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A Brand New Ending

Page 19

by Stephanie Rolls

  “Sorry,” he says.

  I look up at him and grin.

  “I thought we weren’t apologizing?” I laugh.

  Braeden shakes his head slightly.

  “OK, you got me,” he says as he takes the plates from my hands. “But you don’t have to do the dishes.”

  I go to reach back over to take them from him again but he holds them over my head, making me jump for them. I start to laugh because with every jump Braeden reaches up higher, the dishes always out of my reach. Before I know it, Braeden’s back is flush against the wall, my chest pushing against his.

  I look up at him, his eyes intense, and the smile gone from his face and in its place a look of fervor. Reaching over, Braeden sets the plates down on the counter and immediately wraps his long fingers around the back of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. Both our chests rise and fall in unison and I want nothing more that to taste him against my lips. Stepping up on my tippy toes I place my lips on his, his mouth immediately responding. I feel the tip of his tongue trace where my lips meet, begging to enter. I part them a little and feel the warmth of it on mine and I follow his lead, both of our tongues begging for dominance.

  I clench the fabric of his shirt in my hands and I lean up and press harder into his chest, my emotions taking over any logical thought. Braeden’s hand that was once behind my neck slowly travels south and plants itself against my lower back, making my hips gyrate into his. And then I feel hardness against my stomach and it makes me gasp, stopping our kiss. Pulled away from our make out session, Braeden looks down at me.

  “You OK, Seraph?” he asks.

  I gnaw on my bottom lip, suddenly embarrassed by my overreaction.

  “I’m great,” I respond as I lean up to resume but his hands on each side of my shoulders stop me.

  “I don’t think I can take anymore at this point, without taking advantage of you,” he responds.

  Unhooking my fingers from his t-shirt I take a step back. I can instantly see the bulge in his pants and I find myself staring for probably what would be considered too long. My thoughts are confirmed when I hear Braeden clear his throat. I look up at him, a cocky smile on his face.

  “See something you like?” he says.

  I just awkwardly laugh, not really knowing how to respond to that. He starts to laugh, his arm wrapping around my shoulder, his lips kissing the top of my head.

  “Let’s go watch some TV,” he says, ushering us both out of the kitchen and into the living room.

  As we watch, I observe as the day sky turns to night, my nerves building with every moment. I always hated the dark. But it’s been a long day and I feel my eyelids drooping, sleep taking over.

  Chapter 37


  Just when I thought kissing her was the best feeling in the world she had to fall asleep against me. The glow of the TV was the only thing that filled the room, the light accentuating the features on her face. She looked so peaceful that I never wanted to leave from this spot. Instead of watching the TV I decided to watch her instead. I scan every portion of her face and notice the occasional smile and brow furrow that comes across it. My arm starts to burn but I don’t dare move, not wanting to cause her any discomfort. I don’t know how much time passes, but I hear the garage door go up, knowing that sound anywhere. My dad comes through the side door, putting his keys on the kitchen counter. When he enters the living room he immediately stops.

  “She fell asleep,” I explain.

  “She’s had quite a rough couple days,” he says softly. “As have you, Braeden.”

  I look back down at her.

  “Her whole life has been rough, Dad,” I whisper. “She’s too young to have experienced this much pain.”

  The room is silent again, nothing but the light from the TV still on.

  “So, is this what it feels like?” I say out loud, my heart racing. My father doesn’t have to guess what I’m talking about.

  “The best gift that a man can get is a woman’s heart,” he says smiling down at me. “I am truly happy for you, Braeden.”

  He leans down and squeezes my shoulder.

  “I’m going to try and get some sleep. You should probably get her to bed and head home.” He smiles.

  We both know I’m not leaving tonight. I just nod, and then watch my father head upstairs. I turn my attention back to Phoenix, watching her chest still rising and falling methodically. I hesitate for a second before the words leave my throat.

  “I think I’m in love with you, Seraph,” I whisper, brushing a piece of hair that has fallen in front of her face.

  I stare down at her, wanting her to respond, but instead the soft sound of her breath leaves her lips. Just the hope of her saying those words to me someday makes my heart jump. Sitting up slowly I turn around and slide my arms underneath her body, not wanting to interrupt her peaceful sleep. She is light in my arms. Too light. I haven’t known Phoenix for a long time, but I can see that the stress takes a toll on her. Her appetite is nonexistent at times.

  When we reach her room, I push to door open with my foot, thankful that there was moonlight coming through the window. Setting her down on the bed, I slide the comforter up and over her. I find myself staring at her. Just being in her presence makes my heart race. I look up for her and scan the room, it brings a smile to my face. Never in a million years would I have imagined something like this would have happened. Walking out of the room I go into my father’s office, finding a piece of paper and pen, jotting something down before folding it in half. Going back into Phoenix’s room, I place it softly on top her night stand, knowing it will be the first thing she sees in the morning. Quietly exiting I head back down the hallway, stopping in front of the closed door. My hand hovers over the knob, shaking. Letting out a deep breath, I lean my forehead against the wood, slamming my fist into it. After all these fucking years. Pulling myself off of it I head back downstairs, pulling a blanket off the back of the couch before settling myself down on it. She’s safe. That’s all that matters. I find myself becoming drowsy and it’s only a matter of moments before sleep finds me.


  My eyes pop open and I momentarily forget when I am, my brain taking a few seconds to process my surroundings. Sitting up I let out a yawn, finding the clock on the wall. 5:58 a.m. Grunting, I pull my body off the couch and stretch my arms above me. Rubbing my eyes, I walk into the kitchen and feel my body jump at the unexpected form sitting at the table.

  “Jesus Christ,” I say clutching my chest.

  “Well, good morning to you too, son,” my father smirks, his head still looking down at the papers sprawled across the table.

  “How long have you been awake?” I get out through another loud yawn.

  “About two hours,” he says as he highlights a few things on his paper.

  “Jesus, pops, how the fuck do you work on two hours of sleep?”

  He holds up his coffee cup and salutes me with it. I shake my head. I don’t know how he does it honestly. My father and I haven’t always seen eye to eye on things but I would be lying if I didn’t say he was the fucking hardest working person I’d ever seen.

  Walking over to the cabinet, I look at the coffee cups, one in the back brings a smile to my face. Grabbing it, I pull it out and fill it with coffee. No cream, no sugar. Turning around I lean back against the counter with mug in hand and just watch him. After a few minutes, I hear my father sigh.

  “You do realize it’s a quarter past six right?” he asks. “Don’t you think you should get ready for school?” He finally removes his eyes from the document and starts to look up at me, but they stop when they reach the mug.

  “I didn’t even know we still had that.” He laughs.

  I look down at my mug and I smile at the four green turtles on the front.

  “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was the shit.” I laugh, taking another sip.

  Memories of sitting in front of the TV eating pancakes every Sunday flood my mind. I remember drinking m
y milk out of this cup, wanting to be just like my parents.

  “Not much has changed around here since everything happened,” I mutter.

  “And yet, quite so much has,” he croaks out.

  We both take a sip of our respective mugs.

  “Did you ever think about moving?” I blurt out.

  A small smile comes across his face.


  “Doesn’t it hurt though? Everywhere you turn there’s a memory…”

  “Braeden, I know that you are new to this whole love thing, but I want you to know something. Love is hard. Love is rough. It will viciously rip open your chest, leaving your heart vulnerable. At times things will be perfect, and at others they will be worse than you can even imagine. But, in the end, even the bad turns into the good.”

  I find myself staring at my father. Hanging on every word. Taking the last sip of my coffee I walk over to the sink, rinse it out and put it in the dish dryer.

  “Why don’t you take that home with you,” my father suggests.

  I look back down at it. “Nah, I’ll keep it here.”

  My father nods.

  “It was really nice having you here last night. It’s been too long since you’ve spent the night here.”

  I smile. “It was nice,” I say looking in the direction of her bedroom. “I’m afraid you’ll be seeing more of me now.”

  “Braeden, this is your home. You were always welcome. I hope you know that.”

  I just nod. “Thank you, Dad,” I start. “For everything.”

  “Everyone deserves a second chance,” he states.

  Walking over, I put my hand on his shoulder.

  “Including you,” I say. “You’ve got to stop blaming yourself.”

  He just gives me a sideways grin. His lack of response worries me.

  “I guess I’ll see you later,” I say heading out the door.

  “See you, son,” I hear him respond.


  When I get back home I have a little over an hour to make it to class. I let out a huff when I notice Bret is sprawled across the couch, a bong on the floor. I walk up to him, smacking the bottom of his boot.

  “I told you not to smoke that shit in here anymore,” I tell him with a raised voice.

  “Ah, man, lighten the fuck up,” he says, his eyes heavy. “Hey, by the way, where the fuck have you been lately?”

  I roll my eyes. “Why do you care?”

  “The landlord came by yesterday, rent’s due.”

  “Then pay it!” I yell as I walk away from him, taking off my shirt and throwing it in the hamper.

  “But what about your half?”

  I stalk back out to him.

  “You have never bought a fucking thing for this place. Furniture…mine. All the groceries…mine.”

  Picking up the small ziplock bag that on the table, holding a few buds left.

  “And this is fucking mine,” I say clenching it. “You can fucking pay all of the rent this month or you can move your fucking ass somewhere else.”

  “It’s not like you were fucking using it. You haven’t smoked in months.”

  Grunting, I turn around and head back to the bathroom and jump in the shower, knowing I need to make it fast. By the time I’m done and dressed I have only about twenty minutes but I couldn’t care less. Just as I start to leave something catches my eye. In cash is the exact amount needed to pay rent.

  Chapter 38


  Snapping open my eyes I sit up in my bed, confused for a second as to exactly where I am. I scan the room and a smile comes across my face when I spot a small note placed beside my bed. Reaching out, I grab it with shaky fingers.

  Good morning, my Seraph. As much as I want to spend every moment with you - day and night - I fear I can’t. But I promise I will be back after class.

  Love, Braeden.

  P.S. Put on something nice.

  I run my finger over the word “love”, my smile remains, but my body is laced with anxiety. Setting the note back down I get up from my bed, stretching out, temporarily forgetting about my ribs.

  “Ow,” I breathe out.

  Carl may be in jail but he is still taking a toll on my mind and body. Walking over to my closet, I slide the door open and my jaw drops. It is filled with clothes, most of them simple and just my style. Comfortable. Grabbing a change of clothing I head off into the direction of what I think might be the bathroom, but I don’t exactly remember which is which, as I come across the two closed doors. My heart starts to race. Turning around to look behind me, I become satisfied when I see no one.

  “Hello,” I call out, just to make sure.

  Sending my attention back to the two doors, I stare. What’s behind door #1? My eyes shift to the other door.

  I instantly go to the right, knowing I am completely invading their privacy, but something is screaming at me from the other side. Sliding my hand over the knob I turn it clockwise, the door jamb makes a large cracking noise and I can tell it hasn’t been opened in quite some time. The room is stark black within and I feel along the wall till I find the light switch. I flick it on. My eyes widen at what I see.

  At first glance, the room looks normal except everything in it covered in a thick layer of dust. Confirming no one has stepped in this bedroom for years, possibly decades. I take a few steps inside, looking at everything above and below me. I can tell that it is a boy’s room. Walking over to the dresser, I see a few photo frames. Taking one in my hand, I wipe my fingers across it. I squint, making sure that my eyes are seeing what I think they’re seeing. In the picture are two boys, both golden brown hair, eyes as green as emeralds. Two identical boys.

  “Phoenix,” I hear a female voice call out, my body jumping. Startled, my fingers spontaneously let go of the frame letting it fall to the floor. I rush out of the room and shut the door behind me.

  “Hello?” I hear the voice repeat.

  My mind races trying to think who the hell it could be, a flash of my mother coming up the stairs takes over my mind. That voice is too sweet to belong to Elaina. I then see Chelsea’s blonde hair coming up the stairs. Pulling my body away from the door, I drop my clothes on the floor pretending like I wasn’t just snooping. Standing back up I lock my eyes with her, her smile dropping.

  “What’s wrong, sweetie, you look like you just saw a ghost.”

  I think I did.

  “Oh, umm,” I sat looking down at the floor. “I guess I’m just still not feeling that well.”

  She holds up a bottle of pills and a smile on her face.

  “Precisely why Dr. Harris sent me.”

  “Oh, thanks,” I say, hesitantly reaching out for the bottle. But she holds onto it. I look at her confused. Popping open the bottle she hands me one, giving me a sorrowful look.

  “Guess I can’t be trusted with them, considering my past history,” I say putting the round pill in my mouth, swallowing it dry. She smiles lightly.

  “Wait,” I say looking around. “Did he really send you here to babysit me?”

  Her smile widens. “He just wants to make sure that you are OK, this being a new and awkward place to you.”

  I gnaw on my bottom lip.

  “Would I sound insane if I say that I have never felt more at home then I have staying here?”

  “Not at all,” she responds.

  My eyes shift to the closed door and part of me wants to ask her what she knows. She has seems to have been a big part of the Harris family for quite some time. I can’t make the words leave my mouth. My stomach sinks a little, realizing I don’t know as much about Braeden as I thought. Things remain silent for a second.

  “Well, it looks you were about to take a shower before I barged in,” she laughs. “I’ll be downstairs and then you and I are going to have a girls’ day! I have a little surprise for you, too.”

  My face drops. I have a surprise for you. I can hear her voice in my head. Surprises were never good when it came to Elaina. It usually resu
lted in her doing something completely stupid, me paying for her mistakes.

  “Phoenix?” I hear Chelsea say.

  I snap out of my daymare.

  “I’m gonna…go take a shower,” I say heading in the other direction passing my bedroom, the bathroom next to my room.

  Setting my clothes on top of the counter, I reach over and turning on the shower head. Stepping inside I let the warm water soothe over me. Letting the warm water run down my face I close my eyes, the picture frame taking over my memory. My mind runs in a million different directions. What is he keeping from me? Fed up with not being able to relax I hop out, towel drying myself off. Slipping on my clothes I make my way back downstairs, finding Chelsea in the kitchen. I watch her as she moves about the room and I can tell she is comfortable, knows where everything is. As she turns around her eyes catch mine.

  “That was fast,” she says standing up. “Are you hungry?”

  The table is piled with a hill of food. It looks like take out.

  “Yeah…” I say staring at it. “But are we….”

  I go to continue, but my ears pick up on a voice coming from the living room.

  “Where the fuck is everybody?” the loud voice booms.

  A smile instantly breaks across my face.

  “And there would be your surprise,” Chelsea smiles.

  Pushing back through the kitchen door, I lay my eyes upon the massive figure standing in the foyer.

  “Hey there, little one!” Donovan booms.

  I walk up to him and I can tell he is excited and apprehensive at the same time.

  “You can hug me, Donovan.” I laugh.

  He doesn’t need a second invitation. He bounds toward me, scooping me up and swings me around.

  “Ahhhh!” I scream out, pain radiating out from my chest.

  “Jesus, Donovan!” I hear Chelsea scream out. “She has two bruised ribs!”

  He sets me down gently and backs away from me slowly.

  “It’s OK, Donovan, you didn’t know.” I laugh.

  I hear a light giggle that definitely didn’t come from him. Shifting my body to peer around him, my eyes fall on another figure.


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