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Dom of Ages

Page 21

by K. C. Wells

  “Jarod? What about this?” Scott directed my attention to a zombie annihilation crate, and I rolled my eyes. Scott chuckled and tugged me toward it. “I’m serious,” he said. “This is so cool! It’s got a machete, knives, an axe, you name it!”

  I guffawed. “Can you really see me giving that to Eli?”

  Scott’s cheeks pinked. “I was thinking you could use it as a place to put some plane tickets and go on an adventure with him. It’d be a really cool way of giving him his gift.”

  It was a brilliant idea—okay, not the zombie part, but the idea of an adventure—and I grabbed him and kissed him on the cheek. Eli had taken some time off to spend with me when we got together, but he said he hadn’t had a holiday for many years. I could take him someplace he’d never go. We could take a trip somewhere, spend a couple weeks together exploring. How amazing would it be to go to Egypt or Vietnam or anywhere exotic?

  “I love the idea,” I told Scott. “You just earned yourself one incredible souvenir when we go.” I glanced at the two young men by the door. “Now let’s go and rescue Peter, and then we’ll go somewhere nice for lunch before it’s time for my haircut.”

  Scott nodded enthusiastically, and we walked toward Alex and Peter. My head was buzzing.

  It was going to be a brilliant birthday celebration.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “CAN’T YOU at least tell me where we’re going?” I gazed through the window of the limo at the passing scenery. We were obviously heading into the city center, but that was as much as I knew. I’d arrived home after my run with Ben—I’d fully intended putting it off, but Jarod had insisted, and it had been a while—to find my best dark blue suit pressed and hanging in front of the wardrobe, a pale blue shirt and tie with it, and my shoes polished. I loved that Jarod had thought of this, but when he disappeared into the guest room and emerged ready to go….

  My pet looked wonderful.

  Having never seen him dressed that way, to see him looking so smart, so elegant, was like seeing him for the first time. His hair was short and neat, the strands of gray throughout making him look distinguished. This was a good-looking man. I was always proud to be seen with Jarod, but in his suit he made my chest swell with pride. Not to mention other parts of my anatomy….

  “Are we having difficulty with the whole concept of this being a surprise, Sir?” Jarod was smirking.

  The fact that he felt comfortable to tease me felt great, but that didn’t mean I was going to let him get away with it. “I will remember this when we get home, just bear that in mind while you’re having fun teasing me.” I gave him a stern look, but it failed epically. I was too excited to see what he’d planned for us. There was also the added mystery of the gift bag on the seat next to him. I was dying to know what was inside. I tried to relax into the comfortable leather seat. “This was a lovely idea, by the way. I’ve never ridden in a limo before.”

  Jarod smiled. “I have, a few times actually. It’s something everyone should experience once in their life, at least.”

  A thought occurred to me. “Pet… do you drive?” There was still so much I didn’t know about him, but the process of learning about Jarod was a pleasant one.

  Jarod’s cheeks were flushed. “I passed my driving test when I was eighteen. When I met Phillip, he made it clear that he did the driving, so that’s how it was. He drove us everywhere.” He gazed off into the distance. “I guess I’ve gotten out of the habit, it’s been so long since I was behind the wheel. And it isn’t as if I don’t have a car. I have three.” The blush deepened.

  I twisted to face him. “Are these the cars that Phillip left you? What are they?”

  “There’s a Ford Ka, his little convertible. Then there’s a Mercedes, and finally there’s his baby, an E-type Jaguar.” He sighed. “They’re all sitting in the garage, under covers.”

  “Don’t you think you should take some refresher lessons, so you can drive them? I’m pretty sure Phillip wouldn’t like the idea of them rusting away. He’d want you driving them, getting some enjoyment out of them.” I sighed. “It seems like sacrilege, leaving an E-type to rot in a garage when you could be burning up the miles in it.”

  Jarod met my gaze. “You’re right, of course. That’s exactly what he’d want. Maybe I should look into organizing some lessons.” He fell silent for a moment, biting his lip, and then looked at me with shining eyes. “You know cars, right?”

  I shrugged. “I can do some basics, but I’ll never be a mechanic if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Jarod smiled. “Why don’t you drive the cars?”

  Oh wow. I got tingles all over. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to ruin one of them.” I said one, but the only car in my thoughts was the Jag. It was the car of my youth, the one I’d drooled over in all the magazines that had passed through my clammy little hands as a teenager.

  “They’ve been mothballed for years. As you said, Phillip wouldn’t want them to go unseen. We could go out for a drive one Sunday with the top down.”

  I knew I had this silly grin all over my face, but I couldn’t help it. Laughter burst out of me, sounding so loud in the car. “I’ve always wanted to drive a Jag,” I admitted. “If you’re sure….”

  “Very sure,” Jarod assured me. And then he did something out of the ordinary. He leaned across and kissed me, slowly, on the lips.

  In that moment I was grateful for the black screen between us and the driver. I lost myself in the kiss, savoring the taste of him. When we finally parted, both of us a little out of breath, Jarod gazed at me once more. “Nothing would give me greater pleasure than seeing that smile again.” He glanced through the window and smiled. “We’re here.” The car pulled in to the curb and stopped, the engine still humming.

  I looked out and saw Severino’s, an Italian restaurant I’d passed many times. I’d heard good things about it from some of the other drivers.

  The car door opened, and we climbed out. “I’ll call when we’re ready to go back,” Jarod told the driver, who nodded. Jarod indicated the glass door of the restaurant. “After you, Sir.”

  I pushed open the door and was immediately greeted by a waft of warm air laden with garlic, herbs, and other enticing aromas. I sniffed up eagerly and my stomach rumbled. Beside me, Jarod chuckled, and I swatted his arse. “Hush, you.”

  A tall, dark-skinned young man approached us, dressed in black. “Good evening, gentlemen.”

  Jarod stepped forward. “Good evening. We have a reservation in the name of Pearce, for two.”

  The waiter’s eyes lit up. “Oh, yes. This way, gentlemen.” He led us across the restaurant, weaving through occupied tables where small candles flickered and where soft jazz filtered through the air. A corner booth awaited us, with a “reserved” card on it, and as soon as I saw it, I understood the waiter’s reaction. An ornate candelabra sat on the table, three tall red candles set into it. A glass vase was filled with red roses, and deep red napkins showed up beautifully against the snowy white tablecloth. A silver ice bucket containing a bottle of champagne and two flutes sat on a silver tray covered by a white linen napkin in the middle of the table. The whole setting was romantic.

  I turned to Jarod. “You set all this up?”

  He nodded. “I wanted you to have a birthday to remember.” He bit his lip.

  I hurried to put him at his ease. “Jarod, it’s… it’s beautiful.” The romantic soul in me was soaring with pleasure. I hadn’t expected anything like this. We sat down facing each other and the waiter poured us both a glass of champagne. He wrapped a napkin around the bottle neck and placed it back in the ice bucket.

  “I’ll send your waiter over with your menus.” He walked away.

  Jarod lifted his glass. “Happy birthday, Sir.”

  I clinked my glass against his. “Thank you, pet, for all of this.” I was overwhelmed, not just by the setting, but by the whole evening so far—the limo, Jarod’s elegant clothing, his sleek new haircut. “This
is a wonderful gift.”

  His eyes grew wide. “This isn’t your gift.” He handed over the gift bag, which was surprisingly light. I peered inside, but there was only a white envelope in there. I took it out and opened it. There was a birthday card with a cute bear on the front, but inside was a slip of paper. I unfolded it and gaped.

  THIS VOUCHER entitles the bearer to a holiday in the destination of his choice,

  to last a minimum of three weeks, to be taken whenever he wishes.

  The aim of this holiday is to have fun, adventure, whatever your heart desires….

  I STARED at Jarod. “You’re taking me on a holiday?”

  He nodded. “Wherever you want to go, no matter how far flung or exotic that may be. We can go for a month, if you like. I’m betting your boss wouldn’t mind, not if you gave him enough warning this time. I know how much time you’ve accrued, so let’s use it.” He reached across the table for my hand, wrapping his fingers around mine. “You don’t have to decide now. Just give it some thought.” Then he looked up and grinned. “And we’d better stop talking now, or our waiter will comment.”

  I frowned. “Why would our waiter comm—” The rest of my sentence died in my throat when Alex Daniels appeared beside us, blushing. I laughed. “Ah, now I get it. You had a bit of help organizing this, didn’t you, pet?”

  Alex chuckled. “Good evening, Master Eli, and happy birthday.” He took away the menus that were lying on our table. “You won’t be needing those tonight.” Alex handed us a white card bearing the heading Eli’s Birthday Meal. “This is a very special menu, only for this table.” He gave us both a shy smile. “I’ll be back in a moment with your starters. Enjoy the champagne.” And with that he turned and walked away.

  I perused the card. The starter was my favorite, chicken liver pâté, but when I saw the main course, I lifted my chin to stare at Jarod. “Beef Wellington?”

  Jarod smiled. “Pietro’s version. The beef is spread with a rich pâté and then covered with the pastry.”

  My mouth was watering. Then it struck me. “You told him what to serve us?”

  Jarod nodded. “Even down to your favorite dessert, chocolate cheesecake.”

  I couldn’t stop smiling. “This is wonderful.” I’d never felt so spoiled in all my life. First the limo, then his offer to let me drive the cars, dinner, my gift…. “Well, this is my first experience of being in a relationship with someone who is a damn sight richer than me, and so far, it’s….” I didn’t have the words. I gazed at the fabulous table layout. “It’s unexpected,” I said at last.

  Silence fell, so suddenly that I had to glance across at his face. Jarod’s expression was watchful. “Do you mind?” he asked.

  “Mind? What do you mean?”

  “That Phillip left me money.” That watchful look was still in evidence.

  I frowned, genuinely puzzled by the question. “Why would I mind that? There’s nothing wrong with it. From what you tell me, he gave away millions of pounds, and helped raise even more. He wasn’t one of those who tried to amass more and more wealth. He used what he had to better people. And I think you’re the same way.” Then I smiled. “Jarod, your money is just that—your money. You do know that’s not what I care about, right?”

  “I do,” he said with a smile. “It’s one of the things that makes me lo—” He broke off, coughing, and squirmed uncomfortably.

  “Are you okay, pet?”

  “Yes, Sir. Just a twinge in my arm. I’ve been feeling it for a few days.” He gave me a reassuring smile. “It’s gone now.”

  “Tomorrow you’ll take it easy, then,” I informed him. I wasn’t about to brush it away so quickly.

  “Oh, I’ve got to do the laundry and I need to get—”


  His eyes went wide at my tone. “Yes, Sir?”

  “Did I ask you for an itinerary?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Tomorrow you’ll rest in our bed all day. You can get up to use the loo, or to grab something to eat, which I’ll put together and leave in the refrigerator for you, but beyond that, you’ll be doing nothing but taking care of my property.” I locked gazes with him, not breaking eye contact.

  At last he nodded. He picked up his glass and held it out to me. “To your birthday. May you have many more, and may this be the best of years to come.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” We clinked glasses and then drank deeply. The gold, bubbling liquid tickled my nose, but there was none of the usual sharpness I’d come to associate with it. I peered at the bottle. “What are we drinking? Because this tastes bloody good.” I wasn’t normally that fond of champagne, but this was fantastic. The label said Veuve Clicquot Vintage 2004. “I’m guessing 2004 was a good year, pet.”

  “A very good year, Sir.”

  Our starters arrived at that point, and all conversation was forgotten for a few minutes. The flavors in the paté, the tartness of the orange and port sauce that accompanied it, all made for a delicious dish. I spread the last bit of pâté on my toast and slowly bit into it, my eyes closing.

  “It is good, Sir,” Jarod agreed. I opened my eyes and nodded in agreement. He folded his napkin and placed it beside his glass. “More champagne?”

  I nodded once again, still blissed out on the starter. When Alex arrived to take away our plates, I gazed longingly at the minute traces of sauce still left there. Jarod chuckled. “No, you are not going to lick the plate.”

  Alex snickered. “Pietro said you’d love it. He also said to tell you he’s got some more boxed up for you to take home. I’ll bring it out before you leave.”

  I beamed. “I knew there was a reason I liked that boy!”

  Alex walked away, shaking his head, still chuckling.

  “They must really like you, Sir.”

  I stared at Jarod. “You’re kidding, right?”

  His confusion was adorable. He blinked, his head tilted to one side. “I don’t understand.”

  I took his hand in mine. “They did it for you, pet. Because they knew it would make me happy, which in turn would make you happy. They’re your friends, Jarod. And from the looks of it, there isn’t much they wouldn’t do to see you smile.”

  He stared at our joined hands, his cheeks glowing. Then he raised his glass. “To friends.”

  I mimicked his action and echoed his words. “To friends.”

  Jarod took a long drink of his champagne before regarding me steadily. “I’ve been thinking,” he said slowly. “I know what I want to do with the house.”

  “Go on.”

  “I was talking to Alex last week at the club. Masters Leo and Thomas have a foundation to help kids in trouble, usually those who’ve been thrown out of their homes. It doesn’t matter if they’re gay or not, the foundation helps them. I think I’d like to give them the house. My only request is that they name it in honor of Phillip. I think he’d approve of that.”

  I was so proud of him. “Yes, I think he would, pet.” I considered all the space available in the house. “Would you have them leave it as it is?”

  Jarod shook his head. “I’d like to ask Phillip’s foundation to completely renovate it, so it ends up with a lot of bedrooms.” He snickered. “Although I can see some of the neighbors not being happy with that decision. It’s such a select stretch of road.”

  “Let’s wait and see, shall we?” There would be a lot to do before that point was reached. Right then I wanted to enjoy my birthday meal with Jarod.

  THE FINAL sip of coffee, and that was it. I couldn’t eat another mouthful. “That was possibly the best meal I’ve ever had.” And it wasn’t just the food. The soft music, flickering candlelight, but above all, the company—everything had combined to make the meal absolutely perfect. We’d talked throughout, relating stories about childhood, sharing our favorite books, music, films. For the first time, I felt as if I knew this man, which was silly. As his Dom I knew what made him groan, what gave him pleasure, how to push him right to the edge of orgasm
and keep him there, teetering, before deciding whether to let him tumble into its oblivion or deny him that ecstasy. But now I was finally getting to know Jarod the man, rather than Jarod the submissive.

  And the more I found out, the more I realized my feelings for him weren’t as clear-cut as I would have liked. Things weren’t as simple as Dom and submissive anymore.

  I tried to figure out when my feelings had begun to change, but there was nothing I could point to, no definitive moment when I’d begun to see him in a different light. And yet there had been a change, a significant one. I’d leaped into this situation because I’d needed someone to take care of my needs. Scrap that—I’d needed someone.

  And now? I needed to take care of Jarod, because somehow he’d walked into my life, crawled under my skin, and nestled right in my heart.

  Alex approached the table. “I trust everything was satisfactory?”

  I gave him a huge smile. “Oh, it was much more than that, Alex. Please thank Pietro for the amazing main course, but all of it was perfect. Can I have the bill, please?”

  Alex rolled his eyes and dug into the pocket of his black pants. He pulled out his wallet, removed a five-pound note and handed it to Jarod, who gave him a grin.

  “What’s that for?” I asked.

  Alex snorted. “Jarod bet me that you’d ask for the bill. I told him you wouldn’t because it was your birthday.” He glanced at Jarod. “Looks like you really do know him.”

  “Oh yes.” I loved the ring of confidence in Jarod’s voice. “And now I’ll have the bill, thanks, Alex.” He speared me with a look. “This is meant to be your birthday treat, remember? Did you really think I’d let you pay?” Then he smiled. “Nice try, though.”

  Alex walked off to get the bill, still chuckling.

  I relaxed into my seat. “You may be the one buying dinner, but let’s not forget who’s the one in control here, pet.”

  That smile broadened. “Oh, believe me, Sir, I never forget that. And by the way? Your birthday isn’t over yet. Wait till we’re home.” His eyes gleamed.


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