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Shelley: The Pursuit

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by Holmes, Richard

Portovenere, 696, 712, 714, 715

  Postal debates, 26, 28

  Post Office, investigation of Shelley’s subversive propaganda material by, 137–8, 142, 145

  Presumption, or the Fate of Frankenstein (melodrama based on the novel by Mary Shelley), 732

  Priestley, Joseph, 16

  Prince Regent (later: King George IV), 73, 125, 135, 186, 384, 552, 579

  Principles of Political Economy, J. S. Mill, 586 n.

  ‘The Prisoner of Chillon’, Byron, 311, 334, 336, 338

  Prometheus Bound, Aeschylus, 267, 415, 425, 444

  The Promise, Edward Williams, 686, 691

  Pugnano, 661; Williams’s house (Villa Marchese Poschi) in, 650, 651, 652, 655, 622, 678

  Purgatorio, Dante, 417, 418, 514, 633 n; Shelley’s English adaptation of, 611, 620

  Purgatory of Suicides, Thomas Cooper, 208 n., 402

  Puttenham, George, 585

  Pythagoras, 572

  Quarterly Review, 53, 366, 389, 393, 404 n., 538; attack on Shelley in (1818), 342, 403–4, 429, 442, 448, 464; and on Prometheus Unbound, 510 n.; J. Taylor Coleridge’s attack on Shelley in (1819), 543–6, 547, 551, 568, 607; attack on Keats in, 647–8

  Quincey, Thomas de, 93, 94

  Radcliffe, Ann, 8, 14, 31, 274

  Radical London Corresponding Society, 7

  Raffles, Thomas, 342

  Railo, Eino, 261 n.

  Ramases II, King, figure of, 410

  Rasselas, Samuel Johnson, 585

  Ravenna, 609, 621, 623, 628, 640, 648; Byron moves to, 571; Claire’s threat to visit, 598–9; and Shelley’s visit to, 663–72

  Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron, E. J. Trelawny, 731–2

  Redfern (Irishman pressed into Portuguese army), 127, 131, 135, 142

  Reformist’s Register, 363

  Reiger, James, 261 n., 737

  Reiman, Donald H., 724 n., 765

  ‘Reminiscences of Shelley at Oxford’, T. J. Hogg, 41 n., 731

  Reni, Guido, portrait of Beatrice Cenci by, 516–17 & n., 525, 526–7

  Rennie, John. 426

  The Republic, Plato, 448, 542, 682

  The Republican, 151 n., 208, 392, 541; Declaration of Rights printed in, 139, 541 n.

  Retzch, August Moritz, 692

  Reveley, Henry (Maria Gisborne’s son), 423, 572, 582, 592, 614; friendship with Shelleys, 426; Claire refuses his offer of marriage, 527; and Shelley backs his steamboat project, 527, 550; Shelleys’ departure for Florence and, 541, 542; and bronze air cylinder for steamboat, 560–1; breach between Gisbornes and Shelleys and, 615, 619; capsizing of boat incident, 646–7; brings Shelley’s boat back to Pisa, 650; and sails with Shelley to San Giuliano, 651

  Reynolds, John Hamilton, 350, 359, 547, 551

  Reynolds, Joshua, 8

  Rhayader, see Nantgwillt

  Rhine, 247, 324; Shelley’s journey down (1814), 247–9, 332

  Rhododaphne, T. L. Peacock, 408

  Ricardo, David, 586 n.

  Richards, Charles (printer), 361 n.

  Rickman, Thomas ‘Clio’ (bookseller), 182

  Ridley, C.J., 55

  The Rights of Man, Tom Paine, 7, 106

  The Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft, 124 n., 153

  Riviera di Chiaia, see Naples

  Robbers, Friedrich Schiller, 221

  Roberts, Captain, 696, 697, 704, 710, 715, 717, 724, 725, 726, 728, 729

  Roberts, Dr William, 167 & n., 180

  Robinson, Henry Crabb, 383–4

  Rodd, Thomas, 388 n.

  Roe, Ivan, 474 n.

  Rome, 298 n., 423, 436, 444, 457, 459, 470, 471, 479, 480, 483, 526, 528, 568, 572, 605; Shelley’s first visit en route for Naples (1818), 460–1; and his stay in 1819: at Palazzo Verospi, 485–90, 509–11; and at 65 Via Sestini, 509–18; Shelley’s ashes buried in Protestant Cemetery in, 730

  Romney, George, 11

  Rossetti, William, xi, 288, 356

  Rosso, Federico del (lawyer), 465, 474, 578, 596–7, 598, 600, 601, 640

  Rouse, W.D., 430 & n.

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 43, 76, 206, 326, 334, 335, 337, 414, 718, 721–2, 724

  Rowan, Archibald Hamilton, 106, 119 & n., 120, 123

  The Ruins of Empire, Count Volney, 202

  St Augustine, 227

  St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 76

  St Croix, Marianne, 254, 265, 277, 523, 561

  St Gingoux (Lake Leman), Shelley’s boating accident off, 335

  St Leon, William Godwin, 98

  St Pancras, see London (Kentish Town)

  Salt, Henry, 410

  San Giuliano, see Bagni di Pisa

  Schiller, Friedrich, 221

  Scott, Walter, 181, 409, 657

  Seditious Libel, see Libel

  Seditious Meetings Act (1817), 363

  Septimus Severus, 489

  Serassi, Pietro, 417

  Serchio river (Tuscany), 651–2, 688

  Severn, Joseph, 614, 659

  Sgricci, Tommaso, 623–4, 627–8, 630, 631

  Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 586 n.

  Shakespeare, William, 181, 248, 425, 487, 493, 524, 525, 584, 705, 706

  Sharpe, Charles Kilpatrick, 53–4

  Shaw, George Bernard, 208

  Sheffield Iris, 101

  Shelley, Sir Bysshe (grandfather), 2, 11, 18, 26, 43, 79, 266, 109; character and appearance, 10; relationship with Shelley, 23–4; finances publication of Shelley’s youthful works, 23, 33; issue of inheritance, 60, 225, 283–5, 313; quarrels with Shelley, 61, 62; and Shelley asks for money from, 82; death of, 275–6, 277, 278

  Shelley, Charles (son of Harriet and Shelley), 273, 307, 314–15, 346 n.. 358, 635; Harriet’s suicide and, 352; and Shelley seeks custody of, 352–3, 354, 356–7, 476; Sir Timothy and, 649 n.

  Shelley, Clara (daughter of Mary and Shelley), 376, 377, 412, 426; illness and death in Venice of (1818), 443, 444–7, 469, 472, 474, 519

  Shelley, Elena Adelaide (Shelley’s illegitimate daughter), 465–74, 479, 481–4, 510, 519, 578–9, 596, 599, 603, 615, 666–9

  Shelley, Eliza Ianthe (daughter of Harriet and Shelley), 219, 221, 223, 226, 238, 239, 251, 307, 346 n., 358, 635, 649 n.; birth (1813), 215–16; Harriet’s suicide and, 352; and Shelley seeks custody of, 352–3, 354–7, 476

  Shelley, Lady Elizabeth (née Pilfold: mother), 1, 10–11, 57, 71, 213, 229; appearance, 11; and relations with Shelley, 11, 14; anxiety over Shelley’s atheistic views, 47; accused of adultery by Shelley, 88 & n.

  Shelley, Elizabeth (sister), 17, 57, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 93, 632; Shelley’s story-telling in childhood to, 1, 2–3; and relationship with Shelley, 11 n., 12, 23, 31, 45–6; Harriet Grove and, 29; and Edward Graham, 33, 88 n.; collaborates with Shelley in poetry writing, 31, 33; Hogg’s correspondence with, 44, 45–6, 148; takes father’s side in quarrel with Shelley, 62; Hogg’s desire for illicit union with, 70; Grove’s offer of marriage refused by, 77

  Shelley, Harriet (née Westbrook: 1st wife), xi, 40, 70, 75, 76, 99, 105, 141, 185, 258, 378, 442, 626, 632, 635, 671; appearance, 66, 68; and character, 66, 67–8, 69, 114; friendship with Shelley, 66–9; her thoughts of suicide, 68, 77; and dependence on Eliza, 68, 69, 89–90, 93; marries Shelley in Edinburgh, 77–80, 81; moves to York, 82, 83; Shelley’s relationship with, 85, 93, 115, 213, 216, 218–19, 223, 228, 233–4, 253–7; remains alone with Hogg in absence of Shelley, 87; and Eliza comes to York, 87, 89–90; Hogg’s flirtation with, 90–1; and moves to Keswick, 91, 94; visits Duke of Norfolk, 95; frightened by Shelley’s ghostly talk, 111, 113, 114; and attack on Chesnut Cottage by ruffians, 112, 114; false alarm over pregnancy, 114–15; in Dublin, 117, 119–20, 124; friendship and correspondence with Catherine Nugent, 129 & n., 133, 147, 148, 183, 184, 200–1, 216, 219, 222, 238, 239, 251, 273–4, 279; and correspondence with Miss Hitchener, 129, 136; leaves Dublin, 131–2; and goes to Wales, 133–4; falls ill with fever, 136, 141; investigation of her open letter on Irish discontent, 136–8; moves from Nantgwillt to Gr
ove’s house, 143; and to Lynmouth, 145–7; and Elizabeth Hitchener joins them, 148; distributes propaganda, 148–50; hurried departure from Lynmouth, 161–2; in Tan-yr-allt, 164; first meeting and friendship with Godwins, 167–70, 171; friction between Miss Hitchener and, 171; dinner with Hogg, 173; and Miss Hitchener leaves for Hurstpierpoint, 175; returns to Tremadoc, 176–7; disenchantment with Embankment project, 183; her pregnancy, 183, 197, 200, 211, 212, 213, 214–15; and shooting incident at Tan-yr-allt, 187, 188, 189; and letter to Hookham (‘Harriet’s Account’), 190–4, 196–7; back to Ireland, 189, 197; and return to London (1813), 199–200; Queen Mab dedicated to, 200, 661; her hopes of reconciliation between Shelley and his father, 211–13; relationship in London between Hogg and, 214; birth of daughter Eliza Ianthe, 215–16, disappointed at loss of inheritance, 216–17, 218–19, 222; and friendship with Peacock at Bracknell, 217, 222; moves to Edinburgh, 219–20; returns to Bracknell and Shelley goes to London, 221–2; deteriorating relations between Shelley and, 223, 224; joins Shelley at Windsor, 224; and separated from Shelley, 224, 226–7, 228, 229–30; 2nd marriage ceremony, 226; and takes holiday with Eliza in West Country, 226; and her second pregnancy, 226 n., 234, 253, 255, 257, 270; Shelley tells her of his love for Mary Godwin, 233–4; invited to Switzerland by Shelley, 238, 239; and moves back to father’s house, 238; Shelley seeks friendly reconciliation, 250–3; and final collapse of their relationship, 253–6; Shelley writes and asks for money from, 267, 273; birth of son Charles (1814), 273; and last brief visit of Shelley, 273–4; seeks legal settlement from Shelley, 277, 281, 282; her suicidal depression, 279; threatens to prosecute Shelley for atheism, 282; Shelley pays £200 p.a. allowance to, 285; and refuses to increase annuity, 307; prevents her son Charles from appearing in court, 314–15; not informed of Shelley’s departure for Geneva, 321; Shelley’s Will and, 346 n.; commits suicide (1816), 352–9, 608

  Shelley, Hellen (sister), 12, 22, 23, 29, 66, 67, 255; on Shelley’s story-telling, 2–3; and scientific experiments, 17; Shelley’s secret letters to, 110–11; and his plan to kidnap her, 111, 255

  Shelley, Lady Jane (daughter-in-law), 21 n., 258 n., 293 n.; control of Shelley papers by, xi, 353 & n., 356, 732, 757

  Shelley, John (great-great-grandfather), 9

  Shelley, John (brother), 11, 23, 283

  Shelley, Margaret (sister), 3, 12, 23, 24, 29

  Shelley, Mary (sister), 2, 12, 111, 255

  Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin: 2nd wife), 6, 28, 124 n., 169, 226, 229, 296, 356, 571; prevented from writing biography of Shelley, x, xi; her views on Shelley’s childhood, 20–2; her childhood, 170; and relationship with father, 170, 230, 232, 312; appearance, 230, 409–10, 447; meets and falls in love with Shelley, 230–2; and father’s opposition, 232–4; elopes with Shelley and Claire, 234, 235; followed by mother to Calais, 235–6; and journey through France to Switzerland, 235–43; her relationship with Claire Clairmont, 241–2, 258, 269, 277, 278, 281, 287, 369, 377; returns to London, 247–9, 250; Harriet and, 251, 252, 253, 254, 274; her pregnancy, 253, 257, 260 & n., 270, 273, 277, 278, 279; at Church Terrace, Kentish Town, 254, 257, 258, 259, 263, 264, 265, 267; Shelley’s relations with, 256–7, 264, 268–9, 278, 286–7, 288, 297, 305, 377, 378–9, 447, 464, 469, 520, 522, 526, 538–9, 556, 562; her attitude to Shelley’s ‘horror sessions’, 260–1, 275; Shelley hides from bailiffs, 265–6; and strain of separation, 266–8; moves to Nelson Square, 269; and her illness, 271; Hogg becomes regular visitor, 271, 273; her nicknames, 275; friendship between Hogg and, 275, 276, 278–9, 281, 282; and love-notes to Hogg from, 277; Shelley’s attempt at ‘shared household’, 277–9; birth of daughter, 280; moves to Pimlico, 280–1; and death of baby, 281; goes on holiday with Shelley to Berkshire, 281–2; moves to Marchmont Street, 282; and departure of Jane, 282–3; Shelley gives her draft of £300, 285; and takes her to Torquay, 285; and leaves her alone to go house-hunting, 286–7; joins Shelley at Bishopsgate, 290; and boating expedition, 291–4; becomes pregnant again, 297; Essay ‘On Love’ addressed to, 299; editing of ‘Alastor’ by, 305, 306; birth of son William, 310–11, 313; hostility between Mrs Godwin and, 312; joins Shelley in London, 319; meets Byron, 319; goes to Geneva with Shelley and Claire, 321–4; and friendship with Byron, 325–9, 337; her nightmare, 330–1; and begins writing Frankenstein, 331–4, 344; visits Chamonix valley, 339–43; Claire’s pregnancy and, 343; celebrates Shelley’s 24th birthday, 344; returns to England, 345–6; and life in Bath, 346, 347–8, 350, 351; as beneficiary of Shelley’s Will, 346 n.; Fanny’s suicide and, 347, 358; and Harriet’s suicide, 352, 353, 354, 355; and marriage to Shelley, 352–3, 355, 356; stays with Hunts in Hampstead, 359, 362; and with Peacock in Marlow, 363–4; at Albion House, 367–83, 388, 405; revises Frankenstein, 369; and delivers it to Murray’s, 371; Polly Rose’s visits to Albion House, 373–4; her pregnancy, 376; Frankenstein accepted by Lackington, 376; birth of daughter Clara, 376, 377; her nervous worry at Shelley’s long absence in London, 377; and nagging, 378–9; joins Shelley in London for 2 weeks, 383, 385; Frankenstein, published, 389, 409, 429; leaves Marlow for London, 407–8; and round of social pleasures, 409–10; William and Clara christened, 412; departure for Italy, 412–13; Italy (1818–22): in Milan, 417; and pistol incident at Lake Como, 417–18, 472; her decision to send Elise with Allegra to Venice, 421–2, 472, 481; journey to Livorno, 422–3; and friendship with Gisbornes, 423–4, 426, 427; copies out ‘Cenci Manuscript’, 425–6; at Casa Bertini in Bagni di Lucca, 426–30, 431; Shelley’s translation of Plato and, 430, 431, 432; and Platonic love, 431 n., 435; Shelley goes to Venice with Claire, 439, 440, 441; and invited by Byron to stay at Este, 442–3; and illness and death of Clara, 443, 444–7; and her despair, 447; and distractions in Venice, 447–8; journeys south, 458–60; and arrival in Naples, 462; discourages romance between Elise and Paolo, 462; and sightseeing, 462–3; Shelley’s period of crisis and, 463, 464; and her emotional separation from Shelley, 464, 474, 537; Elena affair and, 466–7, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 481, 482, 483, 484; leaves Naples, 479–80; in Rome (1819), 485–7, 509–18; her modernization of Prometheus myth, 490; and reads MS of Shelley’s Prometheus, 509; her friendship with Aemilia Curran, 510–11; moves to 65 Via Sestina, 511; discusses The Cenci with Shelley, 513; Gisbornes refuse her invitation to Naples, 514; illness and death of William, 517–18; and leaves Rome for Livorno, 518; and unhappy summer at Monte Nero, 519–20, 521, 522, 527; her high opinion of The Cenci, 525, 526; begins writing her journal again, 526; and Mathilda, 526, 537; and pregnant again, 526, 538–9, 541, 550, 551, 556, 558; Shelley intercepts letter from Godwin to, 526; The Mask of Anarchy and, 537–8; moves to Florence, 541–2; her view of Peter Bell the Third, 556; birth of son, Percy Florence, 560, 561; and recovers her spirits, 561; against Shelley’s visiting England, 562; and Sophia Stacey, 565, 568; moves to Pisa (1820), 572, 573; and stays at Tre Donzelle, 573–4; and moves to Casa Frassi, 574–5; her friendship with Masons, 576–7; and with Vaccà, 577; and the Pisan Carnival, 577; not told by Shelley about Elena, 578; writes to Sophia Stacey, 579; and news of insurrection in Madrid, 581; Shelley’s nervous attacks and, 583; and A Philosophical View of Reform, 592, 593; and Paolo’s blackmail of Shelley, 596 & n.; moves to Casa Ricci, Livorno, 596–7; effect of father’s demands for money on, 597, 598, 603; deteriorating relations with Claire, 598; her high opinion of ‘The Skylark’ and ‘The Cloud’, 599–600; and Claire’s departure, 600–1, 612, 622; in Bagni di Pisa, 603, 609–10, 614; The Witch of Atlas, 604, 605; and St Bartholomew’s day festival, 609; and her peaceful life with Shelley, 609–10, 614; and her novel Valperga, 610, 619; breach with Gisbornes, 614–15, 619; and Claire sent to Florence, 615–16; and Tom Medwin’s visit, 616, 617; moves to Pisa for winter, 617, 618; her social activities, 622; and introduced to Pisan circle, 624; meets Emilia Viviani, 625; and experiments in mesmerism, 626, 627; impressed by Sgricci’s improvisations, 628; Shelley’s relationship with Emilia and, 630, 631, 639–40, 641; Epipsychidion and, 632, 635, 636; her friendship with Williams, 640, 641;
moves to Casa Aulla, 641; her friendship with Prince Mavrocordato, 641, 650, 651, 655; helps Shelley with his article on Poetry, 642; her enthusiasm for Greek liberation movement, 646; Shelley’s new boat and, 650, 651, 652, 655; moves back to San Giuliano, 650–1; and peaceful days with Shelley, 652–3; Byron invited to Bagni di Pisa, 654; works on Valperga, 655, 663, 673; her opinion of Adonais, 658; refuses to have Claire at San Giuliano, 662; Shelley leaves on visit to Byron, 663, 664; and Elena affair, 666–9; Shelley’s literary community scheme and, 671–2; and his letter to Ollier about Valperga, 675–6 & n.; disappointed at Smiths’ staying in Paris, 677; visits Spezia, 677; relations between Claire and, 678; moves to Tre Palazzi di Chiesa, 681–2; and Byron’s arrival in Pisa, 685; and ‘segregation of women’, 686–7; and Shelley’s reckless boat trips, 688; her portrait of Trelawny, 695–6; and the ‘Spezia Plan’, 696–7; takes part in Carnival, 697; failure of feeling between Shelley and, 699; Claire’s threat to leave for Vienna and, 702; celebrates launching of new sailing boat, 704; her interpretation of ‘Fragments of an Unfinished Drama’, 704–5; dragoon incident and, 706, 708, 710; against Claire’s kidnapping plan, 709; and her analysis of ‘unlucky springs’, 709; moves to Lerici, 712–14; and new sailing boat arrives, 715, 716; her pregnancy, 717, 724; and unhappiness, 717; her dislike of Casa Magni, 724, 728; and miscarriage, 724–5, 727; against Shelley sailing to meet Hunt, 726; her account of his visions, 727; and advises Hunt not to come to Lerici, 728; Shelley’s last letter to, 729; and Shelley’s death, 730; returns to England, 731; and her life after Shelley’s death, 732; and death, 732

  Shelley, Mary Catherine (née Michell: grandmother), 10

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 1792–1811: childhood at Field Place, 1–4, 6–7, 11–12, 17–18, 23–4, 28–9; and his story-telling, 2–3; at Syon House Academy, 4–6, 13–17, 18; birth, 7, 11; and family, 9–12; relations with mother, 11–12, 14; and father, 12, 28; and with sister Elizabeth, 12, 14; his nightmares and sleepwalking, 6, 13, 14; and romantic attachment to schoolfriend, 14–15; influence of Adam Walker on, 16–17; and his scientific experiments at Field Place, 17, 18; his first poem ‘A Cat in Distress’, 17–18; at Eton College, 18–30; and bullying and baiting of, 19–20; Mary Shelley’s views on childhood of, 20–2; writes first play with Elizabeth, 23; and his poems printed locally, 23–4; his experiments in Dr Bethel’s house, 24; and interest in the occult, 24–5; influence of James Lind on, 25–8; his friendship with Harriet Grove, 28–30; and last term at Eton, 30; and publication of Zastrozzi, 30, 31–3 & n.; and other literary works in summer of 1810, 31; and Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire, 33–5; at Oxford, 35–56: enrolment at University College, 35–6; chaotic state of his rooms, 37–8; and first impressions, 37, 38–9; his image as brilliant young heretic, 39; and sale of St Irvyne, 39–40; Hogg’s intimate friendship with, 40–6, 48–9; growth of his political radicalism, 43; and electrical experiments, 44–5 & n.; winter vacation at Field Place, 45–8; and cautioned by father against bad influence of Hogg, 45; correspondence between Hogg and, 45–7; his reaction to Harriet Grove’s engagement, 46; and theological discussion with father, 47–8; plans to write poem on Parthenon, 48, 49; and publication of The Necessity of Atheism, 48, 49–51; and The Existing State of Things, 51; Finnerty supported by, 51–2; writes to Leigh Hunt, 52–3; and Sharpe’s letter to Lord Bury concerning, 53–4; expelled from Oxford, 54–5; and goes to London with Hogg, 55–6; informs father of expulsion, 56–7; takes rooms in Poland Street, 57; and meets father at Miller’s Hotel, 57–8; and quarrel with father, 58–60, 61–3; threatens to renounce his claim to family inheritance, 60, 67, 70


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