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Grayslake: More than Mated: Make Her Howl (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Flora Dare

  For a moment, he doubted himself. Maybe he was merely feeling boring old lust. Maybe Magda wasn't his mate. But as soon as the thought crossed his mind, he cast it aside. He knew what it felt like, he knew what he felt—what his wolf felt.

  He knew Magda was his mate. He had to convince her to give him a chance. When Reid lit into her, he’d sensed the beginning of her shift from across the room. He could have kissed Lira for stopping him and giving him an excuse to whisk her away.

  He would have hated the drama of fighting his former alpha.

  A sharp pain erupted in his shin and he yelped.

  The cane that whacked him was still in Maybelle's hand and she said, "For the love of all you hold dear, stop. You are making me dizzy. Everyone will be here shortly." She pulled the cane away from his leg. "Besides, do you want people to see you all worked up? Try, as the kids today say, to have some chill."

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he spoke. "Please tell me you aren't meddling? I’m an adult. Magda is an adult. We don’t need people pushing us together. All you will do is upset her."

  Maybelle’s eyebrows shot up into her hairline. "Who said anything about Magda."

  He groaned as he realized he'd stumbled into a trap. "Maybelle, please, tell me this isn't some elaborate ruse you cooked up."

  "As if! There really is a meeting tonight." Her tone turned serious. "Ty and Bates are trying to establish more frequent, casual meetings. So that when something serious happens, they have better relationships to deal with them. It's far past time to work more closely together."

  "So, why am I here? I'm just a doctor."

  She clucked her tongue and looked at him like he was an idiot. "You deal with the human world far more than they do."

  A deep, male voice interrupted them and said, "For instance, when a shifter shows up at hospital, all the forms that have to be submitted to the state look correct. Ever since the last Hospital Administrator retired, it's been dicey."

  They both turned and looked at the door. Ty, Mia and Gran stepped through into the room.

  Mia gave Maybelle a big hug and looked at the doctor. "Thanks to you, Ethan's ramblings got his wild tales of a bear shifter discounted."

  Marc shrugged, "Well, First Do No Harm. I know he technically should have been killed for learning about the paranormal world. But he was too high profile, that would be too much heat on us. I had to make the call."

  Ty said, "You did a good job. I appreciate it. Kept the Southeast Itan off my back."

  Marc stepped forward and the men shook hands.

  Grace came into the room and Mia said, "And I've been dying for some of Grace's apple pie."

  "Flattery will get you everywhere in this house." She glanced at the clock. "Now, where are those wolves already? Bates knows better than to be late for dinner."

  At that moment, the doorbell rang. There was a flurry of activity and Marc watched as Magda carefully descended the steps. Time stood still for him and he couldn't look away from the smile on her face. The dress she was wearing made it look like she floated down the stairs.

  As she turned to look into the parlor, her glowing gaze drifting around the room, Maybelle smacked him in the shin again. "Have. Some. Chill."

  Chapter Ten

  Magda hurried downstairs when the doorbell rang. Her mother had insisted she needed a particular serving piece that was in the back of her closet. When Magda asked why it was back there, her mother gave her a scathing look that sent her scurrying upstairs to find it.

  She could stare down an angry, violent wolf, but her mother? No way.

  Except she tore the closet apart and nothing. When the bell rang, she threw her hands up and hurried downstairs as Grace was letting Zoey and Bates inside.

  Her vision swung to the parlor and halted on the tall handsome doctor she'd definitely been avoiding since the wedding and the talk with her mother. She froze unable to move for a moment, until the firm hand of Gran pushed her into the room.

  He was rubbing his shin and glaring at Miss Maybelle, who looked like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. Magda’s eyes narrowed when none of the older women would meet her gaze.

  It was a set up.

  And it was in front of the Itan and the Alpha. Who were either in on it, in which case, no matter how much she liked Mia and Zoey, she was going to leave them widows. Or the meddling grannies had hoodwinked the shifter leaders.

  Which seemed exactly like something they would enjoy doing.

  She turned to her mother, who simply smiled brightly at her. "Oh, you're finally down. I was wondering what you'd gotten up to."

  She raised her eyebrows. "Really mother? You sent me up for a freaking serving piece."

  "Oh, I found that in the pantry." Grace waved her hand, dismissively. "You should have come down right away."

  Magda's fingers twitched with murderous intent. "Don't think I don't see right through you."

  Her mother just kept smiling cheerfully at her.

  It was Gran who took her arm and lead her over to the larger group and whispered in her ear, "Be gracious in defeat, dear."

  She considered grabbing all three meddling grannies out of the room by their ears and giving them hell. How dare they.

  But Gran was right, Magda was incapable of not being gracious. So she simply smiled at Gran and said, "Oh, I can wait until later," as she turned to the group and greeted everyone. Mia's eyes darted over the scene, she grinned and elbowed Ty.

  Memaw shooed everyone into the dinner room and Magda could have killed her when she saw there were little placards for everyone. And of course she was sitting next to Marc. Her traitorous body fluttered in hot anticipation.

  She settled in and smiled at him. No point in being rude to him, he looked as flummoxed as she did. She didn't want to want him.

  What was it her mother had said, that she'd never given anyone a chance to get close. Would Stuart have wanted her to be lonely decade after decade? He wouldn't. And thinking about him felt like a fond memory, not a sharp pain.

  She covered up her shock with a sip of water. It didn't hurt to think about him, to think about being with someone else.

  The table was mostly silent as everyone filled their plates. As people ate their fill, conversation picked back up.

  Marc spoke quietly to her. "I believe we were set up, but I can't find it in my heart to be upset," and he gestured at his mostly empty plate. "Your mother's cooking is really spectacular."

  "I take it the hospital cafeteria doesn't hold a candle to it?" Magda decided not to delve into why they were sharing the meal.

  He shuddered and shook his head. "It's only recommendation is that it's open at midnight and very little else in the area is open."

  "So at least it beats starving to death?" She smiled, feeling more at ease that she had in ages.

  "Only just."

  They chatted quietly until Grace stood up and said, "I have coffee set up in the parlor, for anyone who wants."

  As they all moved towards the hallway, Gran stopped Magda and Marc and said, "Marc, be a dear and take Magda for a walk. They have some really lovely paths." Her face grew serious, "I know it's a slight imposition, but we need to talk to the Itan and Alpha about something fairly private. You don't mind, do you."

  Magda lifted an eyebrow. It wasn't that she didn't want to walk with Marc. She didn't want to be pushed. But since Gran's face was uncharacteristically serious, Magda smiled and patted Gran’s hand. "Of course not. It's a lovely night."

  They both looked to Marc, who merely extended his arm to Magda and smiled. "Of course, it would be an honor and a pleasure."

  She took his arm and had to suppress a shiver as the warmth of his arm penetrated his jacket. They walked out the front door and down the steps. She guided him towards a path and said, "I didn't bring a light, so straying into the woods isn't the best idea. But this path is lit and kind of winds around the house."

  They walked in silence for a few moments and Marc was the first t
o break it. "So you know, I had nothing to do with whatever happened tonight. Maybelle asked me to escort her to dinner. In fairness, she did say you would be there, to sweeten the deal."

  "I had no idea you would be here at all."

  "Would you have run away if you'd known?"

  Magda stopped in her tracks and turned to him while she rolled his question around in her mind. "You know what? I don't know."

  His voice was even and still when he said, "Do you not like me? Because I like you very much, but every time I see you, it feels like you’re about to run away. Did I do something to offend you?"

  Chagrin made her pull away from him and wrap her hands around her arms. She had to be honest with him. "No, it's not that, not at all." She turned away and stared into the darkness. "My brain short circuits when you touch me. I haven't been, that's not entirely true." She took a deep gulp of air, trying to cool her frenzied mind. "You know I lost my mate?"

  Marc said, "A great tragedy in Grayslake's past."

  "I've dated since I lost Stuart, but I never let myself get close, to any of them. And honestly, I always looked for people who wanted something temporary like I do… did. I've spent over twenty years mourning my loss and guarding my heart." Her shoulders drooped and she pressed on. "I don't know if I never wanted to open myself up to that hurt or I didn’t want to bother when I knew they couldn’t be my mate. But I have to be honest with you. I don't really see that changing."

  No matter what her mother said, the hard facts were that she already had a fated mate, and he was gone. She liked Marc, but it could only ever be casual.

  "We have things in common, you and I. It's something I don't like to talk about a lot, but I lost my mate fifteen years ago." He paused and looked up at the stars, composing himself. "She was pregnant with what would have been our first baby. A very rare condition, called Amniotic Fluid Embolism. Sudden, unforeseen and unpreventable. I'm a doctor and there was nothing I could do. They were both gone."

  He extended his hand, offering it to her.

  "I'm not asking you to forsake your family. Or join the pack. I only want to get to know you. To take you out to dinner. To be seen squiring the prettiest woman in Grayslake on my arm. I won't ask you for anything you aren't ready to give, but I will be honest, I don't believe we only get one opportunity to love—to mate."

  Magda stared at his outstretched hand, unsure if she should take it, but then a voice whispered in her ear, urging her. For one moment it almost sounded like Stuart, so she listened and reached out. Her hand shook so much she almost couldn't grab his, but he waited, patiently, not trying to rush her until she finally clasped his hand in hers.

  A gasp of breath exploded out of her lungs when their skin touched. She hadn't realized she'd been holding it in until the noise rattled in her ears. She giggled at the absurdity of it all. "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you, it's just..."

  "It's been a long time since holding hands made your pulse race and your skin tingle?"

  Her mouth went dry and Magda nodded.

  He grinned then laced his fingers through hers and let their palms lightly touch. "I'm not going to hide that I like touching you."

  Magda bit her lip as jolts of lust zipped through her. She expected him to pull her roughly into his arms, but he waited, watching her.

  "I meant it, I'm letting you set the speed." His voice was honey sweet and pulled her in. "I'm not above trying to lure you in, of course. What I want to do is touch my lips to yours and see if they taste as good as they look." Magda took a step toward him and he kept talking, "I want to wrap my arms around your waist and pull you close to me, to mold your body against mine and feel you tremble with need and desire."

  She took another step and laid her hand on his shoulder, looking up at him. She felt vulnerable, like she was taking a step forward into uncharted waters, but she tilted her chin and whispered, "Please, kiss me."

  He lowered his mouth slowly, and she savored the anticipation. His lips were gentle on hers, but firm and uncompromising. Magda melted into him, barely able to hold herself up as he released her hand and let his hands slide down her back.

  His mouth was intoxicating on hers and Magda lost herself completely in the moment, knowing nothing but the heat of the man in front of her. His tongue slid between her trembling lips, plundering her mouth and she could hold nothing back.

  Magda clung to him and revealed in the hardness of his body pressed into her softness. His hands stayed maddeningly still, yet clutched at her.

  He finally broke free, his voice strained when he spoke. "We have to stop."

  "What if I don't want to?" The words slipped out before she could stop herself. She felt wild, forgotten needs demanding attention. She wanted to shift, to run into the woods, run and chase him until he caught her.

  He groaned and captured her lips again, this time with a voracious urgency. His hand eased up her back and stroked her shoulder up to her neck. He twined his fingers in her hair and the kiss grew savage between them.

  The sound of tearing fabric drug Magda out of her fugue. She was shocked to realize she'd shifted slightly, her nails razor sharp and his jacket was splitting beneath her fingers.

  They released each other, their mutual gasping breathing punctuating the cooling night air.

  Her breathing finally slowed enough that she could mutter, "I'm sorry about your jacket."

  "If you promise our second kiss will be as incredible, I'll make sure I wear Kevlar-enforced clothing from here on out."

  She could only laugh. "I suppose I have to say 'yes' to a date now."

  "Only if you want to, but this thing between us? It's explosive. My wolf was screaming to run with you."

  Her body ached for him, still. "Mine too."

  Magda couldn't take her eyes off him, as he slipped out of his ruined jacket. "Magda, as much as I want to stay, I think I should go, right now. All I want to do right now is kiss you again, and I'm reasonably sure I saw someone twitching curtains in the house and I'm not sure if it would shock them or if they would simply grade us."

  Some of the tension drained out of both of them as she laughed. "Knowing my mother, Gran and Miss Maybelle? Grading us. Definitely grading us."

  He rubbed his forehead. "That does quell my enthusiasm." He chuckled, "But only slightly."

  "You at least get to go home! She's going to grill me the moment I get inside."

  "I hope I gave you something worth talking about."

  He held out his hand and she took it. They sauntered back towards the house.

  Marc said, "I'd like to take you out tomorrow, are you available?"

  "Well, I'll have to check my calendar..." His growl made her smile, "Oh, look at that, I'm available! What were you thinking?"

  "How about bowling? Best fried comfort food in Grayslake, your mother's cooking aside. Keeps us in public and on our best behavior."

  They stopped in front of the house and he tilted his head, waiting for her answer.

  She said, "I'd love to go out with you tomorrow. And I'd love to go bowling with you."

  He dropped a lightning fast kiss on her wrist that made her wish they were alone. Marc turned and walked towards his car.

  "Wait, aren't you supposed to be driving Miss Maybelle home?"

  "Ty and Mia will have to give her a ride. I'm leaving before I embarrass both of us."

  Magda watched him drive away from the porch. She turned to go inside, her hand on the doorknob when it struck her. He'd slipped away and she was left to face all the Itan, the Alpha, her friends Mia and Zoey and worst of all?

  All three meddling grannies.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nancy and Helen lounged on Magda's bed as she fluttered around the room. She tried not to let the teens see how flustered she was, but when she changed her outfit for the fifth time, she suspected they could tell.

  "Auntie Mags, where is he taking you? Bowling?" Nancy pointed at the sexy but very impractical heels she wore. "You are going to be
wearing gross rental shoes. Wear the cute sneakers, with the sexy jeggings."

  Magda picked up the stretchy jeans her daughter, Lira, had insisted she buy. She remembered how they highlighted every inch of her well-rounded posterior. "Are you sure about these, they are kind of clingy."

  Nancy leapt off the bed and pulled a slinky, shiny red shirt out of the closet. "Yup, I'm completely sure. And no old lady tops. Wear this and he'll eat you up with a spoon." She walked over to Magda's drawers and pulled out a lacy plunge bra and handed it to her. "And please, wear this bra. No guy wants to ogle a full-coverage thing."

  Magda's face burned. She wasn't going to tell her teenage niece that she wasn't planning on letting him see her bra. "We're going bowling, I need to keep from jiggling."

  Helen started giggling when Nancy said, "No, you are going on a capital D date. He'll enjoy a little jiggle."

  She snatched the bra and walked into the bathroom to change, muttering to herself about being schooled by children. Even if they were right. Magda walked out of the bathroom to show them the outfit.

  Helen spun her fingers and said, "Strut for us!"

  Magda had to oblige, even though the outfit felt slightly ridiculous. Maybe she'd try on the palazzo pants next. She shook her head at herself. They were even less practical and not remotely casual.

  The girls both wolf whistled and Nancy said, "Yup, that's it. No more changing. Not that you have time, he's gonna be here in like, 2 minutes." She pointed at the clock. "I mean, he's probably down the road, watching the clock so he arrives at the door two minutes late. So he doesn't look thirsty."

  Helen said, "Let's shift and toodle down, see where he's waiting." Both girls were off like a shot before Magda could say anything. She looked at herself in the full length mirror. To her surprise, she thought she looked good. No, she looked hot. Even in the comfy, colorful Converse sneakers Nancy picked out.

  The red shirt made her skin glow and Magda peered closer in the mirror. She didn’t look like she was approaching her 43rd birthday. She spun and looked at the rear view.


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