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Awakening Desires: Katie's Art of Seduction

Page 14

by N. J. Walters

  Her palms touched the front of his calves and she slid them up his thighs, coming up on her knees as she did so. Her hands continued their exploration, skimming his waist and stomach as she moved closer to him. Cain could feel his testicles tighten almost painfully as she nuzzled the hair of his groin.

  “Katie,” he moaned. More than anything, he wanted her to take him in her mouth, but he wouldn’t ask. It had to be her choice.

  As if she could read his mind, her lips gently skimmed the length of his cock, placing soft kisses from the base to the tip. The ability to think left him. Everything was focused on Katie’s mouth and trying to maintain some control. He didn’t want to come until he’d had a chance to enjoy her intimate attention.

  Katie used her tongue to trace the long blue vein that ran the length of his erection. When she reached the top, she swirled her tongue around the bulbous tip. A small amount of fluid leaked from the tip and she lapped at it before taking the head into her mouth and sucking softly on it. Wrapping one hand around his solid length, she pumped it slowly up and down, while she used her other hand to gently squeeze his testicles.

  “Damn it, Katie.” His large hands held the back of her head as his hips thrust forward. He felt as if he would explode any moment.

  “Don’t you like it?” she teased as she licked the tip again before taking him even deeper into his mouth.

  “Take more, Katie.” He was past all reason now. Having Katie kneeling before him, eagerly taking his cock into her mouth, was better than any fantasy he’d had.

  Katie took as much of him into her mouth as she could. Wrapping her lips around him, she gently slid his length in and out of her mouth. The hand at the base of his cock squeezed him tight. That and the sensation of her moist, warm mouth surrounding him had his cock flexing in her mouth.

  She made little humming sounds of pleasure as she worked and the vibrations from them almost finished him. It was beyond incredible. Just when he thought he couldn’t take any more of her erotic torture, one of her hands began to gently squeeze and play with his testicles.

  He hoped she was damn well ready because he couldn’t wait any longer. He wanted to come inside her body with her long, luscious legs wrapped tight around him. He wanted to ride her until they both begged for mercy. Cain stepped back from her and his cock came out of her mouth with a little popping sound. She made a little sound of disappointment and reached for him again. Bending down, he pulled her into his arms and then tossed her lightly onto the bed and followed her down to the mattress.

  Katie propped herself up on her arms and peppered his face with kisses. Common sense reared its head and he swore. “Damn it. Condom. I need a condom, Katie.” He kissed her deeply, thrusting his tongue into her mouth to plunder it.

  Everything. He wanted everything. In a monument feat of restraint, he rolled over and hauled open the drawer of the bedside table. In record time, he was sheathed in a condom.

  Rolling back on top of her, he didn’t pause, but drove himself deep inside and seated himself to the hilt. Katie was wet and warm and her body welcomed him even as her inner muscles clamped around him.

  There was no more time for foreplay. “Wrap your legs around me.” Katie immediately wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles together behind his back, pulling him even deeper inside. Cain’s forehead dropped to the pillow next to hers as he gasped for breath and control.

  But Katie was having none of it. She reared up and used her legs to pull him even closer. Cain was lost. He plunged into her soft, willing body over and over, even as he peppered her face and neck with hot, openmouthed kisses. Their voices mixed together in a symphony of moans and pleas. Gripping her hips in both his hands, he ground his pelvis against her clit, heightening her pleasure. She was completely out of control and so was he, as they both reached for climax.

  Katie’s inner muscles flexed around his dick and he could feel her coming. Her scream of release was the catalyst for his own. His balls tightened and his hot semen spurted into her until he felt totally empty, yet replete.

  In the moment that Katie came, just before him, he heard her voice clearly. “I love you. I love you.” It was both a plea and a promise.

  Cain slumped over her, unable to form a complete thought, he was so drained. He was in such a stupor, at first he didn’t register the fact that one of Katie’s hands had slipped inside his shirt and was caressing his scarred shoulder. He pulled out of her and went as still as stone, afraid to move.

  Katie ignored the stiffening of his body and continued to trace the irregular ridges of his scars from his shoulder and down his back. Under cover of darkness, she outlined the marks on his left arm and up the front of his chest. She continued until she had mapped out all the scars on his body.

  The fabric of his shirt was carefully pushed back, but he didn’t move and Katie could only uncover his shoulder. Sighing, she reached up and kissed the areas she could reach. He closed his eyes as the sensation shot through his body. It was almost painful to feel Katie’s soft lips against his ravaged flesh.

  Settling herself back on the pillows in a comfortable position, Katie tucked the covers around her before she finally spoke. “Why do you hide yourself from me?”

  “It’s easier that way.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.

  “Easier for whom? Me or you?” Katie asked him the question that no other had ever dared.

  “What is this, a pity fuck?” He heard her soft gasp and for some reason that made him even angrier. “Well, you’ve done your good deed. You can go if you want or you can stay and fuck some more.”

  Cain rolled from the bed and went to the bathroom to give himself time to think. By the time he returned to the bedroom, he had his emotions ruthlessly restrained.

  He climbed back into bed and pulled Katie into his arms. She surprised him when she rolled easily into his embrace and rested her head on his chest. In truth, he’d expected to find her gone. Instead, her fingers played with the soft line of hair that ran down the center of his stomach and fanned out at his groin. Already, he could feel himself getting aroused again.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about your business?” Her fingers continued to play up and down his stomach, even as her lips kissed his chest.

  “It didn’t concern you.” He’d made his position clear. It was up to her how she reacted. The subject was closed as far as he was concerned. Right now, the biggest thought on his mind losing himself in Katie’s warm, welcoming body.

  She sighed deeply and propped herself up on one arm so she was looking down at him. “You didn’t trust me.”

  Her hands reached out to brush the hair off his face, but he grabbed her hand and stopped her. “Katie, just drop it, okay. It doesn’t have anything to do with us.”

  “But I want you to understand my side of things.”

  A cold feeling of dread began to fill Cain where only moments before a warm feeling of pleasure had reigned. “Is that what this was all about?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your declaration of love. Your big seduction. Were they both designed to get me to change my mind?” A certainty that she had been trying to manipulate him filled him with an icy anger. His voice was cool and clipped as he continued, “You’re good in bed, I’ll grant you that, but don’t think for one moment you’ll affect my decision.” He continued cruelly, “You’re the best lay I’ve ever had, but business is business.” He knew he was saying things he would later regret, but he couldn’t stop the poisonous words from pouring out.

  Katie stilled beside him and he braced himself for more pleas, possibly tears and as a last resort, another seduction attempt. He wasn’t prepared when she erupted in a flurry of movement. One moment the room was in darkness, the next it was filled with bright light. Katie stood next to the bed like some magnificent avenging angel.

  She had never been so furious in all her life. Her chest heaved in anger as she glared down at Cain. “How dare you
even suggest such a thing!” Her whole body was shaking as she stood there waiting for him to respond.

  It was the first time she’d seen him in the light and the part of her that loved him wanted to crawl back in bed with him and kiss the pain from his poor ravaged body. Cain’s left eye was covered in a patch and she could see the scars that came from under it and continued down the side of his face. His neck and chest were filled with slight ridges and pale pink scars.

  Cain automatically flicked the shirt so that it covered his left side from shoulder to waist, leaving the right side bare. He turned from her so she was left looking at the right side of his face. Still, in the light, he couldn’t hide himself from her. She sensed his discomfort and felt empathy for all the pain he’d suffered, but his scars really weren’t as bad as he’d led her to believe.

  Instead, her gaze was drawn to the huge expanse of his chest and the gigantic width of his biceps even when he was at rest. The ridges of his flat stomach tapered down to his groin where his erection was growing even as she spoke. It was even more impressive than she’d thought.

  Shaking her head, she forced her gaze back to his face. His piercing green eye watched her suspiciously and his jaw was clenched in anger. Well, too bad for him. She was angry too.

  Taking his time, he stacked his hands behind his head and then shrugged, allowing the shirt to gape open. “What was I supposed to think?”

  “Maybe that I wanted you to share part of your life with me.” She stamped her foot in anger. It was either that or smack his gorgeous face. “I didn’t for one minute think I could get you to change your mind, but I had hoped you would at least listen to my opinion or explain your reasons for keeping it all a big secret from me.”

  “It’s business, Katie.” Cain repeated.

  Katie bowed her head in defeat, shaking it slowly in frustration. Unless he was willing to share himself with her, they had no chance at a relationship. They made quite a pair, she exposing her raw emotions and him revealing his physical vulnerability. She laughed and it was a bitter sound. “That’s a better explanation than accusing me of whoring myself.”

  Cain bolted upright in bed and glared at her. He was so upset, he made no effort to keep his face hidden. With his long black hair flowing over one side his face all the way to his shoulders, and the black eye patch covering his eye, he looked like an enraged pirate king. “I never said that.”

  “Yes, you did,” she quietly replied not flinching from the intensity of his green-eyed glare. “When you implied that my declaration of love and my lovemaking were nothing more than a crude attempt to make you change your mind.”

  “You’re twisting my words.” Cain reached out to her, but she backed away. If he got her back in bed again, she’d forget her resolve. She had too much respect for herself to allow that to happen.

  “No, I think I finally do understand.” Gathering her clothes, she quietly padded to the bathroom, where she shut herself inside and quickly pulled on her clothes. At any other time, she would have enjoyed trying out the gigantic tub. It was big enough for two. Squeezing her eyes shut on that painful thought, she counted to ten.

  Promising herself she wouldn’t cry, she pulled herself together. She straightened her sweater and then wrapped her arms around herself for comfort. The mirror reflected a pale face that looked slightly haggard. Flicking on the cold water tap, she splashed some on her cheeks. She scrubbed her face dry on a towel and ran her fingers through her hair. Satisfied that she looked as good as possible, she was now ready to leave. There was really nothing else she could do.

  Cain was still in bed when she left the confines of the bathroom. The room was once again shrouded in darkness, but she could sense his impatience with her.

  “There’s no need for all this drama. Come here, Katie,” he cajoled. When she shook her head, his voice grew hard. “I thought you said you loved me.”

  Katie bit her lip in pain at the scorn in his tone. “I do love you. The problem is you don’t seem to have a care for me at all beyond the confines of your bed.”

  “Go then. I’m done with you.” Anger and pain radiated from his voice.

  Katie walked to the doorway, but turned at the last moment. Because she loved him, she owed him one more thing. “You don’t need to hide yourself in the dark. You’re not as scarred as you think you are.” She continued wistfully, “In fact, I think you’re quite handsome in a dark, brooding way. Not classically beautiful, but strong and interesting.” She shrugged. “That’s my opinion, whatever it’s worth to you.”

  “Katie,” his voice called to her from the bedroom, but it was too late. Ruthlessly, she ignored the pain in his voice. She couldn’t allow him to stop her now when she was feeling weak.

  Grabbing her coat, she slammed the door open and raced for the elevator. Luck was with her and the door opened as soon as she pressed the button. Quickly, she stepped in and stabbed the down button. The door was closing when she heard the sound of footsteps following her.

  Katie burst from the elevator, raced across the garage and quickly left the building. Hurrying down the road, she dashed the tears from her eyes, all the while telling herself it was just the wind making them water. It was a frigid night and Katie felt so cold from the inside out.

  A light from an all-night diner beckoned her, and she slipped inside, thankful for its warmth. The bell over the door jangled as she entered. She noted that the place was empty, except for two men sipping coffee at the counter and chatting to the waitress. No one paid any attention to her, for which she was grateful.

  A payphone was tucked just inside the door and Katie sighed with relief. Reaching for her purse, or where it was supposed to be, she closed her eyes on a wave of despair. It was still hanging up by Cain’s front door, and there was no way she was going back for it.

  Digging in her pocket for loose change, she decided she didn’t have any choice but to call Lucas to come pick her up. She closed her eyes as a wave of despair washed over her, she really wasn’t up to his interrogation right now. It was taking all of her energy not to burst into tears. Her hand brushed something as she searched for a spare quarter for a call and she pulled out the small square of cardboard Quentin had given her.

  Clutching it like a lifeline, she dialed the number quickly before she talked herself out of it. She hoped he’d meant what he’d said.

  “Quentin.” The voice was clipped.

  Katie swallowed hard around the lump in her throat. “James…”

  “Katie, is that you?” The voice was more concerned now. Warm and caring.

  Tears flowed freely down her face. “I’m sorry to bother you.” She sniffed and scrubbed at her tears.

  “Where are you?” She could hear the rustling sound of clothes being pulled on as he spoke.

  “I’m at a diner just down the road from Cain’s. I left my purse at his place and I’m so cold, James.”

  She could hear the worry in his voice as he spoke. “Give me the number of the phone you’re calling from.” He wrote down the number as she read it off the phone. “Hang up and I’ll call you back on my cell phone.”

  Reluctantly, she replaced the receiver and a few seconds later it rang and she grabbed it on the first ring. Quentin kept her on the line talking until he pulled up in front of the diner. Hurrying inside, he pried the phone from her hand and hung it up. Bustling her into the car, he drove her home, watching her worriedly, but not asking any questions.

  He helped Katie out of the car when they reached her apartment and he walked her up the stairs. Katie was grateful that she carried her keys in her coat pocket and not her purse, or she would have had no choice but to call Lucas to get his spare one. When she unlocked the door she turned to face James.

  “Thank you.” She didn’t know what else to say. She really looked at him for the first time since he’d picked her up at the diner and realized that his coat wasn’t buttoned properly and his hair was all standing on end. He’d literally hauled himself out of bed and ran to
help her.

  He just gave her a sad smile and patted her on the arm. “Anything I can do to help…” He trailed off. “If you want to talk any time, I’m a good listener.”

  Katie stood on her toes and kissed his cheek and was surprised when he colored. “You’re a good friend.” She turned and entered her apartment. Giving him one last wave as she closed the door, she stopped when he started to speak again.

  “Don’t give up on him, Katie.” There was a plea in his voice.

  “It’s the other way around. He’s given up on me.” With that, she closed the door and locked it. Leaning against it, she waited until his footsteps faded and she knew she was alone.

  Stumbling down the hall, she pulled off her clothes and pulled on her warmest nightgown and a thick pair of socks before falling into bed. Pulling all the blankets over her, and tucking them in tight, she longed for the forgetfulness of sleep.

  The phone rang shrilly next to the bed and she stared at it, afraid to move. It continued to ring and she counted them all the way to fifteen before they finally stopped. Reaching over she pulled the plug out of the phone and let it drop to the floor. Tunneling under the covers once again, she reached for, and finally found, peace as sleep overtook her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Katie lay in bed and stared at the wall. It seemed wrong somehow that the sun was shining bright outside. She could hear the sounds of traffic as people started their day. The truth of the matter was that, even when your heart was broken, life did indeed go on whether you wanted it to or not. Katie wanted to stay in bed, but she really needed to go to the bathroom.

  Throwing back the covers, she stumbled across the hall and made quick use of the facilities. After washing her hands, she scrubbed her face with cold water and brushed her teeth. Feeling marginally better, she ran a brush through her hair and sized herself up in the mirror over the sink. Her eyes were bloodshot and she looked a little pale, but other than that, she looked normal. Somehow, she’d expected her inner turmoil to be reflected on her face, but surprisingly enough, she looked the same as she always did.


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