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Grayslake: More than Mated: Make Her Howl (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Flora Dare

  “Damn, I do have a nice ass.”

  The sound of the doorbell interrupted her derriere musings and she headed downstairs to answer the door. With the girls haring around, they weren’t going to answer it for her. As she walked, she realized she was definitely going to have to wear the outfit now.

  She pulled the door open with a smile on her face, but she wasn’t prepared to see him, not really. His eyes twinkled with his smile and they stared at each other.

  He broke the moment first when he said, “You look magnificent.”

  Her urge was to minimize his compliment but the way his eyes burned she could only smile at him and murmur, “Thanks.”

  Magda grabbed her purse and walked out to his car, admiring it’s sleek, low slung lines. As he opened the door for her, she said, “So, mid-life crisis car?”

  His head shook with laughter as he closed the door. When he got back into the car, he mock glared at her and said, “I'll have you know that Dearest Elisa was a gift several years ago." He started the car and headed towards the bowling alley.

  She said, "From?"

  Marc shifted uncomfortably and finally said, "Fine, from myself."

  She grinned, it was fun teasing him. She guessed he didn't get much of that at the hospital. "And the occasion?"

  He sighed and said, "Do I really have to tell you?" One look at the teasing moue of her lips and he groaned heavily. "It was a birthday gift. Specifically, my fortieth."

  She crowed. "Totally called it! Although I mean, what's the point of working hard if you can't treat yourself."

  "I feel like I get some leeway, I'd driven a beater for about ten years before that." He turned to her and said, "Besides, I'm guessing you did something nice for yourself on your fortieth birthday?"

  Magda gasped and clutched her chest. "Are you saying something about my age." For a glorious moment, he thought she was serious and panic ran across his face, until she laughed. "I bought myself several completely ridiculous handbags. Absolutely gorgeous designer bags. Kate Spade sends me a birthday card every year."

  They pulled up to the bowling alley and parked.

  Marc turned to Magda and said, "Are you sure you want to eat here? I'm suddenly realizing I have a beautiful woman I want to impress in my fancy sports car and I'm taking her bowling. And offering her bar food."

  "I'm looking forward it, actually. Low stakes. No expectations. Only that I'm going to kick your ass."

  "You're on!"

  Chapter Twelve

  Marc was glad he hadn't bet on the outcome of their games. Magda was absolutely schooling him, but he didn't mind in the least. She approached the lane with a sexy swagger that made his blood boil. Those jeans hugged her curves like he wished he could.

  Her face glowed with happiness as she hit another strike. Her cheeky grin made him want to bend her over his knee and spank that perfect globe until she squealed with need.

  Magda sat down next to him and said, "Told you I was going to win."

  "The only downside to your skill is when you get a strike, I don't get to watch you saunter away twice."

  Her breathe caught in her throat and he could feel the flaring of desire in her. All he wanted to do was kiss her until she admitted they were mates. But if he even whispered the word, she'd be out of Grayslake so fast all of Georgia would catch fire. And he understood. The moment that he realized his first mate was really gone, something changed in him too.

  They'd at least gotten to have a life together. Time together. Not like Magda and Stuart. So he wouldn't push.


  But he was going to have to get her beneath him soon. He needed to know how she sounded when she came.

  "You're staring at me." Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

  His head dropped in a nod. He said, "Yeah, I was thinking about how your eyes glint when you're feeling a little mischievous. And that when you throw the ball? Your shirt pulls up and those jeans are pulled so tight I start to get religion."

  Magda's eyes went wide and she licked her lips. Marc couldn't look away from that sweet, soft mouth and imagining all the things she could do with it. The heat between them simmered until she pushed his arm.

  Her voice was low and sultry and sent tingles up his spine. "Play your frame before we get carried away and banned from the only bowling alley within twenty miles."

  It took every ounce of his willpower to stand up and throw the ball down the alley.

  And this time, when Magda went up, he swore she slowed her walk to a saunter and put a little extra swing in her step.

  "Games over." She rested a finger on his chest. "I won." She traced a line down his belly that made his cock swell with more need than he'd ever felt. "I think I deserve a prize."

  Reckless abandon took over his brain. He tilted her chin up with his finger and said, "Turn in your shoes, because I'm going to kiss you and I think you'll want some privacy."

  The only thought in his head was getting his hands on her, feeling the weight of her juicy orbs in his palms and making her scream with need and release. Neither spoke as they dropped off the rental shoes and walked to the car.

  Marc paused and opened the car door for Magda. She pressed her body against his as she slid into the bucket seat. Blood thundered in his ears and he wondered if anyone would notice if he bent her over the hood of the car.

  Her mouth was a smug little moue as she looked up at him through her eyelashes. He closed the door firmly when her little pink tongue swept the curve of her cherry red lips. He practically ran to the driver's side, feeling more like a randy teenager than he was willing to admit.

  He had only one thought, to get her to his home. He glanced over at her and realized she wasn't wearing her seatbelt. He smiled at her, now was his chance to tease her right back.

  "Let me help you with that."

  He let his hand graze the front of her shirt and grinned at her sharp intake of breath. By leaning his whole body across to reach the belt, their body heat mingled. He grabbed the buckle and she surprised him by pressing her mouth into his.

  The moment their lips touched, the world fell away from him. All he could do was press further into her softness. Her hands lifted and clutched his shoulders and he let go of the buckle.

  His hand skimmed her curves, exploring the edges of her body. They devoured each other, lost in their passion when a determined knock on the driver's window brought them crashing back to earth.

  Marc leaned back and groaned while Magda tried to stifle a giggle as he rolled the window down.

  Van Abrams looked into the car and shook his head. "I recognized your car, but when I saw the fogged up windows I assumed you must have left the door unlocked, and some kids were fooling around."

  Magda dissolved into giggles, unable to look the clan Enforcer in the eyes. She bent over at the waist and howled with laughter into her knees.

  "I kind of hate you right now, Van. After I bought you beer, this is how you repay me?"

  "That was about Jake's response when I caught him and Lira, as well. Sorry, Magda."

  Before Marc could answer, both his phone and Van's went off. They both groaned as they checked their texts.

  Whatever lingering arousal Marc felt was quashed as he glanced up at Van. He turned to Magda and said, "I am so sorry, but there is an emergency at the hospital. I have to go there, immediately."

  With a rueful twist of her lips, Magda hopped out of the car. "I can get a ride, I'm sure."

  Marc pointed at Van and said, "Make sure she gets home safe." His voice went low and gravelly, he didn't like turning his mate over to the other man, not when he hadn't been able to claim her yet. "Safe. Understand?"

  Van's eyebrows went up and he shot a look between the two of them before nodding. "As if Memaw Grace would let me live out the night if anything happened to her." He turned to Magda and said, "Wanna visit with Lauren and Mia? They were up to shenanigans when I left the clan house."

  It wasn't exactly the way Magda intended
on spending the night, but if she went home now, she'd have to tell her mother what happened.

  "Sure, sounds like fun! Let's hit the grocery store on the way, so I can grab a bottle of wine."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Magda heard raised voice and hurried downstairs. She peeped into the parlor and groaned when she saw Reid. She'd gone from looking forward to the weekly dinner with the shifter leaders and Marc to dreading it when she found out he was coming.

  And when poor Evie called and said she was sick? Magda almost manufactured an out of town emergency. She hadn't seen Reid since the wedding and from everything everyone said? He wasn't likely to let go of the idea that she needed to join the pack.

  It would be a cold day in hell before that happened.

  But she didn't want to make it awful for Ty and Bates. The B&B was technically in Grayslake, so all she needed was Ty's permission, which she had. But he was the Itan, she knew very well he could pull that permission at any time. He wouldn't do it for no reason, but in the end, she was here at his whim and she hated that.

  And it might become problematic that she refused to join the pack. The worry gnawed at her. Lira was deliriously happy with Jake and had no problem being part of the Grayslake Clan. But Magda couldn't forget what had happened. In the end, whatever the Itan or Alpha decided was best overrode everything else.

  So she hid behind the door, listening to Reid rant at Ty. Well, maybe that wasn't entirely fair, but he wasn't letting anyone else talk either.

  A hand settled on the small of her back and Magda shot about a foot into the air. Fright made her gasp and she spun around. It was Marc. He pulled her into a kiss that made her forget Reid, shifter politics and even where she was.

  Until a throat cleared and her mother said, "Youth." She then pushed them through the door. Everyone, except a cross-armed Reid, smiled at them.

  Grace said, "Dinner will be ready shortly. The roast needs a bit longer."

  Mia's stomach made a loud grumbling noise. "Sorry, the smell is so incredible."

  Magda and Marc made their way over to the love seat and settled down. Ty and Bates were talking about starting an inter-mural soccer team as a way to channel some of the younger shifters natural exuberance.

  In a lull in the conversation, Reid finally couldn't contain himself anymore, turned to Magda and spat out, "You need to join the pack."

  Magda's back went ramrod straight and she summoned every bit of fortitude she'd ever possessed to keep staring at him and said nothing. She let the silence grow and handed the awkwardness back to Reid.

  His voice was gruff, "I’m doing this wrong. Evelyn always deals with this shit.” He growled and tipped his head back, snarling his next words. “I feel you need to join the pack."

  She almost cackled, remembering that Reid was trying out a new therapist to help him with his “anger issues.” Also known as homicidal tendencies.

  Instead, she kept staring and nodded in acknowledgment when he turned his attention back to her. "I have no intention of joining the pack." She gestured at Ty. "As I said before, Ty has granted me permission to live and work in Grayslake, so I don't need to join the pack."

  "But you're a wolf, you were born to this pack.” He spat the next words through gritted teeth. “I feel it's part of you."

  Magda shrugged and Reid started to lose his cool.

  "I feel I could make you join the pack."

  She snapped back, "I'd like to see you try."

  They both growled, Reid’s louder than hers, when Bates' hand came down heavily on Reid's shoulder. Ty stood next to Magda, positioned to defend her if needed, or to hold her back if she sprung at Reid. She didn’t think she could take the larger wolf, but she’d go down fighting.

  It was Zoey's calm voice that calmed Magda down. "Reid, you insufferable walnut. We already talked about this. I’m not forcing Magda to join the pack."

  Reid scowled at his sister, who stuck her tongue out at him. "Bates is the Alpha, it's his call, not yours."

  Bates threw his head back and howled in laughter. "Seriously, Reid. Zoey made it very clear that if I tried to force Magda to join the pack--which, by the way, I have no reason to do--my bed would be ice cold and very lonely."

  Reid swiveled to look at Ty who waved his hands, warding away his glare. "No way am I getting in this. Her daughter is a member of my clan and Magda's done nothing wrong, so she's welcome to live in Grayslake without interference."

  Mia piped up, "I told him if he tried to pressure her, he could sleep in the woods. Alone."

  Ty nodded. "Yup, and I like sleeping with my mate, Reid. Unless you plan on keeping me warm this winter?"

  Mia said, "He's a wicked snorer, sleeps naked and likes to be the big spoon."

  Zoey turned to her brother and said, "Why are you so dead set on pushing this?"

  Reid muttered, "I feel she'll be happier in the pack. Wolves need their packs. And she's smart and savvy, the pack would be better for having her. And her background in hospital management is something we're dying for."

  Shock mingled with contentedness in Magda. "Reid, did you just compliment me?"

  He stared out the window, not looking at anyone. "Everyone likes you and you’re good at getting people to work together. You'd be an asset. You can't lead if you can't figure out what people are good at. Plus, the Doc really likes you. If you join the pack, it means you'll stay with him."

  The simplistic explanation caught Magda off guard. Marc liked her enough that Reid worried about the impact of her leaving. It made her warm and comforted.

  And she realized that while Ty was standing slightly in front of her, Marc hadn't left her side. But his body had shifted, his hands half paws. He wasn't interrupting her or trying to force her to de-escalate, he was simply waiting to back her up. Magda rested her hand on his knee and smiled at him.

  Gran walked in at that moment and said, "Reid, your doggie bag is ready."

  He turned to Magda and started to say something, but shook his head, muttering under his breath. He took the bag full of containers and said, "Thank you, Gran. Evelyn will really appreciate this. It's a miserable cold and there isn't anything much I can do."

  She smiled at him. "Rest and good home cooking will do her a world of good."

  He started for the door, pausing only to look back at Magda. He pointed at the couple and said, "Eventually, you'll have to make a choice. For his sake as much as yours. He is part of the pack."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Reid's parting words rung in Magda's ears for days. After he'd left, dinner went fine, but Marc had gotten called back to the hospital, again. They were incredibly shorthanded and finding doctors for a rural shifter hospital? Not easy.

  Magda paced round and round the house, thinking. Walking and thinking. What did she want? What did he want? He claimed he was happy keeping it light and casual, if that was what she wanted.

  So what the hell did she want?

  When she thought of her future, what did she see? When she closed her eyes at night, right before she fell asleep, she wanted him next to her. Magda wanted his arms around her, holding her as she drifted away.

  But in the cold light of day, with the weight of the past, she felt adrift. He was a family man, a pack man. He would be miserable if he had to leave the pack. And could she really be on the outside of the pack while he was on the inside? Eventually, he'd have to choose.

  It was better if she chose, before it could destroy her heart.

  She walked up to the porch and sat on the swing. The sky was the perfect pink and gold of a summer's early evening. Fat, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky as a light breeze cooled her.

  All she needed to do was get up, change into her new outfit, grab her purse and head over to Marc's where he was cooking her dinner. They'd both danced around it, but being at his home meant that there would be no nosy grannies or clan enforcers to interrupt them.

  She might not know what path they would or should take after tonight, but her body bu
zzed with excitement. She'd bought new matching lingerie, a sexy new dress and sky high heels. They might not be able to have a lifetime together, but they would have tonight.

  She was going to do everything in her power to make it memorable.


  Marc glared at the oven. The beef wellington was resting and it would either be perfect or he'd be ordering pizza. Magda wouldn't care, but he would. It was in his DNA to hunt and provide for his mate. She really wouldn't appreciate it if he ran down a deer and offered her the carcass, so an elaborate meal it was.

  And not that he'd expect it, but in high hopes, he'd made sure his bedroom was spotless and the sheets clean. His wolf pointed out that he could bend her over the table and have her for dessert.

  Which would be delightful, but he wanted to savor and appreciate her the way she deserved.

  But he noted it for a future romp as he could easily picture drizzling her in chocolate sauce. His cock hardened and he shifted. He had to stop thinking about her and sex or she would walk in the door and he'd pounce on her like a puppy who just figured out how to hump a leg.

  The table was set. The candles were waiting and there was a box of matches out. The salad was in the fridge. The fingerling potatoes were roasting in the oven. He had a bottle of red breathing and a bottle of white chilling, depending on what she drank. A Boston Creme pie chilled in the fridge.

  The doorbell rang. He opened the door and there she was. Her hair was in soft, dark curls that tumbled around her shoulders. His mouth went dry at the deep plunge of the red dress that wrapped around her curves. When she stepped in, he got a flash of her inner thigh as the dress taunted him.

  She walked past him, smiling and her subtle, musky perfume teased him. Marc closed his eyes and started reviewing medical charts in his head, otherwise, his wolf was going to take over, ruin dinner and the possibility of her ever seeing him again.

  He followed her in and guided her to the dining room table. He could finally speak and said, "Would you like some wine? I have a lovely Vino Verde or a hearty Cabernet."


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