Something Greater Than Yourself: An Omega Mpreg Romance

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Something Greater Than Yourself: An Omega Mpreg Romance Page 3

by Louise Bourgeois

  “I worry is all.” Reassuring him that it wasn’t an attack she rubbed his back gently as they walked between the tables already filled with families and couples enjoying the casual atmosphere. Félix had driven them back into the city for something to eat, which had surprised her as her brother seemed to be shrinking into himself.

  “I meant to ask, we see Max in the benches but he didn’t come over, you two are okay?” Mathieu enquired. Max was usually straight over, all smiles and jokes, but this time he kept his head down and walked past in the distance.

  “It’s busy papa, are fine.” Dismissing it swiftly he moved the conversation back to neutral ground, a place where Max wasn’t mentioned.

  “It’s a shame, I like Max, next time we should have dinner together.”

  Holding his frustration internally Félix kept his voice level. “We can’t bother Max like that, has more important things to do.”

  “Oh. Right.” He was shocked by how unbothered Félix seemed to be, granted they were all busy, but Max had made time before.

  “Ask him anyway.” Isobella joined in.

  Nodding as their main courses arrived Félix understood why his parents were interested, he mentioned Max on and off when they were playing together, but he was so proud of Max for his stellar performance last year he couldn’t stop himself. He’d painted himself in a corner, and this time the paint wasn’t drying, he was going to leave footprints.

  However by the time the bill was asked for and paid, that they were walking to the car and driving away Félix felt completely surrounded by love, familial love that he craved when he left Spain. Soft, hazy and comforting, he fell into the warmth of his hotel bed and couldn’t wait for the early call for the transfer to the airport so he could further remind himself of the simplicity of his childhood. Cradling his stomach as he curled up on his side he made a whispered promise that they would know the same upbringing. Simple and loving. Endless love.


  There was never a question over whether or not he would keep the baby, but he understood why someone wouldn’t, perhaps he shouldn’t, Max had a point about the danger. And lying on his back in his room he closed his eyes to the noise of the practice field he had become so accustomed to. Once it was so utterly overwhelming, now it was normal, something he never thought was going to happen.

  But then, neither was his current situation. He remembered finding out, sat at home alone in his room clutching a fertility indicator after months of cramps, something he had ignored until it started to affect his games. Running hot, getting emotional, and a desire for something sweet had become his personal tell-tale signs, strong painkillers were his weapon along with the occasional hot water bottle. However as he got older everything seemed to ease off, now to the point of almost forgetting them, and pushing his tee shirt over his stomach he traced his fingertips over his bare skin. “Hola Ángel.”

  There was no reply, he knew that, but there soon would be. A pair of eyes would be gazing back into his. Two tiny hands would reach out to him. They’d be crying, gurgling, a smile…and he was crying again. The wave of emotions hit him hard, leaving his heart pounding and aching as he scrambled to find something to clean his face. The crying thing was getting worse and he hated it. He could not risk showing a weakness

  So he didn’t. He refused to. The championships would not reward weakness.

  Seeing Kyle leave the field however threatened to unmask him. He seen exactly how happy him and Sebastian was, it had to be hidden, but they were sharing an almost silent happiness that he could hear above everything else in his world. And now they were running across the field together.

  “It’s Kyle okay?” He eventually asked as he headed back towards the benches.

  “Are trying to get him out?” It was pointless lying.

  Resisting the urge to throw up he focused on getting back to the field in one piece without incident, Sebastian was in no fit state to play.

  “Any more news?”

  “No, is still waiting to get back on the field.”

  “What?” He hissed.

  “He’s talking to the coach.”

  “But he hasn’t decided to sit it out.” Félix pointed out as he slumped against the wall, knowing that if he sat down or got close to a bed he’d just fall asleep. Concentrating on the screens he saw them catch Sebastian talking furiously to his coach, clearly wanting to know that his teammate, and friend, was okay. But Félix knew it was more, he wasn’t just terrified about Kyle, he was sick with worry over their baby.

  He didn’t have time to excuse himself, or tell anyone where he had gone, he didn’t have the time because the moment he was in view of the toilet he threw up the contents of his stomach. Crouching over the bowl he gripped the sides as he wretched over and over, bringing up the little food that was inside and then all the energy drinks he had downed. Slumping back against the wall he put his head in his hands, and that was where Andre found him.

  Curled up and looking tinier that he ever had before Andre crouched down and slowly ran a hand over his back, around his shoulders to he could take him into his arms. “Félix, tell me you don’t want to play.”

  “Water.” He asked against Andre’s shirt. “Need water.”


  He knew he had to get on with things, he needed to at least try to rehydrate, but first and foremost he had to get the taste of vomit off of his tongue. “Mints.”

  “Sit up here.” Hauling him off the floor he got him to sit on the closed toilet lid, wiping at his mouth with a damp cloth he gave him a glass of water to swill his mouth out. And once he’d spat it out he handed over the toothbrush and toothpaste from the holder. “Better?”

  “Much, gracias.” Brushing his teeth and tongue did wonders for him, the fresh minty taste helping to clear his mind. “Must drink.”

  “Of course.” Leaving to get Félix a fresh bottle of water from the fridge he returned quickly, the cap already off.

  “How long until the game starts again?”

  “Fifteen minutes.” Andre replied evenly, his sadness hidden deep within.

  “Good, I will be ready.” Standing up he ignored the wobbliness in his legs and the weakness in his arms, but he knew as soon as he was back on the field he’d regain his strength. Putting his cleats on was the first piece of the puzzle, and by the time he was walking onto the field in his mind was set on snatching the win right from underneath the rival team’s noses.

  “Nice win.” Leo reluctantly gave the hollow compliment.

  “Gracias.” Somehow Sebastian managed to get himself on the podium with the others, but Félix could see his heart was from in it, and knowing the reason why tempered his celebrations. “You okay?” Félix found himself asking.


  “It’s Kyle?”

  “Oh, um, think so.”

  “He will be, is very stubborn.” Getting too emotional would raise far too many questions, Sebastian offered a wry smile before they were led to the podium.


  Kyle Roman retires.

  It was expected. Sat in the airport ready to head out to Canada Félix caught up on global affairs like he always did whilst waiting to depart. Probably the only decision he could make, and it left him wondering how much influence Sebastian had on him making it. Though the thought of anyone making Kyle do anything made him chuckle quietly to himself as he spotted Jacob on the approach.

  “I thought I would see less of you now.” Félix said in greeting.

  “Nah, I like seeing your face too much.” Grinning he sat himself down beside Félix. “My journo hat is off alright, promise.”

  “You have to say is off the record.” Félix smirked.

  “Alright then smarty pants. It’s all off the record…and for the matter we’re friends. We went through too much shit for us to be anything else.” Leaning in to bump Félix’s should he spotted the story on his phone.

  “I’m glad to be honest, sensible decision.” Jacob muttered.

  “Yeah, he was fucking stupid to play.”

  “Mmm.” His chest tightened so rapidly had to gasp to breathe.

  “You alright there?”

  “Si.” Nodding Félix locked his phone and pocketed it, ignoring the texts from Max again.

  “I know my beauty knows no bounds.” He said to get Félix to laugh and it worked, a darkening cloud of sadness hung over him at all times, and it was only growing thicker, heavier. “You know if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here. I know you all say I’m a gossip, and I’ve been guilty in the past, but this thing with you know who will get out. There’s no way to hide it, it’ll be blonde and cute and no one will need the DNA test.”

  “Si, no hiding.”

  “I can tell you want some peace and quiet, but I’m here, yeah?” Jacob patted his shoulder as he stood up.

  “Uh huh, thank you.” Jacob thankfully got up and walked over to a gaggle of staff from a local TV station, he couldn’t cope with a flight entertaining his ex-teammate. He had always respected Jacob, but he grew to like him an immense amount, funny, but always honest and heartfelt.


  Usually he would spend time emptying his suitcase of its contents, getting things washed and organized, and set up for the next game. But not today, he was so tired he couldn’t see straight, no matter how many times he blinked his eyes never cleared of the blur. All he thought about as he climbed into the car he had ordered before the flight was how much he was looking forward to sinking into his bed. Delving under the thick blanket, burying his head into feather pillows and sleeping without an alarm set.

  Leaving his bags next to the front door he had to check twice to make sure it was locked before escaping upstairs, pulling off his clothes lazily he uncharacteristically left them where they fell and crawled into bed. Exhaustion barely covered what he felt.

  He was broken from his slumber periodically to drag himself to the bathroom, a side effect he was not enjoying at all. But in between that interruption he slept deeply, instantly floating off to where nothing mattered apart from self indulgent sleep.

  When he finally woke he felt a little more human, and a lot less sleepwalking through his day. It was a marvel to get out of bed and not want to immediately want to get back into it, and feeling so good he treated himself to a luxurious bath, up to the chin with bubbles he lay back and washed himself clean. Sloughing off hours of travel.

  When he got to his stomach he stilled in shock, his hand had swept over and there was a difference. No escaping it. It was only by the tiniest amount, but there was a slight roundness and it brought tears to his eyes. Proof. Indisputable evidence that he was carrying a child. His child. “Ángel.” He cooed as he swept his hand over and over.



  Sat in the meeting room following a disappointing qualifying they were all picking over what they needed to improve upon going forward. A couple of years ago they would have been over the moon, but now it was a completely different matter.

  A problem Félix was glad to have now. But he couldn’t concentrate on the chatter around him because his sister had sent him a photo, and he guessed from the single word she sent along, it would be of her stomach.

  He was right, she had take a photo of herself in the mirror, displaying her bare stomach proudly. She was wearing a huge grin, and Félix could see the shine in her eyes, all those years of trying, the teary phone calls, and the times she didn’t say to begin with. Now she was beaming, glowing and showing off like she should.

  You look beautiful xxx

  Returning to the discussion he resisted the urge to touch his stomach, but had to in the end to adjust his trousers because they were just a bit too tight and cutting in now. Using his phone as cover he casually dropped his hand and subtly popped the button open, the relief was instant. Scrubbing a hand over his face he knew he had to face up to the reality of the situation, it wasn’t just a bump, an abstract concept, he was pregnant.

  Andre saw sheer panic cross Félix’s face, and it was nothing to do with what they were talking about, he knew Félix could make up the places they lost at the start. His eyes were glazing over, and he could see the slight sheen of sweat at his temple, it wasn’t good.

  “I think we’ve covered everything now.” He announced in a lull.


  Relief washed over Andre when Eric nodded along, he needed to get Félix out of the room and into some fresh air. “Better?” He asked quietly as they walked out.

  “I’m fine.” His bit back, ashamed that he let himself end up in this situation.


  “No.” Clutching his phone tightly he stomped off to his room, slamming his door loudly he brought up the photo of his sister again, tears streaming down his face.


  “Max, I said no.”

  “Andre, god, why not?”

  “He doesn’t need any distractions.” Andre dismissed as he walked off.

  “Has he said anything, he won’t answer my calls or texts, it’s…I don’t get it.” His words fell on deaf ears as Andre stalked off down the hallway, and he couldn’t follow because that would be a scene he wouldn’t want to have to explain. He was left torn between listening to Andre and following his deep desire to work things out with Félix.

  Tapping on his door with a single knuckle he waited for any sort of response. “Fél?” He whispered.


  “I don’t know what I did, I never meant it as a no.” Resting his head against the cool door he prayed for an answer. “It was never a no, how could it be to you? Just…let me know you’re alright, yeah? Keep kicking ass.” Pressing the palm of his hand to the door Max sighed, wondering if he had just opened his heart to an empty room.

  “I told you.” Andre snapped at Max as he saw him stood outside Félix’s room. “What did I tell you? I did not ask, I told you!”

  “Sorry.” Max mumbled. “Really, I just…needed…sorry.” Worrying his bottom lip with his teeth he took himself off back.

  Knocking before entering Andre found Félix with his hands clamped over his mouth, sat on the floor, knees up to his chin, sobbing his heart out. “What did he say?” He asked softly as he crouched down beside him.

  Félix shook his head violently as Andre took his hands from his face.

  “You need to breathe, take a deep breath.” He soothed with rubbing comforting circles over his back. “Come on now.”

  “His.” Félix choked out.


  “His, is his.” Resting his forehead on his knees he felt the weight being lifted, Andre knew, someone else could help him carry the load.

  “This child is Max’s?” When Félix nodded in absolute confirmation Andre’s mind should have been flooded with questions, but only one concerned him. Why was Félix so against seeing Max?

  “Need bigger trousers.”

  “What?” He returned, aghast.

  “Are a bit tight.”

  “This is what you want to talk about?”

  “Si.” He pouted, sitting up properly. “Needed to tell one person.”

  “I do not know what to think.” He huffed, getting up. “You tell me not to let Max near you because you are confused, but for this…I do not know if I can any more.”

  “Have to!” Félix scurried onto his feet, both of them were keeping their voices down, but it was getting hard to hide the emotion. “You work for me.”

  “For your club.” He reminded his friend.

  “You tell him?”

  Raking his fingers through his hair Andre paced about. “No, but I do not agree, he has been so worried, I think he hurts you, but…” He had to pause. “But Félix, you must tell him, you will regret it so much.”

  “He thinks I am stupid, an idiot.”

  “He knows?” Andre was confused.


  “Then why…” He did get the chance to finish asking his ques
tion because Félix was walking away, sunglasses on, hat pulled low. When he saw Max again and he had to look away, he couldn’t meet his eyes knowing the secret he held.


  “I’m so tired.”

  “Me too.” Laura yawned down the phone. “Fell asleep at my desk yesterday, everyone laughed. Guess you can’t do that.”

  “No, is a bit too dangerous for that. Almost though, in meetings I have to try so hard to listen.” He smiled, Andre had nudged him awake a couple of times, after a weekend of practice having to listen to everything he had already done was boring enough. But his situation was draining him of every ounce of strength he had spare, but he had no choice but to continue. This was his chance for glory, to achieve a dream he had quietly held onto since playing football on the street as a child.

  “When are you back for the summer?” Usually he went on holiday for a couple of weeks somewhere.

  “Straight after the game in London, want to be home now.” Nothing would be better than his own bed right now, but the less travelling he did the better, up in the air he felt queasy the whole time. Not enough to actually be sick, but just one step before the edge was enough to stop him from resting and sleeping like he always did and needed to.

  “Not long now. I can’t wait to see you, want to see your scans and here everything.” She bubbled over with excitement.

  “Oh, um, have no scans.”

  “Félix Garcia!”

  She sounded so much like mama it stopped him from arguing back.

  “Please tell me you have seen a doctor.” His silence said it all. “You must, promise me you will call, see someone, you must. It’s important.” Laura stressed. “Promise me.”


  “No, you have to.” Stating each word she hoped he heard her.

  “Promise.” He whispered, scared of the implications.

  “Please do baby brother, is important.”


  Max sat slumped on his sofa watching Félix and his team win their fifth game of the season, feeling closer to him now than he did when there was only a door separating them. Here he got to see how beautiful he looked when he spoke with passion about how he played, he love of the team, pride for how they fought from the back with their heads held high.


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