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A Brand New Ending

Page 15

by Stephanie Rolls

  “Sweetie, are you OK?” I hear.

  I pull the towel down to see Elaina standing in the bathroom doorway.

  “Yeah,” I mutter. “Just swallowed my drink down the wrong tube.”

  “Oh! I hate when that happens,” she says before bouncing off.

  “Yeah, me too,” I respond, rolling my eyes.

  I look around the room, seeing a faint burgundy stain on the wall. I sit up immediately, realizing they never replaced the mirror. Reaching up I feel the 3-inch scar along my clavicle. Getting up from the toilet I sprint out, slamming the door of the bathroom shut behind me, trying to close off the memory.

  I spend the rest of the afternoon in my room, not really wanting to be with Elaina quite yet. Grabbing the last of the contents in my bag I fish out the chain, holding it between my fingers. Turning over the heart pendent, I read the inscription I now know by heart.

  You are always my reason to smile.

  Clasping the necklace onto my neck I can feel his love flow through me, warming my heart.


  I spent as much time in my room as I could, but I knew I would have to go down for dinner eventually. I walked into the kitchen where Elaina was seated at the kitchen table, a glass in her hand.

  “Whatcha got there?” I ask.

  “Oh, Phoenix, I didn’t hear you come in,” she says, getting up from the chair and empties her glass into the sink.

  “I see that you still drink,” I say harshly.

  I could still feel the warmth of the vodka flowing through my veins. Liquid courage. I know I am a hypocrite for taunting her about the very thing I resorted to, to calm my frayed mind but it just feels good to be bitchy to her right now. I need to maintain my wall of animosity. Whatever, she has it coming.

  “I really am trying, sweetie, it’s just hard…ya know?”

  I roll my eyes while facing in the opposite direction. Pulling open the fridge I am not surprised by what I see.

  “And I guess I will have to go grocery shopping.”

  “I figured we could go out!” she says, suddenly excited.

  “I’m a little tired to go out in public, Elaina,” I lie. I could find something to make here. I was experienced with making dinner out of nothing. Grabbing a thing of hamburger meat out of the fridge, I check the date. Surprisingly it’s still good. Opening the pantry I grab a box of noodles and a jar of spaghetti sauce. When I finished cooking, I slid a plate to Elaina, who had yet to move from her spot at the table.

  “Thanks, sweetie!” she exclaims. “You were always a better cook than me.”

  “You have to actually cook to learn how to cook,” I snap.

  She looks at me as though disappointed. Picking up my fork, I shove a huge amount of noodles into my mouth, hoping to stop the word venom. We eat mostly in silence, except for Elaina who feels the need to ask petty questions. When I clear my plate, I immediately stand up and wash it before putting it in the dishwasher.

  “You know you don’t have to wash it first, that is the purpose of the actual dishwasher.”

  I don’t respond. “Well, I am going to bed,” I shout as I round the corner of the kitchen, not waiting for her to answer.

  When I get back to my room I shut the door behind me, locking it. Habit. I look over my room again, it feeling no more familiar than before. Pulling my body away I reach into the first drawer of my dresser and pull out a pack of matches. Striking one, I light the candle beside my bed and the one on my desk. Walking over to my windowsill I plug in the blue twinkle lights that I had hung years ago. Sliding open my nightstand again I pick up the book before lying down on my bed. Finding the place that I had bookmarked, I get lost in the world of 1861 Georgia all over again.


  The smell of a snuffed out candle reaches my nose, it instantly awakening me. Looking over, I notice that the small votive on my nightstand has been blown out. I yawn loudly and stretch, pulling the open book off my chest. I reach over to set it down on my nightstand when I sense movement. I slowly shift my eyes to where my closet is. Looking back at me is a pair of eyes, his tall dark form now hovering over me.

  Chapter 26


  I can’t seem to hold my eyes open any more. Grabbing my phone next to me I turn it on to check the time. It’s way past when I was planning on going to bed. A deep yawn leaves my throat as I slam the textbook shut, officially having met my knowledge quota for the day. Getting up from my chair I pull off my shirt and jeans, sliding into bed, the cool sheets refreshing. Reaching over I click my light off, the room falls into complete darkness. Even though my body and mind are tired, I can’t seem to fall asleep quickly. I can’t shut my brain off. School has been incredibly exhausting, so I had to cut my hours back at the hospital. It’s probably for the better. I haven’t seen much of Phoenix since the day outside. I’m sure she’s been avoiding me and at this point I’ve learned that it’s better if I just move on. I would be lying if I said I didn’t think about her often.


  Pulling open my bedroom door, I sleepily rub the palms of my hands on my eyes, trying to wake myself up. I grab onto the banister just like my mother has always told me. However, I become confused when I look down at my arm, it’s covered in black hair. Rushing down the rest of the steps I find the mirror in the foyer and I am immediately shocked at what I see. I am in my parents’ house but I am present day age, not the young version of me I am usually. The house is quiet and moonlight shines through the living room windows. I start to walk towards the backyard, my feet almost having a mind of their own. For some reason, I am conscious of what I am about to find, tears already streaming down my face. When I make it outside, I see a billow of smoke, the shed completely engulfed in flames, the crackling of timber reaching my ears. Running over I try to pull the door open, but it won’t budge. Taking off my shirt I punch the window out, the glass only repairing itself with every hit. Tears are still running down my face and I let out an angry scream into the wind. Something inside me tells me not to give up. It only takes me a second to realize she is near.

  “I can’t get in,” I say through cries.

  “I have faith in you, baby. She needs you.”

  I take another deep breath as I collect all of my anger, letting all of the fear leave my body. Taking a few steps back so that my feet are practically on the edge of the pool, I start to run, leaning my shoulder out first. Within a fraction of a second my body collides with the building and it explodes. The walls and floor boards fly off in every direction and I fall back, the force too strong. When I have the ability to get back up, the sight before me makes me instantly heave and I vomit in the grass next to me. Most of the building is gone except the ceiling boards which are magically still afloat, the ends of the boards glowing from the embers. And from it hangs Phoenix. Her delicate body swaying back and forth in the wind.


  I fly up out of bed, my clothes drenched in sweat. It takes me a few seconds to gather where I am, the details of the dream replaying over and over in my mind. And then I feel it. A sick feeling in my gut that something’s not right. Jumping out of bed, I grab my clothes from the floor, putting them on in a flash. Grabbing my wallet off the counter I run out of my apartment.

  “Taxi!” I scream out as soon as I get out of my apartment building.

  Of course there is no response. Unfortunately this isn’t the city that never sleeps. Breaking into a run I go for as long as I can until I spot a cab and run out in front of it, its breaks screech as the vehicle comes to a halt. Pulling open the door I see the pissed off look on the driver’s face. I couldn’t care less.

  The rest of the ride my mind is lost inside itself. I don’t even know if anything is wrong, but in my gut I feel like there is. When we pull up to the hospital I pull out some cash, not even knowing if it’s enough. Sprinting up to the front entrance I continue down the hallway, my body screeching to a halt outside her bedroom door. I’ve gone insane. Leaning my head on it, I contemplate if I should
just go home, but I know I won’t be able to go back to my apartment without knowing. I need some kind of reassurance. Some kind of proof that I am truly now as insane as some of the patients we help here. I slowly open the door, the room is completely dark.

  “Phoenix,” I whisper.

  No response. Reaching on the wall, I find the light switch, flicking it on. And my worst fear becomes a reality. Phoenix’s bed is empty, the sheets and comforter are made up nicely. I go to leave the room again, until a figure comes out of the bathroom.

  “Rain,” I shout, running up to her. Her face is white, her eyes distant. “Rain,” I repeat. “Where is she?”

  She finally looks over at me. “She’s gone…” she says.

  My heart races even more. What kind of gone? I leave the room in a hurry, knowing immediately my next stop. Grabbing the door handle I fling the familiar office door open, and glare at the figure sitting behind the desk.

  “Where is she?” I shout as I come around to face him.

  A concerned look spreads across his face. “Braeden, what is going on?”

  “Where. Is. She?” I repeat, not answering his previous question. He walks out from around his desk, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  “She’s gone, Braeden,” he says.

  “Will everyone please stop fucking saying that. What the hell does that mean? She’s fucking dead isn’t she?”

  He looks at me puzzled again. “What? Why would you think that, Braeden?” he pauses. “No. She’s been released.”

  I can’t tell if that makes me relived or more irritated.

  “I mean…who…when…” I start to mutter as a million things runs through my mind, pissed that I wasn’t on shift today.

  “She left with her mother,” he starts to say as he looks down at his watch. “What would be yesterday morning…”

  “You let her leave with them? How could you fucking allow that? I swear sometimes you can be so goddamn stupid,” I snap.

  “Braeden, why don’t you come over here and sit down. You’re going to give yourself a panic attack.”

  “Honestly, how can you think her leaving with them would do any good for Phoenix?”

  My father’s body tenses, his face hardening. “Last time I checked I was Phoenix’s doctor. You have no right to decide what is good for her or not. She is an adult, whether you want to believe it or not. She is of age, Braeden. I didn’t force her to go, she chose to.”

  My mind starts running in a million different directions.

  “But what about your suspicions? I mean you got him banned from here… you had to know…”

  He shakes his head slightly. “That’s just it, Braeden. They were just suspicions. Until Phoenix admits out loud that her stepfather abused her we can’t do anything,” he grumbled. “I won’t lie to you. Part of me okayed the release because I thought maybe she’d say no to going home and would finally admit to Dr. Young what was happening. She was getting very far with her in their sessions. But she went…with little hesitation.”

  My blood boils through my veins. I didn’t need confirmation from her lips. The way Phoenix acted around men was enough evidence for me. I have to make sure she is OK. If these doctors refuse to protect her, I will. But then is dawned on me. She left because she didn’t want to see my anymore. She would rather go back there than be around me? My mind instantly shifts when I spot her chart on his desk.

  “You know what, dad, I think I could use a glass of water, do you mind getting me one?”

  “Sure, son,” he nods, leaving the room.

  As soon as I hear the door latch shut I reach over his desk, thumbing through it, heading to the last page. Emergency Contacts.

  Grabbing a pen from his desk I write the address on my palm, my hand shaking so bad it’s barely legible. Hauling the door open I break into a sprint down the hallway, my father’s voice shouting my name behind me. I felt ashamed for deceiving my father but he will understand eventually. I thank my lucky fucking stars when I see a cab parked out front, pulling the door open.

  “Bryant Street,” I say quickly.

  The cab takes off without any conversation; him obviously noticing my desperate state. I keep my head down and choose to not look out the window. My stomach does flip flops, every scenario running through my mind. Or like I have been saying, you’re insane. When the cab pulls up to the curb, my head snaps up and looks at the house. Grabbing another wad of cash I hand it to the driver.

  “There is some extra in there for you, can you please wait for a few minutes?”

  The driver takes the cash and nods, pulling out a magazine. I exit from the vehicle, shutting the car door behind me quietly. Making my way up the driveway I put my hands in my pockets, realizing how cold it is. To my left is a large white truck, the engine making tinkering noises, a sign it was running not too long ago. When I get halfway there I stop and wait. Listening for anything.

  Chapter 27


  My heart rate jumps and a familiar feeling of nausea overtakes me. I go to scream but his hands are over my mouth within seconds.

  “Ahhh…you should know by now that screaming only makes things worse.”

  Tears are falling down my face and I still try to scream but it’s too muffled. I try to kick and punch him with all my might but he is too strong. He leans over me and puts his leg on top of mine so that I am pinned to the mattress. I look up at him, his eyes are glossed over and red. A clear sign he is drunk. His face is hard, the anger in them more intense than I have ever seen. I still continue to try to scream out.

  “Shhh shhh shhh, you don’t want to wake your mother now, do you?”

  I scream out a garbled “fuck you” underneath his hand, surprised by my own internal strength. After that comment his eyes narrow and he becomes even more outraged.

  “Your mother thinks she could get rid of me?” he says through gritted teeth. “You are both going to pay for that mistake.”

  He removes his leg from mine in an attempt to shift his weight. Giving all my strength I flail, getting half my body out from underneath him, his hand slipping from my mouth.

  “HELP!” I scream out at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking. My feet find the floor and I try to get away. I lunge for the door and manage to get my hands on the knob and fumble with the lock, my hands shaking violently, my vision blurred by my tears.

  “I see that you are making this fun for me,” he breathes into my ear, the smell of his hot breath makes my head spin. “Let’s try something new.”

  I hear the slow decent of a zipper and I cry out. Instinctively I throw my elbow backwards but it collides with his stomach and not the place I was aiming for. I feel intense pain in my scalp. Reaching back I try to pry his hands from my hair, but his grip is tight. The next thing I feel is my body being hurled forward, my head slamming into the metal door knob. My body crumbles to the floor, a loud ringing in my ears now apparent. My vision starts to blur but I keep my eyes on him. He glides across to the other side of my room, grabbing the still lit candle off my desk. His mouth is moving but I can’t make out the words.

  “Moooom,” I cry out before everything goes black.

  Chapter 28


  My body heaves as it tries to recollect oxygen, but my nerves are still on high. The night is eerily quiet. I watch the steam come from my breath. My ear catches a sound. I swear I heard her voice. Looking up at the house, I squint, seeing something off in the distance coming from the upper bedroom window. And then I smell it. Smoke.

  Before my brain has time to process my legs are running forward. I climb up the steps, taking them two at a time, reaching the front door in a millisecond. My mind immediately shifts to my dream, the emotions flowing through me right now match those in the dream. Backing away from the door slightly I run straight at it, my body collides and it flies open, smacking against the opposite wall with a loud bang.

  The veins in my body fill with adrenaline. Consciously trying to slow myself down,
I take in my surroundings, the downstairs is completely quiet, nothing but the glow of a TV filling the room. But the strong odor of smoke fills my nostrils, it making my heart race even faster. Pulling up the collar of my shirt, I try to block myself from inhaling it and ascend the stairs. My eyes begin to water intensely due to the smoke, my vision almost completely dark.

  “Phoenix!” I scream out, hoping that she will hear me.

  Nothing. Feeling my way around I find an opening and wipe the water from my eyes, the room illuminated by a fire that is currently billowing from the curtains by what looks like a desk. I don’t know what told me to pick this room first but from what I can tell by the things on the floor, it’s a girl’s room. As I continuously wipe my eyes I make out a rather large form on the floor. I don’t have to think twice about what it is. I fall to the ground beside her body, the heat from the flames excruciating. Her eyes are closed, her body gravely still. My mind tells me to do a million different things at once, it resulting in my muscles frozen in place.

  “Phoenix,” I scream again, jolting her body.

  Nothing. But finally something in me kicks on, my mind clear on what I have to do. Reaching my hands underneath her I pick up her delicate body and make my way downstairs, trying to find an exit through my burning eyes. When I find the front door again I bound down the stairs and set her and myself on the sidewalk. Laying her out flat I tilt her head back, listening for normal breathing. I rub my hands on her face, waiting for her to open her eyes, my uneasiness not settling.

  I know now that I have to have to give her CPR. My lungs are already on fire, wondering if I even have any oxygen left to give. Placing my palms on her sternum I push, trying to remember the right repetition. I finish pushing after thirty, then immediately place my lips on her, blowing as much oxygen into her lungs as I can.


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