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A Siberian Werewolf in Paris

Page 12

by Caryn Moya Block

  The girl in Alain’s arms was young, certainly no older than fourteen or fifteen. She clung to Alain, her long brown hair hiding part of her face, but not the part turning purple. The storeowner had indeed struck her. Even at seventeen, Alain’s protective instincts were finely honed. He would have killed the human to protect his future mate. What was Valerii going to do now? Kidnap an underage girl off the street?

  Just then, Duval and Darcel ran in the door. They looked first at the man on the floor and then over to where Alain held his mate.

  “Sorry to be late, Alpha. Looks like some clean-up is in order,” Duval said, smiling, his teeth looking dangerous.

  “Can you erase memories from humans?” Valerii asked the two Betas.

  “I can,” Darcel said.

  “Good, erase the memories of this girl and what happened today from the man’s mind. Is your car out front?” Valerii asked.

  “Yes. Though in this neighborhood, who knows how long?” Duval said.

  Valerii shook his head. Heaven help the human foolish enough to cross Duval. Something dangerous lay under the surface—rage that showed itself in his eyes and the way he smiled. Valerii would have to keep his eye on the Beta. Nothing was worse than a Beta who turned into a bully.

  “Alain, bring your girl. We’ll wait in the car.” Valerii knew the two Betas would make sure no clues were left behind that revealed their presence.

  “Come on, Isabelle. It’s going to be all right. This is the man I was telling you about.”


  The look on Bijou’s face went from anger to fear. “Siberia?” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry, Bijou. Asena is never wrong. You will not be safe unless you go to the pack in Siberia,” Laurel said, taking her hand from across the table.

  Valerii fetched Bijou and brought everyone to his hotel room. Josephine sat next to Valerii on the small couch, while Alain and Isabelle sat holding hands on the floor. Bijou sat at the table with Laurel and Anton, who had showed up at his door only moments before. Asena had given her warning through Laurel that Lebrosse would find Bijou and her brother if they went to London. Duval and Darcel stood, Darcel leaning against the wall, Duval behind Bijou’s chair.

  “The plane is already on its way here from London. Some of our pack members from Siberia were needed to help in England. It will pick you up within the hour,” Anton said.

  “I feel as if I am being banished from my home.” Bijou’s eyes filled with tears.

  “I am sorry, malyshka. But you must trust me. You have your brother and Isabelle. You are not alone. The pack in Siberia will welcome you with open arms,” Valerii said, his heart aching for the young woman. She had gone through so much.

  “I will go with you, Bijou.” Duval put his hands gently on her shoulder.

  Darcel gasped and took a step forward. The look his brother shot his way stopped him in his tracks.

  “I can’t ask this of you, Duval. You would be giving up your family, your position in the pack,” Bijou said, covering her face with her hands.

  “I will see that you are safe,” Duval said, as if the matter was closed.

  Valerii watched the interaction with interest. He felt the violence Duval tried to keep hidden. He peered at the couple using his inner sight, rage slamming into him so hard that Josephine winced and glanced at him in concern. A thin yellow ribbon of light connected the couple.

  What is it? Josephine sent into his mind.

  Look at them. She is his mate. The bond is just a sliver, but it is there. No wonder he is so angry, to know that your mate has been given to another, and by your own uncle. It is a wonder they have held onto their sanity.

  “Duval will go with you, Bijou,” Valerii said. “I release you, Duval, from your vow to me and to this pack. You are welcome to return here when your safety is ensured, if you wish. The Siberian Alpha is a good man, as is his Beta. Don’t be afraid to put your trust in them.”

  You know, she is mine... Duval’s voice floated into Valerii’s head.

  Yes, go with my blessings. Your mate is fragile; you will need patience.

  We are survivors, Alpha.

  “Duval, you will need to gather your things,” Darcel said, his voice coming out choked with emotion. The two brothers looked at each other, their faces mirror images.

  “Everything I need is here, brother. Send me the rest, later.” Duval looked at his twin, his eyes sad.

  “We must go if we plan to meet the plane on time,” Valerii said, rising. “I will arrange with the hotel for transport.”

  Laurel hugged Bijou, then Duval. Power shifted in the air. Valerii felt healing energy flowing into the couple. Asena’s handmaiden was helping them deal with their trauma. It was a start. The rest they would have to do on their own.

  “What about Isabelle? She doesn’t have a passport. The orphanage has all her paperwork,” Alain said, frowning as he helped Isabelle up from the floor.

  “We will influence the customs officers to make them think that they have seen her passport and everything is fine,” Valerii explained. “Don’t worry. All will be well.” No one would come looking if Isabelle disappeared. Like the others, she would be welcome in the Siberian pack.


  “I will miss them,” Josephine said, wiping the tears from her eyes. Valerii’s arm lay draped around her shoulders.

  “We have never been apart,” Darcel said, his head hanging low. “My twin. How will I continue without him?”

  Josephine walked over and pulled Darcel into her embrace. “You have us and your pack. Besides the world is not as large as it once was. You can e-mail and call.”

  You are doing it again, touching other males. Valerii’s voice flooded into her mind, taking up residence like he belonged there. Maybe he did.

  Oh, hush. He needs to be comforted. Josephine loved her possessive mate, even when he was irritating her.

  Indeed, he does. He needs a mate of his own to hug him.

  Why don’t you get on that, Alpha? Josephine sent, teasing her mate.

  I will have to, if only to stop you from hugging everyone you meet.

  I don’t hug everyone I meet. “If we leave now, we can make the first seating at the café. The pack will be expecting us,” Josephine said, tossing her head.

  “How is Durant today?” Valerii asked Darcel. Another one you should not be hugging.

  “I think he plans to come to the café tonight, Alpha. He wanted to discuss your plans for the pack.”

  “Did he now?” Valerii asked, a definite bite to his tone. He still found it hard to accept Josie’s friend even though he knew the man was innocent. They walked back to the limo waiting for them in the car park.

  Now, Valerii, there is no need to get upset. Durant wants to be helpful, I’m sure.

  There can be only one Alpha, Josie. That would be me.

  Don’t be too hard on him, please.

  Enough, mate. I will handle your friend, and my Beta, Durant, Valerii sent into her thoughts while helping her into the limo. Darcel sat across from them, staring moodily out the window. Josephine sighed and scooted next to Valerii. He immediately pulled her close and dropped his head over hers. His woodsy scent swirled around her, and she relaxed, content.

  For a moment, Valerii missed his best friend, Brencis. He knew he could trust him, whereas Durant was a troubled unknown. Would he have to mentor everyone in the pack? At least, Anton and Laurel were here. Once the conference was over, they would be going to England to start work on the breeding problem.

  Valerii rubbed his cheek against Josephine’s hair before taking a deep breath of her scent. He let the sensation of her in his arms relax him. Bijou and her family were safe. It was a start.


  Josephine walked into the backroom of the Café de Luna Bleu. Valerii followed close behind and grinned as everyone in the room reacted with smiles and greetings. Darcel sat at a table where several single males gathered. Josephine and Valerii went to the table where her grandparents
sat, and she gave them both a quick hug.

  In a blink of an eye, they were seated and food sat in front of Valerii. The delicious smell of a pan-sautéed duck caused his mouth to water. He liked that the pack gathered to eat together every night. It helped cement relationships within the group.

  “I’ve made an appointment for you with the pack lawyer,” Louise said. “You need to sign some papers to have the pack funds released to you. Then, there is the pack’s house. Durant is currently in residence, but the Alpha’s family suite is empty.”

  “I’m not sure I can live in that house. My family was kidnapped from there,” Josephine answered.

  Valerii noticed the shiver that went through Josephine’s body. He leaned over, drew her close, and kissed her temple. I am here, lyubov moya. Josephine smiled up at him and he felt his heart melt.

  I know, she answered.

  “Then, you should sell it. The pack needs a place to run,” Louise said, shrugging her shoulders.

  Valerii felt Josephine’s steely resolve through the heartmate bond. Under no circumstances would she live in the house she was kidnapped from. He agreed with her. The pack den must be easily secured and have a safe place for the pack to run. They could scout the area and see where the best location might be. He wanted to buy Josephine a house where she would feel safe—a place where they could raise their family. He pictured his mate with his pup growing within her and smiled. They would need space to train the young lycans. Somewhere out of sight of humans.

  “Alpha,” Durant said, from the doorway. “This arrived at the pack house today.”

  Valerii felt turmoil in Durant as he approached. Durant handed him a folded piece of paper. Valerii pushed back his half-eaten dinner with a sigh. Then, he opened the sheet of paper and read the message inside. His wolf rushed to the surface in response to his emotions as the human threatened his pack and its property. While a cold rage burned inside, outside he remained calm.

  “Do we know where this Thomas Lebrosse is now?” Valerii asked, handing the paper over to Josephine. If they were going to be threatened by this human, then the whole pack would need to be on guard.

  “No, Alpha.” Durant shook his head.

  “Have you started a file on the man? I want to know where he lives, where he works, what car he drives, what business he owns. I want to know everything about this human who thinks he can threaten my pack.”

  “Um, I think we have some of those facts, but we’ve never actually investigated him,” Durant said.

  “Your father sold Bijou to this man. Why was he not investigated? Never mind, we can start now. The letter says he is going to give us a demonstration. Do you have any idea what his M.O. might be?”


  “Modus operandi. What does Lebrosse do to people who cross him? How were your parents killed?” Valerii asked, rubbing his hand over his face.

  Durant’s eyes widened in immediate understanding.

  Suddenly, a large explosion shook the building. Valerii dived over Josephine, taking her to the floor and covering her body with his. The large glass windows shattered as smoke filled the air. Fire alarms rang. Pack members began to help each other up. A child was crying and calling for its mother.

  Valerii could hear moans coming from the front of the café where the humans ate. He ran his hands over Josephine, checking for damage.

  “I’m fine, let me up. I need to help grand’ mere and the rest of the pack,” Josephine said pushing him away.

  Valerii glanced over and noticed Louise’s arm seemed to be bent in the wrong direction. It would need healing. He stood and helped pull Josephine up beside him. She rushed over to her grandmother and helped her rise.

  “Call Anton and Laurel,” Valerii said. “We will need their help. Make sure all of our pack members make it out.” He knew Josephine would handle the safety of the pack members. “I’m going to take Durant and Darcel and help the humans.” Valerii made his way to the front of the café. “Oh, and Josie, stay safe for me,” he said, giving her a reassuring smile.

  Valerii walked into the front of the café and shuddered. The explosion had destroyed the wall next to the kitchen. An arm stuck out from under a table, the hand resting in a puddle of blood. The front windows were smashed, and glass covered the floor. The smell of burnt flesh, along with smoke billowing out of the kitchen, filled the air.

  Chevalle, the maître d’, helped a young couple up. There was a gash across his face. Two lycan teens, working as waiters, pulled tables off people. Near the downed wall sat another young lycan. Blood ran from his ears. Valerii ran over to the young lycan and carefully lifted him into his arms. Flames crackled in the kitchen that could easily spread.

  “Durant, Darcel, help as many out as you can. Leave the dead. With the fire we need to concentrate on the living,” Valerii said, making his way out of the building.

  He carried the young lycan to where Josie had several other pack members who were injured before leaving him in her care. It took a lot to kill a lycan, but that wouldn’t stop the pain. A tablecloth had been draped across a side entrance. He could feel waves of energy coming from behind the cloth as lycans shifted to heal themselves. Soon a wall of elbow-to-elbow pack members concealed the area as more lycans made it out of the café.

  Valerii ran back inside and lifted a human into his arms. The man’s tibia poked through the skin. Valerii hated to move him. Pain radiated from the man. But the fire was spreading. They needed to work quickly.

  Ambulances and fire trucks arrived, and soon medical personnel came running in. Police officers and firefighters assumed command of the rescue. An officer kept Valerii from running back in to fetch another human.

  It took Valerii a minute to understand what the officer was saying. Sirens rang in his ears. He nodded and wandered over to where pack members tended to their injured. Josephine was wiping blood from one of the male’s faces. Laurel arrived with Anton and was working on the young lycan waiter.

  When one of the human officers walked over, Anton would gaze into the man’s eyes, and he would turn and walk away. Crowds gathered to watch, while police officers tried to keep them back.

  Durant and Darcel strode up to Valerii, their faces grim. Someone handed Valerii a cloth napkin.

  “Did we lose anyone?” Valerii asked, wiping soot from his face.

  “The Martins. They were in the kitchen when the explosion occurred. That is their son, Luc, the waiter injured so badly. He is only sixteen. There were also four humans killed—the family that sat next to the kitchen wall.”

  “The boy had just become a ward of the pack. See that the bodies are taken care of and the restaurant secured. Was this an accident?” Valerii asked, fearing he already knew the answer.

  “No. A device was left near the propane line. This was murder,” Darcel said. Blood dripped from a wound on his head.

  “Go take care of that injury. Even lycans can bleed out,” Valerii said.

  “It’s nothing, Alpha. Darcel’s head is too hard to be damaged,” Durant said, taking his cousin’s arm and leading him to the place where Josephine was helping the lycans who were waiting for Laurel to heal them.

  Anton walked up, his eyes watchful as his mate worked on the wounded. “Are you all right, Valerii? You are covered in blood and soot.”

  “Not mine, my friend.” Valerii looked down at his shirt and pants. “It looks like we have been attacked by this human, Thomas Lebrosse. His letter says he is expecting to be paid the million euros he is owed or he will continue to strike us. Today was a demonstration.”

  “We cannot allow this to go unanswered,” Anton said, his eyes growing cold.

  “I agree. I will call Grigori and have Solovyov Security start investigating Lebrosse. I want to know how to destroy him.”

  Suddenly, a rush of fear flooded Valerii’s senses, and he heard Josephine cry out. Valerii turned, searching for her. She stood near the edge of the street, chaos surrounding her. Two men held her arms and were dragging he
r to a white van as she struggled to free herself. She landed a quick kick in one man’s groin.

  Rage poured into Valerii’s system. He reached for his talent, letting every fear and emotion of the last hour fuel his power. He aimed a concentrated burst of energy at the men holding his mate, sinking into their minds, taking control of their bodies. He recognized them as the fat man and scar face, the two men working with Sanxay.

  Both men froze and then dropped their hands. The van sped away down the street. Valerii ran up to Josephine and pulled her into his arms. She buried her face in his chest, her body trembling.

  “What should I do with these men?” Anton asked, taking them by the arms.

  “Lead them over to the wall near the pack. I will sift through their memories and find out what’s going on.”

  “I can do it. Take care of your mate.” Anton winked and led the men away.

  “Are you all right, lyubov moya?” Valerii asked, holding her close.

  “How did they find me?” Josephine shook her head, then started to sob.

  Valerii lifted her into his arms and headed away from the pack and the chaos around them. He found a small space in the shadow of an adjacent building and sank down to the ground, placing his mate in his lap. He buried his face in her neck and rocked them both. The terror of the day had caught up to Josephine, and the fear of losing her had left him shaken. She wrapped an arm around his head and held him to her. Both needed to comfort the other as much as they needed comforting.

  Josephine’s sobs finally stopped, and tremors left Valerii tired but once more centered. He lifted his head, realizing they were no longer alone. Durant stood nearby, his back to the pair, guarding them. Josephine’s grandfather limped into view. Durant turned, his look questioning. Valerii nodded.

  “Josephine, I am taking your grandmother home,” her grandfather said. “She needs to rest to complete the healing of her arm. The rest of the pack is leaving, as well. Laurel has worked tirelessly to heal us. But even she has limits. Anton has promised they will return tomorrow to check on the wounded. Luc Martin will stay with us, for now.”


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