Book Read Free

Dom of Ages

Page 20

by K. C. Wells

  Eli sighed. “The reason my lovely pet here is in such a state, is because he’s remembering something I did last week.” He gave me a look that promised retribution and then faced the audience. “Okay, I was in the bedroom getting dressed, the radio was playing James Brown’s “I Feel Good,” and I… I may have made my dick sing along.”

  There was a stunned silence.

  Eli stared at them. “Oh, come on, don’t tell me you’ve never squeezed the head of your cock until it looked like a mouth and….”

  That was when the laughter started. Doms and subs alike were bent over double, crying with laughter.

  “It does, doesn’t it?” Eli was wiping his eyes. “It looks like this gaping, eyeless alien mouth!”

  “Oh, please, stop,” Scott begged from Alex’s shoulders, which were shaking dangerously. “My sides are hurting.” Before he could topple from his perch, Alex lifted him off and set him down on the floor.

  When the laughter had finally died down, Eli stared intently at me, a look that clearly said “this is all your fault.” His lips were still twitching, however. He cleared his throat. “Shall we continue?”

  “Please,” Thomas said with a smile. “I think this is the most entertaining training session I’ve ever attended.” A chorus of agreements greeted his words.

  I settled back into my chair and watched Eli twirl the end of the silicone rod through the lube on his fingertips. He brought it to my dick and carefully guided the end into my slit, turning it gently, letting the lube on its surface move slowly down inside me.

  “That’s it,” Eli praised. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I gasped out. Every little touch of his fingers to the length of silicone translated into a stimulus, making me squirm on my chair. Eli guided it lower, until maybe a couple of inches were left protruding. He gently rubbed one finger against the underside of my cock, a sensual massage that served to stimulate the rod. Eli held my dick and moved it from side to side, the gray pliant rod waving along with it. But with each sway, I could feel it, all the way down inside me.

  The rod had a flat end, sitting on top of it like the head of a screw, and Eli placed his finger on it, tapping it a few times. The sensations ricocheting through my shaft had me groaning aloud. He rotated the rod until the end was flat against my slit, and then massaged my dick.

  “Look at you,” Eli said, an edge of wonder in his voice. “Look how hard you are.”

  Hard? My cock was like granite.

  He cupped my balls, running his hand over my inner thighs and along the crease where they met my groin, the movement sensual and tender. “I can’t tell you enough times how good you look, taking this, for me. You make me so very proud.” Then, his fingers still resting on my dick, he leaned over and kissed me, his tongue dueling with mine as I gave way to the hunger that was burning me up inside. The kiss grew more heated, Eli moaning softly into my mouth, fingers flicking at my nipples, making me ache. I knew in that instant that once we were home again, it would be no holds barred. My arse clenched tight at the thought of what was to come.

  I was going to be well and truly fucked.


  Eli’s whisper against my lips brought me into the present. I nodded, and slowly, so slowly, he pulled the silicone free of my rigid cock. I couldn’t help my reaction: I creamed over his fingers, pulse after long pulse of come, making me cry out with each wave of my orgasm that rolled over and through me, leaving me weak and trembling in its wake. Eli held me, his lips pressed to my hair, my cheeks, my neck, in soft, sweet kisses.

  When it was over and my breathing had normalized, he regarded me with twinkling eyes. “Of course, you just came without permission, pet.”

  I grinned at him. “Well, you’ll have to think of a suitable punishment, won’t you, Sir?”

  That hot look in his eyes confirmed what I already knew. It was going to be a long night.

  I winced and he nodded, knowingly. Eli faced our audience. “One thing to remember? Once you’ve removed the sounds, your boy will have an appointment with the bathroom.” He gestured with his head toward the door. “Go pee, pet.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” I said, surging up from my chair. As I exited the group room, the swell of applause that echoed around it made me puff out my chest.

  Eli was amazing.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “SO WHEN is Thomas’s birthday?” I asked Peter as we packed away the sounds and other equipment. Eli had gone to the bathroom, and I’d persuaded him to talk with Leo and Thomas after that. I wanted a chance to talk with Alex, Peter, and Scott.

  “Not this weekend, the one after.” Peter cocked his head. “You are still going to be here with us, right?”

  I gave him what I hoped was a reassuring smile. “I promised, didn’t I?” I’d be there to cheer them on. I gave a swift glance in the direction of the door. No sign of Eli. “Listen, it’s Eli’s birthday this Friday, and I’ve got a plan.”

  “Ooh, spill!” Scott grinned.

  “The thing is, I need your help. I’m going to take Eli out for dinner,” I told the subs. “I need to get something to wear, and…. God, this is stupid. I’m not sixteen anymore.”

  “What do you mean?” Peter asked.

  “I had my first date with a boy when I was sixteen. I was a wreck.” I recalled it like it was yesterday. “My hands shook, and my stomach clenched. My mother had to help me pick out an outfit. Of course, it was all for nothing.”

  “Why, what happened?” Alex perched on a nearby chair, his gaze focused on me.

  “He thought he was going to get lucky. Wouldn’t have mattered what I wore, because he obviously figured he’d have me on my knees in the back row as soon as Mother dropped me off. He was all over me, pawing at me, telling me how much he wanted me. Of course, it didn’t go quite as he’d planned.” I chuckled.

  “Oh? Do tell.” Peter sat next to Alex.

  “My mother dropped me off outside the cinema, but what I hadn’t expected was that she’d parked the car and doubled back, following us into the cinema. So she saw my date and more importantly, what he was doing. She marched over, grabbed him by the ear and yanked him out of his seat. I swear, his howl of pain made every single head turn in our direction. Then very loudly, she proceeded to tell him about showing proper respect for your date. By the time she was done, she got a standing ovation from the audience, and that guy never spoke to me again.”

  “Well, I don’t think Master Eli has to worry about getting lucky,” Peter said, and then he giggled. It was the sweetest sound.

  “Definitely not,” I assured him. If all went well, I’d be lucky if I was able to walk the day after, but damn, it would be worth it.

  “You could always ask your mother to drive you, you know, for nostalgia’s sake,” Alex offered, his eyes gleaming. That earned him a glare from me and a really good pinch from Scott. Alex huffed. “Well, I was gonna offer a suggestion for dinner, but if you’re going to be like that….”

  I laughed. “Go on, then.”

  “Why don’t you have dinner at Severino’s, where I work? I could get you a lovely table, candles, flowers….” His eyes were begging me. “Let me, Jarod, please? I’d love to do this for you.”

  It was a nice thought. Then I had a brainwave. “Isn’t Pietro a chef there?” Alex nodded. “Do you think he’d be able to make something special for us?”

  Alex pondered for a moment. “He’d have to check with Sev first. Why? You got something specific in mind?” I told him and he grinned. “That sounds doable. Let me call Pietro and see if Sev gives him the green light. But if it’s a no, there are some delicious dishes on the menu.”

  “Do it.” I was buzzing. Eli would love it.

  “As for you needing our help,” Scott said, “would that be to help you find something good to wear?”

  I nodded. “I can’t tell you the last time I went clothes shopping.” It had been before Phillip’s death, I knew that muc
h. I ordered underwear online, and I tended to wear clothes until they fell apart. Phillip had always hated that. But Eli’s birthday called for something special.

  “Right, we can help you with that.” Scott peered at my head, then reached across and brushed his fingers through my hair. “First things first. You need a haircut.”

  I reached up and touched my head. In the last two months my hair had gotten a bit shaggy, nothing at all like I usually wore it. “Do you know somewhere I can go?” Phillip had always cut my hair, and during the last four years, I’d gone to a barber near the house, in Leigh. He did a basic cut, always the same style.

  Maybe it’s time for a new look.

  Peter grinned. “It just so happens I do. There’s a salon not far from where I live, owned by a guy called Darren. He helped Sir prepare me for my new life—a story we can discuss later—but I think he would be the person to see. I know a lot of subs at the club go to him nowadays.”

  “Okay, it sounds good. I put myself in your hands.”

  The door opened and Eli entered, beaming. “You all done, pet?”

  I nodded. “Just putting away the last of it.” I glanced at the others. Scott giggled, and he, Alex, and Peter went off into the corner and chatted amongst themselves, while glancing over at me every now and then, each of them nodding vigorously. Suddenly I was very, very nervous.

  Eli walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulders. “Let’s go home. And just so we’re clear—” He kissed me slowly on the lips, tasting me, his hands slipping down to cup my arse. When he broke the kiss, I was tingling. Eli nodded, his gaze locked on me. “—we’re gonna finish off what we started.” He brought his lips to my ear, brushing them over it, making me shudder. “It’ll be cock ring on, and then I’m gonna fuck you. For as long as we can make it last.” The whisper tickled my ear and sent shivers down my spine.

  “God, yes, Sir.” I wanted to be home right then.

  Where was a teleporter when you really needed one?

  “OH FUCK, pet, that’s a hell of a good way to start my birthday,” Eli groaned out as he pulsed come down my throat. I swallowed every drop, smoothing my hands over his torso and flicking his nipples, which made him arch up off the bed. “God, they’re s-sensitive when I’ve just come.”

  I pulled free of his softening dick and grinned. “I know, Sir.”

  Eli gave a mock glare. “Oh, so you like tormenting your Sir, do you?” He couldn’t keep up the pretense, however, and I was soon hauled up the bed to be kissed exuberantly, sharing the taste of him. He hummed with satisfaction. “Thank you, pet. That was a great way to start my day. I’m only sorry I have to work.”

  “Well, I don’t want you under my feet today,” I said with a smile. “I have things to do to get ready for when you come home.”

  Eli propped himself up on his elbows and stared at me. “Like what?” Then he reached around and swatted my arse. “And that’s for being cheeky.” That smile hadn’t diminished.

  “If I told you, that would spoil the surprise.”

  “Ugh.” He pulled a face.

  I laughed at his expression. “I bet you were the kind of child who went hunting for Christmas presents way before Christmas, weren’t you?”

  “I refuse to answer that question,” he said stiffly, “on the grounds that I might incriminate myself.” With a dramatic sigh, he heaved himself out of bed and headed into the bathroom, muttering under his breath something about cheeky subs.

  It felt like it took much longer than usual to get him fed and out of the house. I’d arranged to spend the day with Peter, Alex, and Scott. I had clothes to buy, an appointment for a haircut, and that all-important birthday gift yet to find. I still needed a bit of inspiration for that. And I was still wondering about their secret conversation at the club.

  Well, I had a secret of my own.

  About an hour after Eli had left the house, the doorbell rang. The troublesome trio stood there, barely able to keep still.

  “Are you ready?” Scott demanded. “We have a lot to do.”

  “Scott, it’s only eight. We have an hour before the shops open.”

  Alex wagged his finger. “Yeah, but we have somewhere special for you to go.”

  “Tough. We can’t go for another thirty minutes.” I grinned. “I have a surprise for you.”

  I swear, they were as bad as little kids. Scott started bouncing. “For us? What is it?”

  “Did I not just say it’s a surprise? That means I can’t tell you.” There were groans, mainly from Scott, but the other two were getting just as excited. At precisely 8:30, the doorbell rang. I led them to the front door and paused there. “I’d previously organized this for tonight, to take Sir and me to the restaurant, but after we’d arranged all this, I changed the booking.” I opened the door and their collective jaws dropped at the sight of a stretch limousine outside the house. I grinned. “If we’re going shopping, it’s going to be in style.”

  “Oh wow.” Scott was out the door in seconds, down the path and waiting for us beside the car, bouncing impatiently. “Come on, you guys.”

  I locked the front door, laughing to myself, and led Alex and Peter to the limo, where the driver pulled open the door for us. We sat back in the wide, comfortable seats, but Scott lurched across the car at the sight of a fridge. “Hey, there’s juice in here!” He beamed.

  “I know, I asked the hire company to stock the fridge with it. There are bags of nuts and crisps somewhere too.”

  “Woo-hoo!” Scott went foraging for the snacks.

  Alex shook his head. “Doesn’t take much to make him happy.” He nodded to the plastic glasses hanging from their stems. “Go on, then, pour us some juice.” He gazed fondly at his friend.

  “So, would you like to tell me where we’re going?” I nodded toward the driver. “Because he’s going to need directions.”

  “Oops.” Alex shuffled forward and passed the driver a slip of paper, then rejoined us on the seat. The car pulled away from the curb, its engine purring. Alex turned back to me. “There’s this shop; it’s kind of out of the way, on the outskirts of Stockport, but they have the coolest clothes. I made an appointment last night for you,” Alex told me.

  Cool clothes and me didn’t exactly mix, and the thought must have shown on my face, because Alex laid his hand on my arm. “Don’t worry. We’re going to find something that makes you look great, that Master Eli would love, but that you also feel comfortable wearing. That good enough?”

  “If you can do all that, you’re a genius.”

  Alex grinned. “That’s me.”

  When we got to the shop, the driver left us outside on the pavement and went off to find a parking space. Once I saw the interior, I wanted to run. It was full of clothes that would look amazing on any of the boys I was with, but on me? The phrase “mutton dressed as lamb” came to mind. “I can’t wear this stuff,” I whispered. “I would look ridiculous.”

  “First off,” Scott said, “you would look great in this.” He held up a jersey that would be like a second skin.

  “No,” I said stubbornly. “I am not wearing that.”

  “Too bad. Eli would love peeling you out of it,” Alex said in a throaty whisper that had me rethinking my choice. “Don’t worry, Sandra has clothes you’ll like, I promise.” Before I could ask who Sandra was, Alex lunged forward to greet a spritely woman with big green eyes, made even larger by her glasses. Her flame-red hair was even brighter than Scott’s, but it suited her. She reminded me of a pixie.

  “Hi, I’m Sandra. This is my shop. You must be Jarod.” We shook hands, and then she regarded me speculatively. “I have something I think you’ll love.” She grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the back of the shop. She rooted through a rail of clothing, huffing when she couldn’t find what she was looking for. With a sharp cry of “aha!” she went off to another area, pulling open the deep drawers beneath the displays. She reached in and pulled out a zipped bag, which she opened to reveal a dark gray suit that
I fell in love with the moment I saw it.

  “I’ll take it.”

  “You haven’t even seen the price yet,” she said, a wide grin on her face.

  “Don’t care, I’ll take it.”

  Sandra appeared delighted. “After what Alex told me, I knew you’d like it. I’ve also got someone who can take it in for you while you shop, so you’ll have it for tonight.” She looked me up and down. “Not that I think it will need any adjustment. It could have been made for you.”

  I turned to my friends and hugged each of them in turn, whispering thanks. It had been too long since I had friends, but I knew now that I was building a family here.

  The suit fit perfectly. I didn’t come out of the fitting room, however; I wanted Eli to be the first person to see me in it. When it was packed away in a new suit bag, along with a dress shirt and tie, I bade Sandra good-bye and we were off to find the limo and continue shopping.

  The Trafford Centre was a huge sprawling mall. I’d never been there, but I knew it was the second largest in the UK. It was clear from the moment we stepped inside its doors that Peter hated it. He gazed with wide eyes at the throngs of people, but Alex was at his side, whispering hurriedly. Peter shook his head and flashed me a quick smile. I had an idea and headed for John Lewis, a department store. There was something to be said for having everything under one roof, and we’d be less likely to spend a lot of time there. I was thinking of Peter.

  Shopping for a gift was something I never liked doing. Phillip had had everything, and the only thing I could offer him was my body—which he said was the greatest gift he’d ever been given—but Eli was another matter. I wanted to get him something that he would really love.

  “How about this?” Scott asked, holding aloft a hideously ugly tie. I stared at it, aghast, and he put it back with a murmured, “I’ll just get it for Ben later.” I shook my head. Poor Ben.

  Peter had hung back near the entrance of the store, Alex standing by him, holding his hand, and I thought how lovely it was to know you’re not alone.


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