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Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 07 - Revolution

Page 11

by Bailey Bradford

  Then he led his stunned, horny mate back to their room, and thought they might need to rearrange the order of their evening plans.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The logistics were a bitch, mainly because Adam had simply hopped on a plane—okay, maybe that wasn’t simple, but Luuk was generalising—as soon as he’d heard from Jamie. There’d been no back and forth about where to meet or the dangers in doing so, when and where Adam would be arriving… Luuk was all for spontaneity at times, but there were times it was a real pain in the ass.

  Patience, waiting for hours, wasn’t Jamie’s strong suit, at least not in this matter. Luuk had done his best and fucked, and been fucked, until they were both too sore and too tired for another round. It took a lot to wear a shifter out sexually, but he and Jamie had damn sure managed it.

  The ding of the laptop let him know there was a new e-mail. Luuk poked Jamie’s hip. “D’you hear that? You got mail.”

  Jamie grunted but he was up in a flash, although he did stumble and grab at his lower back. He shot Luuk a look like he’d done something wrong, but Luuk knew better and winked. Jamie’s lips twitched and he turned back to making his way to the laptop. “Haven’t been pounded like that in ages,” he muttered.

  Well. Luuk would just have to make sure such a…pounding happened with enough regularity that it didn’t put Jamie out of commission, as it seemed to have. Although, a part of his unsteadiness could be nerves. They’d composed an e-mail in between rounds of fucking, making bare mention of the need to have a good, safe plan for meeting up. Luuk got up, winced and grimaced a few times himself, but joined Jamie at the desk where the laptop set.

  “They landed in Amsterdam and are already on the move. This Marcus, he’s got over a dozen guards with him, and hundreds more on the ground.” Jamie looked away from the email to frown at Luuk. “How powerful is this guy?”

  “Very,” Luuk guessed. “North America is much larger than the territory I was leader of. There are also more shifters there than here. Hundreds of years ago, entire packs fled to North America to escape the persecution of the superstitious. That, and it was a new country, and so many were full of hope…”

  Jamie grunted and went back to reading the e-mail. Luuk read over his shoulder. “He’s going to check in in approximately four hours.” Luuk sighed and rubbed his brow for a moment. “We need to talk to Mem. I am beginning to think this might be the safest place for them to come. There are loyal pack members here, and they will watch for anyone who would harm us.”

  “Okay. I think that’s the best idea, but…” Jamie’s scent was full of nerves, and sweat beaded his brow even in the coolness of their room. “I just…I’m scared, Luuk. I don’t know what to say, how to act—”

  Luuk tugged Jamie up and into his arms. He held Jamie’s chin and kissed him, pressing hard on those swollen red lips. “You say what’s in your heart, and you don’t act any way, you just be yourself, love. That’s all Adam wants—his friend, whom he loves.” Who could blame Adam for loving Jamie? Luuk settled his lips over Jamie’s again and took another slower, deeper kiss that had Jamie shivering and pressing closer. Luuk delighted in having his mate naked and plastered to him. He smoothed a hand down to cup Jamie’s ass, but resisted the temptation to knead that flesh. He knew how tender Jamie’ bottom was, because his was about as well-used.

  Luuk ended the kiss by lapping at Jamie’s lips. He loved how dark and plump they were after hard loving. He dropped another kiss on the tip of Jamie’s nose. “Let’s get cleaned up. I think we both have cum on places no one should. Then we can find Mem.”

  Jamie smirked at him and raised an arm. “I don’t know, maybe everyone should have spunk in their arm pit hair at least once.”

  Luuk wasn’t even going to try to figure out how that had got there. They’d both been…messy. “As long as it washes out easy. If it’s knotted…”

  “Then you can shave my pits, because there will be no combing out of knots there.” Jamie huffed and Luuk wondered if Jamie would let him shave him, cheeks to chin to chest and yeah, all the way down to his toes, which had a light smattering of hair on the first couple on each foot. Perhaps when they had a little more time, because if Jamie said yes, Luuk wanted to take a long, long time stripping that hair off his sexy body. And he wanted to be able to fuck Jamie, hard and raw and fast, which neither of them were up to right now.

  “Yes, you can, and oh God,” Jamie groaned from the bathroom, “please, stop thinking about fucking me. It’s making my dick try to get hard all over again and I swear I can’t go another round. It’ll kill me.”

  At the ‘yes’, Luuk’s cock tried to give a happy dance, or at least a twitch, but he really was worn out. He’d have been embarrassed had he and Jamie not come so many times already. “Start the water,” he said huskily, because his brain was still stuck on the whole shaving thing, but Luuk managed to get them both cleaned off, and he even got the spunk out of Jamie’s hair without making Jamie yelp, which earned him brownie points.

  Luuk’s belly growled, and so did Jamie’s as they were getting dressed. Luuk arched a brow at his mate. “You want to head to the kitchen and fix us a couple of sandwiches while I go knock on Mem’s bedroom door? Shouldn’t take me but a minute or two then I’ll join you.”

  “Sure.” Jamie pulled a T-shirt on and the love bites Luuk had left on his neck showed up beautifully. He wished he could see the other bite, the deeper one he’d left on Jamie, just as Jamie had left a matching bite on him.

  Luuk had to force himself to leave Jamie. He wondered if he was being extra clingy, if there was some part of him that felt threatened by the arrival of Adam. Luuk stopped in the middle of the hallway and scowled. Was that it? Was that why he’d been all over Jamie, had fucked him and marked him so much?

  No, because he’d given himself to Jamie, just as fiercely, and while Luuk bottomed sometimes, he didn’t do it too often. And he’d done it more during last night than he had in a long while, combined.

  And, he realised, it wasn’t insecurity over anything making him let go and give himself so willingly, so eagerly. No, it was happiness, a feeling of safety and hope for the future. It was learning there really were powerful people on their side, and that this entire horrible coup might soon be over. It was relief, and love so deep it was a part of his soul he couldn’t live without.

  * * * *

  Jameson wished they were the ones out waiting, watching. He was pacing and had been for a solid hour now. Luuk kept watching him but hadn’t told him to sit or relax, which Jameson appreciated. He stopped and glared at the laptop. “How do we know they understood the directions? Maybe Adam didn’t catch onto the code we used. He didn’t reply except for ‘Okay.’ Jeez, he could have said something else…”

  Luuk shrugged. “I think he didn’t reply with more because they are on the move. And, I am sure, they do not want to risk their movements being discovered. This Marcus, bringing in so many of his guards—he will be seen as a challenger to Luther. One Alpha Anax invading another’s territory.”

  “Yeah, well, fuck Luther,” Jameson sneered. There were times when he was so angry at that asshole, he thought he’d kill him without any more provocation. Of course, there’d already been plenty of that… “He’s a coward, and he has no right to get indignant over any goddamned thing!” Jameson closed his eyes and hung his head. “I’m sorry. I know he hurt you, Luuk. I don’t mean to be throwing a fit.”

  Luuk stood. Jameson could hear his footsteps on the floor as he approached. “You have every right, love. Get mad, rant, curse, hit something—it’s all fine with me. Luther hurt me, yes, but not as much as he has angered me by killing so many innocents, by trying to kill you. For those things, I will not spare him, not at all. He will die, Jamie, and by my hands, as is my duty as Alpha Anax.”

  Jameson shivered at the quiet, sure note in Luuk’s voice. He snuggled closer and sighed. It’d been six hours since the last e-mail from Adam. Jameson didn’t know how they were approa
ching, if they were approaching. Luuk had had him use coordinates and an odd pattern of words he sure as shit didn’t understand. Luuk had promised him that if Adam didn’t get it, the Alpha Anax with him would.

  “I wonder if they’re coming by car or plane or…” Jameson swallowed. Surely there wasn’t a massive pack of wolves running their way?

  “That would be most impressive, and possible, even, considering where we are,” Luuk said. “I think perhaps they have used the jet again. I would, if I had one at my disposal. Criswell would have to find a private airport or landing strip, which could be difficult, though, so perhaps they drove, which would take fourteen hours or more.”

  “A caravan heading this way wouldn’t be noticeable at all,” Jameson snarked, irritated and stressed and excited all at once. But he shouldn’t be taking anything out on Luuk. “Sorry, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine, Jamie.” Luuk tipped his head back and looked at Jamie with such patience and love, Jameson wanted to grovel out another apology. “Don’t. Part of being together is dealing with the bad parts of one another. You’ve certainly had me snap at you on more than one occasion. And if we actually fight, we get to have make-up sex.”

  Jameson groaned and clenched his butt just thinking about that. “No fighting, then, because I’m still not recovered enough for sex.”

  Luuk snickered and kissed his forehead. “Me either, but a few more hours, oh yes, I might be trying to piss you off just so I can bend you over the bed and take your sweet ass again.”

  Jameson bit his bottom lip and looked through his lashes at Luuk. Maybe he wasn’t as sore as he thought he was. A different kind of ache began inside him, and Jameson purred as he rubbed up against Luuk.

  “Oh, love, you really are asking for it,” Luuk murmured. He squeezed Jamie’s butt and pleasure-pain spread out from his centre to warm the backs of his thighs.

  Jaq came barrelling in the room, eyes bright with excitement, shouting out “Hey! Hey!” Jameson started to jerk away but Luuk tightened his hold and turned a look on Jaq that had the younger man settling down quickly.

  “Yes?” Luuk said calmly. He did release Jameson’s ass, but kept his hands right on the small of his back.

  Jaq’s cheeks flamed bright red and he shuffled his feet. “I, uh, I’m sorry. I should have not…um—”

  “Come running through the house like a herd of horses?” Mem snapped from behind him. “You should comport yourself in a manner appropriate around your Alpha Anax. Really, Jaq, how often you’ve whined to be treated like a man instead of a child—”

  “It’s fine,” Luuk said, much to Jamie’s relief—he didn’t think Jaq had done anything wrong, although yeah, Jameson had been scolded as a kid for running in the house. He manoeuvred Jameson to his side so that an arm rested on his shoulders and he was no longer embracing Jamie. “Jaq, what is it you came to tell us?”

  Jaq cast a quick look at Mem, then at Luuk, then Jameson. Jameson smiled encouragingly and nodded, and Jaq’s excitement returned so that he bounced up on his toes. “There’s dozens, maybe hundred, I don’t know, but—wolves, shifters, they’re coming, and the white one, he’s huge and you can feel the power—”

  “How do we know these aren’t Luther’s men?” Mem snapped.

  Jameson was trying to fucking breathe. He knew. It wasn’t Luther’s, not when joy and fear were winging through him like living things invading his veins.

  Jaq shook his head. “No, ma’am, because the man Jameson showed us the picture of, he’s walking with the white wolf and a couple of others, and he’s…” Jaq blushed again, and the tinge of arousal hit the air.

  “Jaq, he’s mated,” Mem said, sounding kinder than Jameson would have expected.

  “I know, but he’s still hot,” Jaq mumbled.

  “How far away are they?” Luuk asked. He tightened his hold on Jameson. Jameson was trying not to vibrate, literally vibrate. He wanted…so much. And he was scared, but damn it, he wanted to see Adam, to talk and laugh with him and hug him and—

  “Since the man is not shifting, a few hours walking, I’d guess. If he shifted and ran—”

  “We’d not have known who was coming, for sure. Thank you, Jaq.” Luuk started to turn away then stopped. “Wait. Do they know they’ve been sighted?”

  Jaq shook his head. “No, sir. We’ve done nothing since we are waiting on your command.”

  Luuk smiled and tipped his head at the young shifter. “Good. Tell everyone to hold off on doing anything other than observing. I think my mate and I shall go for a run, and you, as well as the others, should accompany us.”

  Jameson’s heart pounded so hard his chest hurt. His eyes burned, his vision blurred, but it was happiness that made him so close to tears.

  “Come on, love, let’s shift.” Luuk stroked his cheek tenderly, then kissed him. Jamie sniffled and held onto Luuk for a moment before letting Luuk take his hand and lead him to the garage. Silently, Luuk undressed him as Mem joined them. Luuk’s smile never wavered, and the look in his eyes was one Jameson would never forget. He knew Luuk loved him, but to see it so clearly was a gift he’d always treasure.

  “Who is staying with the priests?” Jameson asked.

  Mem sighed. “I will. I was going to go, but I should stay here, in case.”

  In case it was a trap, somehow. In case Adam was now a traitor like Luther.

  “He isn’t,” Luuk said as Mem went back inside.

  Jameson nodded. “I know. I understand why she would be cautious, but it still irks me on his behalf.”

  Luuk’s smile tipped brighter and he chuckled. Then in a heartbeat he shifted and Jameson took a steadying breath before doing the same. Luuk rubbed against his side and nuzzled his face, and Jameson rumbled with pleasure.

  Then Luuk yipped, a playful sound Jameson didn’t think many people got to hear, and they took off, loping steadily down the mountain. In minutes, they had a pack behind them, and damned if it wasn’t one of the best things Jameson had ever experienced—besides being with Luuk.

  The trek was less bumpy and quicker on paw than it had been in a vehicle, and they also stayed away from any type of path or road. After almost a half an hour of traipsing, working their way down, the first scent of the others reached them. Luuk stopped, his hackles up. He growled and shook himself, giving Jameson a rueful look.

  “Hard not to give in to the instinct, scenting another powerful wolf on my packlands. It’s a damn good thing I have the human ability to reason with this beast.” Luuk shook himself again, from nose to the top of his tail, then he took off, howling a welcome that Jameson echoed along with the other shifters behind them.

  Trees, shrubs, rocks and snow, Jameson didn’t really pay attention to any of it, letting his body take care of avoiding obstacles as he sucked more and more of the scent into his lungs. He couldn’t pick out Adam’s, perhaps because there were so many coming their way, or maybe because he didn’t know what Adam smelt like.

  Luuk skidded to a halt after shooting out of a dense patch of brush. He sat on his haunches and howled, and Jamie joined him. He could hear the approach of the others, and leapt up, Luuk at his side.

  “It’s safe, Luuk, it’s safe,” he was thinking, then he was saying it because he’d shifted, his eyes locking with Adam’s as he and several wolves edged past a copse of trees.

  “Adam,” Jameson whispered, the cold negligible when Adam was standing, tears spilling over his lower lashes, streaking his cheeks. Adam seemed stunned, and Jameson wasn’t sure, suddenly, of what to do.

  “Go to him,” Luuk whispered, touching his hip. “He’s waiting.”

  Jameson took one step, and Adam matched it as a tall redheaded man appeared at his side, then Jameson sobbed, and he forgot about feeling awkward, about anything but seeing the one true friend he’d had up until Luuk. He ran, bare feet stinging and he didn’t give a shit. He could hardly see, not when he was crying, but he thought Adam was moving, too.

  Then strong arms were around him, and
a familiar, loved voice sobbed his name, and Jameson clung to Adam, possibly too hard, but Adam didn’t complain. He just held Jameson, too, and whispered his name over and over.

  “I’ve missed you, so much,” Adam rasped, and Jameson tried to say something, anything, but his throat was so clogged with emotions and a jumble of words all he could do was wheeze.

  “Adam, honey, he’s probably freezing.”

  Jameson sniffed and blinked and couldn’t see for shit, but he figured that had to be Todd.

  “I don’t want to let him go, Todd,” Adam said. “I just want to hold onto him for a little while. You’ve gotten so thin, Jameson. I don’t care, I’m so glad, so glad to see you, to find you…”

  Jameson finally cleared his throat enough to speak. And his teeth began chattering as the cold hit him. “I l-love you Adam, b-but it’s c-cold.”

  Adam cursed softly and took his heavy coat off. The rest of his clothes soon followed then he grinned at Jameson, and shifted.

  There were many things to work out, and an odd tension between Luuk and, he thought, Marcus Criswell. That was probably due to the nature of their beasts, but it would be dealt with. For now, Jameson laughed, happy in different way than what he was with Luuk, then he shifted and, with a yip and a pounce, nearly tackling Adam, he took off with his friend chasing his tail.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Inside the odd stone house, Luuk ran a hand over Jamie’s back, rubbing briskly. Even clothed, Jamie still felt cold. Not that he seemed to be aware of it, Jamie was all smiles and it thrilled Luuk to see his mate so happy. He nodded at Adam and his handsome, silent redheaded mate. “Adam, we met years ago. It’s good to see you. And you must be Todd.”

  Adam beamed at Todd even as he answered Luuk. “Yes, this is Todd Benson, my husband, best friend, mate—well, he’s everything to me.”

  Todd blushed but met Luuk’s gaze with a solid strength in his pretty eyes and in his handshake. Luuk thought Adam had done well finding a man like Todd. Not as well as he’d done with Jamie, but nonetheless, Todd and Adam seemed a perfect fit.


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