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A Siberian Werewolf in Paris

Page 13

by Caryn Moya Block

  Valerii stood, Josephine still in his arms. She clung to him a moment longer before nodding her head. He put her down.

  She stepped over to hug her grandfather before kissing him on the cheek. “Thank you, grand’ père, for all your help today. Call us, if you need anything,” she said. Her grandfather nodded and turned to leave.

  Anton walked up and patted Laurel’s grandfather on the shoulder before coming up to the Alpha pair.

  “I found some interesting information in the minds of those men,” he said, his eyes gleaming with repressed anger. “They were going to take Josephine out to Norris Fortescue’s home, where they would collect payment for finding her. But they have orders from another group, Doctors for a Better Humanity, to kill Fortescue and steal his research, and deliver Josephine to the group’s facility in South America. Evidently, the group suspects Fortescue escaped with lab results and samples from a fire in a laboratory here in Paris five years ago. Wasn’t that the lab you escaped from, Josephine?”

  Josephine nodded while stepping back to Valerii and pressing her body against his. He immediately wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close. His little mate was rattled. She needed rest to reclaim her equilibrium.

  “I think we need to find out what Fortescue knows about our race before these men murder him,” Valerii said.

  Anton nodded in agreement. “Tonight or tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow is soon enough,” Valerii said, nuzzling Josephine’s hair. “If the man driving the van is the one I met in London, he won’t understand why his men gave up in their attempt to acquire Josephine. He’ll wait to see if they contact him.” The fact that Sanxay went against Valerii’s mental suggestion was troubling. He must fear these doctors more than he feared risking his life to acquire Josephine.

  “Tomorrow it is. Is there somewhere safe we can leave our mates?” Anton asked.

  Josephine stiffened in his arms, and Valerii laid his chin on her head. She wanted to go and face the man from her past. Valerii didn’t know if he had the strength to allow it. One part of his mind was calculating what it would take to get her to go back to England, or maybe Siberia, where she would be safe. The other pondered how he could force her to go when he needed her so badly. Neither part wanted to consider that she might need to face her past head on to fully heal from her ordeal.

  “I’ll let you know,” Valerii said.

  Anton looked from one to the other and nodded his head in understanding. It hadn’t been long ago that Anton had fought the mating heat while his mate healed from her abusive childhood.

  “Until tomorrow then... ”

  Chapter Eleven

  Back at their hotel, Josephine stripped off her clothes. She couldn’t wait to get out of the blood-stained garments. Valerii spoke on the phone to someone. Then, he turned, and she noticed his back for the first time. The white shirt was splattered with cuts. Each spot was surrounded by blood.

  Oh, Valerii...Your back.

  He hung up the phone. Josephine hurried over. She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. Josephine winced as his breath hissed.

  “It is nothing, malyshka. Hardly life threatening,” Valerii said.

  “Your back is covered with embedded glass,” Josephine said, shaking her head, her tone chiding. “That is most certainly something. Come over to the bed and lie down. I’ll get some tweezers and pick out the glass.” Even if he shifted, his body would still try to expel the foreign matter.

  Valerii took off the rest of his blood-soaked clothes before moving to the bed. It was a good thing Susan had sent over her backpack and shopping bags. Josephine had found them sitting by the door and pulled out the tweezers and first aid kit.

  She climbed onto the bed and straddled Valerii’s hips. Then, she carefully pulled each sliver of glass from his back and dropped it into the lid of the first aid kit.

  “I thought that when we got home I would be doing the straddling,” Valerii said, his tone teasing.

  “You should have let Laurel take care of you, like she did the rest of the pack,” Josephine said. She blinked back tears and continued to work.

  “There wasn’t time. The fire was starting to spread. Afterward...”

  “Afterward you were too busy taking care of me,” Josephine said. Guilt flooded her, followed quickly by anger.

  Her brave mate had been injured, in pain, but he continued on, while she had a meltdown. He was her mate. She should have checked him over immediately. Who would care for him if she didn’t? He would always put her needs, as well as the pack’s, before his own. She pulled the last piece of glass from his skin.

  “All right, shift,” she said, rolling off him. She picked up the first aid kit, not wanting the glass to get into the bed. She had plans for that bed.

  “It is too dangerous. We are in a city hotel.” Valerii rose up on his elbows.

  “Just do it. No one is going to see. Please Valerii,” Josephine said, her voice choking up.

  She put the first aid kit on the table before returning to the bed and climbing in next to him. Valerii searched her face. She felt him moving through her thoughts. Finally, he nodded.

  Lights coalesced around his body as fur sprang through his skin. It was over in an instant. Next to her lay a huge silver-and-white wolf, his ears up and his head cocked. The wolf leaned over and licked her face. Josephine sunk her hands into the ruff of fur around his neck. He was so beautiful. Her breath caught, and tears once more threatened her eyes.

  Lights appeared around him, swirling and bursting in her eyes. He shifted back to his human form. Then, warm hands pulled her body beneath him. His mouth came down on hers, taking, plundering. She willingly opened to him, giving him her all.

  You take great care of me, mate. You never need feel guilty. I can feel your love like a warm blanket, surrounding me. I never believed I would be so lucky to find a mate. You are a miracle to me, Valerii sent into her thoughts.

  You are my miracle too, Valerii, Josephine replied, her arms around his neck, pulling him close.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair, loving the silky texture. Valerii kissed his way to her neck and swirled his tongue over his mark of possession. Her nipples pebbled as tingles of desire ran down her body. She shivered.

  Valerii sucked her earlobe, while his hand tested her readiness for his invasion. She was hot and moist, always ready for him. She moaned when one finger swirled through her juices and then circled her clit.

  She pushed her hips up, wanting more. “Don’t tease me, Valerii.” I want you inside me.

  He continued rubbing her clit. “How much do you want me?” he asked. “Enough to beg?”

  Oh, God. He wanted her to beg? Did she want him that bad?

  Yes. “Please, mate. Fill me up. I feel empty without you.”

  Valerii removed the hand from her mound and guided his member into her depths. At the same time, his mind pulled on the mating bond, diving into her thoughts. They were linked together, body and mind.

  He pulled out, before slamming back in. The sound of flesh hitting flesh rang in the air. Josephine cried out, her body tightening, trying to keep him inside her. Again and again, he pistoned his hips, diving deeper, until he touched her womb.

  His thoughts mingled with hers as desire grew, until there was only one body, one need, to link their souls in pleasure. Josephine tossed her head. She was on fire, or maybe it was Valerii. She no longer knew.

  Valerii leaned down and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Her muscles clenched as he bit down, causing a little sting. Then, he licked and sucked the offended nubbin while more of her juices drenched his shaft.

  He moved over to the other side, licking around her breast and up to her nipple before repeating the bite. Josephine whimpered. Her body tightened even more, and she shuddered.

  Next, he kissed his way back to his mark. Josephine felt his canines glance off her skin. She shivered in reaction, tilting her neck, offering her submission to her mate.

  He struck deep, his teeth sinking through flesh. A wave of lust picked her up and slammed her into an orgasm. Josephine screamed, her voice turning to a howl as it tapered off. Valerii grunted her name, before he joined her in flight. Their souls were soaring, mingling, until they were one body, one mind and one soul.

  Mine, came flooding into her thoughts.

  Josephine smiled. Her mate was a possessive male. She never would have guessed that under that carefree smile and caring manner lived a fierce and possessive protector. She relished knowing he would always be hers.

  Valerii licked the wound, lapping the blood seeping out. The injury would heal when she shifted again. She figured the marking would be repeated, especially after a scare like today.

  “Come,” Valerii said, getting up off the bed and swinging her into his arms. “We need to wash the residue of today off our bodies.”

  Josephine wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed. “I think we are a little mixed up. We should have showered first.”

  “Don’t worry, mate. I plan on taking you at least two more times after our shower tonight.”


  “That money was in a trust. How do you justify transferring any of the funds into a private account?” Valerii asked, leaning over the ornate desk and capturing the lawyer’s eyes as the afternoon sun shown in the window. He heartily wished to be back at the hotel in bed with his mate. They’d slept late today before feeding each other breakfast in bed.

  He sank into the man’s mind, sifting through memories. Valerii was finding being an Alpha of a pack caused him to dive into many human minds. Were they all as weak as this one? He hadn’t really known a human, besides the Alpha’s mate and Rosie, Josie’s adopted mother. Both those women were gifted with psychic abilities and were anything but weak.

  The only reason the lawyer still lived was because he truly feared for his life. Landry and Lebrosse had demanded that the cash assets of the pack be transferred to an account in Switzerland. Luckily, stealing the pack’s property assets had been too hard to cover up. Valerii leaned back in his chair, releasing the lawyer’s mind. Lebrosse had already stolen more than two million euros from pack funds.

  “Mr. Landry approved the transfers, Monsieur. He was a legal representative of the corporation. There is a sizable insurance policy that Miss Chevalier may claim,” the lawyer said, fumbling through his papers. “I believe the amount to be 250,000 euros. Yes, here is the insurance policy. Miss Chevalier is the only beneficiary named, so the insurance company is in possession of the funds.”

  “Give me the paperwork. I will contact them directly,” Josephine said, holding out her hand.

  “My office will be happy to place the claim for you, Miss Chevalier,” the lawyer said, putting the paperwork back into a folder.

  So he could steal those funds as well, or transfer them to Lebrosse?

  Josephine’s eyes shot daggers at the man. Valerii wanted to chuckle. She was so adorable when she was angry, but only he was allowed to bring that look into her eyes. He leaned forward and captured the man’s eyes a second time. This was becoming a habit he didn’t like. He dove into the man’s thoughts.

  You will give Miss Chevalier all the paperwork pertaining to her or the corporation she now owns. You will also give her all the files connected to Andre Landry and Thomas Lebrosse, including the ones with the Swiss bank account transfers. Then, you will thank her for her business. When she walks out of the room, your memories of her will fade away.

  The lawyer got up from his chair and walked over to a file cabinet. He retrieved three files and added them to the pile on his desk before handing them to Josephine. “Thank you for your business, Miss Chevalier,” he said, his eyes glassy.

  Josephine rose and took the files. Are we done here? Her query sank into Valerii’s thoughts.

  Yes. The pack will find a new lawyer. This one is corrupt. Valerii rose, wrapped an arm around her waist, and led her out the office door.

  Darcel stood as they exited. Valerii took the files out of Josephine’s hands and handed them to Darcel. “Keep these safe,” he said.

  Next, Valerii thanked the lawyer’s administrative assistant and offered her his hand. When she stood to take it, Valerii captured her gaze. It took only moments for her to hand him several files and a daybook. Valerii handed the additional items to Darcel. “Shall we go?” he asked.

  Valerii swept Josephine into his side, and they walked out of the office, followed by Darcel. They continued down the street to where the car was parked. Valerii looked at the Renault with distaste. He felt crushed by the metal box. There was no room for his legs, and the roof sat only inches from his head. A new car for the pack was in order.

  He sighed and followed Josephine into the back seat. Darcel placed his bundle in the front passenger seat before hurrying around to the driver’s side. The car jerked onto the highway and headed away from the business district.

  “What’s it like to control someone’s mind?” Josephine asked. “That’s what you were doing at the lawyer’s?”

  “It’s distasteful. It is only because your safety and the safety of the pack take precedence that I do so. Human minds are easily entered unless they have a psychic gift. I find the process leaves me feeling soiled. When we have the time, I will teach you, so you can use it in self-defense.”

  “The freezing thing, too? That seems like a good weapon,” Josephine said, leaning against him.

  “Link with me. I will show you what to do,” Valerii said.

  Their minds merged. To Valerii , it felt as if a spring breeze had blown across his thoughts, cleaning and clearing any residue of the mind-merge with humans. Valerii took his time, enjoying the feeling of resting in her thoughts, while the world around them shrank to two people linked together.

  He showed her how to enter a brain, and what places to apply pressure to ensure a person froze in place. She would have to practice a few times before her concentration would be strong enough to hold more than one person for a few moments. Still, a few moments might be all she needed to escape.

  Valerii leaned over and kissed her temple. They both felt the pleasure the act produced.

  “Excuse me, Alpha. We are here...”


  Josephine stared out the window at the stone townhouse, a frown on her face. She shivered and wrapped her arms around her waist. At one time, the pack house had felt safe. Now she knew safety was an illusion.

  I am here, flooded into her thoughts as strong arms wrapped around her. She leaned back, taking strength from the comfort of her mate’s arms. She could do this. Besides, there were a few secrets Durant’s father didn’t know.

  “I’m okay. Let’s get this over with,” she said.

  She waited for Valerii to get out of the car first. He reached back, taking her hand, and drew her into his side. She glanced at her mate. The only place she felt completely safe was in his arms.

  I will always keep you safe, lyubov moya. You will find I have spent my life learning skills to do just that.

  Josephine smiled. Their link was getting so strong that they rested in each other’s minds more often than not. Valerii kept a close eye on her, looking for distress, even in her thoughts.

  As they walked up to the carved wooden door, followed by Darcel, Durant opened it. He swept his hand out. “Welcome to the pack house. Your room has been locked since you left, Joey, though changes have been made to other parts of the house.”

  Joey? Valerii felt his lip curl at the term of endearment.

  “Thank you, Durant,” she answered.

  “Will you be taking up residence soon? Darcel and I have moved to the carriage house, so you and your mate can have some privacy,” Durant said, closing the door behind them as they entered.

  “No. I will never live here. The house will be sold as soon as I pick up a few things.”

  Durant’s startled gaze flew to Valerii as if looking for confirmation. Valerii nodded, and Durant’s shoulders slumped in defeat. Unab
le to see her friend so dejected, Josephine walked over and gave Durant a hug. He stood awkwardly, not knowing how to respond. Sighing, Josephine stepped back, her arms falling to her sides. Valerii moved close and took her hand, offering support.

  “We are still friends, Durant,” Josephine said, her fingers automatically threading with her mate’s. “I can’t live here with the memories of what happened so fresh and new. The block my parent’s put in place didn’t allow the injuries to heal. It only pushed the pain away. Now that the block is gone, I am dealing with unexpected emotions. It’s not your fault, Durant. Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to take Valerii to my old room.”

  “Of course,” Durant answered, handing her a key. “I will wait for you in the front room.”

  Josephine turned and led Valerii down the hall, then went left down a smaller hall leading toward the east side of the building. She stopped in front of a white door and put the key Durant gave her in the lock. The lock opened with a click, and she pushed the door open.

  Because the sun was on the other side of the house, the room was dark, but enough light filtered in the window to see a large room with a white canopy bed. Posters of teen idols hung over an ornate white desk trimmed in gold. Shelves filled with books and knick-knacks sat against another wall.

  Josephine walked over to the bed and looked at the rumpled covers. Flashes of that night protruded into her thoughts. Waking up to the man in the black mask grabbing her and putting a smelly cloth over her nose and mouth. Struggling to free herself. Calling out for help. Where were the guards? Screaming in her mind for her parents through their family telepathic link and finding only darkness. The wicked chuckle of the man holding her down.

  Her breath shortened. She stood shivering, caught in the darkness of a nightmare. Strong arms surrounded her. She fought, fear riding her hard. Her arms were quickly trapped to her sides, and she was pulled into a hard chest.

  “Breathe, Josie. You are okay, detka. I’ve got you, just breathe.”



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