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Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 07 - Revolution

Page 10

by Bailey Bradford

The loyalty, and love, Jamie’s friend Adam had for Jamie was humbling. Luuk had met Adam years ago and thought the man nice enough, but he hadn’t known him. Over three years after telling Adam goodbye and wishing him well, Luuk felt he knew Adam almost as well as Jamie did. Jamie loved his friend, and had talked about him often at first.

  Once the hardship of surviving had drained Jamie of most of his energy, he’d stopped talking about Adam—but he’d dreamed of him, and many times memories of things Jamie and Adam had done would slip through the mental link Luuk shared with his mate.

  Jamie was afraid for Adam and Luuk got that, but one thing he’d picked up on about Adam through Jamie was this—Adam was a tough man. He wasn’t going to break any more than he’d given up searching for Jamie.

  Then Luuk was pole-axed with the sudden question—would Adam hate him for the danger he’d brought to Jamie? Maybe he didn’t know Adam after all, because he couldn’t answer that with any certainty. He thought Adam was a good man, as well as a potential badass, but he also loved Jamie, and look at the situation Luuk had put Jamie in.

  And, what made him worry even more, though he wouldn’t let Jamie know—was he somehow responsible for Adam and Todd being shifters? There was almost no possible way that wasn’t tied to him in some manner. Luuk wasn’t a believer in coincidences. He needed to see how happy—or not—Adam and Todd were with being something other than human, then deal with the guilt he felt.

  He wanted Jamie to have his friendship with Adam. That was important. Luuk would do whatever he had to in order to ensure Jamie and Adam didn’t lose each other again.

  “You’re thinking awful hard.”

  Luuk lifted his head. He’d been staring blankly at the floor as he ran things over in his mind. He hadn’t even heard Jamie come out of the bathroom, a rare lapse of attentiveness on his part. Jamie stood nude and beautiful, his lean form a little healthier-looking than it had been, thanks to a few days of regular meals and rest. Luuk tracked his gaze from the top of Jamie’s dark head to the elegant arch of his feet and the thin, almost too-long toes, before returning to Jamie’s heavy-lidded eyes.

  What had he been thinking about? Luuk blinked, unable not to see the thickening cock pointing almost right at him. He tried to maintain eye contact but his gaze was inexorably drawn down to that hard length.

  “I happen to know a very good way to quit worrying, which is what you were sitting here doing.”

  Luuk might have nodded, he wasn’t sure. Jamie ran his thumb over a fat vein on his cock and Luuk gulped.

  “In fact, I’d say what I have in mind will blow yours.” Jamie closed his hand around his cock and slowly began to stroke. “You take too much on your shoulders,” he murmured, and some little voice told Luuk he hadn’t shielded Jamie from any of his worries.

  “You aren’t responsible for everything that’s happened to us, or to Adam and Todd,” Jamie continued, dancing the fingers of his other hand over his balls. “We all make decisions, and unless you’re God and have predestined us on what to choose, then you can’t really accept the blame for anything anyone else does, can you?”

  “Uh.” Luuk blinked again. His cock ached from the awkward angle it’d reached as he grew hard and Luuk squirmed a bit as he tried to rectify the situation. “Yeah?” he guessed, since Jamie was looking at him expectantly. And snickering at him. Luuk shook his head. “You can’t expect me to have a serious, philosophical discussion when you’re naked and playing with yourself!”

  “Sure I can.” Jamie grinned and pushed the fingers that had been on his balls further back behind them. “Ah, that feels so good. Not as good when you do it, but…” A bead of moisture glistened in his slit.

  Luuk’s mouth watered and he gave up being comfortable, at least clothed. He unfastened his pants and was rewarded with a hitch in Jamie’s breath as he watched Luuk.

  Luuk shoved his pants down far enough to free his cock and Jamie’s strokes faltered, his pupils dilating. Oh yeah, Luuk could do a bit of distracting himself.

  “Do it,” Jamie uttered, the words almost indecipherable as he grunted.

  As if Luuk needed to be told—though he did like it when Jamie went all bossy on him. His cock felt huge and hard in his hand, hot, and the veins seemed to stand out as if backed up with pressure. Considering how turned on he was, he’d likely shoot a twelve-foot stream of cum once he climaxed. Luuk smirked at the idea and Jamie snorted.

  “Dunno about twelve feet, Luuk, but you can put on quite an impressive show when you’re inspired.” Jamie thumbed the bead of pre-cum on his tip and smeared it around.

  Luuk had been as…inspired, as he could tolerate being. He stood and pushed his pants the rest of the way off then tipped his head down, growled, and watched the way that made Jamie’s cock twitch.

  Luuk pulled his shirt off then, and dragged his hands down his bare chest, stopping to scrape his nipples with his fingernails. Jamie sucked in a sharp breath, and Luuk shot him a wicked look as he played with his tits for a few more seconds, enjoying the way every twist of them sent heat hurtling down to his groin.

  “Luuk,” Jamie rasped as Luuk slowly caressed his abs, still hard and lean even if he’d lost a bit of bulk. He moaned and let his eyelids drift almost completely shut, knowing he had a smouldering expression going on that Jamie was getting off seeing.

  “Want to touch me like this, Jamie? Make me shiver and need?” Luuk stopped with his fingertips just touching the first of his curls. “Or do you want to watch me touch myself, like I was doing while you were stroking that cock of yours?”

  Jamie squeezed his dick as he stared at Luuk’s. “I…I want…” And that was all he said, closing his eyes and gasping as he began stroking himself again.

  Luuk knew Jamie was too close to last long. He took the three strides necessary to reach Jamie then grabbed him at the hips, and with a pivot, pinned him to the wall. Jamie just moaned and gave himself up to Luuk’s command.

  Which turned Luuk on unbearably. He sank to his knees and pulled at Jamie’s wrist. Jamie let go of his thick cock and Luuk took over. He ringed the base of it with his thumb and finger and brought it down enough the he could suck that fat wet tip right into his mouth.

  Jamie bucked and grabbed at his head.

  “Do it, Jamie. Fuck me until you come.” Luuk inhaled through his nose, basking in the scent of his mate that was so much better-smelling than the flowery soap he’d used. He tapped Jamie’s thighs and when Jamie spread, was able to cup his balls. Jamie tightened his hold and pushed in slowly at first, but as soon as Luuk flicked his tongue, and used his hand to push Jamie’s balls up closer to his body, Jamie lost it.

  “Fuck!” he spat out just before he thrust deep, breaching Luuk’s throat.

  Luuk’s dick liked it as much as the rest of him did. There’d be a puddle under it at the rate he was leaking pre-cum. He groaned happily at the way Jamie’s cock filled his mouth, his throat, and Jamie made a sound that was almost like a screech. Luuk rolled Jamie’s balls and swallowed, and Jamie shook so hard Luuk expected him to fall over.

  But he didn’t. Jamie pulled back and pushed in again, and again—no steady rhythm, just the frantic chase for release as Luuk pleasured him. Luuk wedged his hand back further and scraped the tender skin of Jamie’s hole, and Jamie almost pulled his hair out, he fisted Luuk’s hair so forcefully.

  And he came, in a beautiful blend of sound, scent, taste, feeling—Luuk could have wept with the perfection of it as he greedily swallowed Jamie’s spunk. He wished he could have seen Jamie, too, but Luuk’s eyelids seemed too heavy to open. He moaned and sucked, and wanted to stay right where he was forever, with Jamie coming apart for him over and over again, but Jamie was moving, and Luuk was too, Jamie’s cock slipping from his mouth as he was nudged back.

  Luuk plopped gracelessly on his ass and opened his eyes just in time to see Jamie dropping to his knees. Luuk started to speak but Jamie put a hand to his chest and pushed.

  Catching himself on his elbows, L
uuk moaned as Jamie dragged his nails down his chest to his belly, marking him with light red lines but doing no true damage. Jamie tugged on his pubes enough to send sparks of need to his balls, then Jamie licked him from his balls to his leaking slit.

  “Fuuuuck,” Luuk sighed shakily just before Jamie’s mouth enveloped his tip. Luuk jerked like he’d stepped on a livewire. Jamie bobbed down and, without warning, pushed a finger into Luuk’s ass.

  Luuk howled, the intrusion burning his hole even as Jamie’s talented mouth surrounded his cock. Jamie took him deeper at the same time he set that finger as far in Luuk’s ass as it’d go. Silky wet throat muscles rippled around his cock, and Luuk struggled to hold back. But Jamie crooked that digit and massaged his gland and Luuk lost it, shouting as his ass contracted and his cock spewed.

  His climax felt endless and yet all too brief, and when it ebbed, he collapsed on the floor, the impact to his head muted by a thick rug. He couldn’t seem to catch his breath— Jamie had sucked it right out of him.

  All in all, it was the best distraction he’d ever had.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Father Piotr will be arriving in five minutes,” Jaq said through the bedroom door. Jameson sat up, surprised he’d dozed off considering… He looked over at Luuk, stretching and arching that sexy body, and no, it was no wonder he’d slept. Luuk had blown his damn mind.

  “Five minutes. We need to shower,” Luuk grumbled, scratching at a dried patch of…something. “Gotta figure out how and when and where we’re supposed to meet up with Adam, too.”

  Jameson smacked himself on the forehead and winced. “I didn’t even think that far ahead, just, you know, that he was going to be here and I’d see him, meet this Todd guy.”

  “Which will indeed happen.” Luuk stood and Jameson almost drooled. His mate was just too fucking built, that was all there was to it. Luuk snorted and took his softened cock in hand, jiggling it a bit. “If you keep looking at me like that, this is going to need more attention.”

  Jameson was willing, but it seemed in bad form to have sex while the kind priest was being wheeled in. Or carried in. He really didn’t even know if Father Piotr was up to walking or what.

  “Jamie,” Luuk said, exasperation and humour tinging his voice. “Come on, love, let’s get a quick rinse in then go see Piotr.”

  “Okay.” Jameson stood and grimaced. Hadn’t he been clean not that long ago?

  “Getting dirty is the fun part about having to get clean.”

  Jameson cocked an eyebrow at Luuk. “You realise that doesn’t exactly make sense.”

  “Sure it does.” Luuk walked to the bathroom and there was enough sway in his hips, sending that firm ass rocking, that Jameson knew the exaggerated strides were intentional.

  “Showoff. Like shaking your ass is supposed to make me not think about fucking it.” Jameson snorted and dashed after a laughing Luuk.

  The shower was a quick one, with them both keeping their hands to themselves, for the most part. Towelling off would have been smoother had Luuk not turned and shook that bountiful ass again. Jameson couldn’t help but put a nice welt on it courtesy of a wicked towel flick. Luuk’s yelp probably woke the dead.

  By the time they were dressed, almost fifteen minutes had passed since Jaq’s announcement. Jameson didn’t think they’d done too badly, all things considered.

  “We didn’t end up fucking like crazy, you mean,” Luuk said. “If you don’t get out the door very quickly, that will change, though.”

  Jameson headed to the door then opened it slightly before looking over his shoulder to rake Luuk with a lusty gaze.

  “Jamie…” Luuk growled and Jameson pulled the door open fully and walked out, making sure he had enough swing in his hips to pay Luuk back for teasing him earlier. Well, he really hoped Luuk would rip his clothes off and fuck him into oblivion later, after they’d done the visiting and discussed the plan for where to try to meet up with Adam. It was a sure bet Jameson wouldn’t be able to sleep again until that meeting, or reunion, unless perhaps Luuk wore him out.

  “That, I can do.” Luuk was right on his heels, Jameson could feel him, and if he had been unaware, the palm landing on his ass to lightly tap him would have let him know how close Luuk was to him. Jameson slowed and Luuk stepped up beside him. They twined their fingers together immediately and warmth filled Jameson.

  They entered the large living room together, stopping not far in, as there were quite a few more people in the house now than there had been. And all of them, with the exception of the priests, were shifters. Almost as one, they turned and saw Jameson, and—more importantly, he knew—Luuk.

  The sound of multiple pairs of knees hitting the floor was incredible, as was the show of loyalty as every shifter lowered themselves to a prostrated position. Jameson felt like doing the same as pride in his mate surged strong and fierce in him.

  “Rise,” Luuk said, his voice deeper than usual, and Jameson knew how touched he was, how hard he fought the burning in his eyes at the sight of so many loyal pack members. “Thank you, everyone. I would love to meet each of you, after my mate and I say hello to Father Piotr.”

  The shifters rose and every one of them was damn near beaming, happy to see their Alpha Anax, and to be promised an opportunity to meet him. Jameson didn’t feel slighted. He was Luuk’s mate, not an Alpha Anax, loved by many. Hell, he completely understood being thrilled at the idea of getting some of Luuk’s time. He was certainly thrilled at the knowledge he’d be getting some private attention later.

  “You’re going to have me walking amongst our people with an erection I can’t hide, love.”

  Jameson reined in his raunchier thoughts before they could get out of hand. He nudged Luuk as Father Norbert plopped a hand on his hip and gave them an arch look.

  “I do hope you are not expecting me to so much as genuflect,” Norbert said, then ruined the snooty tone by giggling. “Come, come see Piotr. Does he not look wonderful?”

  Jameson and Luuk came closer, and Jameson personally thought Piotr looked like he’d aged a decade, but the priest was alive and for that he was grateful. “Yes, you look wonderful, as Father Norbert says,” Jameson told him as he leant down to kiss the old priest’s cheek.

  The chair Father Piotr was in sat low to the ground, and Jameson felt like he was almost prostrating himself by the time he bussed the leathery cheek. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  Father Piotr huffed, more like a wheeze, really, and he patted Jameson’s cheek in return. “Now, my boy, I could not leave this world without knowing some things were settled, and some wrongs righted.”

  Jameson’s stomach burned with an odd sense of cold at that, because it sounded to him like Father Piotr was only hoping to hang around long enough to see Luuk reinstated as Alpha Anax.

  But before he could ask, Father Piotr was reaching past him for Luuk.

  “I doubt he meant it like it sounded,” Luuk thought. “I think he is just…just glad he didn’t die, period.”

  “I hope so, Luuk, but he looks so old, and frail…”

  “He just got out of the hospital, and had to be brought along the road from hell. Likely he’s been bounced all over the place.” Luuk bussed the old priest’s cheek and stood. “No more scaring us like that, Father Piotr. You are loved by too many people to be taken from us so soon.”

  “Soon?” Father Piotr scowled. “Boy, I am eighty-two years old.”

  Luuk nodded. “Mmhm, and that simply hasn’t been long enough for those who love you, as I pointed out.”

  Father Piotr grumbled, but his pale cheeks tinted with pink and he looked healthier already. Jameson and Luuk visited with Piotr and Norbert for a few minutes, then promised to come to his room for a more private conversation later, once Piotr had slept. Jameson wanted to tell him about Adam, and how nervous he was to be meeting him and Todd. Well, more Todd than Adam, but still.

  Then there was the promised meeting with the other shifters. Jameson remained at Luuk’s
side, but let Luuk handle all the conversation. Luuk introduced him to every shifter, and every one of them was unfailingly polite, almost fawning, but it was their Alpha Anax who truly held their attention. Jameson was fine with that. It soothed him, actually, seeing the love these people had for Luuk, when for so long it had felt like everyone in the world hated them.

  Luuk was generous with his time, his words, and Jameson didn’t think that was a new thing for him with his pack members. Luuk had always been kind and firm, as far as he knew.

  Mem finally clapped her hands together and herded everyone out. “They are thrilled to have you alive and whole, and the promise of you taking back your position will boost many spirits.”

  Luuk nodded. “As they have, including you, boosted mine, and my Jamie’s. We needed this every bit as much as they did.”

  Mem nodded. “You are a good Alpha Anax. I am sorry you will have to kill your own brother but he has caused many to suffer, and many deaths of good, good men and women.”

  Jameson’s stomach turned right back into that ball of icy fire. He didn’t want Luuk to have to kill Luther, no matter how they were related, but shifter rules would have to be followed. Even if Luther ceded authority, he would die for what he’d done, both turning traitor and murdering so many shifters.


  Just the one word from Luuk, but it conveyed the pain he felt over what he knew he’d have to do. Luuk wouldn’t make an allowance for Luther, nor should he.

  Jameson wasn’t going to let either of them dwell on it. He took Luuk’s hand and stepped up against him so he could get a good rub on that firm body. “Let’s go figure out where to meet up with Adam. Perhaps he’s emailed again or something. Then…” Jameson stood on his toes and nipped Luuk’s neck, hard, earning him a moan and a shudder.

  Jameson liked it, a lot, and so he let himself go further, talking dirtier than he’d done before. “Then I want you to fuck me, fill me up with your cum, and I’m gonna roll you over and take you while your seed leaks from my body.”


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