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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

Page 16

by Cassie Strickland

  This was the first I’d heard of this.


  Did I really just sound that hopeful?

  Sam giggled. “See! You have it bad!”

  I picked up the pen off my desk and threw it at her. She caught it before it could do damage and continued to laugh.

  “Get out of here. I have work to do and phone calls to make.” I shooed her with my hands, wanting this discussion over.

  She continued to laugh as she stood and walked to the door, but it faded. Her eyes held sincerity as she said, “I really like Clara. I hope this works out, big brother.” She disappeared before she could hear me respond.

  “Me too, Sam. Me too.”


  When Clara opened the door, my breath left me and lust lit my veins. Her hair was up again in a messy bun, with tendrils falling here and there, framing her face. She had little makeup on, but her lips were glossed in a pale pink, making them all the more luscious. She was in jeans and an almost transparent long sleeved green blouse with a white camisole peeking from underneath. She was covered, but the way everything hugged her made her look like sex personified.

  I’m a goner.

  “Hey!” She greeted me, beaming. “I told you that you didn’t have to knock. This is your house, Grey.”

  It was a feat to get my mouth to work, but I managed…somehow. I held up a bottle of wine and smiled. “I thought I’d do this right. I brought wine.”

  Her husky laughter was like a touch, caressing me sensually. “Thanks. Come on in.”

  As I followed her inside, the aroma coming from my kitchen slammed into me. My kitchen had never smelled like this. My mouth watered…not that it wasn’t already, but this was for a different reason.

  “What is that? Whatever you made smells amazin’.”

  “It’s almost done,” she explained as she walked back to the stove.

  My eyes were glued to her ass as she sashayed. I was positive that Clara had no idea how seductive her movements were. The way her hips swayed was something of perfection. It made me wonder how she moved when…


  Sex was the last thing I needed to think about. Clara wasn’t the type of woman you jumped into bed with. I needed a deterrent, though, something to get my head on straight.

  I pulled up an image I promised myself I’d never think of again. I was eighteen, and I walked in on Grandma and Grandpa Raiden having sex. Grandma was bent over….

  Yep, hard on gone.

  I joined her at the stove and peeked over her shoulder, wanting to get to the bottom of that savory smell. “And what might we be havin’?” There was a small pot with a brown liquid in it and a larger one with a kind of soup simmering inside.

  “Nothing too fancy…comfort food. Homemade roast beef sandwiches with au jus and broccoli and cheese soup. I figured we needed something hot since its so cold out. I couldn’t decide on which one I wanted, so I made both.” She titled her head back and peered up at me, slightly embarrassed. “I think my eyes were too big for my stomach.”

  Touched that she went to such trouble, I brushed my lips over her temple. “Everythin’ looks delicious. I haven’t eaten since breakfast, so I’m sure I’ll pack it away.” I slapped my belly to drive the point home.

  She tucked her lips between her teeth, fighting a smile.

  “Where’s Bella?” I asked as I strolled into the living room, not seeing her.

  The oven chimed as Clara answered. “In bed already. I don’t know what Sam did with her today, but she was exhausted all afternoon. Between that and the outing to the grocery store, she was wiped. I had to put her down a few minutes ago.”

  It was a bit disappointing that I wouldn’t get to see the little angel…but that meant time alone with Clara. I’ve never been one to complain, and I wasn’t about to start now.

  “Do you need any help?” I asked as I headed back to the kitchen.

  “I’ve got it. Just a few more minutes and it’ll be done. You can pour us some wine, though.”

  As I poured two glasses, I watched as Clara carved thin slices off a large piece of beef. Whatever she did to it, it looked amazing, tender and juicy. I grabbed the place mats and utensils and set the table as she assembled the sandwiches and ladled out two bowls of the soup. Once everything was on the table, we both took a chair.

  “What is the small bowl?” I asked as I examined the bowl of dark liquid. It was sitting next to the roast beef sandwich, which looked great. The bread was nice and toasted with cheese melted down the sides. I was salivating.

  Clara grinned and swept a piece of unruly hair out of her face. “That’s the best part – the au jus. Dip your sandwich in it. It’s heavenly.” She picked up one half of her sandwich and showed me.

  I followed her lead and took a big bite. “Oh, Holy Mother.” I moaned around my food, believing I’d just had an out of body experience. “This is amazin’, Clara.”

  She beamed, happy that I was pleased. “Thanks. It’s a family recipe. I have a bunch of family cookbooks that have been handed down for generations.” Her face turned wistful. “A few weeks after my parents died, I found them. When I was a bit older, Ava helped me learn how to cook. We’d go through the cookbooks and pick random recipes every week. Now, I like to make things that my mother cooked when I was younger. It makes me feel a little bit closer to her.”

  “Is this one of them?”

  “Yeah. She mainly cooked it in the winter. The soup as well, but these two were definitely my favorites when I was a little girl.” She pointed to the bowl. “Try it. I promise, it’s amazing.”

  I didn’t need any more encouragement. I scooped up a heaping spoonful and tried it, moaning again. And she said she wasn’t a good cook…my ass.

  “Wow! That’s great.” I tasted another bite. “What is that? It’s different from any other I’ve had.”

  She nodded her head knowingly. “Ah…the secret ingredient.”

  “Is it the if I tell you I have to kill you type of secret?”

  She let out a laugh, shaking her head. “No. It’s nutmeg. It gives it a little bit more depth.”

  “Hmm.” I wasn’t a cook, so I had no idea. “Well, it’s all delicious. Thank you, Clara. You didn’t have to go to all the trouble.”

  She reached over and placed her hand on my forearm. “No, it was no trouble. Just a thank you for all you’ve done.”

  “If this is a thank you, I’ll make sure I do whatever I can to get more of this…and often.”

  Her eyes danced as she smiled. “We have a deal then.”

  I liked the fun, playful side of her. She was cute in the sexiest possible way.

  As dinner progressed she asked me about the rest of my day, then proceeded to tell me about hers. The chatter was familiar, comforting.

  “Oh, I spoke with Gavin today. He was able to give me a ballpark figure on the Cline’s place.” I gave her the amount. “I called Mrs. Cline and told her you were very interested.”

  “Great!” She bounced in her chair a bit. “What did she say?”

  “She said yes. She’d be happy to sell to you for that amount, but she wants to make sure it’s a fair price for everyone. She’s gonna give Gavin a call. I gave Gavin your number and told him to call you once they have everythin’ set in stone.”

  “Money is not an issue.” She waved her hand at me flippantly. “I don’t plan on taking out a mortgage. Galen can wire the amount when it comes time.”

  I raised a brow at her. “You have that kind of money on hand?” Our conversation from yesterday came to mind. “That’s right. Never mind.”

  Why did I suddenly feel discomforted by that? Then the amount of money I had sitting in the bank, thanks to Jon, came to mind. I, obviously, had no reason to feel wary of her wealth. Still, it was mindboggling. I didn’t like it. I didn’t want it.

  “Will that help speed things along?” she questioned nervously. “I’ve never done this before, and I would like to move in as soon as possible.�

  “I believe so. It should cut a lot of corners.”

  “That’s a relief. I’m ready to have my own space again.” She shot me a panicked look. “I mean, I like your house and all, but it’s not my own.”

  “I get it, Clara. You and Bella need a home. It’s understandable.”

  Both of our plates were empty, so I grabbed them. “I’ll clean up. Why don’t you refill our glasses and take them to the couch?”

  “You don’t have to do that,” she objected with a wry tilt to her lips. “It’s not like my days are that busy. I planned on getting it in the morning.”

  “No, relax. You cooked, I’ll clean.” I gave her no room for argument and took the dishes to the sink. Still, she didn’t listen, the stubborn woman.

  As I loaded the dishwasher, she started putting away leftovers. Once everything in the kitchen was cleaned, we went to the couch with our wine and relaxed on either side of it. She seemed stress-free, her body relaxed, like she was really enjoying her time with me. This pleased me to no end.

  She turned to me as I took a sip from my glass. “Why are you single?”

  I laughed at her candor, almost spilling my wine all over me in the process. “You don’t ask easy questions, do you?”

  “You’re wonderful, Grey. You are considerate, kind, and absolutely gorgeous. I don’t see how it’s possible that you’re not snatched up by now. You’re thirty years old. I don’t get it.”

  I grinned cheekily. “Absolutely gorgeous?”

  She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. “After everything I said, that’s all you heard?”

  “Uh, yeah…”

  “Come on. Why are you single?”

  I ran my hand through my hair, unsure how to answer. “I guess I haven’t found the right person. I’ve never been truly in love with someone enough that I imagined spendin’ my life with them.” She encouraged me to continue with a nod. “It’s hard to date in a small town like Bliss. I’ve known most of the people here my whole life. Plus, the whole process is exhaustin’.” She was waiting for me to go on some more, but I turned it around on her. “What about you? I’m sure there was a line of suitors.”

  Clara gulped nervously. “Well…I…Umm….”

  “Turnabout’s fair, Clara.” I enjoyed seeing her squirm. I bet she’d squirm if I…

  Grampa Raiden behind Grandma…

  Much better.

  “You’re right, but I don’t date. My life has revolved around work for a long time. I haven’t really felt the need.” Her eyes darted off to the side to avoid mine. She wasn’t telling me everything, but that was okay. I wasn’t going to push. “How about a movie?” she asked suddenly and hopped from the couch before I could answer. “I saw your selection and noticed one I hadn’t seen.” She told me the name as she loaded it into the DVD player.

  “Sure,” I murmured, finding her evasiveness hilarious. “Great movie.” I didn’t tell her it was a horror flick, though. I was using that to my advantage.

  She threw me a small smile over her shoulder and picked up the remote. Noticing that our glasses were nearly empty, I stood to refill them and turn off the lights. When I joined her on the couch again, I sat closer to her than I was before. She tensed for a second, but then she relaxed as the previews began.

  The beginning of the movie was intense, bloody. She tucked her head against my shoulder to hide her eyes and cried, “What is this?!”

  I chuckled, amused by her reaction. “You picked it. Do you not like scary movies?”

  “No! I hate them. Can we change it? Oh, my God! I won’t be able to sleep tonight if I watch this.”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll pick somethin’ out.” I knew I’d end up doing so to begin with.

  I called out a couple of names as I went through my DVD collection. Once we were finally in agreement on one, I popped it in and relaxed on the couch. Again, it was just a little bit closer to her. I threw my arm over the back of the coach and appeared to be finding a more comfortable position. She turned her head toward me, her eyes darting between my arm and face, smirking. Yeah, I knew I was being obvious. She surprised me, though, and settled against my side.

  Progress. Definite progress.

  I curled my arm around her shoulders and drew her nearer. She rested her head on my shoulder and kept her gaze fixed on the television. This was something I could do on a regular basis – having her in my arms felt right. More than right. Perfect.

  Sam was correct – I was in deep with Clara.

  About halfway through the movie, I glanced down to find Clara’s eyes closed and her mouth slightly parted as she slept. It wasn’t how I’d envisioned the night ending, but…she looked beautiful sleeping peacefully.

  I shut the TV off and threw the remote on the couch. Slowly, I pulled her on my lap and lifted her as I got to my feet. She murmured something that sounded a lot like my name, but she snuggled against my chest and let out a sigh. I grinned as a surge of triumph erupted in me.

  Looks like I’m not the only one in deep…

  After opening the bedroom door quietly, I snuck to the bed and pulled the covers down. I lay Clara in the bed and took off her shoes. I didn’t want to take it further than that, so I pulled the blankets over her and smoothed some wayward strands of hair from her face. I ran my thumb along her cheek, marveling at her.

  This woman has rocked my world in so many different ways.

  Bella made a sound from the playpen, informing me that I’d overstayed my welcome. I leaned down and kissed Clara’s temple, lingering for a second before I went to check on Bella. She’d kicked her blankets off and was sprawled out on her back. I covered her and kissed her, as well.

  Tonight might have ended differently than I’d imagined, but the last day had been one of the best.

  Chapter 13


  A sinking sense of dread knotted my stomach as I sat in my new SUV and stared up at the massive house. I could still turn back, but I refused to show weakness.

  With shaky fingers, I shut off the engine and climbed out, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. Grey jogged around the back of his Tahoe and met me with concern in his eyes. “You don’t have to do this, Clara.”

  We’d had this same discussion for the last two days.

  The day after falling asleep on Grey – something I was mortified about when I woke up the next morning tucked into bed fully clothed – he told me his plans for the weekend included packing Jonathan’s house. He’d already discussed putting it on the market with Gavin Bishop and wanted it empty when that happened. He didn’t agree when I offered my help, and afterward, every time I saw him, he’d mention something about it. But my decision never wavered– I was helping whether he liked it or not. It wasn’t fair for Grey to take on all the responsibility.

  “I said I’d help.”

  “Dad’s on his way, and so are Justin and Adam. It’s fine.”

  Someone honked a horn, surprising us. I glanced back as Brad, Grey’s father, pulled up in his Dodge truck. He had a large trailer hitched to the back with stacks of unassembled boxes. He parked and exited his truck, grinning as he approached.

  Brad was extremely laid back and smiled easily. He was Grey’s height, but he was burlier, the epitome of a mountain man. He had the same eyes and hair as Grey, though his had bits of silver streaked through it. His thick beard hid half of his face, so I couldn’t tell how far the similarities went. However, all you had to do was look between the two of them to know that they were father and son.

  “You two ready for this?” he asked with more enthusiasm than I felt. “We’ve got our work cut out for us.”

  “Hey, Mr. Raiden.” I welcomed him with a tense smile.

  He gave me a big hug, squeezing me tight. “Stop with that Mr. Raiden bullshit. You’re practically family, darlin’. It’s Brad.”

  I laughed as he released me, feeling a warmth in my soul at the family comment. What would it be like to be a part of a big, loving family? “Okay the
n. Brad it is.”

  He slipped his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels, observing the big house. “What do you two plan on doin’ with all their stuff?”

  Grey answered for me. “We’re gonna give it away. Clara doesn’t want any of it, and it’s not like I need anythin’. I figured we’d let Chels, Justin, and Adam have their pick and then take the rest to Goodwill. If you see somethin’ you or Mom would like, take it.”

  Brad nodded his head, saying, “Sounds like a good plan.” He paused, his forehead crinkling. “I think I remember Shelley tellin’ me about someone lookin’ for furniture. A single gal that just moved into town, I believe. I’ll give her a call and see if the gal wants any of this.”

  “That would be great. It’s better to go to someone that needs it,” I stated, completely on board with this. Any good that came from this situation helped ease me.

  Two more trucks drove up, and I immediately recognized Chelsea and Justin in one and Adam in the other. They hopped out at the same time and advanced toward us as one group.

  Grey greeted Justin first. “Justin, good to have you home, man.” He gave him a manly hug and hammering pats on the back. He turned to Chelsea and smiled. “Chels.”

  Adam immediately came to me and tagged me around the waist, bringing my chest to his. He stared down at me with a wolfish grin. “Hey there, beautiful. Miss me?”

  This was the first time he’d directed his charm at me, and I had no idea what to do with it. “Err…”

  “Leave her alone,” Grey grouched and extracted me from Adam’s arms. He kept me close, his arm around my waist.

  Adam smirked and cocked a brow at us. “I see how it is…”

  “You already know how it is,” Grey grumbled, jutting out his chin. Something passed between the two of them that didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of us.

  Was this a pissing contest?

  Justin and Chelsea snickered while I tried my best not to.

  Brad clapped his hands together, breaking it up. “Let’s get this started, shall we? Adam, Justin, grab the boxes from the trailer and meet us in the house.” Brad took off for the front door without waiting for a response. He must have had a key because he let himself in easily.


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