Book Read Free


Page 6

by Ava O'Shay

  Quill seemed to be thinking, then nodded and moved to the side to let him pass.

  Jolin tilted his head back looking at the ceiling. ‘Fuck,” he muttered. He was screwed.


  Thursday, October 17

  7:00 a.m.

  The minute Ren entered the school she’d been bombarded with the news she’d banged Jolin yesterday. She guessed all she really had to do was get in his car to start the rumors. But now she had to sit next to him in Bio and act like nothing happened and everyone wasn’t talking about them. She hadn’t thought this through before she agreed to it. Why had it never occured to her she would still have to be his lab partner after she followed through with the plan? It was one thing to see Brock every day. They had an arrangement. It was a means to an end. He helped her, and she helped him. It was only until she could get out of here. But she couldn’t shake the feeling she was turning into her mother. Her and Brock’s arrangement hadn’t bothered her before. Why did Jolin’s presence make it any different?


  She sunk into her locker hoping it would teleport her away.

  “Ren,” Brock said again as he sauntered up to her, brushing his chest against her arm.

  “I thought I was social suicide? You better step away or you’ll catch the plague,” Ren snapped.

  “I don’t have time for your PMS. Did you get it done?” Brock kept his voice low, the expression on his face could have easily been mistaken for harassment. He was better at this game than her.

  “Your girlfriend’s watching,” Ren mumbled. “Or did you already get rid of her?” Brock sort of dated one of the many cheerleaders. Ren thought she came with his position of second string quarterback. Every player was paired with a cheerleader, but Brock’s promotion to first string left him wanting a first string girlfriend. Namely Elizabeth. The only problem was Jolin was in some weird high school social status limbo and even though Elizabeth said they broke up Ren wasn’t sure what they were…and apparently Jolin wasn’t sure either.

  If news of Jolin’s and Ren’s study date got to her it would only be a matter of time before Brock’s plan worked, and she was on his arm, making Lisa old news until the line up shifted and she was assigned her next boyfriend. Lisa and Elizabeth were gorgeous in a cheerleader sort of way. Ren had to appreciate beauty even if it came wrapped with a gigantic bow on top of its head and a pair of pom poms. They were bitches to most everyone at school, but they must have had some high moral standards because if Brock was getting something from Lisa he wouldn’t be coming to her. Apparently they weren’t giving anything up. She couldn’t complain, their frigid personalities kept her job intact and made her afternoon with Jolin a huge deal to the virgin cheerleader. Jolin was used goods now, and Elizabeth would turn to Brock to get her popularity back up to par before homecoming elections began. Everything went according to plan except Ren hadn’t actually done anything, and she still felt like shit about it.

  Brock looked over his shoulder and winked. “Whatever. So you went to Jolin’s house yesterday.”

  “Since you used your magical powers of persuasion to get Mr. Carson to change groups we’re behind on the assignment. I can’t do your bidding and forget I still need to graduate.” Ren balanced her books against her hip.

  “Yeah, whatever. So did you?” He raised an eyebrow.

  She wanted to slap him. “Did I what?”

  He leaned in way to close and overwhelmed her with his Mento breath. His girlfriend was going to torture her later. “Suck his dick?”

  “You’re so eloquent with your word choice.” Ren wanted to push him away. “Does it matter? Everyone already thinks I banged him. All I needed to do was get in his car and the rumors started.”

  “I don’t care what the rumors say. It matters. We had a deal. I’m not paying you to spread rumors I could have done that for free. Did you do it?”

  Ren hesitated, then nodded.

  “That’s my girl.” He slid a small envelop into her biology book. “See ya later babe.” And he was gone.

  She leaned back against her locker and sighed.

  Technically she’d done what he asked. He never asked if she’d finished the job. Okay so maybe she was walking the thin line between what constituted a blow job. Did the final outcome define blow job or just the act of sucking it?

  She walked into Biology as the bell rang.

  “Ms. Diaz, can you please come here.” Although it was phrased as a question, Mr. Carson didn’t leave any room for anything but compliance.

  “Shit,” she said under her breath. She kept her back to him and pulled in a deep breath. She’d been up most of the night listening to mom and her asshole getting it on. Then got up early to get her homework done and out of the house before they woke up. Ren had no doubts Mr. Carson heard the rumors of her afternoon sex with Jolin. She didn’t live her life by regrets. She’d been paid, and she needed the money. She’d been delusional to think the news would be for Elizabeth’s ears only. Ren was so not in the mood for a hassle. She put a friendly smile on her face and turned around.

  “What can I do for you, Mr. Carson?” Ren purred.

  His teacher mask fell for just a minute and his cheeks turned a little pink. He pulled himself together quickly and cleared his throat. “I’m sure you spent many a minute putting this little ensemble together but it violates the dress code. You’re out until you get something that covers up more…” He cleared his throat and pointed up and down her body. “Covers more skin.” He stumbled over his words.

  Ren was totally covered up. No boobage at all. She dropped her head to see what he was talking about. Did she forget a button? “I’m not sure I understand.”

  His eyes refused to meet hers. “Your shorts are too short.”

  “My shorts are too short,” she repeated, then laughed. “And you want me to find something else to wear…” Seriously where was she going to find a pair of pants sitting around?

  “Ms. Diaz. I find your attire today to be skirting the very limit of the dress code. I don’t believe those shorts go to your fingertips.” He cleared his throat again and dropped his gaze to a stack of papers on his desk. “You will need to check yourself out of the office and go home and change.” He busied himself shuffling papers.

  “Sir, I don’t believe the cheerleaders’ skirts reach their fingertips.” Ren dropped her voice and slid a hip onto the corner of his desk.

  “Uniforms don’t fall under the dress code.” He continued to organize his desk in an attempt to avoid looking at her.

  “So the school will purchase distracting clothing for their cheerleaders, but not allow those who do not participate in the activity to wear equally distracting clothes? I might mention my ass is not hanging out under these shorts.” She turned around and stuck her butt in his direction. “Is it?” She was going home anyway, she might as well make it worth it.

  “Uniforms do not fall under the code. And your shorts are too short.” His face was getting redder.

  “Sir, I feel the dress code not only discriminates against those of us who do not have the flexibility to be a cheerleader, but also against those of us that have unusually long arms and fingers. I believe my shorts, if measured by the standard length of a girls arm would be adequate.” She winked.

  Mr. Carson blew out a breath and closed his eyes. “The dress code is standardized, Ms. Diaz. It is in place to make the learning environment less distracting. Your outfit is distracting. Go to the gym and put some sweats on or go home, but you cannot remain in my class.”

  “You’re kicking me out?” Ren leaned in close and stuck her chest out toward his. “Because my shorts are…? Too distracting for you? I’m sure we can find a solution without me having to leave.” She lowered her gaze to his crotch and let her words flow out softly. “I don’t have a car.” She reached out to touch his hand. “Please, Mr. Carson. I have assignments due today. I won’t wear them again.”

  He jerked his hand back. “Go.” His voice cracke

  “Shit,” Ren muttered under her breath. She hated the stupid ass hierarchy of this school.


  Thursday, October 17

  7:10 a.m.

  Jolin reached Biology as the second bell rang.

  Mr. Carson looked up from his desk when Jolin walked by, distracted by the surge of rumors after a simple study date. Well a study date that ended with his dick hanging out, but he hadn’t told anyone anything. Shit. Had she said something?

  Mr. Carson was notorious for being tough on tardies. Most of the teachers gave the football team huge latitude on being tardy, but in the last few weeks it had been made perfectly clear Jolin no longer was privy those luxuries. Everyone within the hallowed halls of the high school made it perfectly clear that his worth relied on his ability to throw touchdowns.

  “Mr. Daniels.” Mr. Carson stood up.

  “It’s D-D-Daniel,” Jolin muttered.

  “Mr. Daniel,” he emphasized the name without the “s.” “To the office. Get a pass.”

  “I’m not lat-t-te.” Jolin closed his eyes and took a breath. If he was still on the team this would not be happening.

  “Pass,” he repeated.

  Jolin blew out a breath, turned on his heel, and walked out the door.

  The halls were empty since everyone was in class like they were supposed to be. Jolin’s Chuck Taylor’s squeaked when he walked back to the office. He reached out to grab the door but stopped when he heard her voice.

  “Casanova.” Ren stood just past the wall of windows outlining the office.

  Jolin dropped his hand, looked to make sure no one saw him, then walked past the office to where she stood. “Skipping?”

  She swept her hand down her body and posed. “Apparently my clothing choice is in violation of the District Dress Code. Or at least Mr. Carson said it was inappropriate for the learning environment. I think it interfered with him getting a woody during lecture.” She smiled.

  He looked her up and down taking in her attire. A grey bustier buttoned up her flat stomach, pushing her breasts up behind a long sleeve blouse. She’d unbuttoned the top three buttons, but she didn’t have much cleavage so other than a black scarf thing tied around her neck no one was getting a view. When he scanned his eyes down he discovered what was probably the culprit to her being asked to change her clothes.

  Her legs were incredible. Long, lean, and out in the open for the school to see. The school had a policy for shorts. They must be as long as the length of the person’s arm when at their side. Down to the finger tips. Ren’s shorts were wrist level. But she looked good. The shorts were a grey and black stripe pattern that aided in extending her already long legs. A thick brown belt hung low on her hips. She’d outdone herself. He did understand her anger at being called out on her clothes. Her shorts were short, however only about five inches of skin could be seen because she was wearing loose black boots that ended halfway up her leg. Another black belt cinched around the top of each boot holding them tight against her thighs. She was making him sweat, but he had his own problems this morning and decided he’d drag her into his crappy mood.

  “I wonder why t-t-today was different than all the other d-d-days your clothes were inappropriate.” He meant it to come out a bit snarky and sarcastic, but with his speech pattern fucked up it came out as more of a rude insult.

  “Fuck you.” She turned around and headed down the hall.

  Jolin closed his eyes and tipped his head back. What was wrong with him? His fall from grace was bad enough with his classmates, but when the teachers joined in it verged on ridiculous. Ren had been nothing but nice to him. Very nice in fact. He shouldn’t be taking his irritation out on her. Right now he possessed one friend and took off down the hall to chase down the only other prospect. “R-R-Ren wait.” She didn’t turn around or slow down. He caught up to her and grabbed her arm. “Ren. I’m sorry.”

  For a split second the hard mask she kept seemed to falter, and she looked confused. Had no one ever apologized to her before?

  Quickly she regained her tough exterior and pulled her arm free. “For what? Spreading a rumor that you did me yesterday?” She took a step backward. “Because I thought you made your feelings on me pretty clear when you knocked me on my ass,” she snapped.

  “What? No.” Jolin paused. The doctor told him to pause and give his mind time to catch up with his mouth. One, two, three, he counted off in his head. Ren looked like she was going to walk off again. “C-c-can we meet after school?” Jolin forced the words out before he could change his mind.

  She raised that damn eyebrow again. “So you can pretend fuck me and tell the world?”

  “I d-d-didn’t say anything.” He needed her to understand. His stutter was getting worse the more frustrated he became. “You know how the gossip train works. Blow it off. It’s no big deal. C’mon. We need t-t-to work t-t-together.”

  She readjusted her messenger bag. “Look, Casanova, I need a good grade on this lab project so why don’t you give me your stuff and I’ll do it myself.” Her hands moved to her waist, and she shoved out a hip. Jolin could definitely see why Mr. Carson thought she’d be a distraction. Best he sent her out before he broke the code of conduct between teacher and student and laid her out across his desk.

  “I’m not g-g-going to leave you to d-d-do the p-p-project alone. We c-c-can g-g-go t-t-o the library.” Dammit he needed a do over here. If he could get a few hours to pull himself together after this morning maybe he could talk to her without sounding like a skipping record.

  She gave him a ‘you’re an ass’ look.

  “I mean. There are a lot of b-b-books there.” He couldn’t believe he’d just said that. What a moron. It’s a library.

  The corner of her mouth twitched. Her lips were beautiful.

  “I’ll meet you here at three.” He watched her ass walk out the door and wished he had the guts to run after her.


  Note in hand, Jolin returned to Mr. Carson and settled into the monotony of his lecture. A vision of Ren in the hall kept floating back into his mind and distracted him from most of what he said. Jolin wasn’t used to listening, but his rights as a popular student were being revoked and unless he could get Elizabeth to take him back in the next day or two, he’d be on his own for the next test.

  Jolin knew Ren dressed to get a reaction. He just wasn’t sure what the reaction she wanted was. Her thigh high boots and short shorts screamed “do you want some of this?” Although he was beginning to wonder if they were really saying, “I’m collecting clothes for my future job in the circus.”

  The class was supposed to be working with their partners, however Jolin’s had been removed from class. At this rate they were never going to get this project done.

  “Hey, Jo?” Brock kicked his chair.

  Jolin glanced over at Mr. Carson, then back to Brock.

  “How’s the new lab partner?” Brock waggled his eyebrows at him.

  “I know what you’re doing.”

  Brock leaned back and covered his heart with his hand. “What am I doing?”

  “You can’t just take everything that’s mine. Being the quarterback doesn’t mean you get respect handed to you.”

  Brock gave him a cocky grin. “I’m not looking for respect. I want power.”

  Jolin shook him head. What an idiot. “Power without respect makes you a dictator.”

  Brock let out a loud laugh. “Dude. Power means I get to have the head cheerleader on my arm and eventually under me.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “Call me what you want but while you’re banging the school circus freak I’m laying with your old girlfriend showing her what a real man can do.”

  Jolin narrowed his eyes. Brock was stealing Jolin’s life away, and he hated him. “We’re lab p-p-partners. That’s it,” Jolin mumbled.

  “Yeah,” Brock said sadly. “That may be the case but Liz and I…” He looked around like he was sharing some secret informa
tion. “We’re lab partners with benefits.”

  “You’re a liar. She hasn’t and she isn’t going to have sex with you.” Jolin had never told anyone he’d had sex with Elizabeth and as far as he knew she hadn’t either. Liz had a rep as a ‘good girl’ and she wouldn’t be careless enough to risk her holier than thou persona by sleeping with Brock. He didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know the only reason she wanted to keep him around was to fulfill her sexual needs. He supposed maybe he should be flattered…but it really just made him feel like a gigolo.

  Brock leaned back and stretched. “Sex has so many definitions. I can be very creative.”

  Jolin couldn’t decide if Brock’s comment made him nauseous or if it made him want to punch him in the face.

  “Ren has creative talents of her own.” Brock stuck his tongue in his cheek to mimic a blow job.

  “I told you…” Jolin was cut off when Elizabeth joined them at their table, glaring at Jolin while lightly elbowing Brock in the ribs. He reached over and tickled her. Elizabeth’s giggling filled their corner of the room.


  He was so screwed.


  Thursday, October 17

  7:30 a.m.

  After her brief chat with Jolin outside the office, Ren walked around outside the school for a few minutes debating whether she should go home or not. She pulled out her cell phone and texted Quill to see where he was.

  Got kicked out where are you?

  His text back was almost immediate.

  Fuck why?!

  She closed her eyes and debated whether to tell him or not.

  Clothing disagreement. Where are you?

  Her phone buzzed with his reply.

  Bummer. In class for once. She had to smile. The one day she could be up to no good with her delinquent twin brother, he’s in class.

  Without a better plan, she headed home.

  When she got there the truck was gone, she could only hope it took her mom with it. She knew better than to hope.

  Mom was sprawled on the couch nursing a beer. “Why aren’t you at school?” she slurred.


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