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Not Dead Yet (AM13 Outbreak Series Book 4)

Page 12

by Samie Sands

  Katie: Calm down, please tell me what’s going on. If they know you know something, if they’ve seen the messages, then we’re both in danger anyway. I would much rather be on the same page as you before all of this explodes.

  Felicia: I followed a guy, maybe I shouldn’t have but I just need to know where my boyfriend is. No one will tell me anything, and the more I think about it the more it seems that he HAS to be involved in whatever’s going on…somehow. I had my plan all ready, I knew exactly what I was going to do and I cocked it up by jumping in too early.

  Katie: And what did you see?

  Katie: Felicia? Where do you live? I’m coming to find you.

  Felicia: No, don’t. Someone’s here inside my house. I don’t know what they’re doing, but I’m hiding in my attic. I’ll let you know when they’ve gone.

  Felicia: Is that you downstairs? I think I just heard a voice that sounded very much like yours.

  Katie: No, I don’t even know where you live. If you let me know, I’ll come and get rid of the stalker. I’ll cause a distraction or something.

  Felicia: Please, please tell me that you’re not on their side? Please tell me you aren’t about to betray me here.

  Katie: Are you mad? Of course I’m not! I’m nothing like that. Please just let me help you.


  Katie: Are you still ignoring me? All I want to know is that you’re okay. After that, if you still don’t trust me, you don’t have to speak to me again. I can’t sleep with worry. You’re the first person I’ve befriended since being here. The end of the world won’t be the same without you.

  Katie: Okay, so it seems like you aren’t talking to me anymore, but that won’t stop me communicating with you. I just hope that soon enough you’ll realize that I can be trusted. I just want you to know that I’m always here if you want to talk.

  Katie: Felicia, please message me. It’s been days. I’ve been around all the houses and I can’t find your anywhere. I’m so freaked out. I’m starting to think that they might have you, that you were right all along. Please just let me know if this isn’t the case so I don’t do something stupid.

  Katie: Are they bad? What if the people in charge really are bad and you’re stuck with them? Every time I close my eyes I keep picturing terrible things happening to you, just for asking questions. Please let me know that isn’t the case.

  Katie: That’s it, I’m speaking to someone. Something is going on here, and if I don’t find out what I’ll end up going insane.

  Felicia: Please don’t do anything silly.

  Katie: Oh my God, you’re okay! I’ve been so worried.

  Felicia: I’m sorry, I’ve been paranoid.

  Katie: I appreciate that, and I don’t mind. I understand you’ve been in a tough spot, it can’t be easy to be where you are. You saw something that maybe you shouldn’t have, and now you’re stuck. Just know that you can trust me.

  Felicia: What I saw changes everything.

  Katie: Okay, so please tell me. I need to know. I haven’t been able to sleep or eat or anything with worry. I’m a mess.

  Felicia: The armed forces aren’t out there, doing things. They are still right here.

  Katie: Did you find your boyfriend?

  Felicia: He’s not the same anymore.

  Katie: What do you mean? Is he infected? Are they doing something unnatural with the Gedrochten? To be honest, that’s the only thing I can think of going on outside these walls.

  Felicia: No, this isn’t that. The Gedrochten aren’t the issue here. This is nothing to do with the virus. This is to do with politics.

  Katie: Surely there isn’t a room for politics in this world?

  Felicia: You would think so, but it seems that we aren’t the only settlement in Europe. There are lots of them, all with different aims to surviving this.

  Katie: You’re freaking me out now. Aren’t we all just trying to survive this in one way? Isn’t there only one way for us all to get out the other side alive?

  Felicia: Apparently not. I overheard conversations that chilled me to the bone. Since no one is really in charge, but lots of people are (if that makes any sense?), there are negotiations that involve more man-made viruses, bargaining with living people, creating armies out of the undead...

  Katie: That can’t be right, surely? You must have overheard jokes, or…something else. That sounds too insane to be true.

  Felicia: Which is exactly why is has to be. Why would people be having that conversation if it wasn’t the truth?

  Katie: So what exactly did you hear? I need to wrap my head around this before it drives me insane.

  Felicia: I heard a strategy meeting, one that made me actually want to leave. The people running this camp don’t care about any of us. Right now, it’s all about power. A lot of people are only concerned with who is going to rule the world when all of this is over.

  Katie: We can’t leave here, it’s safer than out there. Whatever is going on with the people running this camp, at least we’re all kept safe. Let them fight about when this is over, chances are it won’t be done for a very long time.

  Felicia: It might be sooner than you think. From what I heard the virus certainly won’t be around forever. For now, maybe we’re safe inside this settlement, but we won’t be in the long run. Trust me, I know what I heard. I don’t want to get out of here alone, but I will if I need to. I know that we won’t survive here now.

  Katie: Please, don’t get defensive, this is all just so much for me to process right away. I didn’t hear what you did. And what do you mean about the virus not being around forever? What do you know?

  Felicia: I know I’m not lying!

  Katie: I didn’t say you were.

  Felicia: So are you coming with me when I go?

  Katie: I don’t know.


  Katie: Do you have to go? Isn’t there any way we can meet up and discuss this first?

  Felicia: I don’t have time. I’m too busy packing up everything that I need to leave. I’m not staying here to watch the whole place fall apart. I know you think I’m paranoid, but I know what I’m doing.

  Katie: But life will be so much harder out there.

  Felicia: I survived it once before, I can do it again.

  Katie: But weren’t you locked inside, quarantined just like everyone else?

  Felicia: Nope, I went out. My house got overrun in a heartbeat, one of my housemates was infected, so I needed to make an escape. Plus, I wanted to get to the army base before that was lost too. I lived out on the road before, I got pretty good with a knife while I was out there. Melee weapons will be easy to find. You could survive out there too, if you wanted...

  Katie: I don’t know, it’s a terrifying thought.

  Felicia: Aren’t you American though? I could’ve sworn I heard an accent? I’m sure we could find a firearm for you.

  Katie: I am, I moved here to live with my husband, but not every American can shoot a gun.

  Felicia: But you can, am I right?

  Katie: Yes...

  Felicia: So all we need to do is get hold of a gun and we’re away! We really can do this, you know that? We can survive, and once the craziness hits the fan here, we might be the only one’s who do.

  Katie: I hate to ask, but what about your boyfriend?

  Felicia: He won’t want to leave.

  Katie: Did you talk to him?

  Katie: Sorry if I’ve overstepped the mark. I just don’t want either of us to do something that we’ll end up regretting.

  Felicia: I didn’t talk to him, I didn’t need to. He doesn’t want to come.

  Katie: Okay, so my next, slightly awkward question is this: don’t you think that we should tell everyone that this place is messed up before we run away? Won’t it be pretty cruel of us to leave knowing that things are going to take a bad turn?

  Felicia: Hmmm...I guess I didn’t think of that. I don’t know.

  Katie: Okay, well take some time, let’s both have a think about it
. This is a huge, risky decision. We don’t want to do anything rash.

  Felicia: We could always come back, once we have some evidence to support our claims. We don’t really want to say anything until we know for sure because people won’t believe us and it’ll get us into trouble.

  Katie: I know, but we can’t just do nothing.

  Felicia: Yeah, you’re right. I know you are. I’ll take a step back and think about this before acting.

  Katie: Great, we’ll chat again whenever you’re ready.


  Felicia: If you still want to come, meet me by the main gate NOW!

  Katie: What? But I thought we were going to think this through.

  Felicia: No time, I acted. It’s now or never. If you want to come with me, it has to be now. I can’t wait much longer. I’m only staying for you so if you aren’t interested, let me know now.

  Katie: What did you do?

  Felicia: All you need to know is that someone is dead.

  Felicia: Time is ticking...

  Katie: Okay, okay, I’ll meet you by the gate. Wait for me.

  Katie: Where are you? I’m here.

  Felicia: You don’t have a bag with you, you do think I’m paranoid.

  Katie: You can see me? Why don’t you just come out here already?

  Felicia: I wish you’d just told me that you didn’t want to come. I could be out of here already.

  Katie: I do want to come.

  Katie: I’m sorry I didn’t bring a bag, I guess I did assume you were being paranoid, but now I want to come with you. I don’t even need any stuff, I’ll sort it when we get out there.

  Felicia: I thought we were friends, I thought you trusted me...

  Katie: I do.

  Katie: I’m sorry, I should’ve trusted you. I am your friend, I feel terrible. I really do want to leave with you. If it makes you feel any better I can go back and get a bag? I do have one packed.

  Felicia: There’s no time. It’s too late. You missed your chance.

  Katie: Okay, you don’t want me? I’m going to cause a distraction so you can get out undeterred.

  Felicia: No, it’s okay. Forget it.

  Felicia: What the hell are you doing? You’re going to get yourself killed! What is that? A fake heart attack? Is that the most original thing you could think of? Are you serious right about now?

  Felicia: No, don’t grab that gun…what the hell are you doing? I can’t hear anything, but it seems like it’s all going south.

  Felicia: Right, okay I’m coming down.

  Katie: Go...go now.

  Felicia: Not without you.


  Katie: That was crazy, where are you?

  Felicia: You’re free? I thought they’d taken you away. I’ve been planning to bust you out of the cells. I’m up a tree, figuring out my way in! It’s a good job you messaged me before I got in there!

  Katie: You should be gone, I knew what I was doing. I just told them it was night terrors because of the infected. I need to be treated for post-traumatic stress or something, but that’s fine.

  Felicia: I couldn’t go, not without you.

  Katie: So…where do we go from here?

  Felicia: Well I still have to go, I have blood on my hands now. I’m going to be a wanted woman.

  Katie: Did anyone see you...doing what you did?

  Felicia: I don’t know, but there are cameras everywhere, I heard them talking about it. Chances are it won’t be long until I’m discovered either way.

  Katie: Okay, so I guess you have to go now. There’s no looking back and wondering if you’ve made the right choice. It truly is a case of life-or-death.

  Felicia: Even if I’m wrong (which I’m not) and this place turns out to be very safe, then I still have to go.

  Katie: I will come with you, for real this time.

  Felicia: You know you don’t have to. Of course I want you to, but this is my mess. You can stay in the safety here. You never know, maybe I am wrong about everything.

  Katie: No, I don’t want to. I meant what I said before, the end of the world won’t be the same without you. Plus, I don’t want to start therapy. Urgh, I couldn’t imagine anything worse. Also…I know you aren’t wrong.

  Felicia: Thank you, it means a lot to be believed. So, I guess it’s time to ditch the pagers and meet up face-to-face.

  Katie: It’ll be weird, won’t it? I’ve grown quite attached to our conversations using these damn machines. It’s been a real comfort to me.

  Felicia: I know, but this is the only way now. Drop it now, wherever you are and meet me by the big tree by the main gate. That’s where I was hiding before, and no one noticed me. We can work out an escape plan from there.

  Katie: Sure, okay, I know the one. I should be able to make it without being pinned down and shipped off to some doctor! I’ll see you on the other side then?

  Felicia: I’ll see you soon. Good luck :).

  Katie: You too, I think we’re both going to need it.

  Felicia: Don’t worry, we’ll be fine!

  Katie: Just in case I don’t make it, I just want to say thank you for being my friend. Ever since we first started messaging you’ve made me feel more like myself again. I didn’t realize it, but actually, I was aimless, wandering around as zombified as the monsters out there, just waiting for nothing to happen. You changed that, and I’m grateful.

  Felicia: Don’t be daft, we’re going to be alright. There’s absolutely nothing to worry about.

  Felicia: But yeah, you’ve been awesome too. Now stop making me emotional and meet me already, the real adventure starts here. I can’t have it starting with tears in my eyes!

  Felicia: Love ya.

  Katie: Love ya too.


  Where should I begin? The start I suppose, where else?

  The only problem is, as unrealistic as this story seems, it’s all the truth, which makes it even harder to note down.

  We used to call them Mertyvv because they always seemed so dead. It was difficult to kill them, they ate others, they had no human function. Dead, but still moving.

  Dead but alive, I guess.

  Like nothing any of us had ever seen before.

  I suppose we could say all of that in a jovial, smug tone because despite the odds being stacked against us we managed to shut down the majority of Russia quick enough to keep the virus at bay. Everyone acted rapidly to get rid of anyone showing symptoms of the illness too. There was no sentiment, it was kill or be killed. Or give them up to science, I suppose, that was an option as well. Family ties had to be thrown to one side, friendships, lovers, all gone, but it was for the greater good.

  Russia wasn’t totally saved, but it wasn’t all gone either. It was a victory. The media portrayed nationwide pride at an all-time high.

  Although, the truth was it truly was a dark time, a very difficult time for our country, for all the people left behind, but we did it anyway. As a collective, we held the mindset that it was the only way to survive. We’d seen things go horribly wrong in other countries, and we didn’t want that to become us. The everyday man didn’t really discuss it, it just became the way we survived.

  Red Square was the hub, the place where all the exciting things happened, the place where I worked with the Mertyvv since day one. I was put in charge of my own team, trusted to lead others into what we thought was going to save the whole damn world. They needed us, we were better than them. We survived where they hadn’t, and wanted to take that one step further by curing the others too.

  It was probably going to help us take over the world as well, to finally be recognized as the leading world power. Maybe that was the main idea behind it all, but for me and the rest of the workers, we just wanted to put an end to everything, to go back to normal.

  What a load of rubbish. Especially when we look at how things have turned out now.

  We created it too, the antidote that is. Not my team exactly, although I’m proud to say that we had a hand in it, but
we got the solution in the end. I don’t even know how long it took, we were locked away completing it without even seeing the light of day, but it was worth it.

  There was a very celebratory mood the day things all fell into place.

  Some negotiations were taking place, I never knew the details of them, but they were happening. Or, so we were told. Government officials had control of what happened next, and we were more than happy to let that be the case since we didn’t know any better. Having been locked away from reality for so long, we assumed they knew how to deal with it all. Things were moving forwards, progressing, I was under the naïve assumption that the world would be back to some semblance of normal at some point, that the goal had been achieved.

  But I could not have been more wrong.

  The antidote that we created was nothing, it did nothing. Maybe in a laboratory situation, it worked as it was supposed to, I guess I’ll never know because I didn’t see it getting tested, but in the real world, it clearly didn’t have anything like the same effect. It obviously wasn’t tested extensively enough because we were keen to get it out there, to save the world. Either that, or no one stopped to think about the potential side effects...

  As a country, we were still smug, we were still under the assumption that we were better than everyone else. Not only had we survived the outbreak, but also the ones to prevent anyone else from being affected.

  Our confidence became our downfall.

  The news didn’t filter down to us for a while. None of the workers discovered what was going on until it was too late. We remained locked in our labs for a while, trying to find a way to replicate what we’d created into mass volumes for any other country willing to abide by Government’s terms, so by the time people started dying it was too late for us to stop what had already begun.

  Everyone who wasn’t sick already quickly became ill. Maybe not with the main virus, it wasn’t having the same effect as that, but it was killing people.

  We had a pandemic of our own.

  Panic was the first side effect of that, people we went wild as they eventually found out they were going to die from the injection they assumed would save them. The streets became barbaric, like something out of a horrific crime movie or something. Absolutely awful. We locked ourselves in here, me and my team, and waited. I hated that, it made me feel like a coward, but it was that or die. I figured once the panic calmed down, we’d be okay and we could start again.


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