valsovano, Monte Nero (1819), 518, 519–41 passim, 581; and at Casa Ricci (1820), 596–601 passim; Claire’s vacations in (1820 and 1821), 609, 662, 663, 677–8; Shelley buys sailing boat in, 646–7; Byron moves to, 710, 712, 713

  Livy, 463, 487

  Llangollen, 161, 163

  Locke, John, 48, 54, 71, 76, 298 n., 307, 577

  Lockhart, John Gibson, 404–5 & n., 568

  Lodore, Mary Shelley, xi, 21–2

  London, Shelley’s stay in: at 15 Poland Street (1811), 57–70 passim, 220, 637; 1812: at Lewis’s Hotel, St James’s St, 167–76; 1813: at Cook’s Hotel, Albemarle St, 200–16; and extra lodgings in Half Moon St, 213–16; 1814–15: 250–85: at 56 Margaret St, 250–4; at 5 Church Terrace (Kentish Town), 254–69; at 2 Nelson Square, Blackfriars Rd, 269–76; in Hans Place, 276–80; at 13 Arabella Rd, Pimlico, 280–2; at 26 Marchmont St, Bloomsbury, 282–5; in 1816: in Norfolk St, 314–18; at 26 Marchmont St, 319–20, 346; at Hunts’ house in Vale of Health, 351, 359–63; in 1817: at Hunts’ house in Lisson Grove, 377–80; at 19 Mabledon Place, 383–9; in 1818: at 119 Great Russell St, 407–12

  London Chronicle, attack on Shelley in, 342, 404

  London Magazine, 275; Mary’s article ‘On Ghosts’ in, 344, 448; review of The Cenci in, 595

  London Monthly Critical and Dramatic Review, 595

  Longdill, P. W. (Shelley’s solicitor), 321, 343, 346 n., 377, 378, 379, 550, 648, 711; settlement of Shelley estate negotiated by, 281, 282, 283, 313; and Harriet’s suicide, 352, 353

  Lord Byron and Some of His Contemporaries, Leigh Hunt, 733

  Lovell, Robert, 100

  Love’s Coming-of-Age, Edward Carpenter, 633 n.

  Lovett, William, 151 & n.

  Lucan, 290, 658

  Lucca (Tuscany), 429, 430, 443, 444, 602, 604, 651, 670, 687–8

  Lucerne, Lake, 236, 237, 241; Shelley’s stay at Brunnen (1814), 242–3

  Lucretius, 26, 29, 200, 201, 202, 206, 266 n. 298 n., 311, 403, 434, 485, 494, 522, 598

  Luddism, 96, 97 n., 98, 100, 180, 185, 384

  Ludlam, Isaac, trial and execution of (1817), 384–6

  Lycidas, John Milton, 657

  Lynmouth, Shelley’s stay in, 146–62, 197; Claire Clairmont goes to, 282–3, 285

  Lyrical Ballads, William Wordsworth, 8

  The Lyrics of Shelley, ed. Judith Chernaik, 371 n.

  MacFarlane, Charles, 478–9

  McMillan (printer), 389

  ‘The Mad Mother’, William Wordsworth, 257

  Madocks, William Alexander, 164–5, 166, 172, 174 n., 178, 179, 181, 183, 184, 185, 190, 196, 214

  The Magic Plant, Carl Grabo, xii

  Magnus, Albertus, 332

  Malthus, Thomas, 8

  Manchester Observer, 530, 541

  Mandeville, William Godwin, 168, 390

  Manicheans, 243 n.

  Manning, Thomas, 125, 746

  Manso, Giovanni, 417

  Marcus Aurelius, 488

  Marlow, 286, 290, 297, 361, 575; Shelley’s visits to Peacock in, 346, 350, 351, 357–8, 363–6; and Shelley’s home at Albion House (1817), 367–408, 524

  Marshall, Mrs Julian, 666 n.

  Marx, Karl, 584

  Mary, a Fiction, Mary Wollstonecraft, 239

  Mary Shelley’s Journal, xii, 737, 754; missing pages (January — May 1815), 276; (December and January 1818), 462–3; (June — August 1819), 518

  Masi, Sergeant-Major, violent incident with Byron shooting party, 706–8, 710, 715

  Mason, Mrs (Countess Margaret Lady Mountcashell) and family, 572, 629, 659; biographical details, 575–6; and friendship with Shelleys, 541–2, 575, 576–7, 579–80, 600; ‘The Sensitive Plant’ and, 582; Claire’s departure from Shelley household and, 600, 601, 612, 615; and Claire’s stay with, 608, 609, 610, 612, 622

  Mason, Laurette, 576

  Mason, Nerina, 576

  Mathilda, Mary Shelley, 447, 526, 663

  Matthews, G. M., 724 n.

  Maurois, André, ix, 21 n.

  Mavrocordato, Prince Alexander, 624, 630, 641, 646, 650, 651, 652, 681; his departure to join in Greek struggle, 655, 677; Hellas dedicated to, 678

  ‘Mazeppa’, Byron, 447

  Meadows family (in Florence), 571, 573

  Medical Extracts, 153

  Medici family, 444, 584, 602

  The Medusa, Leonardo da Vinci, 479

  Medwin, T.C., 4; Shelley seeks financial help from 77, 78, 131, 135, 136, 143

  Medwin, Tom, 11 & n., 14, 18, 28, 29, 30, 56, 61, 87–8, 100 n., 196, 215, 420, 474 n, 511, 613, 687; on Shelley’s schooldays at Syon House, 4, 5, 6; and literary collaboration with Shelley, 31; on Shelley’s relationship with father, 35–6; and on expulsion from Oxford, 54, 55; and on Shelley’s dreams, 65–6; and on Shelley’s friendship with Harriet, 66; favours reconciliation between Shelley and father, 211–12; invited to Italy, 572–3, 581, 601; returns to Bagni di Pisa with Shelley, 616; and stays in Pisa, 617; his Sketches in Hindoostan published, 617; on Shelley’s malady, 617–18; and Shelley’s scheme to visit Near East, 619; and Shelley’s translation, 620; and reading of poetry, 621; his impression of Claire, 622; and of Pacchiani, 623; and of Emilia Viviani, 625; his experiments in mesmerism, 626–7, 635; and Williamses’ arrival in Pisa, 640; leaves Pisa, 640; joins Byron’s shooting expeditions, 686, 690; on Shelley’s literary judgement, 689; and on dinner-table conversation, 689

  Melincourt, T. L. Peacock, 311

  The Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff, T. J. Hogg, 221, 271–2

  Mengaldo, Chevalier, 447–8

  Merle, Joseph, 56, 58, 69–70, 111, 175

  Mesmer, Friedrich Anton, Mesmerism, 626–7 & n., 635, 701

  Mexico, revolution in (1812), 117

  Michelangelo Buonarroti, 479

  Milan, Shelleys’ stay in (1818), 416–22, 429

  Milanie, Mlle (ballerina), 408, 409

  Milbanke, Anne Isabella (Lady Byron), 316

  Mill, James, 586 n.

  Mill, John Stuart, 295 n., 554, 557 n., 586 n., 633 n., 733

  Millais, Sir John, 733

  Miller’s Hotel, London, meeting between Shelley and father in (1811), 57–8

  Milltown, First Earl of, 179 n.

  Milly Shields (Shelleys’ servant), 412, 421, 422, 426, 458, 465, 481, 522, 575

  Milnes, Richard Monckton, 38

  Milton, John, 181, 201, 208, 276, 302, 326, 332, 425, 434, 494, 501 n., 644, 657

  Minerva Press, 14, 31, 37

  Missolonghi, Byron’s death in, 731

  The Monk, M. G. Lewis, 14, 274

  Monboddo, Lord, 182, 202

  Montagu, Basil, 94 n, 359, 356

  Montalègre (Geneva), Shelleys’ stay at Maison Chappuis in (1816), 326, 327–45

  Monte Nero (Livorno), Shelleys’ stay in Villa Valsovano in, 518, 519–41, 581

  Monte Pisano (Tuscany), 602, 609, 611, 614, 651

  Monte San Pelegrino, Shelley’s pilgrimage to, 604

  Montgomery, James, 101

  Monthly Magazine, 403

  Monthly Review, review of Alastor in, 309

  Moore, Tom, x, 335, 340, 380, 390, 391, 409, 509, 657, 711; Peter Bell the Third dedicated to, 551

  Morgan, Lady, 70

  Morelos, José, 117

  Morning Chronicle, 51, 389, 661

  Morpha Lodge, Tremadoc, 177, 180

  Morris, William, 402

  Moschus, Shelley’s translations of, 307
, 308 n, 656

  Mountcashell family, 124 n.; see also Mason, Mrs

  Mount Street Coffee House, London, 66

  Moxon (publisher), 210, 431, 732

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 408

  Munday’s bookshop, see Slatter and Munday

  Murray, John (publisher), 308, 324, 330, 335, 337, 345, 346, 420 n., 666 n., 689; publication of Childe Harold by, 346, 348; and Frankenstein rejected by, 371, 376

  The Mutiny Within, James Reiger, 261 n.

  Nantgwillt, Radnorshire, 161, 219; Shelley’s stay in (1812), 134–45, 150; and his plans to lease (June 1814), 229–30

  Naples, 421, 457, 458, 510, 514, 517, 578, 609; Shelleys’ stay at 250 Riviera di Chiaia in (1818), 461–79, 481, 482–3, 493, 505 n.; and Keats arrival, 614

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 290, 448

  Napoleonic Wars, 52, 96, 137, 139, 165, 530, 576, 587

  Nash, Andrew and George (money-lenders), 226, 229, 232, 236, 238 n., 284–5 n.

  Near East, Shelley’s plan to visit, 613, 619

  Neufchatel, 237, 240–1, 250

  New Harmony egalitarian communities, Indiana, 150 n.

  New Monthly Magazine, T. J. Hogg’s ‘Reminiscences of Shelley at Oxford’ in, 41 n., 731; and review of The Cenci, 595

  New Testament, 571, 584

  Newton, Dr John Frank and Mrs, 174–5, 200, 214, 215, 216–17, 222, 223, 224, 250

  The Nightmare, Henry Fuseli, 35

  Nightmare Abbey, T. L. Peacock, 374–6, 429, 522, 527

  The Niobe statue, 566

  Norfolk, Duke of, 10, 43, 89, 97, 123, 124, 165, 184, 216, 415; Shelley visits Greystoke, 95, 109; and negotiates reconciliation between Shelley and father, 212

  North Wales Gazette, 165, 166, 187

  Nouvelle Héloise, J-J. Rousseau, 334, 336

  Novello, Vincent, 369

  Nugent, Catherine, 134, 156, 157, 222; Shelley’s friendship with, 128–9, 131–2; and correspondence with Harriet, 129 &n., 133, 147, 148, 176, 183, 184, 200–1, 216, 219, 222, 238, 239, 251, 273–4, 279

  Observations on Man, David Hartley, 153, 295 n.

  O’Connell, Daniel, 125

  O’Connor, Arthur, 123, 124

  Odier, Dr and Mme, 328

  Odysseus (Greek brigand), 731

  Odyssey, Homer, 220

  Oedipus, Sophocles, 445

  Oedipus at Colonus, Sophocles, 461

  The Old Man of the Mountain, Sales de Lisle, 243 n.

  Old St Pancras Churchyard, Mary Wollstonecraft’s grave in, 230, 232 & n.

  Oliver affair (government spy), 384 & n., 385 n., 386

  Ollier, Charles (publisher), 359, 367, 369, 377, 383, 457, 479, 538, 551, 556, 608, 610, 613, 641, 642–3; Proposal for Putting Reform to the Vote . . . published by, 364–5; rejects Frankenstein, 376; publishes On the Death of Princess Charlotte, 385, 386, 388; and The Revolt of Islam, 389, 390–1, 392, 402, 403, 413; and Prometheus Unbound, 509–10 & n., 540, 595; Shelley’s letters from Italy to, 525, 529–30, 545, 551, 568, 569, 580; sends Shelley 1st edition of Rosalind and Helen and Endymion, 529; ‘Ode to Liberty’ sent to, 583; refuses to publish Shelley’s political works, 594; and brings out The Cenci, 595; publishes Medwin’s Sketches in Hindoostan, 617; and Epipsychidion, 634, 639; and ‘A Defense of Poetry’, 646; and Adonais, 655–6; pirate edition of Queen Mab and, 660–1; Shelley’s letter about Valperga to, 675–6; and publication of Hellas, 678, 681, 711; Shelley tries to make break with, 697–8

  O’Neil (actress), 513, 525

  ‘On Ghosts’, Mary Shelley, 344

  On National Education, George Ensor, 71–2

  On Nervous Diseases, Thomas Trotter, 182, 202

  ‘On Paradox and Commonplace’, William Hazlitt, 45 n.

  On the Nature of Things, Lucretius, 202

  Opie, Amelia, 76

  Opie, John, 447

  Orange, Ursula, 474 n.

  Ovid, 184

  Owen, Robert, Owenites, 150, 179, 208, 209, 366

  Oxford (University College), Shelley at (1810–11), 11, 16, 17, 23, 24, 29, 35–56, 98, 99, 104, 225, 403, 514, 543, 637–8, 731; Shelley revisits (1815), 291, 296

  Oxford University and City Herald, 51, 52, 54, 371 n.

  Pacchiani, Francesco, his friendship with Shelleys, 622–3, 624, 628, 640

  Padilla, Count John Taaffe, 624

  Padua, 440, 441, 442, 443, 445, 446, 462, 469, 482

  Paestum, Etruscan remains at, 278

  Paine, Tom, 7, 40, 43, 106, 111, 119, 122, 123, 124, 138, 139, 144, 154, 202, 274, 385, 556, 557, 660

  Palatine Hill, Rome, 485, 488

  Palazzo Cenci, Rome, 513, 515–16

  Palazzo Lanfranchi, see Pisa

  Palazzo Mocenigo, see Venice

  Palazzo Verospi, see Rome

  Pallerini, Maria, 416

  Palmyra, T. L. Peacock, 173

  Pantisocratic plan (Southey — Coleridge), Paracelsus, 332

  Paradise Lost, John Milton, 139, 332, 405, 509

  Paradise Regained, John Milton, 425

  II Paradiso, Dante, 418

  Paris, Shelley’s visits to, 236–7, 250, 322

  Parry-Jones, Corbet, 564–5, 568

  Pascoud, translation of Political Justice by, 348

  Pausanias, 435

  Peacock, Thomas Love, x, 14, 20, 25, 54, 65 n., 79, 83, 200, 233, 241, 251, 258, 261, 286, 290, 412, 413, 551, 554, 561, 597, 732; on Harriet, 68; his friendship with Shelley, 173–4, 214, 216, 217–18, 221, 264, 265; crotchet novels of, 174 & n.; his hallucination theory of shooting incident at Tremadoc, 187, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195–6; on Eliza Ianthe, 215–16; his friendship with Harriet, 217, 222, 234, 250; and description of Bracknell people, 217; acts as mediator between Shelley and Harriet, 219; and accompanies Shelleys to Edinburgh, 219–23; returns to Bracknell with Harriet and Eliza, 223; condemns Shelley’s elopement with Mary, 236, 238; Shelley’s financial support for, 238 n.; renews friendship with Shelley, 254–5, 263; Marianne St Croix becomes his mistress, 265; Shelley hides from bailiffs in house of, 265–6; and negotiates loan of money, 266, 269; imprisoned for debts, 277; on Shelley’s plan to enter Church, 287–8; boating expedition organized by, 291–4; and frequent visitor at Bishops-gate, 297; completes Headlong Hall and begins Melincourt, 311; on Shelley’s reasons for leaving England, 321; Shelley’s letter from Switzerland to, 323, 324, 334, 336–7, 337, 338, 339–43; Shelley visits him in Marlow, 346, 350, 351, 357–8, 363–4; and Shelley’s Will, 346 n.; at Albion House, 368, 370, 371, 405; bases Nightmare Abbey on Shelley household, 374–6, 429; his influence on Shelley, 382; Hogg spends Xmas 1817 with, 389; in London with Shelleys, 408, 410; Shelley’s letter from Italy to, 416, 421, 422: from Bagni di Lucca, 427, 428, 429, 431 — from Este, 443–4; from Venice (on Italian women), 448–9; from Ferrara, 458–9; from Naples, 463, 464, 475, 476, 477–8, 479; from Rome, 486–7, 489–90, 510, 518; and from Monte Nero, 519, 522–3, 527, 528, 529, 531, 532, 537; sends Shelley box of books, 522; and Shelley’s appreciation of Nightmare Abbey, 522; obtains good position in India House, 523; MS and Leghorn edition of The Cenci sent to, 525, 528, 539; sends Shelley newspapers about Peterloo, 529; his doubts about The Cenci, 545; and Shelley’s letters from Pisa to, 580, 592, 619, 691; his unexpected marriage, 585–6; his article on decline of English Poetry, 641–2; and Shelley’s reply, 642–6; Shelley’s letter from Ravenna to, 665; and his reaction to Shelley’s Eastern scheme, 683; his later career (after Shelley’s death), 733; and publishes ‘Memoirs’ of Shelley, 733

  Peacock, Mrs (mother of Thomas Love), 267

  Pelleschi, Gaspero, 565, 571

  Pentridge Revolution (1817), 137, 171 n.; trial and execution of leaders of, 384–6, 387

  Percival, Spencer, 135, 137; impeachment of, 165

  Pereira, Joachim Baptista, 222, 408

  Perkins, Erasmus, 210

  The Persians, Aeschylus, 677

  ‘Peter Bell, a Lyrical Ballad’, J. M. Reynolds, 547, 551

  ‘Peter Bell, a Tale’, William Wordsworth, 547, 551, 621

sp; Peterloo (1819), 384–5 n., 529–31, 537, 539, 541, 543, 544, 556, 562, 567, 580, 590, 591

  Petrarch, 443, 630

  Petronius, 274

  Phaedo, Plato, Shelley’s translation of, 432

  Phaedrus, Plato, 26

  Philhellenism, 678

  Phillips (Worthing printer), 49, 50

  Philoctetes, Sophocles, 424 & n.

  Pike (money-lender), 266, 274

  Pilfold, Captain, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71, 81, 87, 88, 136, 140, 141, 142–3, 321, 379

  Pilfold, Elizabeth see Shelley, Elizabeth (mother)

  Pisa, 421, 528, 546, 568, 730; Shelley’s stay at Albergo delle Tre Donzelle (1818), 422 & n.; and overnight stay in 1819, 541–2; and in 1820; at the Tre Donzelle, 373–4; and at the Casa Frassi, 574–96 passim; Masons’ house (Casa Silva) in, 541–2, 574, 576, 577, 579–80, 581, 596, 600, 648, 651; architectural style in, 574; Claire stays with Masons (1820–21), 608, 609, 610, 612, 622, 662, 716; Shelleys’ apartment at the Casa Galetti (1820–1), 617–41 passim; and at Casa Aulla (1821), 641–50 passim; Byron’s move to, 670, 671, 676; and Shelley negotiates lease of Palazzo Lanfranchi, 673; and Byron’s stay in, 682, 685–712 passim; Shelleys’ apartment at Tre Palazzi di Chiesa (1821–22), 681–711 passim; and Shelley’s last visit to, 728–9; see also Bagni di Pisa

  ‘Pisan Poems’, 620, 628, 683–4, 719

  Pitt, William, 9, 52, 123, 154

  Pittman, Major, 626

  Place, Francis, 87, 226, 349, 363, 366

  Plantis, Louisa du, 571

  Plantis, Mme Merveilleux du, 537, 538, 542, 565

  Plantis, Zoïde du, 537, 542, 571, 573

  Plato, 26, 182, 298 n., 305, 360, 426, 429–38, 448, 522, 542, 619, 682, 718

  Pliny, 26, 30, 201

  Plutarch, 181, 202, 220, 332

  Poe, Edgar Allen, 221 n.

  Poland Street, see London

  Pole, Wellesley, 137

  Polidori, Dr William, 319, 334, 344, 345, 448 n.; his notes on stay in Geneva with Byron and Shelley, 324–30

  The Political House That Jack Built, William Hone, 539

  Political Justice, William Godwin, 26, 98, 103, 104, 105, 106, 122, 152, 168, 255, 348, 389

  Political Register, 8, 43, 119, 147, 349, 365, 522, 530 n., 556

  Polly Rose (Marlow village girl), 373–4

  Pompeii, 463, 470, 477, 479

  Pontarlier, 239–40

  Pool, Lord and Lady, 11

  Pope, Alexander, 552, 554

  Pope, Dr, 297


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